R 1793
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has held a public
hearing to consider the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1132, filed by Bourdon &
Burkart, Agents for OTTSE, INC., in accordance with the City Code; and
WHEREAS, said Tentative Map was referred to various public utility
companies, City Departments and the Staff Advisory Committee for recommenda-
tions; and
WHEREAS, the Tentative Map was found to be consistent with the General
Plan, City Development Policy, and the Goals and Objectives of the City;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of
Arroyo Grande approves Tentative Map of Tract No. 1132, subject to the
attached conditions.
On motion of Council Member Hogan ,seconded by Council Member
Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Hogan, Millis and Mayor Smith
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Vandeveer
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day of August 1984.
~ ""R
ATTEST: ~/~~?
I, Virginia L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande,
County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the
foregoing Resolution No. 1793 is a true, full and correct copy of said
Resolution passed and adopted at a r'e'gular meeting of said Counci'l on the
28th day of August 1984.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of ,the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this
5th day of September 1984.
-- - -_.--- ----..-.
. . .
..) .~ .' TRACT 1132
:l. The subdivider. shall enter into a contract agr.eement with the City of Arroyo.
. Grande to perform the installation and, construction of aJ.l improvements as .
contained in the conditions of approval'.of the subdivision and those required ,.
by the subdivision sections of the Arroyo Grande City Code, and shall post '
bond, cash deposit" or ins1;:rumen~ of credit, guaranteeing' the installation .
and constrUction of.,all. require.d .improvements within i:he ti1ne period speci-
fied herein or approved time extension in accordance with the provisions of
the Arroyo Grande ~ity C~e..' '.. .::~.::~ " ,< " " ' :
. ..':........ ....~<~.:.':..;::....::...... '-~-'!. -.", .:, ............~:...... ...:.:.
".~ 2. '-'he i~provement plans for this subdivision shall be prepared' by' a C'aUfornia'
, ,':." Registered Civil Engineer and shaU be approved by, the Public Works' Director-....
~. '. prior to....;t:h~. ~iJ.ing of the ,!~~l_ map~ ' "o!,:.'.::.:-':.: ':.:: : .. '. ,~ .:': ~;:;'::-:;<. :..~., . '_' _. "
":":~~;::,;-~;.;;-~~:,:;:' " ,...::.''.;,.'.-:'~~:~~7.7:,:, ' ,.....-::-':.,. :.-.;'",.... :...' ".~',.~::.;" ~'H '.,&' , -,"~:~','
, ,...~>. ' '-'hese pl~>ihall. be,subud~~d, concurren~y~~~4..s.ball i~cJ.ude, but', Dot ;be . . '.','~,~:. ';
"--:-::-:. 3.imited tol':gJ:ading" stree:t!.._~ainage, sew~r/~~ter# and appurtenant"':.'" .:' '".";''':~''::,:
='~~" " improvements:....In addition;-'.ci'Wister utilitY"pl~ sba,l1. be ~ubmitted.'\sboWing . '::,'.. :
.. . the layout ~.location ~f,:a~l the ons.i~ ~~ of:f~i.te uti.lity facility: . . .::':.,..
'.. ";, improvements ,of. the subd:Lv:Ls)'o~..> ,(See Gas" Electri~ comd Commuidcation. " ...'.'.
. '::::.;','. Utilities conditions) The pl~.submitta1 shall: alI3o,';.)')clude,construc1:!on ' :. ":, .-
~, cost estimates, plan check fees; soi1.s repQ:.d:s, and all pertinent 'engineer- . , ..'
.' " ing design ,calculations. The finai ~ap may, n'ot b~ fi1.ed unless all.said ~. . .
improvement p1ans have been' approved by the Pt,Iblic Works. Director. , .' . ~
. ',~...~~ -,.., ....'.:...:...;.........; . . ... .':. ,: -..;:." .... . .-.. .. ~.., . :.",.~~'~..;:." . ".. .....~..
No constr~~ti~~:shall commence and 'no. gradin~i'sball be pe~.f~~d 'pr~ " ' . . .......~;- '." .
to the recordillC} of the final map~ "ttb.!ess a ~~parate grading pe~J.,t~is, .1.ssue~.. .'
