PC 09.a. Staff Project 15-011 Parking StandardsMEMORANDUM
DATE: JANUARY 19, 2016
It is recommended the Planning Commission review City Policies related to parking and
provide further direction on specific areas of parking concerns.
This work program was unidentified during the budget update. Staff resources will be
impacted as a result of studying the City's current parking regulations and may cause
deferrals to other work efforts previously identified.
On August 4, 2015, the Planning Commission requested staff to review the City's current
parking standards outlined in the Municipal Code. At that time, staff indicated this work
effort was anticipated to be accomplished with East Grand Avenue Master Plan Project,
once staff workloads allowed for that project to continue. On September 15, 2015, the
Planning Commission reiterated its desire to review the City's parking standards,
separately from the East Grand Avenue Master Plan Project. Staff is bringing forward
preliminary discussion information in response to this request.
Parking is an important component in many land use decisions. It affects trip generation,
mode choice, urban design and form, economic viability, and personal mobility. In an
automobile dependent state, region, and county, the character, competitive capability,
and commercial convenience of the City is largely determined by the quantity and quality
of parking availability for both short-term and long-term uses. Current parking regulations
are located in Chapter 16.56 of the Municipal Code (Attachment 1 ).
General Plan Policies
The General Plan is the City's guide to parking standards within Arroyo Grande. Goals
and Policies regarding parking are contained in several of the General Plan Elements,
JANUARY 19, 2016
including the Circulation Element, Economic Development Element, Housing Element,
and Land Use Element (Attachment 2). A parking policy is also contained in the Climate
Action Plan, which is a General Plan document included by reference. Many of these
policies are aimed at concentrating parking into common parking areas for maximum land
use efficiency, preservation of visual aesthetics, and ensuring adequate supply. Based
upon the policies included in the General Plan and to ensure the Planning Commission's
concerns regarding parking are adequately addressed, staff requests the Planning
Commission provide further direction on specific areas of concern with current parking
regulations. Specifically, staff requests direction whether concerns regarding parking are
limited to development types, specific uses, specific locations in the City, or the inclusion
or omission of specific requirements in the existing Ordinance. This information will help
refine where to perform case studies.
Parking Study Schedule
In order to address the Planning Commission's request, staff has drafted a tentative
schedule for the work program. The tentative schedule is as follows:
• January 19, 2016 -Initial parking standards introduction and further direction;
• February 16, 2016-Review of data collected from field observations;
• March 15, 2016 -Review of survey data;
• April 5, 2016 -Analysis of potential changes and impacts associated with those
Staff has identified the following alternatives for the Planning Commission's consideration:
• Review City policies related to parking and parking study schedule and provide
feedback to staff on areas of concern;
• Review City policies related to parking and provide direction to staff to discontinue
parking study efforts;
• Provide other direction to staff.
Beginning this work effort will allow an opportunity for the parking standards to be
reviewed and necessary modifications to be made, keeping the City's parking standards
current and facilitating investment and development in the community.
Staff workloads are currently very high and initiation of this work program will result in
other existing work efforts being delayed until workloads are more clear.
No environmental review is required for this item.
JANUARY 19, 2016
The Agenda and staff report were posted at City Hall and on the City's website on Friday,
January 15, 2016. No public comments were received.
1. Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapter 16.56 -Parking and Loading
2. Current General Plan Policies related to parking
16.56.010 -Purpose and intent.
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure the adequate provision of parking facilities proportionate to
the needs created by the various land uses within the city. In providing adequate parking facilities, it is the
intent of this chapter to:
A. Alleviate or prevent on-site and off-site traffic congestion and hazards;
B. Ensure the maneuverability of emergency and service vehicles;
C. Provide safe, accessible, convenient, attractive, and well-maintained off-street parking areas;
D. Protect residential neighborhoods from the effects of vehicular noise and traffic by uses in
adjacent nonresidential districts; and
E. Implement general plan circulation and energy conservation policies.
(Prior code § 9-12.010)
16.56.020 -Applicability.
A. General Requirements. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided prior to occupancy of any
structure hereafter built, enlarged, or altered in use, except as provided in subsection B of this
section. Such parking shall be permanently available and marked and maintained for parking
1. Building or other permits will be issued only after receipt of site plans clearly showing the design,
location, number and dimensions of parking facilities and appurtenant features, according to the
provisions of this chapter and construction standards of the city.
2. Where it is not feasible to provide sufficient on-site parking on a parcel when a change or
expansion in use is proposed in an existing building, approval of a minor exception request shall
be required. Concurrent processing of all related applications shall occur in accordance with
Section 16.12.070 of this title.
