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PC R 18-2316
RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AN ADDENDUM TO THE EAST CHERRY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-003; LOCATED AT 501 TRAFFIC WAY, SUBAREA 1 OF THE EAST CHERRY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN; APPLIED FOR BY GREG COTTRELL WHEREAS, on January 10, 2017, the City Council certified an Environmental Impact Report and approved the East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan project; and WHEREAS, the project site is approximately 2.16 acres, zoned Traffic Way Mixed Use, and identified as Subarea 1 of the East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the applicant has filed Conditional Use Permit 18-003 for the phased development of Subarea 1 for approximately 25,000 square feet of commercial space, including one (1) flagship warehouse building, two (2) secondary warehouse buildings, and an 860 square foot café as the headquarter of Rugged Radios; and WHEREAS, the Architectural Review Committee considered the project on October 15. 2018 and recommended approval with conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the addendum to the Certified Environmental Impact Report and agrees with the addendum's conclusions that the proposed project is consistent with the environmental impacts studied and presented in the Certified Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has reviewed the project at a duly noticed public hearing on December 18, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation, and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: Conditional Use Permit Findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted within the subject district pursuant to the provisions of this section and complies with all the applicable provisions of this title, the goals, and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 2 The proposed use of the site for light industrial, office, and café uses are permitted within the TMU zoning district and the project complies with all applicable provisions of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, Municipal Code, and the East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan. 2. The proposed use would not impair the integrity and character of the district in which it is to be established or located. The proposed use of the site for light industrial, office, and café uses will not impair the integrity of the TMU district due to the intent of the district to provide areas for vehicle services and the design of the site takes into consideration the surrounding neighborhood, intentionally reducing any potential impacts to the surrounding properties, and therefore the integrity and character of the district. Additionally, the buildings are designed in the Route 66 design called for in the D-2.11 Design Guidelines and is consistent with the development standards of the East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan. 3. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development that is proposed. The site is approximately 2.18 acres of vacant land in Subarea 1 of the East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan area and meets the development standards of the TMU zoning district, the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, and the East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan and is suitable for the intensity of the development. 4. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure public health and safety. The provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities were evaluated through the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the entire East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan and it was determined that adequate public services will be available for the proposed project and will not result in substantially adverse impacts. 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, nor materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity as it will comply with all applicable codes and standards of the Municipal Code and in accordance with conditions of approval specifically developed for the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves the Addendum to the East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 2015101067) as set forth in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and approves Conditional Use Permit 18- .___ 003 as set forth in Exhibit "C", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 3. 111 with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Commissioner George, seconded by Commissioner Mack, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: George, Mack, Fowler-Payne, Schiro, Martin NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 18th day of December, 2018 RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 4 I 6 ,---T,4 -=-- GLENN MARTIN CHAIR ATTEST: ice.71—la– PATRICK HOLUB SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: ------ / / e -----�- TER A MCC ffr COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 5 EXHIBIT 'A' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-003 501 TRAFFIC WAY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This approval authorizes the construction of approximately 28,680 square feet of commercial building area, including an 18,377 square foot flagship warehouse, two (2) secondary warehouse buildings totaling 5,101 and 4,342 square feet, and an 860 square foot café. 2. The project may be phased, commencing with the construction of the warehouse on Lot B and the 5,100 square foot warehouse on Lot C, along with access drives, utilities, street frontage, and parking areas for the entire site. Construction of the 4,342 square foot warehouse on Lot C and the café Lot A shall begin within three (3) years of the start of initial construction. 3. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 4. The applicant shall comply with all applicable conditions of approval and mitigation measures for Conditional Use Permit 18-003. 5. This application shall automatically expire on December 18., 2020 unless a building permit is issued or an extension is granted. 6. Development shall conform to the Traffic Way Mixed-Use zoning district requirements and the E. Cherry Avenue Specific Plan, except as otherwise approved. 7. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the Planning Commission at the meeting of December 18, 2018 and marked Exhibit "B". 8. The applicant shall agree to indemnify, defend, an hold harmless at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in any way relating to the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 6 discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. 9. A copy of these conditions and mitigation measures shall be incorporated into all construction documents. 10. At the time of application for construction permits, plans submitted shall show all development consistent with the approved site plan, floor plan, architectural elevations and landscape plan. 11. Signage shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 16.60 of the Development Code. 12. Development shall comply with Development Code Sections 16.48.070, "Fences, Walls and Hedges"; 16.48.120, "Performance Standards"; and 16.48.130 "Screening Requirements", except as otherwise modified by this approval. 13. Setbacks, lot coverage, and floor area ratios shall be as shown on the development plans including those specifically modified by these conditions. 14. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.56, "Parking and Loading Requirements", except as otherwise modified by this approval. All parking spaces adjacent/parallel to a wall, fence, or property line shall have a minimum width of 11 feet. Where off-street parking areas are situated such that they are visible from the street, an earthen berm, wall, or combination three feet (3') in height shall be erected within the required landscape area to screen the parking areas, per Development Code Subsection 16.36.020.L.4. 15. All parking areas of five or more spaces shall have an average of one-half foot- candle illumination per square foot of parking area for visibility and security during hours of darkness. 16. Trash enclosures shall be screened from public view with landscaping or other appropriate screening materials, and shall be made of an exterior finish that complements the architectural features of the main building. The trash enclosure area shall accommodate recycling container(s). The location and function of the trash enclosures shall be reviewed and approved by South County Sanitation prior to approval of the improvement plans. 17. Noise resulting from construction and operational activities shall conform to the standards set forth in Chapter 9.16 of the Municipal Code. Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 7 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday and 9 AM to 5 PM on Saturdays. No construction shall occur on Sundays or City observed holidays. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 7 18. At the time of application for construction permits, the applicant shall provide details on any proposed exterior lighting. The lighting plan shall include the height, location, and intensity of all exterior lighting consistent with Section 16.48.090 of the Development Code. All lighting fixtures shall be shielded so that neither the lamp nor the related reflector interior surface is visible from adjacent properties. All lighting for the site shall be downward directed and shall not create spill or glare to adjacent properties. All lighting shall be energy efficient (e.g. LED) and architecturally harmonious with building designs. 