HomeMy WebLinkAboutR 1748 - ,. ---~--- -,-. - .,-- .- -.-. .~._----..~---,-_._---_.- ----..-...---,.-.---------.-..... P-~ RESOLUTION NO. 1748 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; CALIFORNIA, FINDING AND .....D.E.Tl.RMltUlIG_THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, CON- VENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE IMPROVE- MENTS AND APPURTENANCES SUBSTANTIALLY AS SET FORTH IN THE REPORT FILED PURSUANT TO THE "SPECIAL ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION, , LIMITATION AND MAJORITY PROTEST ACT OF 1931": THAT THE PROJECT IS FEASI8LE: AND THAT THE LANDS WILL BE ABLE TO CARRY THE BURDEN OF THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That a11 protests and objections be overru1ed and denied upon the express- finding that they are made by the owners of less than one-half (1/2). of the area of property to be assessed. SECTION 2. That the pub 11 c interest, convenience and necessity require certain pub1ic works of improvement and appurtenances and appurtenant work in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 81-1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"), substantial1y as set forth in the "Report" thereof f11 ed under the provisions of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of -..- 1931", being Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of. California. SECTION 3. That the project is feasible and that the lands to be assessed win be able to carry the burden of the proposed assessment, and that the limita- t ions of the amounts of assesSments provided for in Divi sion 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California be disregarded both with respect to the limitation on the Assessment District as a wh01e, and as to the limitation on individual specific assessments. SECTION 4. That by this Res01ution, it is the intention of this Council to make al1 findinqs by the affirmative four-fifths (4/5ths) vote of al1 members thereof that all determinations as to necessity and feasibility and necessity to disregard the limitations and proceedings set up in Division 4 as therein provided be made and determined. APPROVED and ADOPTED this nth day of MARCH , 1984. l!Y{h/l() ~ MAYOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA VC CITY CLERK C OF ARROYO GR' NDE ATE OF CALIFORNIA . -~--_.__._- ---. -- ..._..-._-----~_.__..- ._..~--------. ~ --.--.-- -~..'..---,- .- /,.',:, ".' ,...,.....".": '. .-'. .'.-' ~ ,., .J,-;' '_ '-!, ,':'..':.~~:,:~t!... - -. ~;., .\:->.::. '-' ..' '.~ ." '-..' ~ " :. . ? -'. "'....,'.'"' . """. ,.,-':'" .........:.'..... " '-" "."',..-;"..' . , - . " ----- ---_.._-~-_.. .....---,. ---:-----.-- . - r '. . .: . , . STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CITY OF ARROYO ~ANDE I, V I RG I N IA L. CULP DEPUTY CITY CLERK of the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No, 1748 ,was duly passed, approv~d a~d adopted by the City Counei 1, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested b EtW ~City Clerk, all at the Regular meeting of said City Counei 1 he1 d on the 13th day of MARCH , 1984, and that the same w~s passed and adopted by the following vote: - AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS VANDEVEER, GALLAGHER, MILLIS, HOGAN a~d MAYOR SMITH , " NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS NONE ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS NONE ..- EXECUTED this 15th day of MARCH , 1984, at Arroyo Grande, California. --- - [SEAL)