.. ,~.,-,-",' . ::;.;.,,~'.,,'. ;.~'~,:.::,... ..'. :" ,...., :......::~~.;:..:-:
4. A licensed Engineer in the State of California,,' who is registered in ,:' . ..
accordance wi1;h the approp,riate'p.rovisions of the Business and Professions .
Codel shall be retained by the developer to ~ssure t:J:1at the:construction "
work confo~s to the approved uRprovementpl~n9 andspecifications~ ~s .
well as pr~vides certified as-built plans after project completion; . ...., .'
sub::tittal of the certified as-built plans \'Iill, be required p~ior' to arid -
as a condition of the final acceptance of the development by the City.
. ... . .. 0: e ... ," .. " _..~~~:'~./':i";:~.. ' '. -'. .
.... ....
..o.. . .. !..
s. All lots within this subdivision sha~l be of the size J:equired byth~ ". :
Arroyo Grande Ci:ty Code. . . ' . ..
. . ~. .'~
.-. .
6_ Deleted as inappropriate. - .
. .. -
, " .... . .
. :0.
. .
7. ~'hc :.:ubcUvider shall post in his tract sales office D Ina]' of the existing .
):oni/lg \.dthin the tract nnd surroundin9 area, and shall also provide each
oc:c:upant of the tract \-lith a map showing the zoning in the sl1rr.ouncUng
ilrCil. .
8. J)!:f~d ccwenants shall provide for pcrpetunl care of any common arCas.
9. If . r ir',""(ovetnent is T.(~'1l1ired for \-/hich the subdivision will receive
. ,I' . 'I ,
rcdl:>k,rr.Clnent, or t.owi\n.1 thp. cost of which tJIC City wiJ.l cantribute,
t.ht: !;II!,di,vi(l'~r :;h~ll obt,.dn at lcast t1n:ce competitive bid!> for in- ,
:;tc:' ) l"ti(.n of the ifllJ>.rOVt:iII~nt to City st:,m<1~rc1s, incl\1din~ compliance
-_.__._--_..,._-,_.,_._.~ ,'----
I~' ",---'
, . ''l.i.th ~he li1w for public works improvements. The ;n'lard of the contract
. .'.. "'for the improvement shall be made to the lowest resJ)onsible bidder as
approved by the City ,11anager. The bid proposal shalJ. be submitted for
the City's approval. prior to going out for bid.
10. The subdivide~ sh~l~ ~rovide.a71.necessary easements for streets,' alleys~ .
sewers, \'later fac~l~t~es, ut~l~t~es, draj.nage faciJ.i.ties, and other" . .
facilities as required by the City. In the event such easements cann'ot
be obtained from the property owner involved by negotiation, the City
Jnuy acqui.re them at the expenSe of the subdivider by exercise of the
power o"f eminent domain. The subdivider shall bear all of the cosj:s ,
of appraisal, acquisition, attorney fees, and cou'rt costs. .
. " . .' '. .....' ',: ." :' ..... . : ~; /~?<~>
11. The s.Ubdivider'shall comply with the Arroyo 'G~ande City Code perta.I:.n~ng ". ".-:;','.~
.... .1 d 1.. ti....: . . . 0 ". '
..0 sOJ. san geo 09J.c J..t1ve~ 9a'-lo~n.... ..; -:'."'" ':. .';'; . ,,:-. ':, '0':' .,.~:';.:.~:.::.;.
, " :.~:2.~;.'~>::'(:;"::';,:. ..,:'~~,.'.:,.~...":'....;::.::' <:;::'~:.'~"i.,':.:.<;,.... .', ".:.:":;,~~~~,':~:~:.T:~
. '.12. ~he subdivider shall submit the actual costs of each of' the sewer ~cl'. . ":"
',.. water 'improvements within 30, days of tbefinal.accept..ance of the deveiop-' . .~. ~,:.'
,-. Jnent. '!'he detailed costs breakdown shall be'in accordance"w!th thefoxmat' .' '.
. ..' approved by. the Public Work:s,Di~t~X'. . '..).:.".,~.-:;.::. ....;.,; , ""_,; " .'- ~ ,~>'o' '_
~."" ,...." .;, ',\:, ", :' ".,~:,'<'~':~",::';,.H._", ,....;.::.,..:~..::'-.:,..,:.~.,~:...:".' .'.. ...'.,..
