PC R 19-2318 RESOLUTION NO. 19-2318
WHEREAS, the project site is an approximately 6.4-acre site located in the Regional
Commercial (RC) zoning district and currently developed with an approximately 82,600
square-foot commercial building formerly occupied by Kmart; and
WHEREAS, the project site is part of the Oak Park Plaza shopping center; and
WHEREAS, on September 4, 2018, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use
Permit 18-004 for the expansion of the existing commercial structure by approximately
4,500 square feet and split the resulting commercial space into three (3) tenant spaces,
including a fitness facility operating 24-hours per day, a grocery store larger than 20,000
square feet and selling beer, wine, and distilled spirits, and a 50,000 square foot retail
store; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission continued consideration of Planned Sign Program
18-002 to allow the applicant to revise the proposal of the monument sign and the sign
program; and
WHEREAS, the applicant revised the sign proposal in response to Planning Commission
comments; and
WHEREAS, the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the project on February 4,
2019, recommending approval of the project to the Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed this project in compliance with the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo
Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and determined that the
project is exempt per Sections 15301(e)(2) of the CEQA Guidelines regarding existing
facilities; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has reviewed the
project at a duly noticed public hearing on February 19, 2019; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public
hearing, the following circumstances exist:
Planned Sign Program Findings:
1. The proposed sign is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and
programs of the Arroyo Grande general plan, specific plan, and any
applicable design guidelines or approvals.
The proposed 20' freeway sign and tenant wall signs are consistent with all
applicable provisions of the Development Code with the flexibility provided
through the Planned Sign Program process, the goals and objectives of the
Arroyo Grande General Plan including Policies LU12, LU12-12 and ED5-1 of
the Land Use Element and Economic Development Element, and the
development policies and standards of the City.
2. The proposed sign conforms to applicable development standards and
provisions of this title and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety,
and welfare.
The proposed 20'freeway sign and tenant wall signs are consistent with and
conform to all applicable development standards with the flexibility provided
through the Planned Sign Program process and will be constructed in full
compliance with all applicable building and engineering codes. For this
reason, the signs will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and
3. The physical location or placement of the sign is compatible with the
surrounding neighborhood and does not pose a safety risk.
The proposed 20' freeway sign is located at the parcel's primary entrance,
consistent with other monument signs at the Oak Park Plaza and does not
pose a safety risk due to being constructed in accordance with all applicable
building and engineering codes.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of
Arroyo Grande hereby approves Planned Sign Program 18-002 as set forth in Exhibit "B",
attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, with the above findings and
subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated
herein by this reference.
On motion by Commissioner Montes, seconded by Commissioner Sage, and by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Montes, Sage, Maraviglia, Schiro
NOES: None
ABSENT: Martin
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 19th day of February, 2019.
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1. This approval authorizes the installation of a twenty foot (20') monument sign and
establishes sign criteria for future tenant identification signs.
2. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City
requirements as are applicable to this project.
3. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Planned Sign
Program 18-002.
4. This application shall automatically expire on February 19, 2021 unless a building
permit is issued.
5. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to
the Planning Commission at the meeting of February 19, 2019 and marked Exhibit
6. The applicant shall agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless at his/her sole
expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers,
or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in any way relating to
the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The
applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court
costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be
required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole
discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but
such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this
7. A copy of these conditions shall be incorporated into all construction documents.
8. At the time of application for construction permits, plans submitted shall show all
development consistent with the approved site plan, floor plan, architectural
elevations and landscape plan.
9. Signage shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 16.60 of the Development
Code. Prior to issuance of a building permit, all illegal signs shall be removed.
10. Any changes to the number of tenants at the site, resulting in the need to change
the Master Sign Program, shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 16.60 of
the Development Code and shall require review by the Architectural Review
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sign program
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October 201.8 -
i Prepared by:
rrm'. .:. 1 ' RRM Design Group
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F2r41 destgn : Prepared for:
ENE grou.p i
Peter Orradre
Table of Contents
Page No.
