PC 11-01-16_8a TPM 15-001 and PUD 15-001 1177 Ash St.MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TERESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ~:t{:KELLY HEFFERNON, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF VESTING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 15-001; SUBDIVISION OF ONE (1) LOT INTO FOUR (4) LOTS AND CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR (4) ONE-BEDROOM SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED RESIDENCES; LOCATION -1177 ASH STREET; APPLICANT-JEFFREY EMRICK DATE: NOVEMBER 1, 2016 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 15-001 and Planned Unit Development 15-001. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: None. BACKGROUND: Location PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF VTPM 15-001 AND PUD 15-001; 1177 ASH STREET NOVEMBER 1, 2016 PAGE 2 The subject property is an undeveloped parcel located on Ash Street between Walnut and Elm Streets behind an existing residence in the Multi-Family (MF) zoning district. The 0.22-acre site is surrounded by single and multi-family residential development on all sides and is accessed by an eighteen foot (18') wide easement on the east side of the property. A 15" diameter Coast Live Oak tree is located on the eastern property line behind the back of sidewalk and is proposed to remain. The property is mostly flat with a two foot (2') drop from north to south. Planning Commission The Planning Commission considered this project on July 5, 2016. Public comments focused on issues of parking, additional traffic on Ash Street, trash pickup location, high density on a small site, basketball court nuisance, fence maintenance, water availability, mailbox location, and postal carrier conflict with parked cars. Commissioner comments focused on these concerns as well as the architecture, and the Commission continued consideration of the project to a date uncertain. The Commission also directed the applicant to revise the architecture for Architectural Review Committee consideration and recommendation. The Planning Commission meeting minutes are included as Attachment 1. Architectural Review Committee The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) first considered this project on June 6, 2016 and discussed issues related to open space requirements, density unit calculations, adequacy of guest parking, and landscaping. The ARC unanimously recommended approval with a condition that the Myoporum Parvifolium be replaced with a different drought-tolerant species on the landscape plan that does not grow as wide. The ARC considered the project revisions on September 19, 2016 and unanimously recommended approval with conditions related to landscaping and widening of the fin at the west side profile for increased architectural detailing (see Attachment 2 for meeting minutes). ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Project Description The proposed project consists of subdividing a 0.22-acre property into four (4) parcels with an average lot size of 2,360 square feet. The four (4) parcels would be developed with two-story townhomes configured with two (2) buildings of two (2) townhomes connected over a shared property line. Each of the one-bedroom units would provide approximately 875 square feet of living space and an attached 240 square foot one-car garage. Of the 875 square feet of living space, 489 square feet is proposed for the first floor and 386 square feet is proposed for the second floor. Four (4) guest parking spaces are also provided. Based on comments received at the Planning Commission public hearing on July 5, 2016, the project has been revised as follows: PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF VTPM 15-001 AND PUD 15-001; 1177 ASH STREET NOVEMBER 1, 2016 PAGE 3 • Building architecture includes a hipped roof, entry walkway and second floor storage area. The proposed colors and materials have not changed. • The site plan has been modified to include a ten foot ( 1 0') setback for Parcel 4 from the southerly boundary of the site. • The landscape plan has been modified based on previous comments from the ARC and to incorporate low or ultra-low water use plantings (see Attachment 3 for plant descriptions). • The basketball half court has been removed. The applicant has also widened the fin on the rear (west) elevation in response to recent comments from ARC, which is shown on sheet 6 of the project plans. General Plan The General Plan designates the subject property for High Density Residential land uses. Development of the proposed project meets Policies LU3-3, LU11-1 and LU11-3 of the General Plan Land Use Element, which state: LU3-3: Accommodate the development of apartment buildings as well as condominium and townhouses in areas designated as Multiple-Family Residential -High Density (MFR-HD). LU11-1: Require that new developments be at an appropriate density or intensity based upon compatibility with the majority of existing surrounding land uses. LU11-3: Intensity of land use and area population shall be limited to that which can be supported by the area's resource base, as well as circulation and infrastructure systems. Development Standards The subject property is zoned Multi-Family (MF). The primary purpose of the MF district is to provide for a variety of residential uses, encourage diversity in housing types with enhanced amenities, or provide transitions between higher intensity and lower intensity uses. The district is also intended as an area for development of small lot single-family detached, single-family attached, and multi-family attached residential dwelling units, planned unit developments, condominiums, and certain senior housing types. The design of the proposed project as a small lot single-family attached housing project is allowed in the MF zoning district following approval of a Planned Unit Development (PUD). For multi-family dwellings with a residential zoning district, a one-bedroom or studio is equal to 0.5 density units. With a maximum density of nine (9) dwelling units per acre and a 0.22-acre site, the maximum number of units if 1.98. However, pursuant to Development Code Section 16.32.030, all remainders of fifty-one (51) percent or greater shall be rounded to the next higher whole number in the MF zoning district. Therefore, four (4) one-bedroom units equate to two (2) dwelling units consistent with PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF VTPM 15-001 AND PUD 15-001; 1177 ASH STREET NOVEMBER 1, 2016 PAGE4 the maximum allowable density. The development standards for the MF district and the proposed project are identified in the following table: T bl 1 S't D S d d f h MF Z D' a e : 1e eveopment tan ar s ort e onmg 1stnct '""6"avelopment. MF __ "____ -... .. Parcel1 .· Parcel 2 · .. ··.. Parcel 3 Parce14 .·. Notes · .. ··· ... · Standards District ·. · ... · · ... · I . . .. , Maximum 9 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Code Met , Density 'Minimum 10,000 2360 2360 2360 2376 Can adjust Building Site sq. ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. with PUD ! ~ii~;~um lot 80' 29.87' 295' 29.5' 29.5' Can adjust with PUD Minimum lot 100' 80' 80' 80' 80' Can adjust depth with PUD Minimum front 20' 24' 24' 24' 24' Code Met , yard setback ' ' Minimum 10' 9.7'; 0' 9.3'; 0'' 9.3'; 0' 9.3'; 0' Can adjust interior side with PUD yard setback Minimum rear 15' 5.5' 5.5' 5.5' 5.5' Can adjust yard setback with PUD Maximum lot 40% 31% 31% 31% 31% Code Met ' coverage Maximum 30' or 2 22' 22' 22' 22' Code Met height for stories, · buildings whichever is less Minimum 10' 0' 18.7' 18. 