PC 2016-11-01_12 Tree Removal 1029 Ash StreetMEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: TERESA McCLISH, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: DEBORAH WEICHINGER, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY SUBJECT: TREE REMOVAL -1029 ASH STREET DATE: NOVEMBER 1, 2016 As requested at the October 4, 2016 Planning Commission meeting, attached is correspondence regarding the tree removals at 1029 Ash Street. Attachments: 1. Copy of a letter dated January 20, 2016 from the City to Kirby Gordon (Response to Tree Removal Permit) 2. Copy of a letter dated January 20, 2016 from the City to Kirby Gordon (Response to second Tree Removal Permit) 3. Copy of a letter dated March 14, 2016 from the City to Kirby Gordon 4. Copy of a letter dated May 27, 2016 from the City to Kirby Gordon 5. Copy of a letter dated October 7, 2016 from the City to Steve Sanders 6. Copy of Tree Appraisal, dated July 27, 2016, prepared by the City 7. Copy of a letter dated October 12, 2016 from Warren Sanders (Belle Mer Developments, LLC) to the City 20, 6 Gordon Stacey Bromley Whiteley Street Arroyo Grande CA 93420 Kirby Gordon: correspondence is response to the Tree Removal requesting permission to remove three Coas!ell Street, application is associated (PUD) regarding request: Tree #3-Quercus Aa,rtfo,fia- (Tree #12 in Arlxllilll: Program twel•ve (12) undeveloped properties Removal Determination: Oak Robert Schreiber dated July 23, 2014) DSH: 60" Robert Schreiber dated July Grande ere COi!lSt!ll that measure breast height. Additionally, All trees are regulated on properties in de~refo•omentreview pro.cess. Approved: The tree is in very poor cor1dition and a pot.enti'al The City Arborist determined that this tree recover. This tree generelly good however based on the Co,!1ln:lission approved specified #3-Approved: will not recover. PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT • 1375 Ash Street • Grande, California 93420 Phone: (805) 4 73-5460 + FAX: 4 73-5462 " E-mail: agcity@arroyogrande.org • Website: www.arroyogrande.org Resolution No. is of the conditions A said Resoluticm planting as on the Landscape Plan amlrolted exp19m1e related ren1ova1 company ""''t<"'"' our offJCI6 EIPilfO'Ved tree contact Pete MciCiu1re rlirecllv questions or need Information. C· Peter McClure, Maintenance Worker 111/Arborist Jeff Emerick, Garing Taylor & Associates Altachments 6 Kirby Gordon c/o-Stacey Bromley 214 Whiteley Street Arroyo Grande 93420 Gordon: correspondence is to a se<~ontd Removal Permit form submitted requesting penmission to remove fifteen Red Gum located Ash !=:tr,,.,.t r,.,,m1t .. Unit (PUD) ,.,_,,u.,. Jypes: Tree #1-15 Eucalyptus ficifolia-Red Flowering Gum Property Zoning: Tree Status: Regulated under the City of Arroyo as~;oc,iate!d with Planned regardiing this request: 12-70" Community Ordinance as the trees are located on .!!!.lf!§!~.QQ~J!!!:Qt~l!ruu!lli! properties that are in the development review process. Arroyo !'ir:;ruil,. Pl:::tn<nir"' D~'elotlmE!m(PUD) ·~-c•u~. Dir<ect1tlr n•~rin1eb•r Eucalyptus Tr<•h~ cor1CI1Jsicm that removal warranted. ... .... __ _ habitat that are spE!cifi:cally irl,<>ntifi~>rl Tree Program Ordinance i It is fn the best of the city, and the environment to a COint:n'"ah,~n©:ive cornmumty tree program that promotes: A. The the maintenance, A beautiful C. or groves of uni,c;ue or histori'cal D. progroms address the im~lort,anc:e in purifying the providing shade, CG11Irclllin:g small town atn!osph!