HomeMy WebLinkAboutR 1820 RESOLUTION NO. 1820 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANVE HONORING MAYOR BILL RICHARDSON FOR HIS OUTSTANVING SERVICE TO THE CITY OF PISMO BEACH, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, BILL RICHARDSON 6.i.Mt c.ame. to San Lu.i.f. Obi6po COUMY ..[n 1950; and WHEREAS, BILL RICHARDSON a.t:tended Cal. Poly S:to..:te UniveM,,[,ty, and gir.a.clua;ted 6/tOm S:ta.n..i.6ta.u.6 S;ta;te Un..[veMliy wLth a B.A. .in EngWh; and WHEREAS, BILL RICHARDSON 6.i.Mt ~~ved on the Pi6mo Beac.h Cliy Counc.it .in 1977; and WHEREAS, BILL RICHARDSON <<.\16 el.ec.te.d Mayall. 06 the CUy 06 P,u,mo Beac.h ..[n 1982; and WHEREAS, he ..[rvUia.ted the c.ompa.lCD.bte woJtth .6a.taJr.y i6Me ..[n 1983, .in the Cliy 06 Pi6mo Beac.h, one 06 the 6.i.Mt c.Lt<.e6 ..[n the Na;ti,on .to adopt eqaUable ~a1.aJz..i.e6 60ll. women and men; and WHEREAS, BILL RICHARDSON fuu ~~ved a.6 Pll.e6"[dent 06 :the P,u,mo Be.ac.h TaxpayeM AMoc1.a:ti.on, and a.6 a Memb~ 06 the San LIU6 Ob-Upo Cou.n.:ty MayoM' Cliy Sel.ec.:t.i.on Comm.i.:t:tee, the League 06 ca.U60ltiUa CLti.e6' Ec.anomic. Deve1.op- ment Comm..[ttee, -the st.a:te 06 Ca.U60Jtni.a. Loc.a.f. GoveJtnmeM Advi60Jty Commi.tt:ee, and ~ the County Contac.t 60ll. Pll.ojec.t Independenc.e on Loc.a.f. GoveJtnment Fblane.i.ng, and an ac;Uve Memb~ 1'6 -the Lvyal Oll.d~ 06 the Moo~e, P,u,mo Beac.h, and .the San Lu.U Yac.h:t Club; and WHEREAS, BILL RICHARDSON fuu been .involved ..[n VcvUotL6 othVt ac;UvLti.e6 hav..[ng to do wUh the pJtOgll.e6~ and we.t6aJLe 06 -the Cay 06 ,Pi6mo Beac.h, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANVE HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: That ,,[,t ll.ec.ogtUze6 the ac.c.omp-U6hmenth 06 BILL RICHARDSON a.6 a devo-ted c.Lt<.zen to hv., c.ommurU.:ty and w.i.6he6 c.on:Unued hea.Uh and c.onten.tJnent .in fLU, 6u:t.uJte endeavoM. On mo.u.on 06 Counc.it Memb~ Ga.Ua.ghVt, ~ec.onde.d by Council. Me.mbVt lohMan, and on the 60llow.i.ng /tOll c.a..u. vote, -to w.i.:t: AYES: Counill MembeM GaUagh~, lohMan, PoJttVt and MayoJt SrrvL-th NOES: None ABSENT: None the 6oJte.go.i.ng Re6otu;Uon ~ pa.66ed and adopte.d tl.u, 11th day 06 Vec.emb~, 1984. A'anA{)~ ~~-- _______M~____~_.__._ - -.____."..~..~_~~ ~