PC 10.a. Administrative Decisions ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 4, 2016 (Approvals by the Community Development Director) ITEM NO. 1: LARGE FAMILY DAYCARE 16-001; ESTABLISHMENT OF A LARGE FAMILY DAYCARE OF UP TO TWELVE (12) CHILDREN IN AN EXISTING RESIDENCE; LOCATION – 214 NORTH ALPINE STREET; APPLICANT – KATIE RAMIREZ After making the findings outlined in Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 16.16.120, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for the establishment of a large family daycare of up to twelve (12) children in an existing residence. ITEM NO. 2: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 15-011 AND MINOR EXCEPTION 16-001; ONE FOOT (1’) REDUCTION OF SIDEYARD SETBACK AND A TWO FOOT (2’) REDUCTION OF FRONT YARD SETBACK FOR A NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND ATTACHED SECONDARY DWELLING UNIT; LOCATION – 306 SHORT STREET; APPLICANT – CINDY NOTT; REPRESENTATIVE – MICHAEL FISHER After making the findings outlined in Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Sections 16.16.100 and 16.16.130, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for the establishment of a new single family residence and attached secondary dwelling unit, with a one foot (1’) reduction to the sideyard setback and two foot (2’) reduction to the front yard setback. ITEM NO. 3: PLOT PLAN REVIEW 16-002 AND ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PERMIT 16- 010; ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW FOOT SPA AND INSTALLATION OF ONE (1) NEW WALL SIGN; LOCATION – 1480 E. GRAND AVENUE; APPLICANT – QUI CHEN LI; REPRESENTATIVE – WALT HUTTON After making the findings outlined in Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Sections 16.16.080 and 16.16.170, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for the establishment of a new foot spa and installation of one (1) new wall sign.