PC 07.a. 10-04-16 Minutes Draft ACTION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2016 ARROYO GRANDE WOMAN’S CLUB AND COMMUNITY CENTER 211 VERNON STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair George called the Special Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Planning Commission: Commissioners Terry Fowler-Payne, John Keen, John Mack, Glenn Martin, and Lan George were present. Staff Present: Community Development Director Teresa McClish, Planning Manager Matt Downing, Interim City Engineer Jim Garing, Traffic Consultant Nate Stong, and Secretary Debbie Weichinger were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Martin led the flag salute. 4. AGENDA REVIEW Commissioner Fowler-Payne moved to hear Item 10. before Item 8.a. Commissioner Martin seconded and the motion passed on a 5-0 voice vote. 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Patty Welsh, stated the City needs to provide training for the Commissioners and thanked them for their service. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The Commission received the following material after preparation of the agenda: 1. Memo from Community Development Director McClish dated October 4, 2016 regarding additional correspondence for Agenda Item 8.a. 2. Memo from Community Development Director McClish dated October 4, 2016 regarding Turning Movement Report, prepared by Metro Traffic Data for Agenda Item 8.a. 7. CONSENT AGENDA 7.a. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Commissioner Mack stated the minutes lacked comments and discussion. Community Development Director McClish stated the minutes are “Action Minutes”. Action: Commissioner Keen moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of September 20, 2016, as submitted. Commissioner Martin seconded, and the motion passed upon the following roll call vote: AYES: Keen, Martin, Fowler-Payne, George NOES: Mack ABSENT: None PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 2016 10. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 This is a notice of administrative decision for Minor Use Permits, including any approvals, denials or referrals by the Community Development Director. An administrative decision must be appealed or called up for review by the Planning Commission by a majority vote. Case No. Applicant Address Description Action Planner ARCH 16-004 Mike Ventrella 318 Grace Lane New Single Family Home A S. Anderson ARCH 16-007 Camay Arad 148 W. Branch Street Replacement of Awnings A S. Anderson PPR 16-015 David Montanar o 265 N. Elm Street New Vacation Rental A S. Anderson Commissioner Keen stated he has a conflict on PPR 16-015 and would need to recuse himself if it were to be considered by the Commission. Chair George was presented a photograph regarding PPR 16-015, 265 N. Elm Street, that shows parking is impacted. Planning Manager Downing stated the parking is sufficient for the site and there is no requirement for additional parking for the vacation rental. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8.a. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF THE EAST CHERRY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT (GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 15-001; DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 15-001; SPECIFIC PLAN 15-001; VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 15-001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 15-004; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 16-001) AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT; LOCATION – EAST CHERRY AVENUE AND TRAFFIC WAY; APPLICANTS – SRK HOTELS, MANGANO HOMES, INC., AND ARROYO GRANDE VALLEY JAPANESE WELFARE ASSOCIATION Community Development Director McClish stated that this item is a continuation of deliberations from the September 20th Commission meeting. Planning Manager Downing presented the staff report addressing water, traffic impact analysis, piecemealing of development; ag mitigation; parking; residential lot sizes compared to the neighborhood; and identified modified Conditions of Approval for the proposed project. Chair George stated that this is a continued item from the last meeting, the public comment period is closed, and that the Commission may finish their deliberations on the proposed project. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Mack to open the meeting for public comment. Chair George suggested the motion be amended to have a time restriction so the Commission may finish deliberations. Commissioner Martin seconded the motion. Commissioner Mack amended the motion to allow public comment until 9:00 pm. Commissioner Martin seconded, and the motion was passed upon the following roll call vote: AYES: Mack, Martin, Fowler-Payne, George NOES: Keen ABSENT: None PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 2016 Community Development Director McClish, Consultant Stong, Interim City Engineer Garing, EIR Project Manager Rita Bright responded to questions from the Commission relating to potential resolution modifications; the existing well; evaluation of water use for ag production; vehicle recharging stations; grey water; Traffic Way and South Traffic Way traffic; line of sight on Traffic Way; reduced residential density; anticipated price of the homes; Santa Maria Valley Groundwater Basin Adjudication; metered water/metered well; irrigation meters; Lopez water and the project’s impacts; size/speed/construction of future roundabouts; project review by Caltrans; semi-trucks traveling through future roundabouts; developer’s participation in funding future roundabout; that the size of the parcel is not significant for continued agricultural production; and massing of homes on Subarea 2. Carol Florence, Principal Planner, Oasis, recommended that