3. For all development other than a single-family residence, where it is not feasible to provide
sufficient on-site parking on a parcel when an addition or enlargement of an existing building is
proposed, approval of a conditional use permit application shall be required for consideration of
alternatives including, but not limited to, shared parking or public transit. Where it is not feasible
to provide sufficient on-site parking on a parcel when an addition or enlargement of an existing
single-family residence is proposed, approval of a minor exception request shall be required.
Concurrent processing of all related applications shall occur in accordance with Section 16.12.070
of this title.
B. Village Parking and Business Improvement District. For the area within the boundaries of the parking
and business improvement area for the village, off-street parking facilities or the payment of in-lieu
fees, as established by resolution, shall be provided as follows:
1 .
Outdoor dining areas, limited to twenty-five (25) percent or less of the total gross square footage
of the enclosed area of gross floor area accessible to the public use, shall be excluded from the
requirements to provide off-street parking facilities or to pay in-lieu fees. For the purposes of
calculating off-street parking requirements, outdoor dining area must be non-air-conditioned or
heated and without wall enclosures. Any outdoor dining area in excess of twenty-five (25) percent
of the total gross square footage of the enclosed area of gross floor area accessible to the public
use shall be required to provide only the additional number of parking spaces for the incremental
square footage over the twenty-five (25) percent.
2. Existing buildings that are remodeled or enlarged shall not be required to provide parking if the
increase in the square footage is less than three hundred (300) square feet. If the addition is
greater than this amount, or if it is the construction of a new building, off-street parking shall be
required consistent with the following:
a. Off-street parking facilities consistent with requirements of Section 16.56.060
b. Payment of an in-lieu fee based on the total number of parking spaces required by Section
16.56.060; or
c. A combination of off-street parking facilities and payment of an in-lieu fee may be permitted.
C. Village Mixed Use and Historic Character Overlay District Combining District. For the area within the
boundaries of the Village Mixed Use and Historic Character Overlay District (Design Overlay 2.4), off-
street parking facilities or the payment of in-lieu fees, as established by resolution, shall be provided
as follows:
1. For changes in uses in existing buildings, additional off-street parking facilities required by a
change of use may be reduced subject to a minor exception in accordance with Section
16.16.120(8)(5) by payment of in-lieu fees.
2. Existing buildings that are remodeled or enlarged shall not be required to provide parking if the
increase in the square footage is less than six hundred (600) sq. ft. If the addition is greater than
this amount, or involves the construction of a new building, off-street parking shall be required
consistent with the following:
a. Off-street parking facilities consistent with requirements of Section 16.56.060; or
b. A combination of off-street parking facilities and/or payment of an in-lieu fee may be
permitted through a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 600 § 2, Exh. A (part), 2008; Ord. 557 § 3, Exh. C (part), 2004; Ord. 544 § 3, Exh. B (part), 2003; prior
code § 9-12.020)
16.56.030 -Location.
All off-street parking facilities shall be located to the side or rear of buildings if feasible and be
accessible and useable for the associated use or activity. Parking required shall be located on site, but not
within any required front (street) yard nor upon any unpaved surface except on lawfully established
driveways and without obstructing a public sidewalk, except as otherwise provided for in Section
16.56.050 of this chapter.
(Ord. 545 § 2, 2003: Ord. 544 § 3, Exh. B (part), 2003; Prior code § 9-12.030)
16.56.040 -Requirements for mixed occupancy developments.
When several uses occupy a single structure or parcel, the total required parking shall be the sum of
the requirements for each individual use. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered
as providing the required parking for any other use, except as specified under Section 16.56.050 for
common parking facilities.
(Prior code § 9-12.040)
16.56.050 -Common parking facilities.
Common parking facilities may be provided in lieu of individual requirements if the total number of
parking spaces is the sum of the requirements for individual uses and the parking facilities are located
within five hundred (500) feet of the associated use.
1. The total parking requirement may be reduced to eighty (80) percent of the required standard for
shared uses; or seventy (70) percent of the required standard for shared uses if a parking study,
prepared by a licensed engineer or architect, can clearly show that the shared uses have different
hours of operation and would not conflict in their time of use. A conditional use permit shall be
required to be reviewed and approved by the planning commission for such a reduction.
2. As a condition of allowing common parking facilities, parties using common parking facilities shall
provide evidence of such joint use by a proper legal agreement approved by the city attorney.
Such agreements when approved shall be filed with the planning and building departments and
recorded with the county recorder.
(Ord. 557 § 3, Exh. C (part), 2004; prior code § 9-12.050)
16.56.060 -Off-street parking requirements by land use.
The following off-street parking requirements shall apply to all buildings erected and new or
expanded uses. Where the total requirements result in a fractional number, a fraction of 0.5 or greater
shall be rounded to the higher whole number.
For any use not specifically set forth in this section, the planning commission shall determine the
amount of required parking based upon similar uses, or evidence of actual demand based on traffic
engineering or planning data. The applicant shall provide the necessary data and background information.