13. "he conditions .of approval. ?f this map ~ha1]: prevail' over all omisEiions, , .
c:onfl.icting notations, specifications" dimensions;' typical sections" and .
t-.he like" w1'1-i .-h mayor ,may' not be sh~wn on the map or imp.rovemen.t p~ans. . ~,' "
'::-''',' .,'" . ':-:'~f,.,.,,, ,'.:. .'.~~_'.:.,:';....-~, '" ;,.'..;.".. ;':"'_.:":::-' -"~,
.4.. Cost of all inspections rela1:.e~ to ,?~site an~ offsite improvements"sh~ll'
be borne by the subdivider.....:.., : ,.':.;.' '. ,...: ,'. .,:', .;'.;:;;.':;;..i " '. ..'_ ..'
..:.~~~--:.. . . . ...;.~~..~...#. .0. 0- ..>':.'~...:<~~..~~~.,:. .. ..~... ._.."
~5., "he subdivider shall,' 'be, ressk>nsible for all actions of, his c~~tra~to~~ and
subcontra.'c~rs until such time as the improvements. ~ave beE:n accep~~d by , , . "
the City _ " ", :::'. ' . : ' " . ',. >':;:;'.: ~. ...,',. " "
. ....::". .. . ".;." ..:: :,\0'.;.. ".'''f.."''' ~.... '. ... ;..... _,
lb. The subdivider shall designate in \.iid,ting ;,~'before starting work,' an .',. ,"
authorized representative who shall have' complete authority to represent
mId to act for the subdivider. :Such written authorization sball ,be pro-
vided to the City. Said authorized representative'~haJ.l be present at
th~ s.Lte of the '-lork at all times while work 'is actually in progress
.on the development. During periods when \-lork is suspended, arrangements
acceptable to the City ~hall pe made for any emerqencY''lork "'hicb fRay'
. d . ,
be requl.re . .... .', . .. . ,'" _ . ,,'" "., " '. ....
. . .. .
. \-Ihenever orders are given by the City to .the subdivider's representative, '.
~r superintendent, or foreman, to dO,tbe work required for' the convenience
and 5il Ecty of the general public because of inclement \"eat~er or any
other cause and said orders are not ilatnediately actod "'pan by such
perLicm. t,he" City mny do or have such "Jod: done ~y others at the Subdivic1er's
cy-pense. :'
. Deleted with the assumption that the 'improvement district to be
formed will complete the improvements. . .
, .
la. 'J.'he (;ily of ^rroy~ c;r.i"\nue reserves the ri~ht to \\~r~de ,?r add to City
St.:\nditr.d I'l.,tcs Drid St.:lHui.lrd Land Developiuent Specl.fl.cat1.ons. I.f the
T-CClU l ((:<1 :;uhtli vision ilOprovem~nts arc not complot?d within the perioc1
:::J)(:(:1 [,i (~a Jwr.cin, the subl1ivic.1or she'lll be rcspons1.blc fox confoXln.-mcc
to i\ll:l .mcl all upgr.Cldec1 or. rcvi!>ec.1 City St:.mc1arcl~ iln(l Specificittions.
----- ~
....... n.L.J. "'~'-JU.1.J.C:=iln::II1:S OJ: any other law or Clgency of.. the State of California and
,.'; I :~ny oCher governmentill entity, applicable to this development, shall be met.
20. No request fc;'r occupancy shall be approved until all conditions are completed
Clnd accepted or approved.
2:1.. "Standa~d Specifications for Public Works Constructlon", latest cdi'tion,
and any modifications thereto by the City, including City of Arroyo Grand~
~tandard Land Development Specifications . and all applicable City 'standard
p.lates, shall be the project specifications, except as noted otherwise on
the approved improvement plans.' . '
." . . . . ,".
22. Phasing of development shall confoxm to the phasing shown:in th'e approved'
tentative map. '!'he improvement plans shall clearly indicate any interim '
and/or offsite improvements required by ,th~,,~~ty.. .' '." :'
i{..~ ._ _ . ~ ~... ..."!........... :". ~ ._. o. ...,'.'~~~-: ..'!.. '" . ....
