R 1728
-~ J
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered
the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1132, filed by Bourdon and Burkart, Agents
for OTTSE, INC., in accordance with the City Code; and
WHEREAS, said Tentative Map was referred to various public utility
companies, City departments, Staff Advisory Committee and Planning Commission
for recommendations; and
WHEREAS, the Tentative Map was found to be consistent with the General
Plan, City development policy, and the Goals and Objectives of the City; and
WHEREAS, the proposed subdivis.ion tract is consistent with current
zoning: and
WHEREAS, the subdivision tract is consistent with the provisions of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and that mitigating measures
for all environmental impacts have been addressed in Ordinance 186 C.S. i
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of
Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Tentative Map of Tract No. 1132, subject
to the attached conditions.
On motion by Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis
and by the following roll call vote, to wit: .
AYES:. Councilmen Vandeveer, Mll1!s and Mayor Smith
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilmen Gallagher and Hogan
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 8th day of November 1983.
ATTEST: '> /'
uty ity C erk
I, Virginia L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk of Arroyo Grande, County of
San Luis Obispo, State of Califo(nia, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Resolution No. 1728 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution
passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a
regular meeting of said Council held on the 8th day of November 1983.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
this 10th day of November 1983.
y City Clerk
of Arroyo Grande
TRACT 1132 /702,
1. the subdivider shall enter into
Grande to perform the enter into a candxconstagreement with the City
contained perform fo r the l is t la a ruction of all improvements srasyo.
by the ed i then nd itions of pproval'.of the s ubdivision nl thos required
bond, cash deposit, sections
instrument the Arroyo Grande City those z os t red
b on coca ument of credit g Code, and shall post
traction of all required .improvements
fide herein ti a within the installation
approved time extension in accordance with the period s op
the Arroyo Grande City Code. - '
• provisions of
2. The improvement plans for ...
Registered Civil Ea infer this subdivison shall be
g Prepared b y California
and shall be
prior to; the filing of the fz approved by um I
•. � .• sal map,. - _ Public Works' Director:. -
The These plans .shall be submitted °:,
seeplan d concurrently and shall Include
,.grading, street, drainage, sewer,.'watcr ,but not be
impro to, . gratin addition, a master utslit- , and .a
the layout and location o the Y P.l -ari. shall be ppurCenant; ° '
improvements of.the subdivision., see G and offsite Submitted showing
- impr vem conditions) , (See Gas utility facility:.
The , Plectr%c and Commun s '
p submittal shall;also.i»elude.construcLion
cost estimates
, Plan check fees; soils reports, and all
ing des.ign•calculations. The final ma
improvement nay not be file perti nent - engineer- nlessd '
plan have been approved by y Wo
the public d unless a :',:-
8. No construction shall commence �' - -' rks Directox
and no grading shall be
performed �
to the recording of the; final map :unless a separate ) or
grading "permit is-issued.
4 A licensed Engineer in the State of California/who is
accordance with the appropriate provi Code, shall be retained by the develosernto f Business an d Professions erect to
the ] easiness an
work conforms to the a p assure that the'
well as approved improvement plans andspecifications,
Czrction certified as-bui/t we /1 a s a pr ov ide s certified as - built plans after m pleion: as
project completiot:
as a condition of the final acceptance of the will be devellopmeoprnerecl
nt b prior to and
S. All lots within this subdivision shall be Y the City.
Arroyo Grande City Code.
of t he size required b Y the :d -•
G. Daleteca as inappro
7. The subdivider shall post in his tract sales office a map of the existing
zoning within the tract and surrounding arcs, and shall also provide each �'I
occupant of the tract with a map showing the zoning in the surrounding
V. D covenants shall provide for perpetual care of any common areas.
9. Ifi an :improvement in required for which the subdivision will receive
reimharr ;mnent, or toward the cost of which the City will contribute,
the r.ubdi.vid'_r shall obtain at least three competitive bids for in-
st:all :etion of the inq to City standards, inc/idling compliance '
with the law for iblic
for the improtiemo shall works improvements. E awa rd made to the lowest responsible bidder dntrast
approved by the City.nanager. The bid proposal shall be submitted for
the City's approval prior to going out for bid.
10. The subdivider shall provide all necessary easements for streets
sewers, a required es, drainage facilities ' alleys•;
sewers, wa s, utilities,
obtained required by the City. In the event "u ' and is can
may b iai n ed fr sro at tom owner involved b ti easements the C . nego expense of the subdi by C x r c is e of the f C the er
of appraisal, acquisition
power of eminent domain. The subdivider shall bear ex
, attorney fees, all of the costs
,and court costs, .