NOTE: Parking
required for
residential use in
mixed use
projects does not
have to be
1 a. Single-family homes
-, 2 spa~e~ per uni~-!
· within an 1
Conventional size lot
Small lot (PUD)
enclosed garage.
2 spaces per unit
within an
enclosed garage
and 0.5
space/unit for
visitor parking.
b. Duplexes
c. Second residential units
d. Townhouse and condominiums (Attached ownership units)
2 space per unit
within an
enclosed garage
and 1 uncovered
space per unit.
1 uncovered
space per unit.
1 space per unit
within an
enclosed garage.
1 bedroom 1 space per unit
within an
enclosed garage
and .5 uncovered
spaces per unit
for developments
over four units.
2+ bedrooms 2 spaces per unit
within an
enclosed garage
and 0.5
uncovered space
per unit for
over four units.
e. Apartments and multifamily dwellings (rental units) I
1 bedroom
1 covered space
per unit.
1 covered space
per unit and 0.5
uncovered space
per unit for
over four units.
,__ _____ , _________________________ ,,,___ ________ _
2+ bedrooms 2 covered spaces
per unit and .5
unit for
over four units.
f. Senior housing -independent living
1 +bedrooms
g. Senior housing-Assisted living
1 covered space
per unit.
1 covered ~pace I
per unit.
1 uncovered
space per ..3. beds
and 1 space per
employee on the
largest work shift.
h. Mobilehome parks
i. Large family day care facilities
2.5 uncovered
spaces per unit.
1 uncovered
space per staff
person other
than the
' homeowner in
addition to the
required parking
for the residential
a. Public buildings -administrative 1 parking
space/150 sq. ft.
of work space.
b. Public and semi-public buildings -assembly (including auditoriums, 1 parking space/5
theaters, lodges, clubs, churches, mortuaries) fixed seats, or 1
parking space/SO
sq. ft. of floor
area designed for
public assembly.
c. Hospitals 1 space/bed and
1 space/doctor or
employee on the
largest shift.
--· ·---
d. Convalescent hospitals 1 space/3 beds
and 1
space/doctor or
employee on the
largest shift.
e. Public utility buildings without on-site offices 1 parking space/2
employees on the
largest work shift.
f. Schools
Grade schools, elementary, junior high schools 1 parking
and office for
faculty and
1 High schools, colleges 1 parking
and office for
faculty members
and employees,
and 5 parking
for students.
Vocational, business, trade schools 1 parking space/3
students of the
capacity and 1
staff and
g. Child care facilities 1 parking
or teacher and 1
space/5 children.
a. General retail, services, office and commercial 1 parking
space/250 sq. ft.
of gross floor
b. General retail office, services, restaurants and bars in the Village 1 parking
Core Downtown (VCD); Village Mixed Use (VMU) space/300 sq. ft.
of gross floor
area accessible to
public (excluding
restrooms.) Up to
six (6) chairs for
outdoor seating
I parking. For
beauty salons,
c. Hotels and motels
d. Restaurants and bars (outside VCD/VMU districts.)
Fast food restaurant
e. Outdoor sales and rental areas, including nurseries, auto, RV, boat
one additional
parking space
required for
every_]_ beauty
exceeding the
first three.
1 parking
space/unit, and 2
parking spaces
for the manager's
1 parking
space/100 sq. ft.
of public area
(any area
accessible by the
1 parking
space/75 ft. of
public area (any
area accessible
by the public.)
1 parking
space/2,000 sq.
ft. open area for
the first 10,000
sq. ft. then 1
space/5,000 sq.
ft. over 10,000 sq.
Open area shall
include any sales
office but shall
not include
vehicle repair
areas. The
f. Gasoline service station
requirement for
vehicle repair
facilities shall be
in addition to the
spaces required
for outdoor sales
and rental areas .
.3. parking
bay, plus 1
on the largest
g. Vehicle repair
h. Bowling alleys and billiard halls
a. Warehouse and wholesale
I FManufacturi~g ind~stria~tr~tion centers
1 parking
space/450 sq. ft.
of floor area.
5 parking spaces
per lane and 2
spaces per
billiard table
1 parking
space/800 sq. ft.
of gross floor
area, or 1 parking
and 1
whichever is
··----~-~~----· --[~p~£:~::! ~he
I [ largest but not
· less than 1
ft. of area used
for allowed uses.
space/2,000;J s.
(Ord. 600 § 2, Exh. A (part), 2008: Ord. 557 § 3, Exh. C {part), 2004; prior code§ 9-12.060)
16.56.070 -Design and paving standards for off-street parking facilities.
A. Dimensions of Parking Spaces.
1. Automobile. The standard stall size is nine feet by eighteen (18) feet. Stalls shall be designed in
accordance with city specifications (see Figure 16.56.070-B).