19. All new construction shall utilize fixtures and designs that minimize water and energy usage. Such fixtures shall include, but are not limited to, low flow showerheads, water saving toilets, instant water heaters and hot water recirculating systems. Water conserving designs and fixtures shall be installed prior to final occupancy. 20. Landscaping in accordance with the approved landscaping plan shall be installed or bonded for before final building inspection/establishment of use. The landscape and irrigation plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect subject to review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. The landscape plan shall be in conformance with Development Code Chapter 16.84 (Model Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance) and shall include the following: a. Tree staking, soil preparation and planting detail; b. The use of landscaping to screen ground-mounted utility and mechanical equipment; c. The required landscaping and improvements. This includes: i. Deep root planters shall be included in areas where trees are within five feet (5') of asphalt or concrete surfaces and curbs; ii. Water conservation practices including the use of low flow heads, drip irrigation, mulch, gravel, drought tolerant plants; iii. An automated irrigation system using smart controller (weather based) technology; iv. The selection of groundcover plant species shall include native plants; v. Linear planters shall be provided in parking areas; vi. Turf areas shall be limited in accordance with Section 16.84.040 of the Development Code. 21. All planted areas shall be continuously maintained in a healthy, growing condition, shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming, and shall be kept free of weeds and debris by the owner or person in possession of such areas. Any damaged, dead or decaying plant material shall be replaced within thirty (30) days from the date of damage. 22. Trees shall be provided at a ratio of one tree for every five parking spaces. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 8 23. For projects approved with specific exterior building colors, the color and manufacturer shall be identified on building plans, consistent with those approved by the Planning Commission. The developer shall paint a test patch on the building including all colors. The remainder of the building may not be painted until inspected by the Community Development Department to verify that colors are consistent with the approved color board. A 48-hour notice is required for this inspection. 24. All new electrical panel boxes shall be installed inside the building they serve. 25. Buildings equipped with a fire sprinkler system shall also have a Fire Department Connection (FDC), which shall be located adjacent to a fire access roadway, be remote from all buildings outside the building collapse zone, and screened to the maximum extent permitted by the Building Official or Fire Chief. 26. Fire Department Connections (FDC) shall be located near a fire hydrant, which is no closer than 20 feet and no greater than 100 feet with no obstructions or barriers between the FDC and the hydrant such as roads or driveways. 27. Double detector check valve assemblies shall be located within the respective building to which they serve. 28. All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and all other mechanical equipment, whether on the ground, on the structure or elsewhere, shall be screened from public view with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure. It is especially important that gas and electric meters, electric transformers, and large water piping systems be completely screened from public view. All roof-mounted equipment which generates noise, solid particles, odors, etc., shall cause the objectionable material to be directed away from residential properties. 29. All conditions of this approval run with the land and shall be strictly adhered to, within the time frames specified, and in an on-going manner for the life of the project. Failure to comply with these conditions of approval may result in an immediate enforcement action. If it is determined that violation(s) of these conditions of approval have occurred, or are occurring, this approval may be revoked pursuant to Development Code Section 16.08.100. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 30. All deliveries shall be restricted to between the hours of 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM to ensure compatibility with existing residential development in the vicinity. 31. Delivery truck drivers shall be instructed to turn off engines when trucks are parked or being unloaded. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 9 32. As recommended in the Access Study, the site driveway at Traffic Way (Driveway #1) shall include physical improvements to restrict access to right turn ingress and egress. Additionally, parking spaces directly adjacent to the site driveway at E. Cherry Avenue (Driveway #3) shall be designed as diagonal parking to reduce conflicts with ingress from E. Cherry Avenue. 33. Stop signs shall be installed at each driveway exit to the adjacent street. 34. Street trees along E. Cherry Avenue shall be consistent with street trees included in Subarea 2 of the East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan. BUILDING AND LIFE SAFETY DIVISION AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS BUILDING CODES 35. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of the California Building Standards Code, as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. 36. Provide an ADA path of travel from the public way to all buildings with construction documents. FIRE LANES 37. The applicant shall post designated fire lanes, per Section 22500.1 of the California Vehicle Code. This includes painting, stenciling, and signage. FIRE FLOW/FIRE HYDRANTS 38. Project shall have a fire flow in accordance with the California Fire Code. 39. Fire hydrants shall be installed, per Fire Department and Public Works Department standards and per the California Fire Code. 40. Two (2) new fire hydrants shall be installed, with one (1) installed on the Traffic Way frontage immediately south of the driveway entrance to the site and one (1) installed on-site. The specific location of the fire hydrants shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Official and the Fire Chief. SECURITY KEY BOX 41. The applicant must provide an approved "security key box," per Building and Fire Department guidelines and per the California Fire Code. FIRE SPRINKLER 42. All buildings must be fully sprinklered per Building and Fire Department guidelines RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 10 and per the California Fire Code. 43. Provide Fire apparatus access per the California Fire Code Appendix D, as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. ABANDONMENT/ NON-CONFORMING 44. The applicant shall show proof of properly abandoning all non-conforming items such as septic tanks, wells, underground piping and other undesirable conditions. DEMOLITION PERMIT/ RETAINING WALLS 45. A demolition permit must be applied for, approved, and issued prior to any demolition. All asbestos and lead shall be verified if present and abated prior to permit issuance. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 46. One week prior to scheduling of final inspection or any issuance of certificate of occupancy, a project inspection by the Building, Planning, and Engineering Divisions and Public Works Department is required. 47. Applicant shall fund outsourced plan check services, as required. ENGINEERING DIVISION CONDITIONS POST CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN, AND ANNUAL STORMWATER CONTROL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 48. The Applicant shall develop, implement and provide the City a: a. Prior to a building or grading permit a Stormwater Control Plan that clearly provides engineering analysis of all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls complying with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 5.2.2. b. Prior to final acceptance an Operations and Maintenance Plan and Maintenance Agreements that clearly establish responsibility for all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls complying with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 5.2.3. c. Annual Maintenance Notification indicating that all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls are being maintained and are functioning as designed. d. All reports must be completed by either a Registered Civil Engineer or Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Developer (QSD). RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 11 GENERAL CONDITIONS 49. The developer shall sweep streets in compliance with Standard Specifications Section 13-4.03F. 50. For work requiring engineering inspections, working hours shall comply with Standard Specification Section 5-1.01. 51. Provide trash enclosure in compliance with Engineering Standard 9060 with solid/rain-deflecting roof. Drain of trash enclosure to tie into the sewer interceptor or the onsite water quality BMP. 52. All project improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the most recent version of the City of Arroyo Grande Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. 