11. The subdivider shall comply t Arroyo Grande City' Code Pertaining
to soils and geologic investigation.
u -.
'.12. The subdivider shall submit the actual costs of each of
water improvements within 30 days of the fina7..acce Ptanc the sewer and
e o£ the develop-
ment. The detailed costs breakdown shall be•in accordance'
approved by the Public Works Director. with the for •
13_ The conditions.of approval of this map sh ..
conflicting notations; specifications,, dimenspons�l over ass tioss and
the like, which may or may not be shown on the map tr improvement sections, and
p or improvement plans.
14_ Cost of all inspections related toonsite and offsite
be borne by the subdivider. irnProvemenis .: s
15., The subdivider shall;bere ponsible for all actions of his contractors and
subcontractors until such time as the improvements have been accepted by -
the City_
16. The subdivider shall designate in writing,.before starting work, an
authorized representative who shall have-complete authority to represent
and to act for the subdivider. :Such written authorization shall he pro-
vided to the City. Said authorized representative .shall be present at
the site of the work at all times while wort; is .actually in progress
.on the development. During periods when work is suspended, arrangements
acceptable to the City shall be made for any emergency work which may
be required.
klhenever orders are given by the City to the subd.ivider's representative,
or superintendent, or foreman, to do the taorl; required for the convenience
and safety of the general public because of inclement weather or any
other cause, and said orders are not immediately acted upon by sueh
person, the City may do or have such work clone by others at the Subdivider's
17. Deleted with the assumption that the-improvement district to be
formed will complete the improvements.
1.5. The City of Arroyo Grande reserves the right to upgrade or add to City
standard Plates and Standard Land Development Specifications. If the
required subdivision improvements are not completed within the period
specified herein, the :subdivides shall be responsible for conformance
to any and all upgraded or. revised City Standards and Specifications.
..14.1r: All requirements o my other law or agency of.t
. . any other governmerl entity, applicable to
testate of Ca).ifornia and
20_ No this development, shall be
o request £or occupaney'shall be met_
and accepted or approved, aPAroved until all
conditions are completed.
2L "standard Specifications for p
and any modifications thereto b lth e Ci ty, Works , Cxncluc)in�on•' .. ,
standard Land Development S pecifications tht , latest edition
ptanes p J Pecifications g City e Arroyo Grande
shall be the project specificationsd
except City standard
the approved improvement plans. noted otherwise on
22. Phasing of development shall confo •
tentative map. The improveme rm to.the phasing,
and /or offsite improvements required plans shale cle g.showte the approved
required b l y indicate any interim
by the City,
23_ 7111 ts shall have e
ocrnr lo
a a minimum overall width. of 70
abutting public street being a minimum of feet, with side
24. All lots "' ) :feet in width
„. (including cul -de sac, hammer -head .and kflac ? -
a minimum frontage of .4Q feet..
lots) shall have
25_ All grading performed shall conform to
Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Codethe City of Arroyo
with , and /or as tete Grande OrhiSoils
prior review and approval by the City. ended by the Soils
26_ All abandoned irrigation lines, trees (except trees
obstructions in the project site shall.be removed an d be
Properly disposed
of from the site. Proper backfill and compaction of voidsp ' and
shall b
sequently 'accomplished to provide protection-against settlement.
• 27. It is the contractor's responsibility to use watering, dust fences,or
other methods as directed by the City, to control dust throughout the
. construction operation_
28. All grading construction debris materials shall be removed and disposed
into the dump site prior to any excavation or fill operations and /or as
directed by the City.
The subdivider or his agents or employees shall be responsible for removal
and clean -up of any spill on public streets during his entire grading
29. Where the difference in average elevations between adjacent lots, lot and
property, and between lot or property and adjacent alley is in excess of
six inches, slope shall not exceed 2 to 1 or a grade found reasonable in
the soils report, or a retaining wall shall be required. Any required
wall ::hall extend at least 4" above the higher finished grade.
30. A fence and wall plan shall be submitted to the Public Works Director for
approval prior to issuance of permits.
• - . SEWER -
31. The .builder: shall pay the standard sewer connection fee, as required in
the Arroyo Grande City Code, prior to obtaining any building permits.
32. The method of sewage and waste disposal shall be by means of a community
disposal system. All sewer system improvements shall meet or exceed the
City's standards, and the necessary separation between water Mains and
- sanitary sewers shall be maintained as.required by the State Department
of health as directed by the Public Works Director.