7' 0' Attached I distance dwellings between permitted with buildings PUD .. .. As shown in the table above, the proposed project meets most requirements of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (AGMC), but requires an approved PUD in order to deviate from the setback and lot dimension standards. This process is used where greater flexibility in design is desired to provide a more efficient use of land than would be possible through strict application of conventional zone or land use district regulations. For example, the building site for the proposed project is much smaller than the minimum building site required by the AGMC. Building sites of this size are typically seen in condominium conversions. However, a PUD can be used to deviate from the minimum building site requirements in exchange for open space and other amenities. PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF VTPM 15-001 AND PUD 15-001; 1177 ASH STREET NOVEMBER 1, 2016 PAGE 5 Access and Parking The project site is accessed from Ash Street via an eighteen foot ( 18') wide shared driveway. A shared Driveway and Maintenance Agreement has been included with the project to outline responsibilities for the maintenance of the access and common drainage facilities. A driveway easement benefitting the subject property has been recorded on the adjacent developed parcel fronting Ash Street. Parking for one-bedroom townhome developments is required at a rate of one (1) space in an enclosed garage and 0.5 guest spaces per unit. The proposed project therefore requires four (4) enclosed garage spaces and two (2) total guest spaces. Each unit will have its own enclosed single-car garage as well as one (1) uncovered guest parking space, for a total of four (4) enclosed garage spaces and four (4) uncovered guest parking spaces. Hence, the proposed parking exceeds AGMC requirements by a total of two (2) guest spaces. Open Space The applicant proposes to substitute two (2) additional parking spaces in-lieu of providing additional usable open space per Table 16.32.050-C of the Development Code. Below are the calculations for required and proposed open space areas. Lot Area 2, 360 s . ft. Private OS 236 sq. ft. , Common OS 708 s . ft. ' Usable OS 944 s . ft. Lot 1 Lot Area 2,360 sq. ft. 2,360 sq ft. 2,360 sq. ft. 2,376 sq. ft. 9,456 sq. ft. 100% Private OS 497 s . ft. 490 s . ft. 490 s . ft. 497 s . ft. 1,974 s . ft. 20.9% ·Common OS 382 sq. ft. 373 sq. ft. 373 s . ft. 383 s . ft. 1,511 s . ft. 16.0% Usable OS _879 sq, . .fL .... 81?}sq . ft. __ 863 sq. ft. 8§_Q sq. ft. 3,485 .~9 ft. 36.9% ·-. .... As illustrated above, the proposed percentage of private open space is greater than the Development Code requires, while the common and usable open space percentages have decreased. The applicant has provided the following justification for the proposed 3.1% decrease in usable open space: "We believe that the proposed one bedroom units will be occupied by a single individual or couple and the need for public passive open space will not be as great as the need for additional on-site guest parking spaces. This is why we are proposing one guest PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF VTPM 15-001 AND PUD 15-001; 1177 ASH STREET NOVEMBER 1, 2016 PAGES parking space and one garage parking space for each unit where 0. 5 parking space and one garage parking space is required by Development Code Section 16.56.060. Additionally, we believe that due to the assumed user profile that additional private open space in lieu of common open space would be desirable. Section 16.32.050.E(5)(1)(v) of the Development Code states that "the Planning Commission may permit minor deviations from open space standards when it can be determined that: A) the objectives underlying these standards can be met without strict adherence to them; and/or B) because of peculiarities in the tract of land or the facilities proposed, it would be unreasonable to require strict adherence to these standards." If the Planning Commission determines that the 3.1% reduction in usable open space is a minor deviation given the additional two (2) guest parking spaces, then the project can be considered compliant with open space requirements. Architecture The architectural design is modernistic, incorporating a variety of integrated boxy elements composed of stucco and corrugated steel. The architecture was revised to include a hipped roof to help soften the boxy features and a wider fin on the west (rear) elevation to match the front (east) elevation. An entry walkway was also added. The proposed colors and materials have not changed, which include beige and brown stucco on the body of the building, with dark green for the trim, front door, and garage door. The proposed siding at the rear of the building is red corrugated high carbon steel. A color board is included with the project plans. Landscaping The previous conceptual landscape plan included four (4) new Brown Pine (Podocarpus Neriifolius) trees, one (1) new Improved Myer Lemon tree, one (1) new Dancy Mandarin Orange tree, and four (4) new Asian Pear (Pyrus Pyrifolia) trees with drought tolerant shrubs and ground cover. As recommended by the ARC, the fruit trees and Myoporum Parvifolium shrubs have been replaced with more appropriate species given the planting site conditions (constrained area with limited solar exposure). The replacement trees include four (4) Alta Southern Magnolias and two (2) Fruitless Olive trees. Attachment 3 provides more detailed information about the plant selection. As recommended by the ARC, a condition has been added to require the final landscape plan to include plant species that can thrive with limited sun exposure and planter area. All landscaping is required to comply with the State's Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance adopted by the City prior to issuance of building permit. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Commission's consideration: • Adopt the attached Resolution, approving Tentative Parcel Map 15-001 and Planned Unit Development 15-001 as proposed; • Modify and adopt the attached Resolution, approving Tentative Parcel Map 15- 001 and Planned Unit Development 15-001; PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF VTPM 15-001 AND PUD 15-001; 1177 ASH STREET NOVEMBER 1, 2016 PAGE 7 • Do not adopt the attached Resolution and provide direction regarding findings for denial of the project; or • Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The proposed project will construct additional residential units in an area identified in the General Plan for high density residential development. It is anticipated that the residences will be affordable by design given the compact nature of the overall development and smaller size of the units. DISADVANTAGES: Open space requirements per Table 16.32.050-C of the Development Code are not fully met. However, Section 16.32.050.E(5)(1)(v) of the Development Code allows flexibility for the Planning Commission to approve minor deviations to open space requirements when the objectives underlying these standards can be met without strict adherence to them. For this project, two (2) additional guest parking spaces have been added. This may be considered an amenity to offset the 3.1% additional usable open space requirement. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project has been reviewed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and determined to be categorically exempt per Section 15315 of the CEQA Guidelines regarding minor land divisions. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENT: A notice of public hearing was mailed to all property owners within 300' of the project site, published in The Tribune, and posted at City Hall and on the City's website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. The project site was also posted with public hearing information. Two letters were received for the previous public hearing on July 5, 2016 (Attachment 4). No additional comments have been received. Attachments: 1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of July 5, 2016 2. Architectural Review Committee Meeting Minutes of September 19, 2016 3. Plant descriptions 4. Comment Letters 5. Project plans including color and materials board RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 15-001; LOCATED AT 1177 ASH STREET; APPLIED FOR BY JEFF EMRICK WHEREAS, the applicant has filed Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 15-001 and Planned Unit Development 15-001 to subdivide a 0.22-arce site into four (4) lots and construct four (4) one-bedroom, 1.5 bath townhome units including a one-car garage per unit and four (4) guest parking spaces; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 15-001 and Planned Unit Development 15-001 at a duly noticed public hearing on November 1, 2016 in accordance with the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande: and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and have determined that this project is categorically exempt per Section 15315 of the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist Tentative Parcel Map Findings 1. The proposed tentative parcel map is consistent with goals, objectives, policies, plans, programs, intent and requirements of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, as well as any Specific Plan, and the requirements of this title; The proposed Parcel Map is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan, specifically Policies LU3-3, LU11-1, and LU11-3 of the General Plan Land Use Element. 2. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; The site is approximately 0.22 acres and is physically suitable for four (4) residences as proposed on a residential infilllot. 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development; The site is 0.22-acres, is located in the Multi-Family zoning district on a relatively flat site, and is physically suitable for the density of four (4) residences as proposed. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 4. The design of the tentative parcel map or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat; The tentative parcel map is proposed on an infill residential lot and the design of the map and associated improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage. 5. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems; The design of the parcel map on an infill residential lot and the type of improvements proposed is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 6. The design of the tentative parcel map or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through, or use of, property within the proposed tentative parcel map or that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided, and that these alternative easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public; The project site does not contain any existing public easements and therefore the proposed project will not interfere with any public easements. All existing private easements will remain or be appropriately updated. 7. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system will not result in violation of existing requirements as prescribed by Division 7 (commencing with Section 13000) of the California Water Code; The proposed discharge of waste into the existing waste system 1s conditioned to meet requirements. 8. Adequate public services and facilities exist or will be provided as the result of the proposed tentative parcel map to support project development; Adequate public services and facilities exist for the proposed parcel map and subsequent development. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE3 Planned Unit Development Findings: 1. That the proposed development is consistent with the goals, objectives and programs of the general plan and any applicable specific plan. The proposed Parcel Map and subsequent residential development is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan, specifically Policies LU3-3, LU11-1, and LU11-3 of the General Plan Land Use Element. 2. That the site for the proposed development is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use and all yards, open spaces, setbacks, walls and fences, parking area, loading areas, landscaping, and other features required. With the flexibility offered by the Planned Unit Development and the modified development standards for lot size and setbacks, the site is adequate to meet the intent of the Multi-Family zoning district. 3. That the site for the proposed development has adequate access, meaning that the site design and development plan conditions consider the limitations of existing streets and highways. The site has adequate common access from Ash Street for the design of the proposed project and the newly created lots. 4. That adequate public services exist, or will be provided in accordance with the conditions of development plan approval, to serve the proposed development; and that the approval of the proposed development will not result in a reduction of such public services to properties in the vicinity so as to be a detriment to public health, safety or welfare. The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan, adequate public services are available to serve the project, and proposed development will not result in a reduction of public services in the vicinity so as to be a detriment to public health, safety or welfare. 5. That the proposed development, as conditioned, will not have a substantial adverse effect on surrounding property, or the permitted use thereof, and will be compatible with the existing and planned land use character of the surrounding area. With the flexibility offered by the Planned Unit Development and the modified development standards for lot size and setbacks, the project will not have an adverse effect on the surrounding property. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE4 6. That the improvements required, and the manner of development, adequately address all natural and manmade hazards associated with the proposed development and the project site, including, but not limited to, flood, seismic, fire and slope hazards. There are no known natural and manmade hazards associated with the proposed development and the project site, including, but not limited to, flood, seismic, fire and slope hazards. 7. The proposed development carries out the intent of the planned unit development provisions by providing a more efficient use of the land and an excellence of design greater than that which could be achieved through the application of conventional development standards. The planned unit development provides a more efficient use of the land by allowing modifications to the development standards for lot size and setbacks and allowing for additional residential lots in the Multi-Family zoning district. 8. The proposed development complies with all applicable performance standards listed in Section 16.32.050(E). The proposed development meets the standards of Planned Unit Developments including open space requirements. Minor deviations from open space standards are allowed when it can be determined that the objectives underlying these standards can be met without strict adherence to them. In this case, the inclusion of the recreational amenity of a half basketball court provides sufficient justification for a 3. 1% reduction in usable open space. 9. The clustering of dwelling units is approved pursuant to a specific plan, planned unit development, or similar mechanism. The Planned Unit Development is allowing for the clustering of residences in a small lot, attached format in the Multi-Family zoning district. 10. The overall permitted density of the project area is not exceeded. The overall density of the proposed project is in compliance with the allowable density of the project site. Pursuant to Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 16. 32.030, all remainders of fifty-one (51) percent or greater shall be rounded to the next higher whole number in the Multiple Family zoning district. RESOLUTION NO. PAGES 11. The resulting project will not require a greater level of public services and facilities than would an equivalent nonclustered project. The development resulting from the Planned Unit Development will be of a density consistent with the zoning district and will therefore not require a greater level of public services and facilities than an equivalent nonclustered project. 