ARC 2019-02-04_8c Hinesley Mixed Use CUP MEMORANDUM TO: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FROM: MATTHEW DOWNING, PLANNING MANAGER BY: ANDREW PEREZ, ASSISTANT PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF LOT MERGER 18-001 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-007; PHASED DEVELOPMENT OF NINE (9) TWO-STORY APARTMENT UNITS AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 2 STORY MIXED-USE STRUCTURE, INCLUDING 2,025 SQ. FT. OF OFFICE AND A 2,240 SQ. FT. APARTMENT; LOCATION – 1214 E GRAND AVENUE & 181 N ELM STREET; APPLICANT – FLOYD HINESLEY; REPRESENTATIVES – CODY MCLAUGHLIN& FRED PORTER DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Recommendation for future action by the Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit for a mixed-use development consisting of ten (10) new multi-family dwelling units, and 2,025 square feet of office space on the subject parcels. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There are no direct impacts to City financial and personnel resources as a result of the proposed project. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) review the proposed project and make a recommendation to the Planning Commission. BACKGROUND: The project site consists of two properties in a somewhat “L” shaped configuration located at 181 N. Elm Street, and 1214 E. Grand Avenue (Attachment 1). The project site is moderately sloped toward E. Grand Avenue and relatively devoid of landscaping . The applicant is proposing to merge the two properties and develop a ten (10) multi-family residential units and 2,025 square feet of commercial space. The properties are currently developed with a 372 square foot commercial building on the E. Grand Avenue frontage, which is proposed for demolition, and an 1,866 square foot, single family dwelling on the N. Elm Street frontage proposed to remain. Both parcels are zoned Gateway Mixed-Use (GMU). The parcels border the northern and western sides of the parcel where a fast food restaurant is located. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF LOT MERGER 18-001 & CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-007 FEBRUARY 4, 2019 PAGE 2 Staff Advisory Committee The Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) reviewed the proposed project most recently on January 15, 2019. The SAC discussed a number of items regarding the project, including the proposed phasing of the project, and stormwater requirements. The SAC also advised the applicant team about required public improvements on the E. Grand Avenue frontage, driver visibility at the N. Elm Street driveway and lighting on site. Members of the SAC were in support of the proposed project and recommended app roval of the project to the Planning Commission. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Project Description The project is proposed to be constructed in two phases over a three (3) year time period (Attachment 2). Phase One would consist of the construction of the nine (9) multi-family residential units and five (5) uncovered guest parking spaces, on what is now 181 N. Elm Street parcel and the northern half of the 1214 E Grand Avenue parcel. Phase Two would comprise of the construction of the two-story mixed use building located along the E. Grand Avenue frontage. Phase Two will also include a new driveway leading to a parking area with nine (9) new automobile parking spaces. The applicant team estimates that Phase One would break ground in late 2019 and be completed by late 2020. Phase Two is estimated to break ground in late 2021 and be completed by late 2022. The nine (9) two-story apartments are each proposed to be 1,355 square feet, with the master suite and a 510 square foot, two-car garage located on the ground floor, and the kitchen, living room and two additional bedrooms on the second level. The existing two- story house and garage are proposed to remain, and the existing driveway is proposed to be widened to meet AGMC Section 16.56.100, which requires driveways that provide access to more than three (3) units to be at least sixteen feet (16’) wide . The two-story mixed use building is proposed to be 2,025 square feet of office space on the ground floor, and a 2,240 square foot, three bedroom apartment on the second floor. General Plan The General Plan designates the subject property for Mixed Use land uses. The proposed mixed-use development helps achieve concurrence with the General Plan, including Objective LU5 and Policies LU5-3, LU5-6, LU5-7, LU5-8, LU12-2.3, and LU12-11 of the Land Use Element and Objective ED3 and Policy ED5-1 of the Economic Development Element, which state: LU5: Community commercial, office, residential and other compatible land uses shall be located in Mixed Use (MU) areas and corridors, both north and south of the freeway, in proximity to major arterial streets. LU5-3: Ensure that all projects developed in the MU areas include appropriate site planning and urban design amenities to encourage travel by walking, bicycling and public transit. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF LOT MERGER 18-001 & CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-007 FEBRUARY 4, 2019 PAGE 3 LU5-6: Allowable uses within the MU category shall not include uses that adversely affect surrounding commercial or residential uses, or contribute to the deterioration of existing environmental conditions in the area. LU5-7: Plan for a revitalized East Grand Avenue Mixed -Use corridor that has less of a strip-commercial aspect and more coordinated, mixed -use boulevard ambiance with distinct activity subareas including “Gateway, Midway and Highway” districts LU5-8: Provide for different combinations, configurations and mixtures of commercial, office and residential uses designating the East Grand Avenue, El Camino Rea l and Traffic Way corridors as Mixed Use (MU). LU12-2.3: Provide building elevations that are well-articulated in order to break up building bulk. Incorporate one-story elements in two story structures. A.5: The City shall encourage housing compatible with commercial and office uses and promote “mixed use” and “village core” zoning districts to facilitate integration of residential uses into such areas Development Standards The subject property is zoned GMU. The primary purpose of the GMU district is to provide for the combination of financial institutions, retail, office and commercial uses and multi - family residences with retail and other pedestrian -oriented uses on the ground floors of structures fronting E. Grand Avenue, and residential units or offices allowed on upper floors. The following table shows how the proposed project would comply with the development standards of the GMU zone: Table 1: Site Development Standards for the GMU Zoning District Development Standards GMU District CUP 18-007 Notes Maximum Density – Mixed Use Projects 25 dwelling units/acre (based on gross project area). 11 dwelling units/acre Code Met Minimum Lot Size 20,000 sq. ft. gross 39,250 sq. ft. Code Met Minimum Lot Width 100 feet E Grand Ave: 70 ft. N Elm St: 135 ft. E. Grand Ave frontage is legally non- conforming N Elm frontage meets code. Front Yard Setback 0 - 10 feet. Exceptions for larger setbacks may include entrance E Grand Ave: 9 ft. N Elm St: 10 ft. Code Met ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF LOT MERGER 18-001 & CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-007 FEBRUARY 4, 2019 PAGE 4 Development Standards GMU District CUP 18-007 Notes courtyards, areas for outdoor dining, or for projects facing a residential district as determined through discretionary review. Rear Yard Setback 0 – 15 feet. Parking encouraged. For projects abutting a residential district, corresponding residential setback shall apply. E Grand Ave: 35 ft N Elm St: 40 ft. Code Met Side Yard Setback 0 – 5 feet. For projects abutting a residential district, corresponding residential setback shall apply. Adjacent to mixed use: 0' ft. Adjacent to residential use: 15 ft. Code Met Building Height Maximum height is 35 feet of three stories whichever is less Max height: Phase 1: 27’8” Phase 2: 28’2” Code Met Building Size Limits Maximum height is 35 feet or three stories whichever is less. Maximum building size is 102,500 square feet. Max Building Size: Phase 1: ~6,000 sf Phase 2: 2,025 sf Code met Site Coverage Maximum Coverage of site is 75% Total: 34% Code Met Floor Area Ratio Maximum floor area ratio is 1.50 .57 Code Met As identified above, the proposed project meets all applicable development standards of the GMU zoning district as specified by the Development Code. Access and Parking Section 16.56.060 of the AGMC requires parking for the project at a rate of two (2) covered spaces for each residential unit, and an additional 0.5 spaces per unit for guest parking when the development contains four (4) or more units. However, in a mixed-use project the required parking for the residential component does not have to be covered. Each of the nine (9) apartments in Phase One of the project are proposed to have their own two-car garage, and the five (5) uncovered parking spaces proposed to be located to the west of the apartments would meet the guest parking requirement for the entire ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF LOT MERGER 18-001 & CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-007 FEBRUARY 4, 2019 PAGE 5 development. The existing driveway off of N. Elm Street is proposed to be widened in order to provide access to the parking areas as well as emergency access. The existing garage for the single family residence is proposed to remain. Phase Two consists of a two-story structure with a three-bedroom apartment above a 2,025 square foot commercial unit. The AGMC requires commercial parking be provided at a rate of one (1) space for every 250 square feet of gross floor area , and as previously noted, the parking requirement for the three-bedroom apartment is two spaces. A driveway off of E. Grand Avenue would provide access to nine (9) uncovered parking spaces that will serve both the residential and commercial uses. Two motorcycle parking spaces are also proposed, however, they do not meet the minimum area standard of 56 square feet of usable area per space, as required by AGMC Section 16.56.070 . The proposed project is deficient of parking required by the AGMC by one (1) space; however, AGMC Section 16.56.050 allows the total parking requirement to be reduced to eighty (80) percent of the required standard for shared uses. It is not anticipated that the shared parking proposal will be an issue due to the nature of the mixed -use development. The residential component is likely to have the demand for parking in the early morning and overnight hours when a