, . :.'23. All coxner lots shall have a minimum overall. width of 70 feet; with ~ide ~'
": '" yards abutting a public street; being a minimum of 10::- feet in widt:h. :". . "
"" ......: . . ~...~;.~..~!!.. . .". .': . ;': .:.... ~-:;. ....:.. :. . . .,:~ . /::.~: :~:.::'. . -.... ':. ..:'. .. ".:..... . ~ ; ~..;~:...::: ".: ;":;. .._~:,:'~ :.....:..~ ..~.
.:.::"24. All lots (including cul-de-sac, haxr,amer.-head .and knuckle ~otS') shal'l bave . , .'
. :: "-~ a minimu~' frontage of .4Qfeet.., ' ',.' .',...::.....,.' ';.:,.....''":'.' ';..~,'.: - ,"'.~:,
-. ... ~~ .;. . . .'. .... . . -.. .'" L - .. .
. :. ;;.....-:- .- . . . -.. ." .". .- - -: . ..
..' "... , . GRADING' ., . , '.' , , --, .
:::~'5~ All grading 'perfoxmed 'shall confoxm to the ci~~ of l\rroyo "Grande '6rd~ance, "..-'
',::;' . Chapter 70 'of the Uniform Building Code, and/or ,as recommended by' the 89i1s
Report, with. prior review and app~oval by t:h~ .C~'o/...' . . .
. .;.:.. .... : .~ ~ . . " ." '. .
... .. . .
6. All abandoned irrigation lines, trees (except trees to be preserved) and .
obstructions :in t~e project site sha.J.:l..be removed and properly, disposed .
of. from' the' site. Proper' backfill and compaction of vo.idS shall bEL Stm- ..'
scquently accomplished,topr~vide protection"against settlement..
2'/. :It is the contractor's responsibility to use w~tering, dust .fences,- o~ . ",..,
other methods as directed by the City, to control dust throughout the
con5truction operation. .' " .
28. All gCdtiing construction debris materials shall be removed and dispose~
. into the dump site prior to any excavat.ion or fill operations and/or as
c1irec ted by the City. .'
." ......
. -.-,," "
'l'hr:: subtlivid~r or his ilgents or employees shall be responsible for removal ,
and clcaJ1-up of any spill on public streets during his entire grading
oJ>~rations.. ,.
29 Wh the difference in average elevations between adjacent lots, lot and
. pr~~~rty. and between lot or property and adjacent alley is in excess of
. . .} slope shall not exceed 2 to 1 c;>r a grade found reasonable in
SJ.XJ.rtr.)es, .' d
the soils report, or a retaining wall sha7l be req~~red.. Any requ1re
",all Bhall extend at least 4" above the h.lgher fin~shed grade.
30. I, [('II(;(! iU1c1 \o,a11 pli'\n !;hall he sub~itt(~u to the Public I'lorks Director for
i'I'i-,n".fc11 prior to J:;r;utll1CC of pcrm:lts.
/r:u.& . 1'/0/,,)
" . , SEWER
. ~., 31. 'l'he' builder; shal: pay the standar(~ sewer co~mection fee, as required in
the 1\rroyo Grande C~ty Coc1e, prior to obta~ning any building pe.rmits.
32. T~le lIiethod of. sewage and waste dispo;>al shall be by means of a community
d1sposal syst:-em. All sewer system i:mprovements shal1 meet or ~ceed the
City's standards" and the necessazy separation beb",een water 'main~ and
. sanitary sewers shall be maintait:led as. required by the State Department
~f Health as directed by the Public Works Director.
. . . . .
· .' " WATER : .. :::;,:'.:
33. To insure municipal.water se~ice to this development; the w~ter ~i9bts . '.. :,~:. '
shall be dedicated to the City of Arroyo Grande by Titl.e Sheet Dcsdication :
at the time of fiJ.ing the final Jnap. .' .. ','..' ',' .'
. . . '. ... .... ..~.
3"4_ All abandoned wells shall be filled, capped, and abandoned in conformance with the
- San Luis .Ob~~~, County Eriviromnent:a:L Hea1:~ De'p~entrs :st:andard reguire- "~;' .