2. Motorcycle Parking Spaces for Applicable Uses. Each motorcycle space shall have a minimum
usable area of fifty-six (56) square feet.
3. Handicapped Parking Spaces, All Applicable Uses. The number and size of handicapped spaces
are specified in the California Building Code (part 2 of Title 24) Chapter jj_. Each handicapped
parking space shall be fourteen (14) feet wide, lined to provide a nine-foot wide parking area and
a five-foot wide loading area, and shall be a minimum eighteen (18) feet in depth. If two
handicapped spaces are located adjacent to each other, they may share the five-foot wide loading
area, resulting in a width of twenty-three (23) feet for the two spaces (see Figure 16.56.070-A).
Figure 16.56.070-A
Figure 16.56.070-B
Specifications for Off-Street Parking
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B. Dimensions of Parking Bays and Aisles.
1. Vehicular. The minimum dimensions of parking bays and maneuvering aisles shall be as set forth
i~ Figure 16.56.070-B.
2. Bicycle. A minimum aisle width of five feet shall be provided between rows of bicycle spaces.
C. Standard Improvements.
1. Directional Arrows and Signs.
a. Within parking facilities containing twenty-one (21) or more spaces, all aisles, approach lanes,
and maneuvering areas shall be clearly marked with directional arrows to simplify vehicular
b. In addition to directional arrows, the planning director may require installation of signs to
ensure safe and efficient vehicular movement.
2. Drainage. All parking facilities shall be graded and drained to dispose of surface water, subject to
the approval of the city engineer. Oil separation devices may be required if feasible. Surfacing,
curbing and drainage improvements shall be sufficient to prevent the free flow of water onto
adjacent properties or public streets or alleys, and to avoid standing pools of water within the
parking facility.
3. Lighting.
a. All parking facilities, except those serving two or fewer dwelling units shall be provided with
night time security lighting.
b. Parking area lighting shall be designed to reflect away from residential uses and motorists,
and shall not create a glare or public nuisance to adjacent properties.
c. Parking area lighting shall be of an energy-efficient type, such as, but not necessarily limited
to, high or low pressure sodium lamps.
4. Safety Features.
a. Additional requirements and guidelines for parking facility safety, including design, internal
layout, acceptable turning radii, pavement slope, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and
other design features may be adopted by the planning director when determined to be
b. Visibility· of and between pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists shall be assured when entering
individual parking spaces, when circulating within a parking facility, and when entering and
exiting a parking facility. To the extent possible, the parking facility shall be designed so that
primary pedestrian access to and from building entrances is along, rather than across
parking aisles.
c. Bicycle and automobile parking areas shall be separated by a physical barrier or sufficient
identification and distance to protect parked bicycles from damage by cars.
5. Shopping Cart Storage. Parking facilities serving uses that provide shopping carts, such as, but not
necessarily limited to, supermarkets and drug stores, shall provide shopping cart storage areas.
The dimensions and locations of such storage areas shall be determined by the approval body for
the proposed use.
6. Striping and Identification.
a. All automobile parking spaces shall be clearly outlined with painted lines on the surface of
the parking facility.
b. All handicapped parking spaces shall be striped and marked according to applicable state
c. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed
reflecting sign, of a construction and material approved by the building official, displaying the
international symbol of accessibility. The sign shall have a minimum size of seventy (70)
square inches, and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a maximum
height of eighty (80) inches from the bottom of the sign to the finished grade of the parking
space (see Figure 16.56.070-A).
d. At each entrance to a parking facility containing one or more parking spaces for the
handicapped, a sign with a minimum size of seventeen (17) inches by twenty-two (22) inches
shall be posted, stating clearly and conspicuously in letters with a minimum height of one
inch the following:
Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically
handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense.
e. Parking spaces reserved for the handicapped shall have, in addition, to the requirements of
subsection (C)(6)(c) of this section, a surface identification in blue paint of at least three
square feet in size, duplicating the international symbol of accessibility.
f. All motorcycle spaces shall have bollards installed and appropriately spaced so as to prevent
automobile usage. Motorcycle spaces shall be marked so as to be clearly identified for
motorcycle use.
7. Surfacing.
a. All permanent automobile and handicapped parking spaces, driveways, and maneuvering
areas shall be paved and permanently maintained with asphalt or concrete to requirements.
b. All bicycle parking and storage areas shall be surfaced so as to keep the area in a dust-free
c. Temporary parking facilities shall be provided with surfaces which prevent dust.
(Ord. 594 §§ 17, 18, Exh. H, 2007; prior code§ 9-12.070)
16.56.080 -Motorcycle parking requirements.