~re; imp•rov•sd C1)mfinun•ica:tion betwe~m the parks review committee and planning commission regarding related issues concerns. Complete removal also have a <>innifi""''"t ch<1ra1:ter of neighborhood and as a rt~liUit, PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT • 1375 Ash Street' 1\.rr•OVO Gr<mde, califamia 93420 Phone: (805) 473·5460 • FAX: 473·5462 'E·mail: 'Website: W!Arw.:arr•>yo:gra•nd,e.o,rg any que~sti<ons or Allachments Phone: 2016 This correspondence is in response mrirlifi<:!rl second Tree Removal! Mil:ig~1tion Plan submitted to the City "'"'"''"' Grande requesting permission to remove adclitic1nal Red Flowering Gum trees at 1 Street, Arroyo Grande. application is associated with Unit Development (PUD) 14-004. Below is deitenninathln regarding this request Types: Tree #1-5 Eucalyptus ficifolia-Flowering Gum DSH: 24"-40" Single-Family Residential (SF) ~~;;;'~dina:CR;:egulated under City Grande F as the trees are Live trees measure twelve (12) diameter breast height. Additionally, All trees are regulated on undeveloped properties and properties in the development review process. Removal Detennination: Trees #1-5 The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission conditions place on Development ,,--,,u, 1+004, stated that «Upon approval of Public Works Director, the perimeter t:::u;c:aiJiptiiS Trees are to be " review of the request, it is my conclusion the complete the Red Flowering Gum trees is nat warranted OOI!Ve!ter the specific trees damage and/or trees in poor condition may be removed. the existing Gum trees on attached Tree Pn.Jse'rv~1tion RemovaV Mitigation Mitiaation requirement: Per the Section, or /ocati(JnS in the complex. tree ren1ov;al are listed in Resolution Raptor (Attached) The property conditions in said Resolution indicate on the approved for property line so on dated February 22, 2016 Coinmun~tv Tree Program mitfga1ted at the same approved ad:varlced nesting con1p/y of the planting as expens1e related PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • 1375 Ash Street • Grande, California 93420 473-5460 • FAX: {805) 4 73-5462 ' E-mail: agcity@arroyogrande.org 'Website: www.arroyogrande.org exis:tlng trees the nlantir;1a are property owner. C; Peter Mo,;o'""" Mainlenance Worker II II Arborist Jeff & Associates Attachments c/o-Sta,oey Rrnrn!ev Whiteley Street correspondence is permission remove a Coast:al app>lioetion is associ<lted determination regardling is regulated removal au;thoriZ<ltion has a few 0011dition iss11es mc,lud;'na: llfi<IW DSH: Pfil'8811Ce of some resultirla 0 0 0 in poor geru!r;al ho">::~!i'h "''" "'""' d<'!m<'l!<lirln priVate Of pUiliiC nrrlnF>rlv ore'vents permitted oon1stnJcth'n ln1onove:me:nts PUBLJC WORKS DEPARTMENT' 1375 Ash Street' Arroyo Grande, California 93420 C: October 2016 Steve ~l'llnfl<f'lrs Mer De,ilel<>onlents 988 Huston Str.-t Grover R"'''"" This is a a Tree Removal form submitted, requesting permission to remove the remaining Red Gum trees locate:d at 1029 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande. the four trees subject to this request were specifically identified for preservation in correspondence dated March 14, 2016. Below is the determination regarding this request Types: Tree #1-4 ficifolia-Red Flowering Gum Ave. DBH: -45" Property Zoning: Residential (SF) Tree Status: Regulated under City of Arroyo Grande Community Tree Program Ordinance as are Coastal Live Oak measure at least twelve (12) diameter Additionally. all trees are regulated on undeveloped properties and properties in the development review process. This application is associated with Planned Unit Development (PUD) Removal Determination: Trees #1-#4 Approved: It is with that I authorize of the four remaining Red Flowering Gum as skyline trees they provide shade, property screening and habitat benefits that are specifically identified for protection in the Arroyo Grande Community Tree Program Ordinance 12.16.01 0. Removal will also have a on neighborhood. are justifiable reasons for removal, including the condition of tree roots are causing to adjoining property future that may create a potentially hazardous conditions Addition:allv the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission placed conditions on Unit Development (PUD) 14-004, that stated <>nrtrn"'"'l the Public Works Director, the perimeter Eucalyptus are to be ren1oved. Upon review of all of the available information and in concurrence with the City Ari:Jorist, it is my conclusion remaining four Red Flowering Gum trees be removed at the owner appropriate