53. The property owner shall provide maintenance of all landscaping placed in and adjacent to the development. 54. Submit as-built plans at the completion of the project or improvements as directed by the Community Development Director in compliance with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 9.3E. Provide One (1) set of paper prints and electronic documents on CD or flash drive in both AutoCAD and PDF format. 55. Submit three (3) full-size paper copies and one (1) electronic PDF file of approved improvement plans for inspection purposes during construction. 56. Preserve existing survey monuments and vertical control benchmarks in compliance with Standard Specifications Section 5-1.26A 57. Provide one (1) new vertical control survey benchmark, per City Standard, as directed by City Engineer. IMPROVEMENT PLANS 58. Improvement plans must comply with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 1 and shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer or qualified specialist licensed in the State of California and approved by the Public Works Department and/or Community Development Department. The following plan sheet shall be provided: a. Site Plan i. The location and size of all existing and proposed water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities within the project site and abutting streets or alleys. ii. The location, size and orientation of all trash enclosures. iii. All existing and proposed parcel lines and easements crossing the RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 12 property. iv. The location and dimension of all existing and proposed paved areas. v. The location of all existing and proposed public or private utilities. vi. Location of 100-year flood plain and any areas of inundation within project area. b. Grading Plan with Cross Sections c. Retaining Wall Plan and Profiles d. Roadway Improvements Plan and Profiles e. Storm Drainage Plan and Profile f. Utilities -Water and Sewer Plan and Profile g. Utilities—Composite Utility h. Signing and Striping i. Erosion Control j. Landscape and Irrigation Plans for Public Right-of-Way k. Tree Protection Plan I. Details m. Notes n. Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Measures o. Other improvements as required by the Community Development Director. (NOTE: All plan sheets must include City standard title blocks) p. Engineers estimate for construction cost based on County of San Luis Obispo unit cost. 59. Submit all retaining wall calculations for review and approval by the Community Development Director including any referenced geotechnical report. 60. Prior to approval of an improvement plan the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City for inspection of the required improvements. 61. Applicant shall fund outsourced plan and map check services, as required. 62. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining an encroachment permit for all work within a public right-of-way. STREET IMPROVEMENTS 63. Obtain approval from the Public Works Director prior to excavating in any street recently over-laid or slurry sealed. The Director shall approve the method of repair of any such trenches, but shall not be limited to an overlay or type 2 slurry seal. 64. Remove existing roadway striping and markers prior to any overlay or slurry seal work to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Use only thermoplastic roadway striping. CURB, GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 13 65. Install new concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk on the project frontage along Traffic Way, as directed by the Community Development Director and -Public Works Director. 66. Driveway crossings shall have a decorative treatment and the applicant shall color any such new facilities as directed by the Community Development Director. 67. Install ADA compliant facilities where necessary or verify that existing facilities are compliant with State and City Standards. 68. Any sections of damaged or displaced curb, gutter & sidewalk or driveway approach shall be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. 69. Install tree wells with root barriers for all trees planted adjacent to curb, gutter and sidewalk to prevent damage due to root growth. DEDICATIONS AND EASEMENTS 70. All easements, abandonments, or similar documents to be recorded as a document separate from a map, shall be prepared by the applicant on 8 1/2 x 11 City standard forms, and shall include legal descriptions, sketches, closure calculations, and a current preliminary title report. The Developer shall be responsible for all required fees, including any additional required City processing. 71. The applicant shall make irrevocable offers of dedication for all right-of-way necessary on Traffic Way, E. Cherry Avenue, and Waller Place frontages in accordance with the E. Cherry Avenue Specific Plan. 72. Provide a fifteen foot (15') utility easement for on-site sewer and water mains. 73. All easements, abandonments, or similar documents to be recorded as a document separate from a map, shall be prepared by the applicant on 8 1/2 x 11 City standard forms, and shall include legal descriptions, sketches, closure calculations, and a current preliminary title report. The applicant shall be responsible for all required fees, including any additional required City processing. GRADING AND DRAINAGE 74. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A GRADING PERMIT, the developer shall submit two (2) copies of the final project-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or a Water Quality Control Plan (WQCP) consistent with the San Luis Obispo Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWCB) requirements. 75. All grading shall be performed in accordance with the City Grading Ordinance and Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 14 76. Drainage facilities shall be designed in compliance with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 5.1.2. 77. Submit a soils report for the project shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and supported by adequate test borings. All earthwork.design and grading shall be performed in accordance with the approved soils report. The date of the soils report shall be less than 3 years old at the time of submittal. 78. The applicant shall dedicate a pedestrian access easement(s) for any ADA sidewalk extension. 79. Infiltration basins shall be designed based on soil percolation tests. Infiltration test shall include adequate borings depth and frequency to support design recommendations. 80. The applicant shall install full capture devices on the private storm drain system prior to entering onsite chambers. Full capture devices shall be installed at all public storm drain inlets located along the project frontage on Traffic Way, East Cherry Avenue, and Waller Place. A full capture device is defined as a treatment control, or series of treatment controls, including but not limited to, a multi-benefit project or a low impact development control, that traps all particles that are 5 mm or greater, and has a design treatment capacity that is either: a. Of not less than the peak flow rate, Q, resulting from a one-year, one- hour, storm in the sub drainage area; or b. Appropriately sized to, and design to carry at least the same flows as, the corresponding storm drain. WATER 81. Install an eight inch (8") water main from Traffic Way through the site to Waller Place. 82. The applicant shall replace the public water main to adequately serve the project across the property frontage. 83. A Reduced Pressure Principle (RPP) backflow device is required on all water lines to the structure and landscape irrigation. 84. A Double Detector Check (DDC) backflow device is required on the water service line to the building. 85. Non-potable water is available at the Soto Sports Complex. The City of Arroyo Grande does not allow the use of hydrant meters. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 15 86. Each parcel shall have separate water meters. 87. Parcels using fire sprinklers shall have individual service connections 88. Existing water services to be abandoned shall be abandoned in compliance with Engineering Standard 6050. SEWER 89. All sewer laterals shall comply with Engineering Standard 6810. 90. Existing sewer laterals to be abandoned shall be abandoned in compliance with Engineering Standard 6050. 91. Install a new eight inch (8") sewer main with a manhole connection on Traffic Way to serve the site. 92. All sewer mains or laterals crossing or parallel to public water facilities shall be constructed in accordance with Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. 93. Obtain approval from the South County Sanitation District for the development's impact to District facilities prior to permit issuance. 94. Obtain approval from the South County Sanitation District prior to relocation of any District facilities. 95. Submit a will-serve letter from South County Sanitary stating that the property access and location of trash receptacles is adequate for trash collection service. PUBLIC UTILITIES 96. The developer shall comply with Development Code Section 16.68.050: All projects that involve the addition of over 100 square feet of habitable space shall be required to place service connections underground - existing and proposed utilities. 