Motorcycle parking spaces shall be provided for all nonresidential uses at the following rates:
A. Uses requiring more than twenty-five (25) spaces shall provide one designated area for
motorcycle parking.
B. Uses with more than one hundred (100) spaces shall provide one designated area for motorcycle
parking for each twenty-five (25) required automobile parking spaces.
C. Motorcycle parking areas required by this title shall count toward fulfilling automobile parking spaces
at the rate of one parking space per motorcycle parking area.
(Ord. 600 § 2, Exh. A (part), 2008: prior code§ 9-12.080)
16.56.090 -Recreational vehicle parking spaces.
Off-street parking facilities in commercial zones may be required to provide recreational vehicle
parking stalls. Such stalls may utilize auto parking stalls placed end-to-end (for a combined length of thirty-
six (36) feet), provided the width of the stall is increased to ten (10) feet.
(Prior code § 9-12.090)
16.56.100 -Access for off-street parking facilities.
The location and design of all entrances and exits onto public rights-of-way shall be subject to the
approval of the city engineer so as to ensure minimum interference with the traffic flow and adequate site
1. For residential parking, a garage or carport shall have an unobstructed paved access with a
twelve (12) foot minimum width for single-family development, and a sixteen (16) foot minimum
width for any development exceeding three units.
2. Parking areas for thirty (30) or more vehicles shall provide more than one driveway for entrance
and exit, and shall provide designated walkways for pedestrian access.
(Ord. 600 § 2, Exh. A (part), 2008: prior code§ 9-12.100)
16.56.11 O -Clearance for off-street parking facilities.
All driveways shall be maintained with a vertical clearance of not less than twelve (12) feet. No
encroachment into this vertical clearance shall be permitted.
(Prior code § 9-12.110)
16.56.120 -Screening for off-street parking facilities.
Off-street parking areas located adjacent to any residential district shall be enclosed and effectively
screened from view. Off-street parking facilities for multifamily residential development shall be screened
so as not to be directly visible from the street.
(Prior code § 9-12.120)
16.56.130 -Landscaping for off-street parking facilities.
Off-street parking areas containing five or more parking spaces shall be subject to the following
landscaping requirements. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a landscape plan shall be submitted
and approved by the director of recreation and maintenance services. The plan shall show the location,
size, variety of plantings, water supply and similar designations. Please refer to Chapter 16.84, Water
Efficient Landscape Requirements, for rules and regulations regarding landscape and irrigation, including
limitations on the percentage of turf/lawn that can be placed in landscape areas.
1. A minimum of ten (10) percent of the gross lot area used for off-street parking and access shall be
provided in landscaping in the interior of the parking area. The planting areas shall be a minimum
size of twenty (20) square feet and distributed throughout the parking area.
2. In addition to interior landscaping, parking facilities abutting a public street right-of-way shall
provide a perimeter landscaped strip a minimum of five feet in width. The perimeter landscaped
strip may include any required yard area and shall be continuous except for required access to
the site or parking facilities.
3. All landscaped areas required for parking facilities shall comply with the following standards:
a. Planting areas shall be served by an adequate, water-conserving irrigation system.
b. All planted areas shall be continuously maintained in a healthy, growing condition, shall
receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming, and shall be kept free of weeds
and debris by the owner or person in possession of such areas. Any damaged, dead or
decaying plant material shall be replaced within thirty (30) days from the date of damage.
Planted areas shall be protected with concrete curbs (minimum six inch) or other acceptable
barriers approved by the parks and recreation director.
d. Trees and shrubs shall be provided at a ratio of one tree for every five parking spaces (see
Figure 16.56.130-A). Ground cover and/or turf alone is not acceptable. Where screening is
desirable, a continuation of trees and shrubs shall be used.
4. Parking lot landscaping shall be installed prior to final occupancy of the use for which the parking
lot is required. Under certain circumstances, bonding will be allowed, subject to approval of the
parks and recreation director.
Figure 16.56.130-A
Landscaping Requirements for Parking Lots
J ' !
(Prior code § 9-12.130)
(Ord. No. 633, § 8, 6-14-2011)
16.56.140 -Off-street parking structures.
' l
A. Purpose. The following standards are established to assure the architectural compatibility of parking
structures with the surrounding neighborhoods and to protect the environment and the health, safety
and welfare of the citizens. Any portion of a structure designed to be used for automobile parking or
any structure designed totally for parking is defined to be a parking structure. This includes, but is not
limited to, multilevel, subterranean and rooftop parking, but excludes at-grade residential garages
and carports.
B. General Requirements. Parking structures are subject to the following standards in addition to those
standards required elsewhere in this chapter.
1. All parking structures shall be subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and
architectural review approval.
2. Regulations of the underlying zone in which a parking structure is located shall be adhered to,
including, but not limited to, maximum allowable height, minimum building site and lot width,
maximum building site coverage, and setbacks.