12. The result of clustering residential units is a more desirable and environmentally sensitive development plan which creates usable open space areas for the enjoyment of project residents and which preserves significant environmental features. The result of clustering lots allows for the development of additional residential lots and reduces development pressure on non in-fill lots. 13. The project development pattern, including the net density of developed area and proposed lot sizes which result from clustering are compatible with surrounding areas. With modifications to lot size and setbacks, the resulting development will be at a scale and intensity consistent and compatible with the surrounding properties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Tentative Parcel Map 15-001 and Planned Unit Development 15-001 as shown in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Commissioner ------,--' seconded by Commissioner _____ _ and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 1st day of November, 2016. RESOLUTION NO. PAGES LAN GEORGE CHAIR ATTEST: DEBBIE WEICH INGER SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: TERESA MCCLISH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RESOLUTION NO. PAGE7 EXHIBIT 'A' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 15-001 1177 ASH STREET This approval authorizes the subdivision of a 0.22-acre property into four (4) parcels and development four (4) residences in the Multi-Family (MF) zoning district. PLANNING DIVISON CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Tentative Parcel Map 15-001 and Planned Unit Development 15-001. 3. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the Planning Commission at their meeting of November 1, 2016 and marked Exhibit "B". 4. The applicant shall agree to indemnify and defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in any way relating to the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. 5. Development shall conform to the Multi-Family Apartment (MF) zoning district standards except as otherwise approved. 6. At the time of application for construction permits, plans submitted shall show all development consistent with the approved site plan, floor plan, architectural elevations and landscape plan, as modified per these conditions. 7. All conditions of approval for the project shall be included in construction drawings. 8. This approval shall expire on November 1, 2018 unless the final map is recorded or an extension is granted pursuant to Section 16.12.140 of the Development Code. RESOLUTION NO. PAGES 9. Setbacks, lot coverage, and floor area ratios shall be as shown on the development plans, including those specifically modified by these conditions. 10. Development shall comply with Development Code Sections 16.48.070, "Fences, Walls and Hedges"; 16.48.120, "Performance Standards"; and 16.48.130 "Screening Requirements". 11. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.56, "Parking and Loading Requirements". All parking spaces adjacent to a wall, fence, or property line shall have a minimum width of 11 feet. 12. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.80 "lnclusionary Affordable Housing Requirements". 13. Noise resulting from construction and operational activities shall conform to the standards set forth in Chapter 9.16 of the Municipal Code. Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 7 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday. No construction shall occur on Saturday or Sunday. The developer shall invite neighbors to the project's preconstruction meeting and provide regular notice to neighboring residences during heavy disruption events, including, but not limited to, material deliveries, concrete deliveries, and impacts to the driveway. Hours for large truck deliveries shall be limited to 8 AM until 4 PM Monday through Friday. 14. All new construction shall utilize fixtures and designs that minimize water and energy usage. Such fixtures shall include, but are not limited to, low flow showerheads, water saving toilets, instant water heaters and hot water recirculating systems. Water conserving designs and fixtures shall be installed prior to final occupancy. 15. At the time of application for construction permits, the applicant shall provide details on any proposed exterior lighting, if applicable. The lighting plan shall include the height, location and intensity of all exterior lighting consistent with Section 16.48.090 of the Development Code. All lighting fixtures shall be shielded so that neither the lamp nor the related reflector interior surface is visible from adjacent properties. All lighting for the site shall be downward directed and shall not create spill or glare to adjacent properties. All lighting shall be energy efficient (e.g. LED). 16. For projects approved with specific exterior building colors, the developer shall paint a test patch on the building including all colors. The remainder of the building may not be painted until inspected by the Community Development Department to verify that colors are consistent with the approved color board. A 48-hour notice is required for this inspection. 17. All Fire Department Connections (FDC) shall be located near a fire hydrant, adjacent to a fire access roadway, away from the public right-of-way, incorporated into the design of the site, and screened from public view. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 9 18. All conditions of this approval run with the land and shall be strictly adhered to, within the time frames specified, and in an on-going manner for the life of the project. Failure to comply with these conditions of approval may result in an immediate enforcement action. If it is determined that violation(s) of these conditions of approval have occurred, or are occurring, this approval may be revoked pursuant to Development Code Section 16.08.1 00. 19. Prior to issuance of building permit, a final Landscape and Irrigation Plan shall be submitted in conformance with Development Code Chapter 16.84 (Model Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance). The Landscape and Irrigation Plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and is subject to review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. The Plan shall include plant species that can thrive with limited sun exposure and planter area. 20. Landscaping in accordance with the approved landscaping plan shall be installed or bonded for before final building inspection/establishment of use. 21. A copy of these conditions shall be incorporated into the construction plans. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 22. If the Coast Live Oak tree located to the east of the access driveway needs to be pruned for emergency vehicle access or other reasons, it shall be pruned under supervision of a Certified Arborist using the International Society of Arboricultural (ISA) Pruning Standards. 23. Additional paving within the drip line of the existing Coast Live Oak tree shall be avoided. If paving proves necessary for emergency vehicle access, only permeable pavers within the dripline shall be allowed. SUBDIVISION CONDITIONS 24. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.64 "Dedications, Fees and Reservations." 25. The applicant shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.20 "Land Divisions". 26. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.68 "Improvements". 27. The applicant shall submit Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) that are reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and recorded prior to or concurrently with the final map. At a minimum, the CC&R's shall: a. Provide for maintenance of the driveways, common areas, and other facilities; RESOLUTION NO. PAGE10 b. Prohibit additions to the units; c. Require garages to be kept clear for parking cars at all times; and d. Inform residents of the water conservation requirements placed on this project. 28. A joint maintenance agreement for the common landscape, drainage and access driveway shall be submitted for review and approval of the City Attorney. The joint maintenance agreement shall be recorded prior to or concurrently with the final map. BUILDING AND LIFE SAFETY DIVISION CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS: BUILDING CODES 29. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of all California Codes, as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. FIRE LANES 30. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall post designated fire lanes, per Section 22500.1 of the California Vehicle Code. 31. Prior to occupancy, all fire lanes must be posted and enforced, per Police Department and Fire Department guidelines. FIRE SPRINKLERS 32. Prior to Occupancy, all buildings must be fully sprinklered per Building and Fire Department guidelines. 