97. Prior to approving any building permit within the project for occupancy, all conditions of approval for project are satisfied. 98. Public Improvement Plans shall be submitted to the public utility companies for review and approval. Utility comments shall be forwarded to the Director of Public Works for approval. 99. Street lighting shall comply with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 3.1.2.Q. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 16 PUBLIC SAFETY CONDITIONS 100. Prior to issuance of building permit, applicant to submit exterior lighting plan for Police Department approval. 101. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall post handicapped parking, per the California Building Code. 102. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall install a burglary [or robbery] alarm system per Police Department guidelines, and pay the Police Department alarm permit application fee. 103. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, for any parking lots available to the public located on private lots, the developer shall post private property "No Parking" signs in accordance with the handout available from the Police Department. FEES AND BONDS The applicant shall pay all applicable City fees, including the following: 104. FEES TO BE PAID PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT a. Plan check for grading plans (based on an approved earthwork estimate). b. Plan check for improvement plans (based on an approved construction cost estimate). c. Permit Fee for grading plans (based on an approved earthwork estimate). d. Inspection Fee of public works construction plans (based on an approved construction cost estimate). e. Plan Review Fee (based on the current Building Division fee schedule). 105. FEES TO BE PAID PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT a. Water Neutralization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. b. Water Distribution fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. c. Water Meter charge to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. d. Water Availability charge, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. e. Traffic Impact fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. f. Traffic Signalization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 17 g. Sewer Connection fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. h. South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Connection fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. i. Drainage fee, as required by the area drainage plan for the area being developed. j. Construction Tax, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. k. Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) Fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 1. Building Permit Fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. BONDING SURETY 106. The applicant shall provide bonds or other financial security for the following. All bonds or security shall be in a form acceptable to the City, and shall be provided prior to recording of the map, unless noted otherwise. The minimum term for Improvement securities shall be equal to the term of the subdivision agreement. a. Faithful Performance, 100% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. b. Erosion Control and Landscape, 100% of the approved estimated cost of all erosion control work during construction and the estimated cost of all final landscaping after construction is complete. This bond is refundable upon successful completion of the work, less expenses uncured by the City in maintaining and/or restoring the site. c. Labor and Materials, 50% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. d. One Year Guarantee, 10% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. This bond is required prior to acceptance of the subdivision improvements. e. Monumentation, 100% of the estimated cost of setting survey monuments. f. Tax Certificate, In accordance with Section 9-15.130 of the Development Code, the applicant shall furnish a certificate from the tax collector's office indicating that there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments against the property. g. Curb Cuts, the applicant shall construct or bond for construction of individual curb cuts and paved driveways for parcels. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONDITIONS 107. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the Architectural Review Committee shall review the final landscape plan for a recommendation to the Community Development Director. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 18 EIR MITIGATION MEASURES 108. MM AQ-1 a. The following standard air quality mitigation measures shall be implemented during construction activities at the Project site: • Reduce the amount of disturbed area where possible; • Water trucks or sprinkler trucks shall be used during construction to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent dust from leaving the site. At a minimum, this would require twice daily applications. All dirt stock pile areas should be sprayed daily as needed. Increased watering frequency would be required when wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour (mph). Reclaimed water (non-potable) shall be used; • All dirt stock pile areas should be sprayed daily as needed; • Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project revegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities; • Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading shall be sown with a fast germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established; • All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation shall be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD; • All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved should be completed as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used; • Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site; • All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or shall maintain at least two feet of freeboard in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 23114; • Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site; • Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible; • All of these fugitive dust mitigation measures shall be shown on grading RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 19 and building plans; and • The contractor or builder should designate a person or persons to monitor the fugitive dust control emissions and enhance the implementation of the measures as necessary to minimize dust complaints, reduce visible emissions below 20% opacity, and to prevent transport of dust offsite. Their duties shall include holiday and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to the APCD Compliance Division prior to the start of any grading, earthwork or demolition. 109. MM AQ-1 b. The following standard air quality mitigation measures for construction equipment shall be implemented during construction activities at the project site: • Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer's specifications; • Fuel all off-road and portable diesel powered equipment with CARB- certified motor vehicle diesel fuel (non-taxed version suitable for use off- road); • Use diesel construction equipment meeting ARB's Tier 2 certified engines or cleaner off-road heavy-duty diesel engines, and comply with the State off-Road Regulation; • Use on-road heavy-duty trucks that meet the ARB's 2007 or cleaner certification standard for on-road heavy-duty diesel engines and comply with the State On-Road Regulation; • Construction or trucking companies with fleets that do not have engines in their fleet that meet the engine standards identified in the above two measures (e.g. captive or NOx exempt area fleets) may be eligible by proving alternative compliance; • On- and off-road diesel equipment shall not be allowed to idle for more than five minutes. Signs shall be posted in the designated queuing areas to remind drivers and operators of the five-minute idling limit; • Diesel idling within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors in not permitted; • Staging and queuing areas shall not be located within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors; • Electrify equipment when feasible; RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 20 • Substitute gasoline-powered in place of diesel-powered equipment, where feasible; and • Use alternatively fueled construction equipment on-site where feasible, such as compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), propane or biodiesel. 110. MM AQ-1 c. A Construction Activity Management Plan shall be included as part of project grading and building plans and shall be submitted to the APCD for review and to the City for approval prior to the start of construction. In addition, the contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the dust control program and to order increased watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust off-site. Their duties shall include holidays and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. The name and telephone of such persons shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and grading. The plan shall include but not be limited to the following elements: • Schedule construction truck trips during non-peak hours (as determined by the Public Works Director) to reduce peak hour emissions; • Tabulation of on and off-road construction equipment (age, horse-power and miles and/or hours of operation; • Limit the length of the construction work-day period, if necessary; and • Phase construction activities, if appropriate. 