I. Introduction 1-2
II. Sign Approval Procedures 3
III. General Sign Criteria & Guidelines 4-5
IV. Tenant Sign Criteria 6-7
V. Monument Signage 8
I. Introduction
The Oak Park Plaza is a shopping center complex that includes several different property
owners and various types and styles of development that occurred independently over time. A
Sign Program was prepared for the southerly two-story office building which includes guidance
for smaller-scale wall signs for individual tenants within that building. The building at the rear of
the site at 1570 West Branch Street had one sign identifying the past tenant K-Mart in the
center of the facade and no identification with a street sign. Other major tenants within the
greater shopping center area include Carl's Junior, Coast Hills Bank, and the Quarterdeck
Restaurant that are all located on separately-owned parcels and have their own distinct signage.
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Exhibit I — Site Plan and Signage Scope
1570 West Branch Street Sign Program—Page 1
The intent of this Sign Program is to establish sign envelopes and specific design guidance for
tenant signage in the rear central building which was the former K-Mart at 1570 West Branch
Street (APN 077-771-068). The Sign Program is tied to Conditional Use Permit 18-004
approved by the City Planning Commission on September 4, 2018, which allowed the former
K-Mart building to be divided into three separate tenant spaces along with an approximately
4,500 square-foot addition.
The goal of this Sign Program is to achieve visually coordinated, balanced and attractive signs
for the new tenants and to upgrade the site environment, in accordance with the City of
Arroyo Grande and its adopted sign requirements. It is understood that individual tenants
must secure permits from the City of Arroyo Grande for any proposed signage. Conformance
of submitted sign permit applications with this sign criteria shall be strictly enforced by the City
of Arroyo Grande. Any nonconforming or illegally installed•signs shall be removed by the
tenant or his sign contractor at their expense, upon demand by the City.
All signs meeting the requirements of the Sign Program shall be administratively approved by
the Planning Department.
1570 West Branch Street Sign Program—Page 2
II. Sign Approval Procedures
I. All tenant storefront identification signs shall be subject to approval, in writing, from the
owner. The tenant shall submit preliminary sign drawings to the owner for his review at
the time of preliminary store design review.
2. The tenant shall submit to the owner, for written approval, three (3) copies of the final
scaled shop drawings of the proposed sign showing materials, colors, finishes and
dimensions. These drawings shall indicate conformance with the sign criteria herein
outlined and one copy shall be in full color.
Send to: Peter Orradre
768 Twin Creeks Way
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
3. The tenant shall submit drawings, approved and stamped by the owner, to the City of
Arroyo Grande Community Development Department (Planning Division) for approval
prior to obtaining a sign permit from the Building Division.
4. The tenant shall pay for all signs, their installation (including final connection,
transformers and all other labor and materials) and maintenance.
5. The tenant shall obtain all necessary permits.
6. Future major tenants unable to conform with the approved sign criteria outlined in this
document shall pursue needed approvals as directed by the City of Arroyo Grande
Planning Division.
1570 West Branch Street Sign Program—Page 3
Ill. General Sign Criteria & Guidelines
I. Permitted signage content shall be limited to the tenant's trade name and logo, as
approved in the lease and in the City of Arroyo Grande Business License.
2. Any tenant with registered trademarks or recognized logos shall be permitted to use
them subject to approval by the City of Arroyo Grande Planning Division. The area of
said trademark or logo shall be calculated within the total sign area permitted for such
3. All signs and sign structures, as well as the immediate premises surrounding them, shall
be well maintained by the tenant. Any cracked or broken surfaces and malfunctioning
or damaged portions of a sign shall be repaired or replaced within thirty (30) days of
either notification from the Landlord or the City of Arroyo Grande Planning Division.
4. In the event of a tenant vacancy, the tenant shall remove all wall signs. All holes left by
the sign shall be repaired and painted to match exterior building color.
5. Sign illumination should be maintained from dusk to closure of business. Except for a
24-hour business, signs shall not be illuminated after 10:00 p.m. or close of business,
whichever is later.
6. In general, illumination should be internal to individual signs. If external light fixtures are
. ;. used for illumination, light sources shall be shielded and directed so that light or-glare
does not shine above the horizontal plane of the top of the sign.
7. In addition to complying with maximum square footages and other applicable criteria,
signs shall appear balanced and in scale with the context of the sign space allotted and
the overall building. Signs shall be centered over each Tenant space unless otherwise
directed by the Landlords and approved by the City of Arroyo Grande Planning
8. No animated, revolving, flashing, or audible signs shall be permitted. In addition, vehicle-
mounted commercial signs, roof signs, and portable signs not permitted by the City, are
also prohibited.