33. Provide Fire Department approved access & sprinkler-system per National Fire Protection Association Standards. ABANDONMENT I NON-CONFORMING 34. Prior to map recordation, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, applicant shall show proof of properly abandoning all non-conforming items such as septic tanks, wells, underground piping and other undesirable conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 35. One week prior to scheduling of final inspection or any issuance of certificate of occupancy, a project inspection by the Building, Planning and Engineering Divisions and Public Works Department is required. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 11 36. Pay all required City fees at the time they are due (for your information, the "Procedure for Protesting Fees, Dedications, Reservations or Exactions" is provided below). 37. Water Meter, service main, distribution, and availability fees, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 38. Water neutralization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 39. Traffic Impact fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 40. Traffic Signalization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 41. Sewer hook-up & facility Permit fees, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 42. Building Permit fees, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 43. Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) fee and State Green Building fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance in accordance with State mandate. 44. South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Connection fee in accordance with Municipal Code Section 13.12.180. 45. Drainage fee, as required by the area drainage plan for the area being developed. 46. Park Development fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 47. Park Improvements fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 48. Community Centers fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 49. Fire Protection fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 12 50. Police Facilities fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 51. Reimburse the City for all Land Survey Professional Service needs to process project prior to issuance of Building Permit. PROCEDURE FOR PROTESTING FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR EXACTIONS: (A) Any party may protest the imposition of any fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions imposed on a development project, for the purpose of defraying all or a portion of the cost of public facilities related to the development project by meeting both of the following requirement\): (1) Tendering any required payment in full or providing satisfactory evidence of arrangements to pay the fee when due or ensure performance of the conditions necessary to meet the requirements of the imposition. (2) Serving written notice on the City Council, which notice shall contain all of the following information: (a) A statement that the required payment is tendered or will be tendered when due, or that any conditions which have been imposed are provided for or satisfied, under protest. (b) A statement informing the City Council of the factual elements of the dispute and the legal theory forming the basis for the protest. (B) A protest filed pursuant to subdivision (A) shall be filed at the time of the approval or conditional approval of the development or within 90 days after the date of the imposition of the fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions to be imposed on a development project. (C) Any party who files a protest pursuant to subdivision (A) may file an action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul the imposition of the fees, dedications reservations, or other exactions imposed on a development project by a local agency within 180 days after the delivery of the notice. (D) Approval or conditional approval of a development occurs, for the purposes of this section, when the tentative map, tentative parcel map, or parcel map is approved or conditionally approved or when the parcel map is recorded if a tentative map or tentative parcel map is not required. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE13 (E) The imposition of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions occurs, for the purposes of this section, when they are imposed or levied on a specific development. ENGINEERING DIVISION CONDITIONS POST CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN AND ANNUAL STORMWATER CONTROL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 52. The Applicant shall develop, implement and provide the City with the following: a. Stormwater Control Plan that clearly provides engineering analysis of all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls. b. Operations and Maintenance Plan and Maintenance Agreements that clearly establish responsibility for all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls. c. Annual Maintenance Notification indicating that all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls have been maintained and are functioning as designed. d. All reports must be completed by either a Registered Civil Engineer or Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Developer (QSD). 53. Prior to any Permit -Stormwater Control Plan. Provide a Stormwater Control Plan that complies with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 5.2.2. 54. Prior to Final Approval -Operations and Maintenance Plan, Maintenance Agreement, and Maintenance Notification. Provide an Operations and Maintenance Plan, Maintenance Agreement, and Maintenance Notification that complies with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 5.2.3. GENERAL CONDITIONS 55. The developer shall sweep streets in compliance with Standard Specifications Section 13-4 03F. 56. Working hours shall comply with Standard Specification Section 5-1.01. 57. All residential units shall be designed to mitigate impacts from non-residential project noise, in compliance with the City's noise regulations. 58. All project improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the most recent version of the City of Arroyo Grande Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE14 59. Record Drawings ("as-built" plans) are required to be submitted prior to release of the Faithful Performance Bond. 60. Submit as-built plans at the completion of the project or improvements as directed by the Community Development Director in compliance with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 9.3. Provide one (1) set of paper prints and electronic documents on CD or flash drive in both AutoCAD and PDF format. 61. Submit three (3) full-size paper copies and one (1) electronic PDF file of approved improvement plans for inspection purposes during construction. 62. Preserve existing survey monuments and vertical control benchmarks in compliance with Standard Specifications Section 5-1.26A. IMPROVEMENT PLANS 63. Public Improvement Plans, Site Civil Plans, and Maps shall be submitted to the Community Development Department Engineering Division be separate submittal from any vertical construction/structures building improvement plans. 64. Improvement plans must comply with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 1 and shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer or qualified specialist licensed in the State of California and approved by the Public Works Department and/or Community Development Department. The following plan sheet shall be provided: a. Site Plan i. The location and size of all existing and proposed water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities within the project site and abutting streets or alleys. 