111. MM AQ-1d. To reduce ROG and NOx levels during the architectural coating phase, low or no VOC-emission paint shall be used with levels of 50 g/L or less, such as Benjamin Moore Natura Paint (Odorless, Zero VOC Paint). 112. MM AQ-2a. The Applicants shall include the following: • Water Conservation Strategy: The Applicants shall install fixtures with the EPA WaterSense Label, achieving 20 percent reduction indoors. The Project shall install drip, micro, or fixed spray irrigation on all plants other than turf, also including the EPA WaterSense Label, achieving 15 percent reduction in outdoor landscaping. • Solid Waste: The Applicants shall institute recycling and composting services to achieve a 15 percent reduction in waste disposal, and use waste efficient landscaping. • Fugitive Dust: The Applicants shall replace ground cover of at least 70 percent of area disturbed in accordance with CARB Rule 403. 113. MM AQ-2b. Consistent with standard mitigation measures in Table 3-5 of the RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 21 APCD CEQA Air Quality Handbook, the following mitigation measures would apply to the Project. [SEE THE MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM FOR THE COMPLETE LIST OF MEASURES. 114. MM AQ-3a. The Applicants shall implement the following.Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for diesel-fueled construction equipment, where feasible, to minimize the exposure of diesel exhaust to sensitive receptors; • Further reduce emissions by expanding use of Tier 3 and Tier 4 off-road and 2010 on-road compliant engines; • Repowering equipment with the cleanest engines available; and • Installing California Verified Diesel Emission Control Strategies. 115. MM AQ-3b. The Applicants shall ensure that all equipment used in operational activities has the necessary APCD permits when appropriate. To minimize potential delays, prior to the start of development within each subarea, the APCD's Engineering Division shall be contacted for specific information regarding permitting requirements. 116. MM AQ-5a. Consistent with the City's Goal CT4 to promote transit use, the Applicants shall coordinate with the City Public Works and Community Development Department and work with SLORTA and SCT to establish a sheltered transit stop on East Cherry Avenue near the Project site. 117. MM BIO-1 a. Construction equipment and vehicles shall be stored at least 100 feet away from areas associated with the existing drainage and adjacent oak woodland habitat, and all construction vehicle maintenance shall be performed in a designated vehicle storage and maintenance area. 118. MM HAZ-2a. Prior to earthwork activities, a Site-specific Health and Safety Plan shall be developed per California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) requirements. All construction employees that have the potential to come into contact with contaminated soil/bedrock and safety plan, which includes proper training and personal protective equipment. 119. MM HAZ-2b. During earthwork activities, procedures shall be followed to eliminate or minimize construction worker or general public exposure to lead and other potential contaminants in soil. Procedures shall include efforts to control fugitive dust, contain and cover excavation debris piles, appropriate laboratory analysis of soil for waste characterization, and segregation of contaminated soil from uncontaminated soil. The applicable regulations associated with excavation, removal, transportation, and disposal of contaminated soil shall be followed (e.g., tarping of trucks and waste manifesting). 120. MM HAZ-2c. Prior to beginning construction, additional subsurface sampling of soil/bedrock and groundwater shall be conducted to assess potential releases RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 22 associated with the listed former adjacent land uses and the potential migration of contaminants onto the Project site. The analytical suite selected shall be consistent with those uses, and shall include applicable analytical methods for appropriate waste characterization and disposal. The sampling strategy shall take into account the locations of potential source areas, and the anticipated lateral and vertical distribution of contaminants in soil and/or groundwater. The results of the investigation shall be documented in a report that is signed by a California Professional Geologist. The report shall include recommendations based upon the findings for additional investigation/remediation if contaminants are detected above applicable screening levels (e.g., excavate and dispose, groundwater and/or soil vapor extraction, or in situ bioremediation). 121. MM HAZ-4a. All Applicants shall prepare and submit a comprehensive Wildfire Emergency Management Plan for review by the FCFA and the City. The Plan shall consist of measures to reduce the potential for structural damage to the proposed development including: • A detailed description and map of fire protection apparatus and staging locations, the locations of the electric and gas shut off controls, emergency meeting locations, and emergency supply locations. 122. MM HAZ-4b. Require fire resistant material to be used for building construction in fire hazard areas. 123. MM HAZ-4e. The final plant selections for Subareas 1 and 2 shall be limited to fire resistant native species. Non-native species shall not be included in the final landscaping plan. The final landscape plan for Subareas 1, 2, and 3 shall define precisely the final location and character of trees, as well as locations and types of new plantings. 124. MM HYD-la. Notice of Intent. Prior to beginning construction, the Applicants shall file a Notice of Intent (NOI) for discharge from the proposed development site. 125. MM HYD-1b. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The Applicants shall require the building contractor to prepare and submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the City Public Works Department prior to the issuance of grading permits. The contractor is responsible for understanding the State General Permit and implementing the SWPPP during construction. A SWPPP for site construction shall be developed prior to the initiation of grading and implemented for all construction activities on the Project site in excess of one acre, or where the area of disturbance is less than one acre but is part of the Project's plan of development that in total disturbs one or more acres. The SWPPP shall include specific BMPs to control the discharge of material from the site. BMP methods may include, but would not be limited to, the use of temporary detention basins, straw bales, sand bagging, mulching, erosion control blankets, silt fencing, and soil stabilizers. Additional BMPs should be implemented for any fuel storage or fuel handling that could occur onsite during construction. The RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 23 SWPPP must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). The SWPPP shall be submitted to the City along with grading/development plans for review and approval. 126. MM HYD-1c. Notice of Termination of Construction. The Applicants shall file a notice of termination of construction of the development with the RWQCB, identifying how pollution sources were controlled during the construction of the Project and implementing a closure SWPPP for the site. 127. MM HYD-1d. All required actions shall be implemented pursuant to Municipal Code 13.24.110 including Storm Water Control Plan submitted to the City of Arroyo Grande and the RWQCB regulations under the NPDES Phase II program. 128. MM HYD-3a. Storm Water Quality Treatment Controls. Best Management Practice (BMP) devices shall be incorporated into the project Final Master Drainage Plan. The devices shall be sited and sized to intercept and treat all dry weather surface runoff, the runoff from 28 percent of the 2-year storm event, and accommodate the first flush (1 inch) during 24-hour storm events. The storm water quality system must be reviewed and approved by the City. 129. MM HYD-3b. Stormwater BMP Maintenance Manual. The Applicants shall prepare a development maintenance manual for the Project, which shall include detailed procedures for maintenance and operations of any stormwater facilities to ensure long-term operation and maintenance of post-construction stormwater controls. The maintenance manual shall require that stormwater BMP devices be inspected, cleaned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's maintenance specifications. The manual shall require that devices be cleaned prior to the onset of the rainy season (i.e., October 15th) and immediately after the end of the rainy season (i.e., May 15th). The manual shall also require that all devices be checked after major storm events. 130. MM HYD-3c. Stormwater BMP Semi-Annual Maintenance Report. The developer or acceptable maintenance organization shall submit to the City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department a detailed report prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer addressing the condition of all private stormwater facilities, BMPs, and any necessary maintenance activities on a semi-annual basis (October 15th and April 15th of each year). The requirement for maintenance and report submittal shall be recorded against the property. 