33. To insure municipal -water service to this development, the water rights _
shall be dedicated to the City of Arroyo Grande by.Title Sheet Dedication
at the time of filing the final map.
44_ . All abandoned_ wells shall be filled, capped, and abandoned in conformance with the
San Luis Obispo County Environmental Health Department'a standard require
. ments.
35_ The subdivider shall install ons:ite and boundary Water mains, fire hydrants,
and services in conformance with the Water Department Standard Design and
36: The subdivider shall provide onsite -fire protection as determined necessary
by the Fire Chief ;and.Utilities.Superintendent. Adequate fire protection,
as determined by the Fire Chief, shall be available prior to •Framing. .
In order provide for reasonable fire protection, .
during the construction period, the- subdivider shall maintain passable
- vehicular.,access to all buildings and fire hydrants as required by the -
Fire Chief and Utilities Superintendent.
37. The subdivider shall install adequately Sized services and meters to each
lot as required by the Utilities Superintendent. In cases • where one
meter serves than one building, the subdivider shall furnish an
accurate "as built" showing buildings or parts of buildings served by
that meter_ No interconnections between buildings will be allowed_
38_ 'loth onsite and offsite drainage facilities shall be provided and_ ..
;tructed as directed and approved by the Pubtic.Works Director.
39. The subdivider :;hall install the required drainage facilities concurrently
with the rough grading operations or provide an interim drainage and
erosion control plan, and construct interim improvements with prior
approval from the Public Works Director, for mitigating any potential
flooding and erosion adversely affecting adjacent properties and public
right :; of way.
40. Jots shall drain into a street, alley, or approved drain in such a manner
that there will be no undrai.ned depressions.
41. 5'iio :;ubli.vi.der shall procure easements or consents from all affected
landowners for any diversion of historical flow :;, changes in drainage
coed i.t ion: ;, or acceptance of any additional water flowing over their
prop''rty, as determined by the Public Works Director and according
to law.
•, prior to any constrr of the facilities
Control District St
"l a acil
liards shall be observed for s O }ns County Flood
their jurisdiction, and the approval of the District i
on all improvement plans for such facilities, The ties within
s ubdiv dil..l ider s be ohabtained
obtain any necessary flood control encroachment
s ll
43. Pad drainace permits. -
J gradients shall be not less than one percent- nor
1.5 percent. -- greater than
- . - .STREETS - .
44. All streets and highway improvements :shall
Grande City Code or in any duly adopted be asxequared in
Plan, and shall be constructed as directed Jaase•se cta of the Ge the neral
Y the P c Work Director.
'45_ The subdivider shall ded>_cate -•' � _
and alleys. -A11 street names. re to be approved. to ved. Y the Ci standards all streets ty
46_ Street and ..` aPPxoed b --
xoad improvements shall conform to le e73stang Ca.i Y
policy. S A copy of said polzcy.as availal,Je:fr_om, the JP Wo ))a Paveout
97. All streets. 'alleys, sidewalks,` dtrrbs , at rt
ent rector.
division shall be improved asnecessa provide sa e sa ffe e ce vertical to th tical and
na :
horizontal transitions to connect em P
subdivision to. existing improvementspsas direcleb trueclrted hin
Director. Any street, .alley,',sidewa]Jt Y the Pubb Worrks jcs
or its agents or employees shall. be repairedurb darrraged by the subdivider
.48_ Soils reports, 'R" value, and compaction tests will be Or[.
streets_ 'Determination of the actual. structural section sha a
on State Highway design procedure shall be based
In addition, at least top ` ]2 - inch portion
subgrade material shall be reworked and recornpacted to the e reluj red of the
• densities at optimum moisture content shorn in th R-
value test . -
49. All water, gas,'sewer, underground electrical - powe CATV or'tele
lines, or conduits or underground drain lines shall he installed before
any paving is placed_ Utility stub connections to property boundaries
of each lot may be omitted only with the express and written permission
of the Public Works Director. ' .
50_ The stub ends of all streets planned for future- continuation shall be
temporarily protected with warning barricades, redwood headers, and '
bars, as required by the Public Works Director.
51. The subdivider shall pay for, and the City shall install, street name
signs, traffic regulatory and warning signs, and any necessary street
Striping and markings as required by the Public Works Director. The
signs shall conform to City's requirements and shall be purchased by
tic subdivider. Striping and signing shall be paid for by the de-
veloper subject to review and approval of the City, and made a part
of the improvement plans.