3. Parking structures shall be located not more than three hundred (300) feet from the closest use it
is intended to serve.
C. Design Standards. Design and paving standards shall be subject to the requirements of Section
16.56.070 of this chapter, in addition to the following:
1. All interior and exterior wall surfaces are to be treated or designed to resist graffiti.
2. All parking structures of thirty (30) spaces or more, shall be serviced by a minimum of two
vehicular access points for ingress and egress from the street to the structure.
3. The floor-to-ceiling height shall be a minimum of seven feet. The vertical clearance shall be clearly
posted at all entrances into the parking structure.
4. Driveways shall be designed to allow drivers to view automobile and pedestrian traffic before
merging into such traffic. Exits from driveways shall be clearly posted with a stop sign.
a. Where a driveway intersects the sidewalk a visibility clearance area shall be required. Such
area shall consist of a triangular area bounded by the sidewalk and the exit driveway and a
line joining points along the sidewalk and exit driveway six feet from the point of intersection
(see Figure 16.56.140-A). Any solid wall, fence or landscaping within this triangle may not
exceed three feet in height.
Figure 16.56.140-A
b. Ramp slopes shall be a maximum of fifteen (15) percent. For ramp slopes over ten (10)
percent, a transition of at least eight feet shall be provided at each end of the ramp. The
transition shall have a maximum slope equal to one-half of the slope of the ramp (see Figure
Figure 16.56.140-B
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5. Parking structures shall be ventilated to avoid the buildup of exhaust gasses. Natural ventilation,
by means of open walls and frontage, should be used when feasible. If mechanical ventilation is
used, noise mitigation measures shall be incorporated. This includes, but is not limited to, low
noise fans, insulated duct work and vibration absorbing mounting systems. Ducts shall not
exhaust toward any openings or open space on any adjoining property nor toward any on-site or
off-site street, place or park accessible to the public.
D. Special Parking Types within Structures.
1. Handicapped Parking. Handicapped parking shall be provided on the street level and located in
an uncovered area. The design and provision of handicapped parking is regulated by state
requirements as set forth in Section 16.56.070
2. Recreational Vehicles. For a parking structure where the vertical clearance is less than eleven feet,
six inches (11 '6"), the required number of recreational vehicle parking spaces pursuant to Section
16.56.090 shall be provided at street level and located in an uncovered area.
E. Pedestrian Movement Within Parking Structures. Clearly marked paths exclusively for pedestrian use
shall be provided throughout parking structures including, but not limited to, sidewalks along the
automobile ramps and vertical movement by means of stairs and/or elevators.
1. Pedestrian paths along automobile ramps and throughout a parking structure shall be physically
established by a painted line, and where feasible, by means or a curb or railing.
2. Stairway access to street level shall be provided where parking is located either above or below
the street level. The stairs shall be located near the user's destination and are subject to
compliance with the California Building Code.
3. Elevators shall be provided in compliance with the California Building Code.
4. No parking space shall be located further than three hundred (300) feet walking distance from
any entrance to the structure.
F. Security Within a Parking Structure. Security measures shall be incorporated into the design of all
parking structures. A security plan showing all security measures including lighting, visibility into the
structure, stairways, elevators, gates and fencing shall be reviewed and approved by the fire
department, police department, and the planning department, prior to the issuance of a conditional
use permit.
1. Lighting.
a. Parking structures shall be well-illuminated to provide security. The lighting shall be a
minimum uniformly distributed forty (40) footcandles so that dark areas are not created.
Fluorescent lighting shall be used whenever feasible.
b. All stairways and elevator lobbies shall be well-illuminated and, if possible, visible to the
2. Open Frontage. Open frontage to streets and buildings should be provided on as many sides of a
parking structure as practical to facilitate observation from passing patrol cars an·d the general
3. Monitoring. Any parking structure with more than thirty (30) parking spaces shall be monitored
by either an attendant or video monitors during the hours of operation. If the facility is not to be
utilized on a twenty-four (24) hour basis, it shall be secured to prohibit entry by both vehicles and
pedestrians during hours of nonoperation.
4. Additional Security. Other security measures including, but not limited to, security gates and
fencing shall be incorporated into the design of parking structures as deemed necessary by the
approval body.
G. Landscaping. The regulations set forth in this section shall supersede those in Section 16.56.130 for all
parking structures. Parking structures shall be subject to the following landscaping requirements.
Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a landscape plan shall be submitted and approved by the
parks and recreation director and the police department. The plan shall show the location, size and
variety of plantings, water supply, and similar designation.
1. A perimeter landscaped strip of a minimum four feet in width shall be provided to help screen
the structure and parked vehicles from view. The perimeter landscaped strip may include any
required yard area and shall be continuous except for required access. Landscaping shall not
conflict with safe visibility of automobile and pedestrian traffic.