131. MM NOI-1 a. For all construction activity at the Project site, additional noise attenuation techniques shall be employed as needed to ensure that noise levels are maintained within levels allowed by the City's Noise Standards. Such techniques shall include, but are not limited to: • Sound blankets on noise-generating equipment. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 24 • Stationary construction equipment that generates noise levels above 65 dBA at the project boundaries shall be shielded with a barrier that meets a sound transmission class (a rating of how well noise barriers attenuate sound) of 25. • All diesel equipment shall be operated with closed engine doors and shall be equipped with factory-recommended mufflers. • The movement of construction-related vehicles, with the exception of passenger vehicles, along roadways adjacent to sensitive receptors shall be limited to the hours between 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. No movement of heavy equipment shall occur on Saturdays, Sundays or official holidays (e.g., Thanksgiving, Labor Day). • Temporary sound barriers shall be constructed between construction sites and affected uses. 132. MM NOI-1 b. The contractor shall inform residents and business operators at properties within 300 feet of the Project site of proposed construction timelines and noise complaint procedures to minimize potential annoyance related to construction noise. Noise-related complaints shall be directed to the City's Community Development Department. 133. MM NOI-3a. All noise-generating rooftop building equipment, such as air conditioners and kitchen ventilation systems, shall be installed away from existing and proposed noise-sensitive receptors (i.e., residences) or be placed behind adequate noise barriers. 134. MM NOI-ba. The Applicant shall submit a truck traffic plan to the City Public Works Department which will address timing, noise, location, and number of delivers for each project component. The Applicant shall cooperate with the City to ensure that impacts to noise-sensitive receptors are mitigated to the maximum extent feasible. 135. MM TRANS-la. Future development occurring under the proposed Project shall be required to prepare a Construction Transportation Management Plan for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of a building permit to address and manage traffic during construction and shall be designed to: • Prevent traffic impacts on the surrounding roadway network. • Minimize parking impacts both to public parking and access to private parking to the greatest extent practicable. • Ensure safety for both those constructing the project and the surrounding community. • Prevent substantial truck traffic through residential neighborhoods. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 25 The Construction Transportation Management Plan shall be subject to review and approval by the following City departments: Community Development, Public Works, Fire, and Police, to ensure that the Plan has been designed in accordance with this mitigation measure. This review shall occur prior to issuance of grading or building permits. It shall, at a minimum, include the following throughout the Duration of Construction: • A detailed Construction Transportation Management Plan for work zones shall be maintained. At a minimum, this shall include parking and travel lane configurations; warning, regulatory, guide, and directional signage; and area sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and parking lanes. The plan shall include specific information regarding the Project's construction activities that may disrupt normal pedestrian and traffic flow and the measures to address these disruptions. Such plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department prior to commencement of construction and implemented in accordance with this approval. • Work within the public right-of-way shall be performed between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. This work includes dirt and demolition material hauling and construction material delivery. Work within the public right-of-way outside of these hours shall only be allowed after the issuance of an after-hours construction permit. • Streets and equipment shall be cleaned in accordance with established Public Works requirements. • Trucks shall only travel on a City-approved construction route. Limited queuing may occur on the construction site itself. • Materials and equipment shall be minimally visible to the public; the preferred location for materials is to be on-site, with a minimum amount of materials within a work area in the public right-of-way, subject to a current Use of Public Property Permit. • Any requests for work before or after normal construction hours within the public right-of-way shall be subject to review and approval through the After Hours Permit process administered by the Building and Safety Division. • Provision of off-street parking for construction workers, which may include the use of a remote location with shuttle transport to the site, if determined necessary by the City. Project Coordination Elements That Shall Be implemented Prior to Commencement of Construction: • The traveling public shall be advised of impending construction activities which may substantially affect key roadways or other facilities (e.g., information signs, portable message signs, media RESOLUTION NO. 18-2316 PAGE 26 listing/notification, and implementation of an approved Construction Impact Mitigation Plan). • A Use of Public Property Permit, Excavation Permit, Sewer Permit, or Oversize Load Permit, as well as any Caltrans permits required for any construction work requiring encroachment into public rights-of-way, detours, or any other work within the public right-of-way shall be obtained. • Timely notification of construction schedules shall be provided to all affected agencies (e.g., Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works Department, and Community Development Department) and to all owners and residential and commercial tenants of property within a radius of 500 feet. • Construction work shall be coordinated with affected agencies in advance of start of work. Approvals may take up to two weeks per each submittal. • Public Works Department approval of any haul routes for earth, concrete, or construction materials and equipment hauling shall be obtained. 136. MM TRANS-3b. East Grand Avenue/West Branch Street: The Applicants shall pay a fair share portion of the design and construction costs for a transportation improvement that would provide an acceptable LOS consistent with adopted City policy, in order to mitigate the Project's long-term impact on the cumulative condition, using the Equitable Share Responsibility Formula from the 2002 Caltrans Guide for the Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies. • The Applicant shall fund a fair share of the estimated costs for construction of two . .. roundabouts at the intersection of east Grand Avenue/U.S. Highway 101 northbound ramps and the intersection of East Branch Street and Traffic Way. The Applicants shall submit payment of their fair share of funding for the above mitigation prior to issuance of grading and/or building permits. The City shall determine the amount of payment of fair shares for each Applicant commensurate with metrics that demonstrate the relative level and intensity of proposed development (e.g., square footage, land use type, trip generation, etc.). The City shall establish a separate East Grand Avenue/West Branch Street traffic mitigation fund to accept the Applicant's payment EXHIBIT "B" Copy on file In the Community Development Department CITY OF RUGGED RADIOS ADDENDUM TO THE PRROYO GRAN Rg EAST CHERRY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (SCH No. 2015101067) Conditional Use Permit 18-003 Phased Commercial Development of Approximately 25,000 Square Feet of Office,Warehouse,and Café 501 Traffic Way (Subarea 1 of the E.Cherry Avenue Specific Plan) A 10• ;d. .=v x yxt TRA IG, D R' • 7• .e• __r.,,_ r 5 y a" pax , t t: � 4!I. uL•u Ct:nl M41 t 1I E _ i, December 2018 EXHIBIT "C" , . . _: _ . . „ AD .. .. . .. . . R . .. .OS • • .. r r r. ...„......,,,.. GGED .. ...,.,...„....,..„ t ' : 0lr `"•\,,,t A. 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Not To Sole PROJECT DATA&STATISTICS PROJECT DESCRIPTION DIRECTORY VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX GEHL0 .S�INE9AMA774H • - ONTYARD(TRAJMCANOCH[R THE PROJECT SITE IS IMAM AT Sm TRAFTCWAYATTNE CORNER OF °WPM Rugged Rados mTIM SN[ET.PROSECT DATA PROJECT ADDRESS: M1 TRASMCWAY Fg®dam 95,QoMrtB- ROYOGRANDEG o•btq GERRYAVEMIE INMROYOLMNOE UANDINCLUDES THREE OIs,ye GnMl PA OVFRALLARCNITECTURALSIR PIM KARI/ARP u•10 15 To.If Mots.rni0(tial) SV(OAU.VACANT PARCVLS.THE PROPOSED PROJECTCONSISTS OF AN Arroyo GrmMe,CA gun _- -• • p1., SITE ELEVATIONS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: IOTA•oo]6na]6 Sit/FIORD G.OW If abiws6eNaenOa) OVERALL CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLNOF FOUR BUILDINGS,WHICH (0)00530-1696 • , LOT B.RR}bnan STREETSIDFVARD otoIS. 