"", Jnents..".~. ,",~"" '.'. ":.' ":.~':.~~~":~~' ""';:" ,~,,':.~~':::.:.." .' ", '":.~:':",:~'..,,~' ~~L~~";'., .... .',',~,~.'-~~:.(
'~~5,_ The subdivider shall install onsite and boundary water mains~.; fire':)lydrants" ' . ;...'
'. and services' i~ conformanc~ .w~.~h. ~~ ~later, Deparbnent Standard Design and '
i. ti .,' , .
.. Sp~c f~ca ons. , .' '.' . .,' :".' .'. . '.' ,: ' '. . . . '.
. . . .. .-. " - '0' .". .
. _. - e. . _0_" . .... . ...... ..: - ';-,'" ..~.::'.. :"\.
36. The subdivider shall provide 'onsite . fire protection as determiiU~(f-'necessary ..
by the Fire Chief.. and ,Utilitie~ ,Sup,erintendent.: Adequate fire.prot~ction),' .
as determiIled by. the ~ire Ch~ef~ shall be available prior to'~r~m~ng. "',~
" "'. ' In order ~..to provide for rea~nable fire protection. .,. '.., : ' . _
. . . .," , .
during the 'construction ~~odl the.Subdivider shalJ.,maintain passabl~
, vehiculax:'.'acc,ess to all b~ildin9's and fir~ hydrants as required by the ".
, Fire Chief and .Utilities Superi~tenden~. ,',: ,,' . . . ,,:. . .
...:.~'~ ": ... ~.~:. '~.' .,.:. ~~'" . .. .,": '>~: .;.... . . ~... .. - .-... . .'i??~'. : ~ . . .....
37. The= subdivider shall install adequately' sized services and meters to each
lot as required by the utilities SuperIntendent. In cases 'where one . .
meter serves'more them one building, the subdivider shall furnish an
accurate "as built" showing buildings or parts of buildings served by
that m~ter_ No interconnections between buildings will be allowed_ .
.. . . .
.' . , . .. DRAINAGE ". '
38. Both onsite and offsite dr~inage facilities shall be prov~ded '~nd' ~~~- '
structed as directed and approved by the Public. Works Director. "
39. 'j'he subdivider shall install the required drainage facilities concurrently"
,.lith tht~ rough grading operations or provide an'interim drainage and
cro5ion control plan, and construct interim improvements with prior
appr.ov"l from the Plililic Works Director, for mitigating any. potential
floodiny and erosion advE:rsely affectin~ adjacent propert.ies and public
xirJht:; of way. · ',. :.
). J.ou'; ~;)wll dr.dn into a street, alley, or. npproved drain in such a Jtlanner
tit,:} t th(:rc:~ \-/il1 b~ no unclrainec1 depressions.
41. ~'h..: ::lIb~1i.vider sh~,ll p.r:OCUT.(: em.;ement~ or consent::; from all affcc:tcd
lanr1<I'o'/aer:; for any (llv(:r.slon of hi~tod.ci11 f).o~"s, c}1anges in drainage
cO/HH U (JlI~;, or: acceptance of ilny adeU ti,oJ1i11 "/ater flowIng over their
IU'Oj)':,.r':; I as determined by the Public Works D~rector and according
to 1 C,j'." .
,~. ..
'. ..u.... ~'r~or. to :"ny ~onstruction of the facilities, San Luis' Obispo County Flood
I . Control D~str~ct Standards shall be observed for all facilities within
their jurisdiction, and the approval of the District s)1a11 be obtained
on all improvement plans for such facilities. The subdivider shall
obt~in any necessary flood control encroachment permits.
. .
43. Pad c1raihage gradients shall be not less than one percent nor greater' than
1.5 percent. . . .'
. . ."
. .', .STREETS . .' :
. . .. . ".-. -.
44. All stre:ts and high~ay imJ;>>rovements :sha1~ be a,s .required in the Arroyo - '.
Grande C~ty Code or 111 any duly adopted pre.cise"section of the General" .
Plan, and shall be constructed ..as directed by the Public Works Director. : >:.:.
. . '. .'. . . ..'~. .;~~.~.:~~':'.':.~'~... :~>-"~~':;":. .,:~~ . ".: ..... - :".:.:.:.....~.: ~::~;::.. :.":... . ~ .:. ", ~ ;
.. ':':;45. The subdivider'shall dedicate 'and improve, to CitYstand~rd~ ail' str~b .