commercial operation would be closed for business, therefore reducing the likelihood for an actual parking shortage. Additionally, the garage parking for the nine (9) apartments will be conditioned to be utilized for parking by the residents and not for storage, increasing the likelihood that uncovered parking is used for residential parking, leaving it for either guests or clientele of the commercial space. A total of 35 parking spaces are required for the proposed project, and 34 automobile spaces are proposed. These requirements are broken down in the following table. Table 4: Parking Calculations Land Use Development Code Requirement Parking Required Parking Provided Notes Existing Single Family Residence 2 spaces per unit within an enclosed garage 2 covered spaces 2 spaces in existing garage Code met 10 Proposed Apartment Units 2 spaces per unit and .5 unit for developments over four units 20 resident spaces 5 guest spaces. 25 total 18 spaces in private garages, 2 uncovered for mixed use residential, & 5 guest spaces Code met. 2,025 sf Commercial Unit 1 parking space per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area 8 spaces 7 spaces Code not met ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF LOT MERGER 18-001 & CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-007 FEBRUARY 4, 2019 PAGE 6 Land Use Development Code Requirement Parking Required Parking Provided Notes Total 35 spaces 34 spaces Code not Met Mixed Use Reduction Provide 80% of required parking for shared uses 28 spaces 34 spaces Code Met Architecture The two structures containing the nine (9) new apartments are proposed to have second story projections and recessed entries to break up the mass of the structure. The residential buildings do not neatly fit into a particular architectural style, but ha ve components from a variety of styles. The low-pitched, gable roofs and exposed rafter tails are components often found in a Craftsman style building. The proposed stucco exterior walls and tile roofing are characteristics often found in Mediterranean style architecture. The exposed beams, fascia and exposed rafter tails will be stained a dark walnut, while the windows will be painted “Stormy Blue”. The buildings will have stucco cladding, with the trim proposed to be painted “Pacific Sand” and the remainder of the walls to be painted “Crystal White” (Attachment 3). Each of these two buildings will have a low-pitched roof and concrete tile roofing. A color and materials board will be available at the meeting. The mixed-use building on the southern portion of the site is designed in a more modern style than the residential portion of the project. The buildings would be similar in that they have second-story projections on three of the four facades to add interest and aesthetic appeal. Smooth stucco walls are also proposed for this building, and a reclaimed wood rainscreen will be installed on the southern elevation. The “Stormy Blue” paint color is proposed the trim, and “White” and “Natural Grey” will be use on both levels of the building (Attachment 4). Landscaping Four of the existing trees on site are proposed to remain, including one oak tree. In addition to the existing trees, three (3) new Pistacia Chinesis trees are proposed to be planted throughout the site. The N. Elm Street frontage will be improved with the addition of Nandina Domestica and Leucodendron shrubs on private property. Juniper bushes in front of the existing single family residence will remain. The E. Grand Avenue frontage will be improved with the addition of Anigozanthos Hybrid and Festuca Ovina at the back of sidewalk. The existing street trees on E. Grand Avenue are proposed to remain. Various shrubs and grasses are proposed around the borders of the structures, perimeter of the site and in parking lot planters. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF LOT MERGER 18-001 & CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-007 FEBRUARY 4, 2019 PAGE 7 ADVANTAGES: The project proposes to appropriately develop a commercial site located in the E. Grand Avenue mixed-use corridor. Development of the site increases the aesthetic appeal of the site, and will provide housing units at a density that complies with the General Plan. The development’s design and land uses are an appropriate transition between the residential uses on N. Elm Street and the commercial uses on E. Grand Avenue. DISADVANTAGES: The proposed phasing of the project would leave the portion of the site that is most visible from E. Grand Avenue vacant and undeveloped until late 2021. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the project was determined to be categorically exempt per Section 15332 of the State CEQA Guidelines regarding in-fill development. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENT: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. At the time of report publication, no comments have been received. Attachments: 1.Location map 2.Proposed phasing map 3.Proposed colors – Multi-family Residential 4.Proposed colors – Mixed-Use 5.Project plans (Available for public review at City Hall) ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 4 Winciowsl.DOOtB .. An.odized Aluminum Siding -Reclaimed Wood Rain.screen. Last Grand Arrrt� G rra.md:e, Ca.I f.¥-orniai Stucco .. White Smooth Stucco­ Natural Grey Smooth Stucco­ Stormy Blue Smooth ATTACHMENT 4