2. All landscaped areas required for parking structures shall comply with the following standards:
a. Planted areas shall be served by an adequate irrigation system.
b. All planted areas shall be continuously maintained and kept free of weeds and debris by the
owner or person in possession of such area.
c. Planted areas shall be protected with concrete curbs or other acceptable barriers.
3. Landscaping must be installed prior to occupancy or use of the parking structure.
(Ord. 600 § 2, Exh. A (part), 2008; Ord. 594 §§ 19, 20, 2007; prior code § 9-12.140)
16.56.150 -Special off-street parking types.
1. Handicapped Parking. The provision of handicapped parking is regulated by state requirements (see
Section 16.56.070).
2. Bicycle Parking Facilities. Bicycle facilities shall be required for the following uses. Uses not specifically
listed are not required to provide bicycle facilities, but are encouraged to do so to reduce traffic
congestion and air pollution problems.
a. Neighborhood, community and
convenience shopping centers or
five percent of auto requirement
freestanding commercial or service uses
b. Regional shopping centers three percent of auto requirement
c. Offices: administrative business, 7.5 percent of auto requirement
professional, government
d. Elementary and junior high school one space per three students
e. Senior high schools one space per five students
(Prior code § 9-12.150)
16.56.160 -Maintenance of off-street parking facilities.
A Required parking spaces shall be kept available to residents, customers, patrons or employees only,
and shall not be used for storage of objects, materials or fleet vehicles.
B. No storage of dismantled or disabled vehicles is permitted in driveways or open parking areas, unless
specifically permitted a's a part of site approval.
C. All parking areas shall be kept clean and free of dust, mud, or trash; pavement shall be maintained in
a continuous state of good repair.
(Prior code § 9-12.160)
16.56.170 -Off-street loading areas.
A General Requirements. All industrial and commercially zoned developments shall be designed with
truck approach and backup areas so as to prevent truck maneuvering within public rights-of-way.
B. Approach and Backup Areas.
1. All industrial and commercially zoned developments designed with dock-high approaches and/or
truck wells shall be provided with at least one backup area to the dock or well in accordance with
the following schedule. The driveway aisle between parking stalls may be used for the approach,
provided that a forty-eight (48) foot wheel track turning radius is maintained.
or Aisle Width (feet) Dock Approach (feet)
2. The dock approach may not be encumbered by parking stalls or physical obstructions and shall
be measured perpendicular to the dock or door.
3. The minimum dock or door overhead clearance (excluding pipes, lights, etc.) is twelve (12) feet.
C. Loading Areas. Unless otherwise provided for in subsection (B)(1) of this section, all industrial and
commercially zoned developments must provide at least one identified loading area (twelve (12) feet
by ten (10) feet with ramp). Access to the loading area must be designed to provide a forty-eight (48)
foot long semi-trailer truck maneuvering area. All development projects designed for sites of fourteen
thousand (14,000) square feet or less are not required to comply with the loading and truck
maneuvering requirements contained within this title, providing that:
1. The project proponent can demonstrate that adequate provisions for loading facilities
appropriate for the site and type of building proposed can be made;
2. The proposed loading facilities will not adversely impact adjacent properties or traffic circulation
on public streets and alleys; and
3. Loading areas are screened from public view and residential development.
D. Other Requirements. All developments zoned commercial or industrial shall be designed with the
1. At least one driveway approach capable of accommodating a forty-eighty (48) foot wheel track
turning radius;
2. At least one on-site maneuvering area which provides a forty-eighty (48) foot wheel track turning
radius through the parking area; and
3. Parking aisles and access driveways adjacent to loading areas without dock high approaches or
truck wells that have a minimum width of eight feet plus the aisle width required in Figure
(Prior code§ 9-12.170)
Current General Plan Policies Related to Parking
Circulation Element:
CT3-S.2 Discourage on-street parking in Agriculture areas to enhance visibility and minimize
CT3-5.3 Develop adequate public or shared off-street parking lots conveniently located behind
and beside buildings in Village Core and Mixed Use Corridors, according to area design
CT4. Ensure compatibility and complementary relationships between the
circulation/transportation system and existing and planned land uses, promoting
environmental objectives such as safe and un-congested neighborhoods, energy conservation,
reduction of air and noise pollution, transit, bike and pedestrian friendly characteristics.
CT4-1 Promote "transit-oriented developments" and coordinated, compatible land use
pattern by encouraging multiple family residential and special needs housing in Mixed Use
Corridors, Village Core and near Office, Regional Commercial, Business Park and major
Community Facility areas.
CT4-1.3 Consider higher density allowance and reduced parking requirements within one-
quarter mile of transit routes when updating Development Code.