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SOILS ENGINEERING REPORT TOTAL PROJECTBUFIDML AREA EB 090 ST ].Soo SFWAREHO05[ K.SPACES REWIRED THE PROPOSED FUTURE CORNER CAFE LOCAHD ON LOT&SNAILBF /� .,....ann./ninnmenyKony KInno:..WM REPORT NUMBER:SLnm09 DESIGNED AS A HISTORIC 00000GASMLUNG STATION AND SHALL EMPLOY PROJECT PHASING �as.emb.nN..b...6elponNe.uN.6,a6Ya.o.Annoo.i,e.. DATED:Ann E60,,Eo1B LnTnR wKTAHm(S LOT C MARDpU56 n AND. ,/Boo SF•WAREHOUSE OUTDOOR DINING AREA UNDER A CANOPY,AND LANDSCAPF/HARDSGPE E S.,SO SFWAREHOUSE I1 ]SPACES REQUIRED PATIOS TO ENCOUPAGEAWELCOMING CORNER OFYNE PROJECT. 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El PROJECT: SHEET, PROJECT STATISTICS:Steven Puglisi RUGGED RADIOS TITLE SHEET N•••__,_• , SHEET IN A R L H T E`1 5 510PROJECT STATISTICS .:., — n onaw-mn. TRAFFIC WAY \;16' P000569HfgLme56KC 9tlteA � ±OnaInG.Jn[ IIM San Ins Obispo Greg Cottrell AwaBL pE umwl Rugged Radios R<�5sVi 1964 ix BOJSVi.19B0 P>g �- - OM INN lill ABSJRTFr3IJML SITE PIANREFERENCE NOTES 0 Ka..m..a>H,..°rem.m isQ Mlm...,,.....n..m e,mc.Omlee..m...w.m.., 1 unnx.v.nv,u PO o.e....n....m.m --- I _ ___ __—________—________ _—___—_— ____ _--_ —�____________—__—__---- —_______-----___---_ Io, -- c....._::77,01,7,...04 E.CHERRY AVENUE OMI + 99m e r m�..e.m.mm a ,,----------�;--,.ice;,._ - — —' —' —� -- '-- -- -- —'---- —'— ---'-- — -- 1 martACEano.E.�ra°BY s 1 I } y --. 0 mr,....., 3tl`5 , ---�._ _--_—__ .:d-.�-.�..:.: ._-- _ I]H).��°.era...,,�n wi..m Wh.w,t b.ewin � -, ymrtH . _ 34 ! 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I=Fy SII I G I ® Ab err J 7 11 I Q ••\ �F 00 "• �. m P (N)WAREHWSEH L 1 '�. y F?r 'c• >.y:' E $st01 sq.fF. 1, II , q.. fr .:(N)WAREHOUSE '• . °m9 a II 4 l `' 15,099 SOt er' Ra:y c, It I ?a 0 .. . 11111 1,_—'----,--,, .. tFA.I.) b — e -...:, ' El .. . \ 77 ,,,, el I _ .m�..�rr ii •i /ANC COE. . , . , _ . . r , ,, .. m m m m �I , nm.....rma. _ 31 r.� I .m+r..�vr.+m....s".timiw�4 0 po, ,.x.m.9 -Li\ ...,,vu.,�' mi+—=�i�" � t: .. .: 1 ° I i 0 in °O° 0 i1 1 PM 61 P.•CEL:".. PARCEL: i . LI i — 9 1 Y/ I i 1 I1y1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLANEil PROJECT: SHEET: PROJECT STATISTICS: '� Steven Puglisi RUGGED RADIOS OVERALL �u — iSHEETM ARCHITECTS .. SaoH�se� � 5IOTP.AFFlCWAV ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN ._, 71"' San P.CMisco Greg Cottrell _ A P1.0 WW1 W101 Rugged Radios M.®5595.1963 he BM 595.1900 86 .e.&..,, �� _ R a • II-oa LmJ�t®Ea®Ra. 0 I • i. j,ji,gi Jn1 --__ 1iSIM II .lil. lBM i1�li' �.- 1 .1: h, Ili i1 _+ I�._.i.L1®.alTRAFFIC WAY 0 0' 0 O SITE ELEVATION-FRONT R IllR / \ e rs� 7 C-� I I ��t PP'Tr © — 0 I _, Q�s >slr1 .I MEiii - _I ... t. ' 0, I i yE.CHERRYAVE I ' ..l..:1 i.._ 0 �� d.+ ®� l0 ®�aiQ SITE ELEVATION-RIGHT R • iq',�1 R .lil� 1I I I �,�f 111 1, • I 'is l Oa- O l.� eighid- TRAFFIC WAY t H , , `, :, . :, , = -- ....,..,, • II SITE ELEVATION-REAR m.rs•.ra STTEE EVATIONR FER N NO C 0 m......s.+sa R a O n).m-,....�w... 0 ...a.m... a 0 0 ,.....,. _, a p M.�....e..aa...... C tJ�I ....1 �mi t5 CsMCt= �' �.1$�.7®�.a.� `E�"'� O(row.w.w..e.c I�; H!-.tCS�.O Ci••IL QL�/O^•-IO CIi1 C--7.L.� - - p ---'- - I 0 Mr.wu...ac '1 IIP�� �f -- U.0 of n+:c ne T+Est l=_ 'o^�. 0 _: = r...= n Ioi�®mi�atmma�mo m ®®Er�rmma E.CHERRY AVE • 0 0 0./.........,.. «I SIO G ,o;��=:ces __ ` -- ..- 1. 0 0 SITE ELEVATION-LEFT PROJECT: MET: PROJECTSTATISTICS _ ill Steven Puglisi RUGGED RADIOS SITE ELEVATIONS SKEIN. A R C HgTECTS g�^�• ^ _ 510 TRAFFIC WAY t M.113'�i� ,„ SbGHB'�SEat9NeA P1.1 San LUIS Obispo Greg Cottrell CA 93401 Rugged Radios RtBMSPSt9� ix COSS3.iVeD Bg sem. .a.m. • OM r I.WS-N. 1, : '....-(El RAE . I I 1 -__ 1 11 IEI FlRENwNWef § t2an ,.,.. 1 <IS Y'WE c -RIe•TOI+w DRIUN ... - .. .. --._ ., E - - 5 -- - - - .... -•- -_ ._O .. r -._ ._ n EAST CHERRY NUE r _ — iRWII�GEIWROVE:EN! - j ev OTHERS. .- ..... `IEIw. INYISANITARY I �lI}-„ 4 N.,_ `IEEI ELECTRICAL • _GS -------- - - - - - ---- ` lD • 1 – - — -,-717--\ r JuU , 7 .aa � 1AY } Aolt',Z&ii'iii; i '''',/, hz ' rciG% inCuidrG� 2i o/b:%G[E.ectLg PdG�((� ♦ — T • —� P../ .��' ,y � 1 , ,i! •i • A£SDNRE4.2 ES ...7.;•;:. ^ . L%-lk, , n F• `Z4I' —: f I I \ iCO ,\��041j OYN —. '• N r �i ..— ® SOM_RROPOSEDY�Ix .r i fr! 1 FF110.5� 1ILOTAI %FASE.Ol .. 15 I I.— 4, 1 t .;.‘ IFF111.9I '` i 'I ILE.0•10IIIIECOPVIIENT/011LESE pupa S 1•8 - •,®1104. • _ ' \ , 1 :: P.MICILITLYRETLIICONSMITC•NYSE PI Tie LVELEFOILPULEMOMILLOUSECIP TWEE - �'• ' '1'-I ouux°�nn.mruncn x�m 1 P 4 1A I i . IavE..R.. ° 1 t , �_ _L � �_ I I. ; 11 � �i ' ) fa0 IOUS PEE• V 1 ,'II I\ t 'I ' II q�qq ; 1 .I 4- .I -. �. _ 4.. ... 'lM. / p I•1.7_ R I<�n. 4 1 IB • .iA,',o% li,�� r\ �TJTA�B77S _�U_, uND[R4RgMDPREAS A, V 'UNDERGROUND CHASERS ` 1••I II I +I.r 'I SS.�r#---5 % xi ` IPImvE 50a [ ,.� `` � 1 1I I. �R_!1F O u [ac 1 -- "A6u_�— '4- iG- —11 I-• I L O_ U o �^ RA®P1I¢ ^ I `�"J 1.� -..I�I , 'l \' 1, I 1 11 1,',1 I 11411 i n/ IV-L ri tY I:rJ I1!11 111 111 II 1 p K O (- ' -:. •. • I 11•11 11 1 11 �,.1 /LL/��I CC �_ — 1.1 11 'll ! 1 V O K l]^••'r 9 I I, -I '1 '1 1\ 111 11.11 0 .I \ I 1 1'11 11 11 11 III ::64. I LOT B 'miml!`R •I IFF 111.91 ' i I.lil • I.11:1\ CL' .. . u ',' - -I 1 '111 I 11 ;, I n a io, �;'' IFF 110.01 I 1 11.11 .1 I 1t ' It RAE IffEIRANT BY � ®• 41404? i 1 1..--,,...11—•"i MDRENOi D ...�dR_�.. ' 1 4 I Ylule.-I., i1♦♦ v�`T `� a. � �, I IY 111yI1 111 �--_- per "'"'- • e ..`a ^� -015 - ` ••\\Y•- - 1 '1 11 mrtxn[ ' 11 i 0 26 I 1 1 \� '11'1 PL . o.. '4 N. 1 \ i .slaw p`$ �IEIWRlF9 I 1 '11 1`1tl ~��,�Q� OVERALL i I — SYIROLtEGElD. i 11 ` 21;2_4 '11 .4 CONCEPTUAL Stet =,° GRADING& el—SIRE MN _ �� amt ® US HEM UTILITY PLAN d0) mow aux a I C-1 6 ]C M' mUM WWI= o� an—E 10666 Nf3 VINV21O.OAOUNV ''.1 n a w tn a FW1ON ou •wa a�nao.uW AVM 3I4VF11109 .0-.a..0in;31v00 `/r ---_. soiav i a3Jorni T-1 Nt ld 3dVDSGNV 11Vllld3JNOD bS (w,IdAL)SiE6Vtie V $ AO3 GNIXA1.9 VMS t 1^\ � , ,, a i .1,.__L_Ji i r‘- 1' 1--..'' t r-ti AI ggir imi ,11 111 iii f�\\,,i, ,, ,, ,_ ( <_1 ° f/ S ' I`ill ;Tam iF ii 11 . �'' I i Yllr 1211.7 -4,f ,,;_. ...Ciik -ACM. . . .\\Vrii I '. a -, C1I!1It1I11H1!It Li WNW 1111:19r - tangy moo i 11. Sinld�7D0STSMil SITNIM lo6LS1103'D 533V.I.31IS-No ' s3121Larnms3015-No j r _ i pp • _ ' _ .`f T ;� iii MIA ,,„ ki L ', V .- gice- ,�1 1 999 rl . +maw -` 7 ; �..a +:.. _ - i W'.iiGi. �', ° , 'f.,,;": y 4.' ;, 1 � q r � ice' `� ���i'",i',� _{ let iti i • w. ') F J , . 43v 'Mr."'fir '.r ' .e farh:3''1.1'i'0 „A . MUNNSID lfl io -$51.110 0:1104 3 MIKINIA112910 WS S3311131iS'NO .va ttims.Ilt0atl,1'9'3 3t1St3xa$0034400.4311'0'3 M13111.133211S 93211 177111 S 11.1 .1410.. we,er o nsiiro s lic4ts Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet Plant L6et 1I!�Nwrra44.4 YrY�Yw.1YRP Mb•w M•ra�•r01 40.10 L •••••fYYY.iY4MWrMY..s0000.YM. • �� rV.1a�e1WmIN.Yergrl.•rO�r•• �v.( Yrl•w►.a•w.r•.•aw.rr.rr Du.l•Y.•• 1r..rw.rN ` A�r�•yL{�w��rq.[�i�lime 4iiY •d �-� 1 rrw�.oa errs /rrlrLrrYrr•wrw•wtrparr �..• 1 1 ^r �r..•� 1 8.••.W444 war.ewrYYtrr®r,Wawa.r 44•1•44.40011• �¢�• o..orl�y iaoaarmm veno 4 •••••14.4 ri.4 Mori •wRiLAm reasamw.wq • •MYW41441..•404rrl Y Miap.O•wy w•caaya1ar:War War..n r.r•r.•ri Wawa iw. ••• iwr rl 0.4•••• •rar4wq•Y.dr1a1•r•401#rWYr �• awMw w11411�wu�1r�1 L .a .4Lr1w.Irw•4J•b/.1444•411 wawa. yr mew 0•rwrrteaar4lraaw .00640144Y••1YMMMa.MlieMwlY.W.rIn /{( 141 PA61! 211 MIMtw�Cp•YY•Jggp•MIMMtI.rf L 4141.1.1••••••• ', •_. .' [W Q i it tw41.w...Mprienreefl�wfrwMMqq� L 141.W1•rw.a4 I .Wa•rY4rw•.•Y.raYrrY W T. WLdIM M.�'1 a144MM�.0.YYLL.AtlIY•4MI i M 41p,v ars a...41 rr_w• ila r- 10 Lw•_.110 WIN. W 0t461114•41wiO4rW.r Y t•.I�b a.r.iwa�•yawl raro•M b.rrs. 11..•1r•1lar...•. wrwa SIItMNwidYI'r11rC01w11A1p k1101ia109f� err wr rri4r4r 1M.rY1.•Y4wb1Yi•.rtr, ora.•• C•010111141.411.l.tO.Mlr MwawaY/aawle , 10,1 41.1•r•4ar.4•Iw.PwYPw4 rte. 1wwLW1•w.r•d t•Jw�. N UnM, WS r•vI•r®4 Jme•lwOuae 4W w.a lr++..r.... aw.lra.rwrlr.wrwrrl..r..rw.Wwww.. 1.w F I lei ..•Ml Y 1•n•IVIAIMM1w..IIw1/0W a Mira••Pea.1.44!••4 rYr®04440*•rraa I wG6 .tl Nis•wm4c•r.r4[wu14+nI L 4b1M•11w1FNr/Maa.`a 1•w•rw/wO.lYa•1 0.1•144.41.......•Yaar.•11.r Yr 1a•j. •-_hila', 4sT pia..b•.rr.rW.I.a• .Yr•rM 4.••••1••••• M4M•44i14.WaWtW..•aI• war _ r011010awiw .I11L•114•I..O L .111 .�.rwra.iawlr miserkeers.40e Y.1.444..•4W 1wr•••. rT•r .Yr.•ri•M•.yr.•.41.10 ra.4.lwlr *�_ 11rw20EY p8 ft>fl but 441ihar �48�1•M¢t/witfA•IaJiBi w.a.••ar O.yrYlrrra•ra1r Y+.:aya,Y•4.w'r A. r rrrrw•IaiuO rlrr II18 1110.0•4441110.10....414410:,___.:11191.:! es..q.••r•4.•_r4 ram.lame.ewer. Ar . L .411.1.0•••w•r•wrW•rYwmr...M.•r 7..w2w4YMw.r 14aJIl...Y.ar1.1 a•erw••411..r••.Mr• .4.14 ma a wham.l lro.r.w.wr•M1044a•.1401.0.rIla ' w11ay�M.ern*aw•.•• M•.rr.4owwr 4.40 $0 .a ILIUM OIWI AWA b.ar✓all�•�w•o�•��� �r rr�rr W .••4••.1.111. Aw1Y •rwa v r4f,ri0w•'OOfr•r4M•fi i �J.•iI •Y W,LM•fOMas Coq..rfisemur 'r.w®•a••9r.•wY.wmS wYrp.aawa•^• 6!•IINM M WFWWPIW/19NaM1LAi4flILN4G.r.il•r♦dl rrYWrar••1r•aaN.a 4 la•.w®ar LyI(��1I1rL� a.www....... •L• 40.0400.0404.14.4111.041 IY4w1t••w•..•.Ir•1riq,. Y irll.Fa T' *8111 d •wrne4rN••a•w.rwa �w,�I•rir.r.arw.oay.r.1Y� ws1.'---� •K W 4 M 4RGYA41•4WIWnr.MF•4011.1 l V rr....awar.nryM 4raia �MMf1_Z1'+'�� Yr.•..•f•.•.•a...w�4444. WNW 1.:t.__. 0MMINNII= •./r W....wvl..►••.a1•a �11 MI.411101446144 L w waawovwaelw• . .r Aperc a wrr4r.r raN11:01.r• IlB01114.0140•4•4000a4.4440a414lB 4 440.111 M rVEW0•440061i142DrtdNP.LW swwrsws.. w q446144r.•u11Yr.4010•..Mr wow_•aa vier•444.4•0••••44.0.444 00•fCI a> lliaN00.•1Tlwwiw.li.1 iMw.lies.41.1.1011.114100101 Yrwar. 1111 MwfrWMlwawa . iWOK4 w •410.14.04.1144711.4411•410.14.04.1144711.4411401.11401.11 wltludr►bill h•141iY140w014t t mew Maw.r$.rgwwqara. �1r• ................. .....a,W 4.....