. and alleys. ,,:,~l1. street name~,:,~e to ~e aJ:Jp~C?yed :by the' City. ,': : .".., - ";." ;': ::-',
.:~.~,._, .-'.. ....~. ',~::~,,(>.".,-.''''~...'.:..=~;.~ -_':""~'~.~. -., .';'_'.:~':.':'.a_' .: '~-" .. ....~.... - ....,...;.~.i~~:.
~';'~46. Street and ,road .. iinprovement$...~~~"conform'~ '~'.~~~ e:d.sUng' Cj.ty paveout" .. '," .... .': .,.~.~
. ',,' pOlicy." ,A copy of said ~licy,:is available. . from. the PubJ.ic Works Dii:eotor...: .'.:; .'. ..
..:,-. ' ::?~~:'-"- ,..' ':,":: """:"'''',';''--- - ' .. ,--'-::' "".,." .'.'.....': '.. -. . ;=.-.~::.',--=i
::':'':'::47~ All streets,,. 'a11.eys',. sidewii"lXs{ cUrbs, and' gutter.s 'adjacent 'to tb.e'...;u~ '''>, ....',~ .:....
,~ division shall be improved'as',:necessaxy'to provide safe vertical and',~,:. .. ~, ':::.:'" .'/,
. ..' .' . .0,... ........_. '" . . . . '." "'.. " ... . .' ........: .. .'
,."'"'' horizontal'transitions to ,connect' improvement.9 constructed' within tbis ,:..-; :<..., , ',' ~.,:"
. - $ubdivision' to existing, improvements, '. as. di:r.ected by 1:he PubU.c Works .:...' , . "-~ : ~.,~ "':.:,.
'- .. . Director. Any. street, alleYi,::'si.d~walk, .or' cur~ .damaged by the subdivider' .... :
" or its agen~s or emplo>::~es 'sha~~.be repaired~.:' . : :. :' .' ' >":. " .,.. ,"
...-::....::::.... ....... .... .'i...:.€";:....~. .:. . .... ._....~~ ...... .. .
.8. Soils reports.. "R" value, arid compaction tests will be required on' A11 '. " .,
streetS. "Determination, of the actua~ structural section shall be based
on State }Iigbway design procedurp.. =~.. ,','. ,. , .:,:- --.-... .. ..:
. -' 0". .. ......
:~., ;.: -.' : :~.. ..' . '. .. .~.'~'. ~~'.;"'..' ...- .... ~... . ..,..
In i1ddition~ at. least' the top i2-inch portion (more if necessarY) 'of 'tb~ :
subgrade ma.terial shall be reworked and recompacted to the required .
densities ~t optimum moisture content shown in the. R-value tes~..
. .. t: ""," . . .:: ~ .... .. . '. :- .. ..: . ';'. 0"... '"
49. h11 wate~1 gasl:sewer, underground electrical'power~'CA'rv or 'telephone .
line~~ I or conduits or underground drain lines shall be installed before
any paving is placed. Utility stub connections to property boun~aries .
of each lot may be ,omitted only '-lith the expres~, and \o1ritten permissi~n.
of the Public Works Director. " ..:~ ,'. , ' '..
. . ... -. ~. .
-. - . -
50. The stub ends of all streets planne(l for futurc:,continuation shall b~' . ~'.',:'"
temporarily protected \-lith warning barricadesl red~ood ,h7aders" and . .. .' ..
b"'r~;, itS required by the Public \'lorks Director. ' ...., . '..
. .
51 Th hlivider shall pay for, and the City shall install, street name
. e su , . tr t
. <,' t ffic rem1latory and warning s~gns, and any necessary s ee
S~9n", ,ra -;3-. .' t 'J.'h
striping and markings as required by the Publ~c Works D~rec or. e
signs shall conform to City's requ~rements and sh~ll be purchased by
th~ suhdivider. Striping and sign1ng shall be ~a1d for by the de-
velop~c f>ubject to review and approval of the C~ty I and made a part
of th(: hnprovement plans.