11. The location, size and orientation of all trash enclosures. iii. All existing and proposed parcel lines and easements crossing the property. iv. The location and dimension of all existing and proposed paved areas. v. The location of all existing and proposed public or private utilities. v1. Location of 1 DO-year flood plain and any areas of inundation within project area. b. Grading Plan with Cross Sections c. Retaining Wall Plan and Profiles d. Driveway Improvements Plan and Profile e. Utilities-Sewer Plan and Profile f. Utilities -Composite Utility g. Signing and Striping h. Erosion Control i. Landscape and Irrigation Plans for Public Right-of-Way RESOLUTION NO. PAGE15 J. Tree Protection Plan k. Details I. Notes m. Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Measures n. Other improvements as required by the Community Development Director. o. Engineers estimate for construction cost based on County of San Luis Obispo unit cost 65. Submit all retaining wall calculations for review and approval by the Community Development Director including any referenced geotechnical report 66. Prior to approval of an improvement plan the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City for inspection of the required improvements. 67. Applicant shall fund outsourced plan and map check services, as required. 68. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining an encroachment permit for all work within a public right-of-way. STREET IMPROVEMENTS 69. Obtain approval from the Public Works Director prior to excavating in any street recently over-laid or slurry sealed. The Director shall approve the method of repair of any such trenches, but shall not be limited to an overlay or type 2 slurry seal. 70. Place type 2 slurry seal on Ash Street after all underground utilities are placed and street patching is complete. 71. Remove existing roadway striping and markers prior to any overlay or slurry seal work to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Use only thermoplastic roadway striping. 72. Street structural sections shall be determined by an R-Value soil test, but shall not be less than 3" of asphalt and 6" of Class II AB. CURB, GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK 73. Install new concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk as directed by the Community Development Director and Public Works Director. 74. Install ADA compliant facilities where necessary or verify that existing facilities are compliant with State and City Standards. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 16 DEDICATIONS AND EASEMENTS 75. Provide a Public Utility Easement (PUE) and Emergency Access Easement over proposed driveway. Easements shall be dedicated to the public on the map. 76. Driveway Traffic Index shall comply with Engineering Standard 7010. 77. The subdivider shall enter into a subdivision agreement for the completion and guarantee of improvements required. The subdivision agreement shall be on a form acceptable to the City. GRADING AND DRAINAGE 78. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit two (2) copies of the final project-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or a Water Quality Control Plan (WQCP) consistent with the San Luis Obispo Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWCB) requirements. 79. All grading shall be performed in accordance with the City Grading Ordinance and Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. 80. Drainage facilities shall be designed in compliance with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 5.1.2. 81. Submit a soils report for the project shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and supported by adequate test borings. All earthwork design and grading shall be performed in accordance with the approved soils report. 82. The applicant shall dedicate a pedestrian access easement(s) for the ADA sidewalk extension. 83. Infiltration basins shall be designed based on soil tests. Infiltration test shall include adequate borings depth and frequency to support design recommendations. WATER 84. Each parcel shall have separate water meters. 85. Non-potable water is available at the Soto Sports Complex for construction activities. The City of Arroyo Grande does not allow the use of hydrant meters for this purpose. 86. Lots using fire sprinklers shall have individual service connections. If the units are to be fire sprinkled, a fire sprinkler engineer shall determine the size of the water meters. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE17 SEWER 87. The applicant shall extend the sewer main to adequately serve the project across the property frontage. All new sewer mains shall be a minimum diameter of 8". 88. All sewer laterals shall comply with Engineering Standard 6810. 89. Each parcel shall be provided a separate sewer lateral. Laterals shall be sized for the appropriate use, minimum 4". 90. All sewer mains or laterals crossing or parallel to public water facilities shall be constructed in accordance with Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. 91. Obtain approval from the South County Sanitation District for the development's impact to District facilities prior to permit issuance. 92. Obtain approval from the South County Sanitation District prior to relocation of any District facilities. PUBLIC UTILITIES 93. The developer shall comply with Development Code Section 16.68.050: All projects that involve the addition of over 100 square feet of habitable space shall be required to place service connections underground -existing and proposed utilities. 94. Prior to approving any building permit within the project for occupancy, all conditions of approval for project are satisfied. 95. Public Improvement Plans shall be submitted to the public utility companies for review and approval. Utility comments shall be forwarded to the Director of Public Works for approval. 96. Street lighting shall comply with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 3.1.2.Q. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS TREE PRESERVATIONfTREE REMOVAL PLAN 97. Landscaping shall be maintained by Homeowners Association. 98. Prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, the developer shall submit a tree preservation and tree removal plan to the Director of Public Works/City Arborist for undeveloped parcels or lots with trees. The plan shall include the RESOLUTION NO. PAGE18 location, size and species of all trees located on the lot or on adjoining lots, where development could affect the roots or limbs of trees on adjacent property. 99. All significant trees to be removed as designated by the Director of Public Works/City Arborist shall be replaced at a 3:1 ratio and planted on site. With the approval of the Public Works Director, tree removal shall be mitigated by planting on site, off-site, or payment of in-lieu fees (at the current street tree fee rate for a 15-gallon tree). Larger trees may be required to mitigate tree removal. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, all trees shall be planted or fees paid. 100. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, all trees to remain on site shall be marked with a brightly colored ribbon and protected by a five foot (5') tall vinyl or chain link fence. The fence shall be located at an eight foot (8') radius from the trunk of the tree. If this radius is infeasible due to site constraints, the trunk of the tree shall be protected with connected wood boards and a five foot (5') tall vinyl or chain link fence shall be placed as far away from the trunk as possible. 101. All trees on the construction site to be preserved shall be protected under the conditions of the Community Tree Ordinance (431 C.S.) which include but are not limited to: a. No mechanical trenching within the drip line of a tree, unless approved by the Public Works Director. b._ No storage of equipment, supplies, tools, etc., within 8' of the trunk of any tree. c._ No grading shall occur under a trees dripline, unless approved by the Public Works Director. d._ A five foot (5') tall protective fence shall be constructed a minimum of 8' from the trunk of each tree, unless approved otherwise by the Public Works Director. 102. All trees to be pruned shall be pruned under supervision of a Certified Arborist using the International Society of Arboriculture (/SA) Pruning Standards. 103. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a final landscape plan, subject to review by and approval of the Public Works Director. 