CTS-7 Utilize assessment .and improvement districts and other supplemental private funding
to correct local area deficiencies such as inadequate parking, transit and streetscape
enhancement or completion of local street or trail segments that benefit the area.
Economic Development Element:
EDS-1.2: Implement comprehensive design guidelines pertaining to both public and private
improvements, including, but not limited to, building fa~ade restoration, landscaping, street
furniture installation, undergrounding of utilities, historic district character, and the
development of parking facilities.
EDS-1.4: Incorporate infrastructure projects into the City's Capital Improvement Program that
address deficiencies in commercial corridors that include major street reconstruction,
provision of fiber-optic cable, storm drain and sewer improvements, water capacity
improvements, underground utility projects, public parking improvements, improvements to
park facilities, recreation areas, community facilities, and other public buildings.
Housing Element:
Goal A: Provide a continuing supply of affordable housing to meet the needs of existing and
future Arroyo Grande residents in all income categories.
A.3-3. The City shall amend the Development Code to provide additional incentives specific
for extremely low-income housing projects. Incentives may include flexible standards for on-
and off-site improvements such as reduced parking requirements, reduced curb, gutter, and
sidewalk requirements; reduced or deferred water and/or sewer connection fees; permit
streamlining procedures and development review; or financial incentives and assistance.
Goal B: Ensure that housing that is constructed in the City is affordable to all income levels
B.3. The City may establish parking districts, or off-site shared parking, and use of in lieu fees
where appropriate to enable additional density.
Goal D: In order to provide affordable housing, especially for extremely, ·very-low and low-
income households, encourage apartment construction.
D.1. The City shall relax parking standards for apartments containing extremely, very low, low,
moderate and/or senior housing.
Incentives available for "Attainable Housing" projects are anticipated to include but will not
be limited to: Reduced parking standards
Land Use Element:
LU4-2 The Office classification shall complement, and not conflict with, adjoining
development. Features such as pedestrian oriented plazas, landscaped street yards and off-
street parking areas, outdoor seating, fountains and similar amenities are encouraged. The
maximum floor area ratio (FAR) shall be 0.5.
LUS-8.3 Promote the development of buildings along a landscaped sidewalk frontage.
Promote rear yard parking by discouraging front yard parking and encouraging private, shared
or public parking facilities be located to the rear of buildings or side streets in Mixed Use
LUS-11.4 Promote public transit-oriented development by allowing density bonuses and
Mixed Uses with shared or public parking reduction to conventional individual parking
LUG-9.2 Link individual buildings with each other through the use of walkways, in addition to
sidewalks and encourage shared or common parking.
LUG-9.4 Discourage private parking facilities placed along and visible from Branch Street or
Traffic Way street frontage. Encourage public or shared off-street parking behind street
frontage buildings.
LU7-8 Projects in BP areas shall be located with direct access to arterial or non-residential
collector streets, and developed in a campus-like setting with standards for landscaping,
building fac;ade treatments, signage, pedestrian/employee amenities, etc., including but not
limited to consideration of the following: d. use of extensive landscape in open areas and
parking lots, including broad landscaped setbacks from principal peripheral streets; e. location
of parking to minimize views from principal peripheral streets;
LU12-2.9 In higher density projects with opposing garages or carports, turn individual units
and orient them to avoid the monotony of parking corridors. Alternately, stagger parking
areas and provide appropriate landscaping.
LU12-7.3 Through the site plan review process, ensure that commercial facilities are oriented
to the pedestrian by the incorporation of seating areas, courtyards, landscaping, and similar
measures. Discourage wide expanses of parking lot between the sidewalk and the front of
commercial buildings and provide safe, easily identifiable pedestrian access through the
parking lot from multiple access points. Parking facilities should be convenient, well-designed,
usable, aesthetically attractive, landscaped (with large shade trees) and comply with City
design standards and guidelines.
LU12-11.9 Develop specific design criteria where feasible for commercial areas not expected
to develop as unified centers, in the form of conceptual approaches that integrate
landscaping, driveways and parking into functionally unified wholes.
Climate Action Plan:
Measure TL-5: Parking Supply Management -Reduce parking requirements in areas such as
the downtown where a variety of uses and services are planned in close proximity to each
other and to transit.
TL-5.1: Continue to implement reduced parking requirements where appropriate.
Measure TL-7: Smart Growth -Identify and implement additional incentives to encourage
mixed-use, higher density, and infill development near existing or planned transit stops, in
existing community centers/downtown, and in other designated areas.
TL-7.1: Provide and promote incentives (e.g., parking reductions, priority permitting, etc.) for
mixed-use and very high-density development that has a minimum density of 20 dwelling
units per acre and is located within J4-mile of an existing or planned transit stop or park and
ride facility with regularly scheduled, daily service.