52. ..1.it~: :i',lbd i vider Ghall ~,;ct t\1l rnonum~nts rcquired by the Subdivi.sion !.lap
Tlct b~dorr: hi!; bond i!; rclcased, and %.aid bond sh",ll be $ccurity tberefore.
1:) ...., < \ (\,'vJ.'(Jnr "h"lJ (lr.,.jrfn <<nd inGtctll all neCC55<<ry t:r.~)f:fic signal
a .1'~"~ ..,t1..i. '- .,. &'1.. ....,..~
'. . .1 .,1" . I' "lOr," "\abJ' C(: t tn the ilpprovi11 of thE~ Puulic \-:0.r.1;:; DCJ,Ji1rtment.
,~,('>t.I) .i(.d - ;:,#..- ...
-- ----.--
. .
54. The subdivider shall dedicate the 10.0 acre elementary school site shown on
the Tentative Map pursuant to Government Code #66478. If the School District
does not enter an acceptance commitment as required~ then subdivider shall
reserve that site for park and recreational purposes pursuant to Government
Code #66479. Unless" prior to tiIne for recording of a final map" an agree-
ment consistent with the Subdivision Map Act is reached between the Ci~ of
Arroyo Grande and the subdivider obligating the subdivider to dedicate all,
or a portion of the site for parks and recreation" subdivider shall pay park
development fees acc~~ding to standard City requirements.
55. Street trees and/or streetscaping including medians as designated by the
Parks Superintendent shall be accomplished by the subdivider. A street-
scaping plan may be required for review an~ approval by the Parks Superintendent'.
56.' ilhen onsite landscaping is required" a landscape and irrigation plan will be '..
required for review and approval by the Parks Superintendent.
57. The- subdivider shall provide water services and meters for all parkWays and
planter strips" as determined necessary by the 'Park~ Superintendent.
58. Unless specified in the C.C.&:R's" the subdivider shall provide landscaping
and irrigation systems in all front yards and on all corner lot side yards
which face public streets.
19. All utility facilities shall be placed underground in accordance with the
'..~ Ci~ Ordinance.
60. Deleted as inappropriate. .' ..
61. Deleted as inappropriate.
62. A master utility map shall be prepared by the subdivider and made a part
of the improvement plans. The map shall indicate the relative, location of
all the public and private utilities as directed by the Public Works Director.
(Gas, electric, telephone and cable television lines may be shown on the
plan prior to obtaining the encroachment permits for installation of these
63. Except as the parties may otherwise agree, the developer shall provide CATV,
without charge, the reasonable opportunity to utilize and jointly occupy for
the same purpose any trench provided by the developer to a utility for the
purpose of connecting the utility to service the development.
64. Deleted 'as 'inappropriate.
- ._~ ..-.--.---
. i,n. subs~quent development agreements. /7'13
. . !Strcets.
2. :erontage Road shall be developed in accordance \'lith Ordinance 186 C'.S. to
a minimum of two 14 ft. driving lanes and concrete curb and gutter on'the
freeway frontage between Brisco ~ad and the easterly improved right of
way adjacent to the cemetery. . Reimbursement may be considered.
3. Rancho Parkway to be' developed in' accordance with the, rezoning 'ordinance,
with pedestrian improvements along the tract frontage. The street shall
be developed to a minimum of 1/2 street plus a 14 ft. driving ~ane adjacent
to the tract boundaries, ,with a minimum of bl0 14 ft., driving lanes between, -
West Branch Street and the tract boundary. Reimbursement may be .c~nsidered~ ~ - -",
.' p. '0 #..
.. "..
'. 0.. .. .. ." '~.". ~:.. ._ . '
4. street lights shall. be required in'accordance with P. G.' & E. standards on
ornamenta1 poles. " ' ,'".' ,,', ': , . " ' ' .' .' ,
, . "The developer is to construct J~ Way ~~~ ~~ parkway,___'~i'k;i__~._,~_.:~_::"~'::';.:-;~-:'~','
C~.and the existing d'evelopnent: to the foUc"" t 24 ft .....
,,-- . _ '. Full width, grading and minimum drainage; J?ilvemen If.
~ on center of 2" asphaltic concrete over 8f~ appr~.6 base; -
minimum utilities necessary to serve the, p:act wJ.th ~t:er and
sewer are not required (these are to be :H~ta1J.~ bY. the
adjacent property developer), curb, gutte~ and S:L~ on ..