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PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 5, 2016 PAGE 3 ATTACHMENT 1 ~ Commissioner Mack moved to adopt a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANfliN COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CONDITION SE PERMIT NO. 15-008 AND VARIANCE NO. 16-002, APPLIED FOR BY VERIZON WIRELE , OCATED AT 459 PUESTA DEL SOL", as modified: Add Condition of Approval for 1) a visible " o ~ing" sign shall be posted within the project site, and 2) that a second radio frequency study shatl'b<l[Jrepared and submitted to the Community Development Department within sixty (60) days affer--tbe facility is operational. Commissioner Martin seconded, and the motion passed on the folloWlh~: AYES: Mack, Martin, Fowler-Payne, Keen ~- NOES: None ~--- ABSENT: George --~ Chair George returned to the dais. ~ CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 15-001; SUBDIVISION OF ONE (1) LOT INTO FOUR (4) LOTS AND CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR (4) ONE-BEDROOM SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED RESIDENCES; LOCATION -1177 ASH STREET; APPLICANT-JEFFREY EMRICK Associate Planner Heffernan presented the staff report recommending that the Commission adopt a Resolution approving Tentative Parcel Map 15-001 and Planned Unit Development 15-001 and responded to questions from the Commission regarding the proposed project, including fire access plan, requirement of a fire hydrant, guest parking stalls, trash pick-up, responsibility of maintenance of the sewer laterals, necessity of a Home Owner's Association, any requirement for a traffic report, and stated the division of the lot is what is requiring the public hearing. City Engineer Horn responded to questions from the Commission on the proposed project including location of sewer main, laterals, and traffic report. Jeff Emrick, representative, stated he worked with the trash company on the location of trash containers, which will be on-site adjacent to the homes, parking requirements are exceeded, clarified the open space deviation, each unit will include fire sprinklers, and that there is no Home Owners' Association. Mr. Emrick responded to questions and comments from the Commission including setbacks, owner of the front house, and landscaping in the back yards. Chair George opened the public hearing. Beverly Cloud, speaking on behalf of her granddaughter/owner in front of the proposed project, added to a letter previously submitted, expressing concern with parking, garbage trucks, excessive traffic in/out of the 18' wide driveway, traffic on Ash Street , and opposed the density of the project Ed Hillyard, 1173 Ash Street, stated the basketball backstop would be facing his home; that Ash Street is congested; concern with parking, trash cans, noise from the garbage trucks; and maintenance of the fence between his property and the project site. Diane Bonifacio, expressed concern with the traffic, safety with the possibility of the basketball going into street, water, trash, and postal carriers trying to deliver mail. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 5, 2016 Chair George closed the public hearing. PAGE4 Commissioner Mack provided the following comments: does not have a problem with the trash collection location, is not in favor of the City maintaining improvements on private property, would prefer additional guest parking stalls instead of the basketball court, does not support the architecture, is in support of the density, parking, internal setbacks, and would prefer a 1 0' rear setback. Commissioner Fowler-Payne provided the following comments: asked if landscaping could be done to buffer the 18' wide driveway access, suggested installing "no parking" to prohibit parking along the frontage, suggested adding a condition that the developer pay for the fence, does not see a need for the basketball court, does not see the need for the garbage truck to back down the driveway and suggested putting the trash cans out on the street since there will not be much green waste or recycling. Commissioner Martin provided the following comments: stated parking is an ongoing problem and this area is possibly the most congested part in the City, the project is appropriate for the site, the easement existed when the front house was purchased, supports the two parking spaces instead of the open space, the fence will be built and maintained by the owner of the proposed project, the parking needs are more critical than the basketball court, water and sewer line for the project will have negligible impact, and supports the City being responsible for the 8" sewer main. Commissioner Keen provided the following comments: the City should not maintain the sewer main on private property, does not support the architecture, does not think the basketball court is appropriate, supports Condition of Approval No. 71, and the garbage truck backing into the project is a better alternative than impacting parking on Ash Street. Commissioner George provided the following comments: does not support the architecture, the proposed project does not meet the development standards and therefore requires a PUD, does not meet the PUD criteria regarding open space, and cannot support the proposed project. Action: Commissioner Martin moved to adopt a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 15-001; LOCATED AT 1177 ASH STREET; APPLIED FOR BY JEFF EMRICK", as modified: 1) to remove Condition of Approval No. 80., 2) Modify Condition of Approval No. 95. to remove HOA and add the common area to be maintained by a maintenance agreement; 3) Condition of Approval No. 94. -Remove the word "if', 4) allow the basketball court to be optional, 5) require the fence be maintained by the owners and not the adjacent property owner. Commissioner Keen seconded, and the motion failed on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Martin, Keen Fowler-Payne, Mack, George None Individual Commissioners discussed sending the project back to the Architectural Review Committee with the Commission's issues, including architectural style, and impacts the proposed project will have on the neighborhood. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 5, 2016 PAGES Chair George and Commissioner Fowler-Payne opposed the project and voiced their preference not to continue the item. Action: Commissioner Martin moved to continue the item to a date uncertain and require the proposed project to return to the ARC for a second evaluation, including looking at the impacts of the neighborhood. Commissioner Keen seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Martin, Keen, Mack Fowler-Payne, George None 9. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEM None 10. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE JUNE 21, 2015 This is a notice of administrative decision for Minor Use Permits, including any approvals, denials or referrals by the Community Development Director. An administrative decision must b I d II d f . b h PI . C . b e appea e orca e up or rev1ew y t e anmng omm1ssion )y a maJonty vote. Case No. Applicant Address Description Action Planner TUP 16-008 South County BOO Rodeo Extended use of County A K. Heffernan I Transit Drive property for South County I Transit bus parking yard. In answer to CommiSSIOner Keen, Assoc1ate Planner Heffernan stated the TUP IS due to the previous permit expiring and will fill in the gap until a new CUP is approved. 11. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Mack, referencing B.c., stated that the last person developing should not have to fix a parking problem and suggested to come up with a parking permit, add signs for "No Truck" parking for commercial vehicles. Planning Manager Downing stated he will follow up on the commercial truck. He stated there is Neighborhood Traffic Calming Guideline and he can discuss with Diane Bonifacio, resident who wrote a letter. In answer to Commissioner Fowler-Payne, Associate Planner Heffernan stated that trucks will be looked at in association with the Home Occupation Permits. Commissioner Fowler-Payne reported that there are boats parked on the street. Planning Manager Downing stated staff will look into the issue and stated the City relies on resident complaints. Commissioner Mack asked staff to review the vehicles on Ash Street. Planning Manager Downing stated that staff will contact Neighborhood Services on this matter. In answer to Chair George, Ms. Heffernan gave updates on grey water, electric vehicles, and solar and stated staff will be taking the PACE program to the City Council, which is an incentive to get a low rate for renewable energy. In answer to Commissioner Keen, Planning Manager Downing stated the City does not have anything in the Municipal Code prohibiting homes being constructed of Sea Train containers. Minutes: ARC ATTACHMENT 2 PAGE2 Monday, September 19, 2016 ~Haag opened the meeting for public comment. Cama~~rroyo Grande, asked if the designers have a target market for the homes. Darin Cabral r~~ that the homes fit into the category of affordable by design. Hearing no further com~s., Chair Haag closed the public comment period. The Committee provided co~'-Qil. garage door design and materials, window and garage door manufacturer warranties, anCJ~osed color schemes. Mary Hertel made a motion, seconded by B~erlin, to recommend approval of the project to the Planning Commission, with the following"ccrnc[[tions: 1. Verify the quality and durability of the garage doo ites to ensure proper protections and warranties for the future home owners; and 2. Consider the use of dimensional asphalt shingles. The motion carried on a 5-0 voice vote. ~ * 6.b. CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15-001 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 15-001; SUBDIVISION OF ONE (1) LOT INTO FOUR (4) LOTS AND CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR (4) ONE-BEDROOM SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED RESIDENCES; LOCATION -1177 ASH STREET; APPLICANT -JEFFREY EMRICK (Downing) Planning Manager Downing presented the staff report and responded to questions regarding Planning Commission comments, design elements, and trash pickup location. Jeffrey Emrick, applicant, spoke in support of the project and responded to questions from the Committee regarding building materials, changes in design, and building height. The Committee provided comments on the project regarding the proposed landscape plan, architectural elements, and the location of HVAC components. Bruce Berlin made a motion, seconded by Mary Hertel, to recommend approval of the project to the Planning Commission with the following conditions: 1. Amend the proposed landscape plant to take into account sun exposure, as well as plant size constraints; and 2. Widen the fin at the side profile for increased architectural detailing. The motion carried on a 5-0 voice vote. Bruce Berlin left the meeting at 3:45. 6.c. CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 16-007; REPLACEMENT OF AWNINGS; LOCATION-148 WEST BRANCH STREET; APPLICANT-CAMAY ARAD (Holub) Planning Intern Holub presented the staff report. Camay Arad, applicant, spoke in support of the project and responded to questions from the Committee regarding the awnings currently in place and trim color. Item #6868 ATTACHMENT 3 USDA Hardiness Zone: ' 1 l' A striking blue gray succulent from South Africa. Pencil-like, slightly curved leaves point upward and form a dense rnat, mriking an attractive ground cover where a blue gray effect is desired. Easy care and drought tolerant but will tolerate regular irrigation. Attractive in containers. Full sun Waterwise Once established, needs only occasional watering. White flowers in summer. FomiS a carpet of foliage to 2ft. tall, 2 to 3ft. wide. This heat and Item #8478 USDA Hardiness Zone: :n !U tolcrant selection has an improved, sturdy, compact form that does not flop over in the landscape' Lavender~blue flower sprays enhance aromatic, deer resistant foliage. Co>lor,tul easy care choice for accent, border or mass planting. Full sun Hab\t Once established, needs only occasional watering. Sumrner to tall. Reaches 12 to 18 in. 24 to 26 in. wide. I Item #6650 USDA Hardiness Zone: / 1.1 Medium size evergreen shrub with dense upright branching on a pyramidal forrn. It is heavily covered dark green yew· like leaves. A wonderful hedge or screen that takes shearing very welL Partial to full sun Deer Resistant f'\Jeeds regular watering~ weekly, or more often in extreme heat Does not flower Reaches 8 -10ft tall, 3- 4 n wide in ten years. I item #6299 USDA Hardiness Zone: Attractive, refined appearance to the upright, open crown of this or garden tree that does rmt produce messy mature fru!t Gray green leaves are narrow and long, giving it an airy appearance. Thrives in hot, Full sun V1/aterwise Once established, needs only occasional watering. Summer Slow growing 25 to 30ft. tall, 25ft. wide. leaves have undersides. suburban ranasr:arres. FuH sun Compact Habit !tern #0998 USDA Hardiness Zone: to Not Available, year after year without pruning. Lustrous dark green cup-shaped fragrant flowers. Valuable for smaller spaces in urban and Once needs occasional watering, Surr1mer Very slow growl ng to 20 IL taiL 9ft. wide in 10 years, ATTACHMENT 4 Diane and Mike Bonifacio 1186 AlTovoG:rande Con:unission To vvhom concern; have enclosed a trnftlc concern on the 1100 of Ash street Grande due to the pmrposed de'veJ;oprlle;rlt street which is purpos,od 4 townhomes. As you can see the nir1:nres this street is at 1naxin11tm ""''"oitv Pictures vvere shot east and west on Ash street, Of course #1 concern was the exceptrro!lal drougtttwe are in, my husband and I re,centlvartended water conservation class as we were for going over 2 cons/units V>.rith our V/ater can't understand huvv detvetloprnent could occur at Diane Bonifacio JUN 3 CITY OF AHROYO GflAl\lDE COMMUNJTY DEVELOPMENT Tuesday June 28'h, 2016 Re: Proposed 4-unit townhouse behind 1177 Ash Street Residence To whom it may concern: My Husband and I are the owners of 1177 Ash Street, where the proposed project is being viewed of a 4-unit townhouse behind our house. I am a local, born and raised in Arroyo Grande. This is a wonderful town to be raised in, full of parks, family things to do, outdoor activities and more! And now we have the opportunity to raise our 2 Daughters in our great town. My Husband and I are most "concerned" about putting a 4-unit town house behind us, due to the horribly congested street/neighborhood, and parking. As we know Ash street is zoned for multiple dueling's/town homes/apartments, etc. This side of Ash in particular, between Walnut and Elm is the worst... How on earth will 4-8 more cars fit on this street...? Right now we have a "Huge" box truck that parks right in front of our house, and as we try to carefully pull out of our driveway with our 5 month old and 2-year-old daughters trying to see past the huge truck/cars, it is very difficult... We feel this would just cause more congestion on our end ofthe street ... and make it more unsafe for residence leaving their driveways on this already busy street. Also due to the lack of side-walks on a portion of both sides of the street, (coming off Elm onto Ash St.), with so many cars being parked on both sides of the street already, it causes families, elderly people in wheel carts, and kids on bike/scooters to end up walking in the street maneuvering around cars trying to stay safe while having an outing. Again this street is very congested. Our other "concern" is the trash cans on trash day ... Right now it's very difficult having the amount of trash cans that are on the street, and usually blocking our driveway, because there's cars parked in front of our house & neighbors houses on the street, leaving no room for our trash cans. Our neighbors tend to put their trash cans in our driveway because there is nowhere else to put them. How would it be possible for 12 more trash cans (green waste/recycle/trash x 4 townhouse units) to fit on our street? Please consider our concerns at this time. We strongly feel that~ towns homes/duplex's would not be a good fit for the vacant lot at this time. Thank you again for considering our concerns with this proposed 4 town home unit project. Dylan & Katie Baca 1177 Ash Street Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420 Kateebaca 7712@aol.com