CC 2019-04-23_08e Replacement Radio Equipment_PDMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEAU D. PRYOR, CHIEF OF POLICE BY: SHAWN COSGROVE, POLICE COMMANDER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF THE PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT RADIO EQUIPMENT FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: APRIL 23, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Council’s approval of purchase of handheld radios for the Police Department will improve public safety communications. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: This action will have no impact to the general fund or the Police Department’s fiscal budget. The purchase is to be fully funded by the State Community Oriented Policing Services (C.O.P.S.) Block Grant program. The total cost funded by the grant is $24,913.70 for twenty-eight (28) handheld radios. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1. Approve the purchase of new replacement handheld radios for Police Department funded through the C.O.P.S. Grant program. BACKGROUND: As part of the Police Department’s proposed 2019-2020 strategic plan, Command staff has identified the need for replacement handheld radios. The Police Department currently utilizes handheld radios manufactured by Motorola. These particular radios (HT1250) were purchased to equip patrol staff for public safety communications in 1999. The original purchase provided each Police Officer with one radio in addition to several spare radios to be used as replacements due to loss or damage. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The current radios used by the Police Department were originally purchased twenty years ago. Although relatively functional, the Police Department is in need of new technology to continue efficient communication between dispatch, allied agencies, and fellow patrol officers. Over the past few years, the current radios being used by staff have developed communication issues such as problems in connectivity, range and signal strength, Item 8.e. - Page 1 CONSIDERATION OF THE PURCHASE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT APRIL 23, 2019 PAGE 2 battery life, durability, and functionality. This is problematic especially due to poor reception in areas such as the Village, eastern city boundaries near Strother Park, and the interior of the Police Department building. The current radios are antiquated and are costly to repair because replacement parts are not regularly marketed. In researching handheld radios used by other south county law enforcement agencies, it was determined Kenwood brand radios are the industry standard. The Police Department recently purchased two (2) Kenwood NX-5300 (K2) radios to conduct testing among patrol staff. Four officers were selected and were directed to test the radios for several weeks. The participating officers were instructed to transmit from locations within the City with poor reception. In all areas tested, including the Police Station and the Arroyo Grande High School campus, the Kenwood radios drastically improved radio communications. The Kenwood NX-5300 (K2) radios have digital capabilities for future radio upgrades and also deliver the ability to encrypt certain channels to broadcast information sensitive in nature. In researching comparable Kenwood and Motorola models, the department found the Motorola’s costs were more than twice the cost of the selected Kenwood model. The Kenwood purchase would be through Applied Technologies who services the department’s radio towers and repeaters. Applied Technologies are capable of purchasing, repairing, and programming the radios. The total cost of the Kenwood radio project is $24,913.70 for the purchase of twenty-eight (28) radios. The project is funded by the United States Department of Justice State C.O.P.S. Grant and pricing is based on the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) State contract to ensure the lowest cost. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Approve staff’s recommendations to purchase radios; 2. Do not approve staff’s recommendations; or 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Approving the recommended action will mitigate continued maintenance costs in repairing antiquated equipment and will improve public safety communications. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantaged are identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Item 8.e. - Page 2 CONSIDERATION OF THE PURCHASE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT APRIL 23, 2019 PAGE 3 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Applied technologies purchase quote Item 8.e. - Page 3 I I ATTACHMENT 1 JVCKENWOOD JV CK ENWOO D U.S.A. Co rpo r atio n NASPO Co ntract 0 6913 NAS PO Pr ice Quotation Dea ler: Applie d Technology Group, In c. (Acct# 60 2599) 4440 Easto n Dr ive, Bakersfie ld, CA 93309 (661) 322-8650, (661) 3 22-4060 FAX Ge ne Hanso n ghanson@atginternet.com APPLIED TECHNOLOGY Name: Arroy o Grande Po lice Departme nt Atte nt ion: Shawn Co sg rove Address : 200 N. Halcyon Rd Phone: 805-473-5112 Address : FAX: 805-473-2198 City,ST,ZI P: Arroy o Grande, CA 93420 E-M a il: scosgr ov e@arroyogrande.org DATE QUOTED BY I DELI VER Y F.O.B. PO INT 4/9/2019 GH I Best Ground QTY MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 28 NX-5300 K2 UHF 450-520MHz -5.0 W atts NXDN 28 KRA-27M UHF Whie 440-490MHz A ntenna 28 KNB-L2M Li -io n 2 6 00mAh (St a nda rd} Batte~ 28 KSC-32 Ra eid Rate Single Unit Ch a rge r 28 KMC-54WDM Mil-Se ec IP6 7 wle rog rammable butto n s 28 KWD-5100CV Li cen se Ke)£ for P 25 Co n v. (o e tional} S402.50 (no t in cl uded in this guo te} ra::.J•T--=-•-• ll!!,,.l 1L., •• Ill I ■-• ·--.... .......... --i~ • • -''--"11111:ll• • To tal : Tax Rate : I 7 .75% I Sa le s Tax: Shipp ing : Name: Sig nature:11----------------------1 PO#: ,...__ _________________ ___, Grand Total: Date: AGPD-Kenwood NASPO Quote-2019-04-09 xlsx I TERM S I Net 30, 2% Net 31 NET PRICE EXTENSION $577.50 $ 16,170.00 $9.80 $ 274.40 $96.82 $ 2,710.96 $ 49.00 $ 1,372.00 $ 91.00 $ 2,5 48.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 23,075.36 $ 1,788.34 $ 50.00 $ 24,913 .70 Item 8.e. -Page 4 1 of 1