.... _ James Way adjacent to IDts 30, 31 and 32J , " ."
6. Internal streets shall ~onfo:rm with City. Standards 'and adopted co~~~Ptual--"""'"
J1iaster plan. , ,,:..... .,' ",:,
.' '::;'..:\, '.
.. ..
\vater. '
. . '
7. At a minimum~ d~veloper shall construct a backbone ~ater systeDI from Branch
stre~t to and including the proposed reservoir site as sh~m on theconcep- -'
tual master plan. Developer shall also be required ~o construct appropriate 0
pumP. station and reservoir facilitie~. All appropriate rights of way to
prov.1.de for the backbone water system shall be dedicated.. including the
pump station ~ite~ the reservoir site.. and additional required pipeline
rights of ~lay. Developer shall, dedicate a pipe 1ine right of \-lay bebleen
the reservoir site and Lot 11 of Oak Park Acres. Al1 lots shall be served
with City water, anu wuter f~ains shall be looped where appropriate.
.. ' :.
Cas Company. ...:. .
, ,
, ,
8. Developer to reso1ve conflict between ~li9nment'of high pressure g~s line
~lith lot lines as shown - . :" .;.;,':..,..
, ,.'
Fire Department Requircments.
3. }o'irc hydrants as re'luircd by the Fire Chief.
Be'He r . .
10. 1\11 lc.lts ~;hall be 5cwercd to publicly maintained mains. Developer shall be
respon!.iblc to assure City that downstrcnm facilities Are appropriately
siz(~d to i1ccouunodate the subdivision. System reinforcements may be'required.
11- ' 1\ dc,t j.It<t~Jf~ plan for thi:; tr.lc:t !;hall be prepared for review nnc1 npproval by
tlw J'ubl i.(; \'lorks Dcp.:\rtw::nt. Dr~ina~e fees may be required in conformance
"lith .1c!opl;rxl'City dc.:\ina~e plans.
1'- . DwJtd,vj'f'( ~;hal1 ilCXjuire .,ny .:\ppropr.iate off!:.ite dr.:.in.:\9E! cc'$em~nt:s whichl:l.,y
h'_~ r"',i'.1 i r.\"d to ilcc:orwil(.c1ate the development..
------ ._-"_.-.__._-~_.------.~-
. pa):"ks' and Recreation.
'Parks fees, as 'Well as appropriate street tree fees shall be paid prior to
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TO: Secretary of Resources FROM: City of Arroyo Grande
- 1416 Ninth Street, Room 1311
P. O. Box 550
Sacrament~.. CA 95814 Arr~yo Grande.. CA 93420
-1L County'Clerk . .
County of San Luis Obispo
StJBJE'CT: FiJ.ing of Notice of Detexmination in compliance with Section 21108 ,or .
21152 of the Public Resources Code..
. Tentative Tract Ma~ 11132 - Rancho Grande .
. '.
Project Title
S. A.. Eisner 805-489-1303
State C1earing,house Number Contact Person Te1ephone Number
(If submitted to Clearinghouse)' .
. , .
.Jii9hwav 101 at Brisco Road .
Project Location
134 Unit Single Familv Residential Subdivision
Project Description
This is to advise that the Responsible Agency'
(Lead' Agency or Responsible Agency) -, , ,"
bas approved, ,t:be-"above described project and has: made the following dete:Cm1nations .'
regarding the above described project:,
'1'he project X will,,' will not.. have, a significant effect on the environment_ .
- -
2. -X- An Environmental Impact Report \-Tas prepared for this project pursuant
to :tl1e provisions of CEQA~
A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the
- provisions of CEQA.
The EIR or Negative Declaration and record of project approval may be
examined at:
Office of the Planning Department) Arroyo Grande City Hall,
214 E. Branch Street .
3. Mitigation measurcs~were..~were not" maoe a condition of the approval
of the project.
4. ^ !itiJtclltent of Overriding \-las not, adopted for.
thiH pr.oject. tJ ~
n..ate Re:C:L!iV(:U for F'iling___._
, , . , a'. ...... ..-. ~ ..
.. .. ~
-..-- .~