mitigation below. Mitigation requirement: Per the City of Arroyo Community Section, the trees are to be mitigated orr--s1re locations. Following are requirements relate•d l'llnnrr>vArl removal; PUBLIC WORKS DEPART:IIIENT • 13 7 5 Ash Street • Arroyo Grande, california 93420 Phone: {805) 473-5460 FAX: 473-5462 s E-mail: agcity@arroyogrande.org Website: www.arroyogrande.org @ Advanced nesting Raptor Survey if the removal is completed during the identified reptor nesting season. @ Plant three 15 gallon replacement trees for each tree removed and install drip irrigation. (12 replacement trees in total) on the property or at an approved off-site planting location The City of Arroyo Grende has designated off- site alternative planting locations. If the property owner wishes to utilize an off-site mitigation planting location, please contact City Pete McClure at 473-5488 to coordinate. All expenses related to removal of the existing trees and the planting of the replacement trees are the responsibility of the property owner. " Pay a penalty in the amount of $1, to the City of Arroyo Grande for removal of a regulated Oak Tree from the subject property without an approved permit. The tree in question was removed on July 2016. Removal of the tree was specifically denied in correspondence form the City dated May 27, 2016. The Al7oyo Grande Municipal Code Section 12.16.090 details the procedure for addressing trees removed with a permit as follows: Arrovo Grande Municipal Code Section 12.16. 090: The killing, removal or damaging, intentionally or accidentally, of any tree, because ot development activity, shall result in a separate administrative penalty to be paid, through payment by person or persons causing such loss, to the city. The payment shall be the amount of the value the tree, as set forth in the Manual for Plant Appraisers, published by the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers, but in no event shall the payment be less than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per tree. The intentional killing, removal or damaging of any tree, as a result of development activity, shall constitute a misdemeanor. Submittal of the mitigation tree planting plan and payment of the $1,140.00 penalty are required in advance of removal of the four remaining Red Gum Eucalyptus trees. Please submit the mitigation tree planting plan and the payment to the Public Works Department office located at 1375 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande. Please feel free to contact me directly at 473-5485 if you have any questions or additional information. Geoff Engnsh Public Works Director c· ' Peter McClure, Maintenance Worker Ill/ Amorist Matt Downing, Planning Manager Attachments TDI:::C: APPRAISAL -1029 ASH STREET DATE: JULY 27, 2016 The of this appraisal is to determine the approximate agrifolia tree (Coastal Oak) removed on July 19, 2016 address. Removal tree was previously denied by the City May 27, 2016. The approximate value tree was determined using the "Trunk Formula MAithr .. cl" as in tolliowmo publications: 1. 2. Chapter International Society Classification and Group Assessment Guide. 3. The approximate value of the tree was determined to be $1, worksheet). McClure City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Departmt:mt Streets and Landscaping Division International of Arboriculture Certified Arborist 78A Appraisal Species (9th edition} Attention: Mr. English: 998 HUSTON STREET, SUITE C GROVER BEACH, CA '11il'i£1il En!glish, Public INn.rk<: Director Ash Street Please find en;;lo!led payment in the amount of for removal of a regulated above rei'erEmced_ property without an approved ner:mi! This payment is made per Oc!C)bef7, tree from letter dated wish to express our apologies for removal of !he oak tree which wse done under thee .~!f~:m~;ti~~~ thai the City had and the removal, as we were not in full "' of all correspondence on the determination at lime_ Thank your Sincerely, ~ IJCw.- Warren Sa1'!dera Manager Enclosure matter.