111 9. Banner, window, and other temporary signs are subject to the provisions of the City's
Sign Regulations.
1570 West Branch Street Sign Program—Page 4
10. All signs and installation of signs shall conform to the appropriate building and electrical
codes. Letters shall have disconnecting switches and bear the U.L. label. Each tenant
shall be fully responsible for the operations of their sign contractor.
1 I. All conduits, raceway, transformers, junction boxes, openings in building surfaces, etc.,
shall be concealed. Exposed hardware shall be finished in a manner consistent with
quality fabrication practices. All finished signs shall be pegged from the wall.
12. It is the responsibility of the tenant's sign company to verify all conduit and transformer
locations and service prior to fabrication.
13. The tenant shall supply electrical stubs at fascia for approved internally illuminated
channelized letter signs. Electrical service to tenant signs shall extend to the house
panel of each building.
1570 West Branch Street Sign Program—Page 5
IV. Tenant Sign Criteria
I. All wall signs shall be constructed as one of the following sign types:
a. Internally illuminated individual channel letters with acrylic plastic faces with a minimum
thickness of 3/16". Internal illumination is to be 60 mili-amp LED, installed and labeled
in accordance with the "National Board of Fire Underwriters Specifications."
b. Internally illuminated cabinet signs are prohibited; however, sign 'cans' shall be
permitted as secondary features if they represent a company logo.
c. Individual backlit channel letters.
2. Three tenant spaces are proposed within the former K-Mart building;
a. Tenant Space A— 16,748 square feet and 79' of linear frontage.
b. Tenant Space B— 20,352 square feet and 96' feet of linear frontage.
c. Tenant Space C — 50,032 square feet and 236' of linear frontage.
3. Signage area allocations above are based on the overall size of the tenant spaces to be
proportional with business facades.
4. Allowed Signage areas for Tenant Spaces shall be consistent with the criteria provided in
Table I below.
Table I- Allowed Sign Areas
Tenant Space Primary Sign Secondary Sign(s) Total
A 40-70 square feet Up to 30 square feet 70 square feet
B 70 square feet 30 square feet 100 square feet
C 100 square feet 50 square feet 150 square feet
5. Primary Wall Signs shall not exceed a maximum sign height of 5 feet and two lines of copy
(see Exhibit 2 on the following page):
a. First line maximum of 36 inches;
b. Second line maximum of 18 inches.
6. Secondary Wall Signs:
a. One line maximum of 18 inches.
b. These ancillary signs would be placed on walls of a tenant space not directly above
c. These signs are not restricted in number, but the total area of secondary signs may not
exceed the allowed areas contained in Table I.
1570 West Branch Street Sign Program—Page 6
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Exhibit 2 —Primary Wall Sign
7. Signs shall not be less than (I) one foot from the edge of a tenant's storefront fascia or any
architectural feature.
8. Sign Area computation shall be in accordance with City Municipal Code Section 16.60.030B,
which states:
a. The surface area of a sign shall be the total number of square feet calculated by
enclosing the extreme limits -of the writing, logo, representation, emblem, or other
display, together with any frame, background area, structural trim, or other material or
color forming an integral part of the background of the display or used to differentiate
the sign from the backdrop or surface against which it is placed, within a single
continuous perimeter composed of circles, squares or rectangles.
b. Supporting framework or bracing that is clearly incidental to the display itself shall not
be included as sign surface area.
c. If the sign consists of more than one section or module, all of the area, including the
area between the sections of modules, shall be included in the computation of sign
surface area. Sections or modules must touch one another to count as one sign.
1570 West Branch Street Sign Program—Page 7
V. Monument Signage
Monument Sign
One (I) monument sign shall be permitted in the landscaped planter along West Branch Street
(See Exhibit I for sign location). The sign shall be a maximum of 20 feet in height, double faced
and contain the project name, logo, and up to three (3) tenant names. Sign panels on the
monument sign would be limited to:
I) Thirty-inch high with a maximum of 24-inch letters for the top project name panel; and
2) Two-foot high with a maximum of I 8-inch letters for the lower tenant panels.
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Exhibit 3 —Proposed New Monument Signage Concept
1570 West Branch Street Sign Program—Page 8