the Commission certify the EIR and adopt the Specific Plan; she said at the last meeting she asked that the hotel development on Subarea 1 be deferred from the entitlement package; presented the proposed modifications; and explained the contribution of fair share traffic mitigation for future intersection improvements on West Branch Street. Andy Mangano addressed questions regarding three car garages; widening the alley with the reduction of homes, making a portion of the alley standard street width; additional on-street parking; adding parking by widening the lots; guest parking; and single story homes versus two story homes. Chair George opened the public hearing: Jeffery Purchin, owner of Five Cities Swim School, Traffic Way, expressed safety is his concern and suggested making Cherry Lane and Traffic Way four lanes. Deborah Love, presented slides; asked if there has been an adjustment made in the General Plan with Diablo Canyon power plant closing, which will create a financial impact; how will widening of East Cherry happen; expressed concern with the high school traffic and stated it does impact people coming off the freeway; suggested turning houses on Cherry to interior so garages are on the project site; remove alley and take out second row of houses, which will allow more parking; this will provide for bigger lots; supports reducing the number of homes from 58 to 44; suggested smaller/no chain hotel and restaurant and smaller shops; and hotel site should not be too close to the trailer park. Patty Welsh, stated her concern with water; questioned the “Gentlemen’s Agreement” for the Santa Maria Valley Groundwater Basin; future roundabouts; and is against the proposed project. Vard Ikeda, representative of the Japanese Welfare Association, Subarea 3, explained why this project needs to be part of the Specific Plan. Speaking as a farmer, Subarea 2 is a constant worry with the noise and dust; supports the traffic improvements that will be made and is disappointed in the reduced number of homes as it impacts affordability; and asked the Commission to support the Specific Plan. Gary Kobara, farmer and representative of the Japanese Welfare Association, Subarea 3, stated he would rather see the property get a higher density with lower priced homes; and asked the Commission to support the Specific Plan. LeAnn Akins, Cornwall Avenue, presented a letter regarding the Specific Plan from residents that were unable to attend the meeting and presented an additional petition (added names to the PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 2016 September 20, 2016 petition) opposing the project; she expressed concern with the infrastructure of adding effluent to the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District treatment plant, which needs to be updated; she is concerned with retaining local businesses; and asked if developer will support local businesses/employees when building. Robert Johnson, East Cherry Avenue, suggested installation of a stop sign at Traffic Way off ramp as an immediate improvement; would like to see residents on South Traffic Way be able to use El Campo Road to get to their homes; and supports the developers reduction of houses in the project. Shirley Gibson, Halcyon, stated she sees a major compromise by the developer, is sympathetic to the Japanese Welfare Association, and that the traffic signal at the three-way stop on Traffic Way will improve the traffic. Upon hearing no further comments, Chair George closed the public hearing. Commissioner Martin stated he supports the project as proposed; he said the addition of the project will mitigate some of the traffic issues; applauds the applicant’s recognition and support for participating in the solution of the potential traffic issues; appreciates the condition added limiting the building permits in the event of a moratorium; the City needs more medium density affordable housing; and is ready to recommend approval of the project. Commissioner Mack stated the EIR still needs to be looked at even with the hotel being deferred; Caltrans should be consulted regarding Traffic Way off-ramp and Traffic Way and include their recommendations in the EIR; is in support of Subarea 3; can support Subarea 2 if it can show it is water neutral and a benefit to the City; concern with sewer as the Sanitation District is at its breaking point; concern that the Planning Commission is changing policy regarding the LESA standard, which should go before the City Council; concern with the traffic issues, i.e. Traffic Way; the PUD should accommodate guest parking; there is a discrepancy of cost of the traffic solution as there may be properties that need acquisition; would like to see Subarea 3 move forward independently; water and traffic issues need to be addressed now; the Commission is rezoning agricultural to multi-family, which is not in the General Plan; and would recommend denial of the project and let the City Council address issues. Commissioner Keen stated he is in favor of moving forward with the project with the additional conditions; is convinced water is offset for this project; if Subarea 3 needs irrigation water, would rather see them use the ag well; the future roundabout and developer’s percentage is adequately handled; the traffic signal will help that intersection; in agreement with the conditions in Attachment 3 of the staff report; and in favor of removing CUP 16-001 (Subarea 1). Commissioner Fowler-Payne stated her concern with water; suggested staff talk with Caltrans regarding project/South Traffic Way; not opposed to the residential; concerned with not amending the EIR taking out the hotel and see what water and traffic impacts will be; concern with health issues with the Lopez water; concerned with traffic; opposes the future roundabouts; cannot support the EIR unless the impacts from the hotel are removed; suggested that the Japanese Welfare Association (JPA), Subarea 3 do a Lot Line Adjustment/Vesting Rights; due to a structure burning they would not have to pay any building fees; the setback does not apply to ag zoning; not totally opposed to the project; still has unanswered question from the last meeting; would like to see a Focused EIR for only the residential and JWA; and is not opposed to the residential project but still concerned about water. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 2016 Chair George spoke in support of the project. Action: Commissioner Martin moved to adopt a resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE EAST CHERRY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT (GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 15-001; DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 15-001 SPECIFIC PLAN 15- 001; VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 15-001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 15-004; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 16-001) AND CERTIFY THE ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND RELATED CEQA FINDINGS; LOCATION – EAST CHERRY AVENUE AND TRAFFIC WAY; APPLICANTS – SRK HOTELS, MANGANO HOMES, INC., AND ARROYO GRANDE VALLEY JAPANESE WELFARE ASSOCIATION” as modified with the following 1) Administrative edits throughout the Resolution to appropriately reflect date action is taken. 2) Modify conditions on page 20 and page 46 – modify “[Date]” to June 30. 3) Add a condition to Subarea 2 for greywater infrastructure, to read: “Residences shall include infrastructure to allow for a dual water use system, with separate connections for potable and non-potable water, with the latter intended for use on landscaping”. 4) Modify condition 141 on Page 37 and 38 to require road improvements prior to issuance of a building permit. 5) Modify conditions 152 and 153 on Page 66 to require traffic signal installation and road improvements prior to issuance of a building permit. 6) Modify condition 147 on Page 94 to require road improvements prior to issuance of a building permit. 7) Add a condition of approval to Subarea 1 to require electric vehicle charging stations be installed, to read: “Any future development shall include the installation of two (2) electric vehicle charging facilities on Subarea 1, in locations determined by the Community Development Director”. 8) Add a condition of approval to Subarea 2 to require electric vehicle charge facilities be installed, to read: “Any future development shall include the installation of electric vehicle charging connections within residential garage in Subarea 2. 9) Add a condition of approval that requires all homes in Subarea 2 to be Solar Ready. 10) Add a condition of approval that prohibits issuance of building permits for one (1) year due to drought concerns. 11) The reduction of lots facing on Cherry reducing the number of buildable sites to 51. 12) Add one uncovered parking spot for each lot in the alley. 13) widen the alley from the interior street to meet City standards. and 14) Defer Conditional Use Permit 16-001, retaining the infrastructure as offered by the applicant. Commissioner Keen said on page 42, to strike Condition of Approval 22, as electrical panels should only be required in Subarea 1. Chair George asked for clarification of parking spots in Condition of Approval 12. Commissioner Martin stated 1 spot for each lot which equals a total of 18 parking spots. Commissioner Keen seconded, and the motion passed with the two clarifications above on the following roll call vote: AYES: Martin, Keen, George NOES: Fowler-Payne, Mack ABSENT: None Chair George called for a break at 8:37 pm and reconvened at 8:46 pm. 9. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 9.a. CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT PANEL PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 6 MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 2016 Planning Manager Downing presented the staff report. It was the consensus of the Commission that Chair George be appointed to the Community Service Grant Panel, and Commissioner Martin appointed as the alternate. 11. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS In response to Commissioner Fowler-Payne’s concern, Community Development Director McClish stated she will contact the Utility staff that works with Zone 3 with regard to chemicals in the Lopez water. Commissioner Mack reported that the owner of the PUD on Ash Street has been cutting and clearing the trees and modified the drip line. Commissioner Fowler-Payne added that the new owner cut one tree down. Chair George asked how it works when the Commission has Conditions of Approval that are disregarded. Community Development Director McClish indicated she is aware and will follow up on the details of what happen and report back to the Commission. Depending on the type of violation there are fines that could apply to illegal tree removal. In answer to Commissioner Keen, Director McClish said the conditions are placed on the front page of plan sets and follow the land. 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Director McClish reminded the Commission about the SLO County Planning Academy. In response to Commissioner Fowler-Payne, Director McClish stated the City was not going to hold a workshop for the Harvest Festival. 13. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Chair George, seconded by Commissioner Keen and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. ATTEST: DEBBIE WEICHINGER LAN GEORGE, CHAIR SECRETARY TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION (Approved at PC Meeting ______________)