5>. Ant: subdivider shall set all monuments required by the Subdivision flap
Act before his bond is released, and said bond shall be security therefore.
5.1. The :;ubdi.vider shat). design and install all necessary traffic signal
modifications, :subject to the approval of the Public: Works Department.
54. The subdivider shall dedicate the 10.0 acre elementary school site shown on
the Tentative Map pursuant to Government Code #66478. If the School District
does not enter an acceptance commitment as required, then subdivider shall
reserve that site for park and recreational purposes pursuant to Government
Code #66479. Unless, prior to time for recording of a final map, an agree-
ment consistent with the Subdivision Map Act is reached between the City of
Arroyo Grande and the subdivider obligating the subdivider to dedicate all
or a portion of the site for parks and recreation, subdivider shall pay park
development .fees according to standard City requirements.
55. Street trees and /or streetscaping including medians as designated by the
Parks Superintendent shall be accomplished by the subdivider. A street -
seeping plan may be required for review and approval by the Parks Superintendent. -
56. When onsite landscaping is required, a landscape and irrigation plan will be
required for review and approval by the Parks Superintendent.
57. The subdivider shall provide water services and meters for all parkways and -
planter strips, as determined necessary by the Parks Superintendent..
58. Unless specified in the C.C. &.•R's, the subdivider shall provide landscaping
and irrigation systems in all front yards and on all corner lot side yards
which face public streets.
59. All utility facilities shall beplaced underground in accordance with the
City Ordinance.
60. Deleted as inappropriate.
61. Deleted as inappropriate.
62. A master utility map shall be prepared by the subdivider and made a part
of the improvement plans. The map shall indicate the relative location of
all the public and private utilities as directed by the Public Works Director.
(Gas, electric, telephone and cable television lines may be shown on the
plan prior to obtaining the encroachment permits for installation of these
63. Except as the parties may otherwise agree, the developer shall provide CATV,
without charge, the reasonable opportunity to utilize and jointly occupy for
the same purpose any trench provided by the developer to a utility for the
purpose of connecting the utility to service the development.
64. Deleted,as`inappropri.ate.
1 . All conditions of Ordinance 118& C.S. shall apply unless modified herein or
in subsequent development agreements.
2. Frontage Road shall be developed in accordance with Ordinance 186
a minimum of two 14 ft. driving lanes and concrete curb
freeway frontage between Brisco Road and the C.S. to
way adjacent to the ccmeter easterl and gutter on�the
y. Reimbursement may rrproved right of
Y he c consider dered .
3. Rancho Parkway to be developed in-accordance with the re
with pedestrian improvements along the tract fronts
be developed to a minimum of 1/2 street caning ordinance,
be developed
tract to t i v ng lane ad a plus a 14 ft, driving lane adjacent
West Branch Street and the tract bound of tuio 14 £t, driving
ar1'. Reimbursement may be considered
4. Street lights shall be required in accordance with P. G. & E.
-' ornamental poles.
standards on
5. James Way shall be improved the entire alignment within
minimum of two 14 ft. driving lanes, except adjacent to the tract Wi a
where improvements shall be 1/2 street, plus a 14 ft n , driving lane:"
6. Internal streets shall conform with City Standards and adopted conceptual
master plan..
• 7. At a minimum, developer shall.construct a backbone water system from Branch
Street to and including the proposed reservoir site as shown on the concep-
tual master plan. Developer shall also be required to construct appropriate
pump station and reservoir facilities. All appropriate rights of way to
provide for the backbone water system shall be dedicated, including the
pump station site, the reservoir site, and additional required pipe line
rights of way. Developer shall dedicate a pipe line right of way between
the reservoir site and Lot 11 of Oak Park Acres. All lots shall be served
with City water, and water mains shall be looped where appropriate.
- Gas Company.
8. Developer to resolve conflict between alignment of high pressure gas line
with lot lines as shown on Conceptual Master Plan.
lire Department Requirements. - D. Fire hydrants as required by the Fire Chief.
10. All lots shall be scwered to publicly maintained mains. Developer shall be
responsible to assure City that downstream facilities are appropriately
sized to accommodate the subdivision. System reinforcements may be required.
Drainage. -
11. A drainage plan for this tract shall be prepared for review and approval by
the Public Works Department. Drainage fees may be required in conformance
with adopted'City drainage plans.,
12. Developer shall acquire any appropriate offsite drainage easemants which may
be: required to aCCOr.:nodaLe the development:.
• Parks and Recreatiit.„..
13. Parks fees, as well as appropriate street tree fees shall be paid prior to