•ar Y..rt lla.w• W 01p Yea.near Y.rw e.w•.a•►raar.ia....• 1 a 1Y r4r1.aJ •w"w1100. $ { `yam. n. - wI w 0 01.4.4 ?Naval[ gG• 4 111.11141.411.464.w..a..a 4•w are 0r1MW1 11 VMIT�.••• •.'•L `�i�L, f • { AV-1"" !!LL �t MrlrT to fJY0wi41R v14>11r•Yo•15M1 Orn a4••w.•w ammo 1 � f` •N. Y- ' 7L i..w.o..ort••.w••.wa.ao�.M`•wi..�.rw�.•w+ * T 1 i • T 5' !' II Wet 1144 Yw24w. UM rOlw•M1"r°'Y. iu 4441$ a .t •1-i I M¢ r •1oar+•wr•I'YY•wr/IaY1•w,107•ew.aa• 8 p•oi11.41.1taw.I••w•rrgi - wa9wwbr amen 1411+0 ; vuael.w.rlwffilr•..1••11 .a••amW..r1m. •'. A WIf ee re .0 ea•Ael1reliaUMW Y W1101M.J•II41.w.W brrlw..®w.Mt f-I;r• •. ?' •• �! - - -.,.. 0 MOL r eNfa,1arnaewlea rear••! w1i w ea.1.r11w1RK..rwLQ•rell ea..a t... O..a•.ra•..r-era.. raasr. a.4.Y4w a.r*Y.W • a'Oe •I vtlrWr4.a.1411*aWOOr11 III MOe r 4.440Y1"L11•.0.040Nt4.•Ll. ShotsSho�4. M00 re rw1YVA•.•Ir•1___ i a •I ,1410044 uwslrwar • 0 V. r .•4Y.tl.•41110Y1WrM11.1w •II.4 L 100 10 411.114441.404.411744111•011 L 11V - -'sem'- 1.11 "- i Ir`1J • IT. ren aIS,Oawa•w•w00irnm • • a . . - _ . • 1 r EMU r Malllbalrw4wdayaw•.w•ra•.wr.wr ' / �•e '1"A r • 41p 11840 r ten 64.40 rn•411444O0wa 444101Y•rrL.Oaa®move r`7. 0110[1 rw 414441lfi•Mi1NR! L :. r i i••t ii..tti '• • Weald•i.@ ......11.104.081040.wsK•I•.•Qwwt q S." .:L (1• A t -aw• I. wi1..4•Y4..0•+IJ...•aw.ww a &mid ,a 4••••• are r�wir•arlwwYraM••• dmmblrr• Wort4 r11WII wi.•4rwM® bar. vOsr• GY-mea.11111 Ia1RAW P.1e1N..Yyaarmi aP1-40WIa W Wn�CovetsIOW PUN LW 010114111•14.11110 NOWNMffMML•Y10tl8M4Y r•a•MEIIMLM•41.•.•Y.alrl Emit Cherry Ammar Sp4elePlan 111 ' 4. J 1 ' i1'4,:sr iiaF t;� • . e waatlr>dren r• 2 °� t•araralaws $1arr*18l•w• w :. a a u11rowoi , ' : Vi.-4rr•..1•rwWw ..Yew .ir•iWer1 r•.4e. . •w ® al caY • 4 ol�.a044144 ssw,er. rDilr•t•.a4•wr.•4YWMNrlrarri ruemosnaletac es wY.waaa 0111,0a•O•i2KR01.8080111./.•1.41.004N4.4.04w•11.1M•001a •14w•r••®•wrP1.1•a Yriw•. h • .rrww•M.......�.rwrs.wrw....,. .. �t�_. . +rJ c,� -ir �••. ... .,y '7 ,i R&--- . {ry.t.: •O•war404.040••Ir..awarar••�rMl... :LA-- • • qy,ys 1 EY• .4rraawr,44•rw•r�.rb.w. M.ra ¢ 4' "r tet-. .e •err >' i L.. a Z � ';•cYwrwrrr•rr•Y11.b.wir.rtwrrw 'j'+` . ] • k_ • 1 '+•`0r r,. :; -`.- - •Y•aa eil00Mr.rr4wahY.araW WWW4 • i J -J• i,. e • •Si; .•i ,1 f. wLa....r.r.YN1..Lrwrww.rY.ra•rbwr•a - Yr.aa•r41warwo ..., �r a 'a 1 h•14. 6.4.100.w1440.wAw.r•r1•rra. _ v • `E/.. a..•Md••atArla•Rw.•rw•re'.r.•rwr ,�•- '. • 1 �•ffw®wai4Maa•Yw 4 1....n ,I.P -' "k1591 Ltd P _ _ _� all 't!r Para ar~a.rum*�wow war. webra0wrs y�a1ya✓ ll1...0 CMb.eU.ay 9..11.8 d.oxteknr1 rigW7laif4ri• Morefrlime*WNW" Ibe0110.4ap41 011111.141 terwa.1Y• S MAD PROPOSED PLANTENTLA MATERIALS L. RUGGED RADIOS - &WATER EFFICINDSCAPE`WORKSHEET .501 TRAFFIC WAY NIn:06vAf/ sa.?4>•g1m __ _ - ARROYO-GRM DE.CA 911401 SMOOTH TROVA12.11.1..0. MEL... III-01111101.11111 I '" :�.a ii1ijj uwa.w muan DOM, FRONT ELEVATION(WEST) ° ^a'+ H T1 ry ni _ - --_- .--t :TiO � LEFT ELEVATION(NORTH) cote ...-.- 7ari I -„i . REAR ELEVATION(EAST) Te LOT A•CAFE FLOOR PLAN "" � f. a! RIGHT ELEVATION(SOUTH) ...,--- El - - PROJECT: MET: PROJECT STATISTICS:Steven Puglisi RUGGED RADIOS LOT A _ "�, SHEETR A AC HIKTECT5 ifi p0 TRAFFlC WAYCAFE ►.t,5W N9Ue!SOa19AleA +Fs�w.oetwoGreg CottrellFLOOR PLAN � -+.:.-7.....:---=::--.... �.e.. P2.0 CAP"01 Rugged Radios EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS rrt(105395 1962 r�an,sm.,veo Bg .111 MI ,Jb• ,ea ,l'^• na• ,4,e oo ,4, it ,4_, .t.& ,4,0 V.,lir, az, , t,y , Yb• , Ka• ♦ ,3,e sw , }b• Il ._ __- e `bs 1)1 1 1 b by °� t 1• 1. ^ SRanmam b • lee. 5119011j - ,...... - ....,.. 1 t w,,. •b If _� r _ _ O p Jevi e b rev mw 1 r1- +b J - b Q70¢ Mt OlOte OI&e b CRIa eumdy SY.orbGRP 2 j j2 2 2 2 f I 1 I I 1 ! Ill Na I nrr .07 FLOOR PLAN-LOWER PROJECT: SHEET: PROJECT STATISTICS El Steven Puglisi RUGGED RADIOS LOTS w — .n ^°^�°- sour to A R C HST[C TS _ ... SMNg„eed Spec 9NeA s+o TRAFFIC WAY RUGGED RADIOS . "�•� _ m.em, ..... Sen Ids Greg Cottrell LOWER FLOOR PLAN � �+� P3.0 Rugged Radios �' A R,Rossys,ses reossv,,veo gg • —1 '1 ._ — 1 A. L I I f e .. O IUd.• p�. - a[. . I L- 4 u:. Madieltg �..r Codes=T 61 ROmm ➢I • _If 7 ? 2 T -T ms ,rte gas .w 7.7271 FLOOR PLAN-UPPER PROJECT: SHEET PROlECTSTATISTICS: '� CE1 Steven Puglisi RUGGED RADIOS LOT B _ � SHEETM A RCHLTr CTS �^''�• w 5to TRAFFIC WAY RUGGED RADIOS ► �! '��; ,„ " '6'"p'" �"`" g UPPER FLOOR PLAN � ,� P3 � San bn+Obispo Greg Cottrell ��' ��ssq1y�°�0i�.sos ivao Rugged Radios 44: IIIIII 1.11 MI • ttl..4,1;.5”.11.9,110014 attIALMOtl.t.0.34. OlONIATIA000.451111,1,434 • Wain NitroLEDISUO FLO WM..511.111/..3 0.121:010.1.COAKKATED MUM SCUM ST.I.Gatt ............ COMM/MD arti1131.4. 11.0.111,111.4113 MA, 4 1 II Illr t — 'It 1 1 1 a MIMI .16i, 1 SI, I ; 1 -a .. Itiiill - Tilt i L 1 1 : I I 'I iiiiIIHIHI : 11 t i , litili1 . 11 i .1 111 I 1. 1 1 III 1 I 1 gilk I 11111tki _Ns, -.....r. 1;.. ' i 1 i. i i 1 , . 1 I I, '. i. . . _ . , ilIn '. , , ,i I , . , 2 ,... 1#, 131.1IJU .t....1.1L, . - ;014 I *S.1 , I F.'.7; .-. -,..,'.' `r ... r47 '.7. :n 7: ?T.': ';!'''. :7 '- --1,r§t 1 1 I : i ! ; i: i n..... . UGNa..1.11...[DMAtiontsa4 UN111,15.511(1.1.01 fadittiatl.1.0 MVP AMIN014511[1.0.0[ - FRONT ELEVATION(TRAFFIC WAY) Ei RE/IR ELEVATION 1 FILO-MO MOIltt AALIALTE10.0.1.TAWS FINAKIM1 MEM CON0/10131.111LV.STEEL 11UK‘ 4 , .c...,',.., , ,;7 ' 11 ; Ili 1 1 I i HI I, i ' i 1 l' :11 l' : 1 1 , i I "--- i 111 111' . 1 1 1 i 1 ' — ' 1 ' i , —I ' 1 I ' ; 11 '' • , ; I WA, i i t 1•411. '. , d iti 1 ,t,t Ill L . • t . 1 ' 1 '. ' 1 I I , ! i . I NMI 11 BM ! 151111 1 Munn ' ; t I i i ' ! I, • • ' 1 i 1 r41111iill 111 1 , 1 g II li 1 1 1 1 , I i i --- I. 1 ' ' ; I wburs . . ;, 1 ii, 10.... ,,kad 51.1.•..+1.1.......6141 . mincer _ I 1 I I I II 1 . I , a i ; III ill I 1 11 II 111 , ' i I i Il II IPI NNE 1 111 ALIAMINI MUM DOOM PANTED GOOSEPIECX WALL WASH LAMEXIS.51111.1131/. NturAtOSCUr LEFT ELEVATION(CHERRY AVENUE) —....... la Vra.a. • •I' ;1. I 1 1 1. :1 . . 1 1 l' 1 I 1 1 i I 1 ' II. • I 1 II 1 F t 14,t • I ; '• 1 , • I III Jli ; 1, 'I 1 I I .1 1 I iI I i 1 il I I i ; • i ,,1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 •I j I I 111 'I 1 1 I i 1 , I ' •I 'i, I, 1 1 ' I .I , 1 I L 1 , 1 i ,, I I I 1 I 1 : 1, 1 ,..ea, awnoa• 'Ir.I tar RIGHT ELEVATION saw., IIPLI PROJECT, SH Steven Puglisi ARCHLTECTS 6$91fgasSrcelSotitA Sent.Misr. CA 93101 at K6595.1969 ht 805545.1980 RUGGED RADIOS 510 TRAFFIC WAY Greg Cottrell Rugged Radios EET, LOT 8 RUGGED RADIOS i EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PROJECT STATISTICS: ... .. .. ...e.....!-___ SHEET tt. e tW•• "4/' "-T.---':='?---'- ' A.....,. .t z .‘,.. - i i".-......-;,:t:7-4 2*-- A -"V.---"•"""" P3.2 MET4Cmx4„uL8v5R w.x.yM` 1 o os ma.i® ®moi Imp® b 9 t F .=-. ry• ^mss = .-.,---•=-... a AWNINC.ST,Fy MAOI wMrM M(TALwMOOOAS.PAM12e•AO4LOBIht' COOM40WAUWrsxuM0.M.STu1.8tAOt meat. ,.r FRONT ELEVATION(WEST) 9., ---- S', , .se rs se a wT.wpM b b +.r LEFT ELEVATION(NORTH) — Ratroom ,. 1 1 Waryi sow 7 I -_- _- —. __-___- _. —.--- _--__ _-_-_- b .. - -- -- -tl_ _ -- - tY -- ._: _ . s.. � �,. W.a. A4. ... ____ _---_ _ _ ...___-_ „, too. _ 91', W�REAR ELEVATION(EAST) S .''s.sl ; R s.i irF R. =61:211=1:1 1========1 =I = r 1 i C-WAREHOUSE#i FLOOR PLAN jh 7 ==1=---- 17 RIGHT ELEVATION(SOUTH) Ell PROJECT: SHEET PROJECT STATISTICS: Steven Puglisi RUGGED RADIOS LOT C = SNEETM ARCHITECTS S — sevHguvaow semsemA 510 TRAFFIC WAY WAREHOUSE#1 ., s.— — Tem." p serrw,obi,w Greg Cottrell FLOOR PLAN �- P4.0 ^921401 a ed Redlos EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS = „�-, A Ra Bf6591J862 f 93595.1800 EM - - — �,V_. MU BaKR UG141 CM 1/00 OM Mil DV. MOM IIIIIIIIIMP. f, immaa „� — a a erg= mQs k 1 1 FRONT ELEVATION(WEST) Om• •UCCI.^M. ALUMINUM^-n•w 0.01 ••r sw„r MAS LEFT ELEVATION(NORTH) Warehouse 2 bW. 1 p 1 a .a 1 — M -- -- -- — — --,— -, �+m• •., Ufa' ... REAR ELEVATION(EAST) ar soarer • w14. LOT C-WAREHOUSE#2 FLOOR PLAN r 3 1 1,0 e '•i -- — nRIGHT ELEVATION(SOUTH) ,cJ....r E2 PROJECTS SHEET: PROJECT STATISTICS:Steven Puglisi RUGGED RADIOS LOTC .7.:-... SHEETW APCHIT EC 5 5to TRAFFIC WAY WAREHOUSE#2 . ��, —"' �,SW Hgtera Steel Site Sen Ws ObHpo Greg Cottrell FLOOR PLAN ��� • P4�1 G193401 Rugged Radios EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ,�„ FT.eossnst� r�eossas,ve0 88 - Proposed Exterior Light Fixtures Color and Materials ti::,-4's t: `-.. L� , �_.W-`,f. as P^Y :ft,i�' k, `£�7 ( _~_ 1 .✓ pJY r'n'$r '4d'^i7S^N4 3`0. 1 .4 d 1--4,7,,,.. .1 Aft; ''+ t"••' .~ ` , J~1i �*� •v • CORRUGATED METAL EeI I p toT U i L u�:... (I)A •• C a_'} til - --r.7. �r�� +- ENTERIOR WALL FIXTURE t ow ; IICORRUGATED METAL RENDERING-STREET VIEW ACRENT COLOR ,,y 'RU00S RIUT t k slf'Y .h , ! !.S'� T y i A ,, ,4'Y,b'✓ - .''I EOM.STREETLIGHT — Jr- i. „ `f rMETAL W NINGSCOIOR Steel.T//// 3 r \ A 2If� I �. I t y �11Y1 .,s ��atT QEF- tt •y.. � — }"1.,/,''',11. 1' 'r p _. t I,1Ef 't'_!`Li,. .: - t ;~ r ;:..••! ,.ly' I �r 11 ZY F(t .C• *b : I ,,...i......_,... ) �r y,t` ` ` .; x I _ 7( µ -...r..,, _,...rte' .,L„ 1 , '-�, ��,�„�- ' \''' 't P��-• .1.,-�- �t - Merl.AEm,rtMN COLOR 4 f 1.. a. t7..r.r '7 �`'•.l'x,..� F Y „ , } y"'b.: * 1, t RENDERING-CAFE' E11�1' RENDERING-SIGNi ` ' IA Ya.re- I fc,n•.,'.- CAFE-STUCCO EASE COLOR -MTITR REATdTTskR' Eill PROJECT: SHEET: PROJECT STATISTICS, SHEET Steven Puglisi RUGGED RADIOS COLOR AND MATERIALS - A TCHLTECTS �I^�. I:I: 0 oT n k.T T. 510 TRAFFIC WAY ►, Y-�Y�ir "' CMArec SMl Uf9uae...AEA �-I•�jL:E *ftQ ORR SeR Lm,oehw Greg Cottrell �l� ��sn toa ire mssn.weo Rugged Radios "1.1=1=