PC 2019-04-02_07a Approval of Minutes - 2019-03-19 Draft ACTION MINUTES MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2019 ARROYO GRANDE COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Martin called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Planning Commission: Commissioners Frank Schiro, Andrea Montes, Jamie Maraviglia, Ken Sage, and Chair Glenn Martin were present. Staff Present: Community Development Director Teresa McClish, Planning Manager Matt Downing, City Engineer Robin Dickerson and Permit Technician Patrick Holub were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Sage led the flag salute. 4. AGENDA REVIEW None. 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The Commission received the following material after preparation of the agenda: 1. Two memos dated March 19, 2019 from Planning Manager Downing related to Agenda Item 8.a. 7. CONSENT AGENDA 7.a. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the March 5, 2019 Regular Planning Commission Meeting. Action: Commissioner Maraviglia moved to approve the minutes of the March 5, 2019 Regular Planning Commission Meeting as submitted. Commissioner Schiro seconded and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Maraviglia, Schiro, Montes, Sage and Martin NOES: None ABSENT: None 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8.a CONSIDERATION OF VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16-002, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 16-007, AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION: SUBDIVISION AND CONSTRUCTION OF TWENTY-THREE (23) RESIDENTIAL UNITS AND A 506 SQUARE FOOT NEIGHBORHOOD COFFEE SHOP; LOCATION – 362-382 S. HALCYON ROAD; APPLICANT – STACY BROMLEY; REPRESENTATIVE – STEVEN PUGLISI ARCHITECTS Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving the proposed project. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES MARCH 19, 2019 Planning Manager Downing presented the staff report and responded to Commissioner questions regarding allowable land uses, in-lieu fees, and traffic. Steven Puglisi, representative, spoke in support of the project and thanked staff for their work on this project. Richard Poole, traffic representative, responded to Commissioner questions regarding the traffic study that was completed for this project. Chair Martin opened the public hearing. Ed Cox spoke against the project, stating that it will degrade the tranquility of the neighborhood. Susan Henslin, spoke in support of the project, stating that the property is currently an eyesore and that the residential proposal will bring much less traffic than any commercial development. Betty Johnson, Fair Oaks, spoke against the project stating that traffic in that area is impacted. Linda Busek, Berry Gardens, spoke against the project, stating the project is too dense and does not include any greenspace. Heather Carden, 847 Todd Lane, spoke against the project, stating that traffic in that area is bad. Ericka Horn, spoke against the project, stating that the project is too dense and asked that the Planning Commission not allow the mixed use component. Barbara Finn, Fair Oaks, stated that she thinks the project is attractive, but that it is too dense. Robert Burnett stated that he prefers the residential to the commercial and that he is thankful he was able to find an affordable home for him and his wife. Margaret O’Hara spoke in favor of the project, stating that the project will help clean up the eyesore that is currently there. Diana Foster asked where the water for the project was coming from. Hearing no further comments, Chair Martin closed the public hearing. Kirby Gordon, applicant, spoke about the history of the project and stated that they have multiple letters of support from doctors in the area. Commissioners provided individual comments and thoughts on the project. Action: Chair Martin moved to adopt Resolutions entitled, “A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16-002 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 16-007; LOCATED AT 362 – 382 SOUTH HALCYON ROAD; APPLIED FOR BY STACY BROMLEY” with the following added conditions: 1. Red curb driveways in accordance with City standards for sight distance; PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES MARCH 19, 2019 2. Ensure a wall or fence is installed along the western property line in the vicinity of the adjacent residential parcel on Fair Oaks Avenue that will adequately screen the trash enclosure and parking; and 3. Investigate the possibility of relocating the trash enclosure currently along the western property line Commissioner Schiro seconded and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Martin, Schiro, Montes and Sage NOES: Maraviglia ABSENT: None 9. NON-PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Planning Commission elect a Chair and Vice Chair to serve effective the first meeting in April 2019, and continuing until its second regular meeting in March 2020. Commissioner Schiro nominated Glenn Martin to serve as the Planning Commission Chair. Glenn Martin was elected to serve as Chair on the following roll call vote: AYES: Schiro, Maraviglia, Montes, Sage NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Martin Chair Martin nominated Commissioner Schiro to serve as the Planning Commission Vice Chair. Commissioner Sage nominated Commissioner Montes as the Planning Commission Vice Chair Frank Schiro was elected to serve as Vice Chair on the following roll call vote: AYES: Martin, Schiro, Maraviglia, Montes NOES: Saga ABSENT: None With the election of Commissioner Schiro as Vice Chair, votes for Commissioner Montes were not counted. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE MARCH 5, 2019 Case No. Applicant Address Description Action Planner PPR19-001 Don Love 528 Ide Street Addition to existing single family residence in the D-2.4 Historic Character Overlay District A A. Perez MEX19-001 Jeremy Mace 209 Alder Reduction of off-street parking requirement to permit an addition to an existing single family residence. A A. Perez PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES MARCH 19, 2019 11. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Sage congratulated Chair Martin and Vice Chair Schiro on being selected as Chair and Vice Chair for the Planning Commission. Commissioners Montes and Maraviglia seconded his congratulations. Chair Martin thanked the public for their participation in the process. Commissioner Montes thanked Planning Manager Downing for his thorough presentation. Commissioner Maraviglia also thanked Planning Manager Downing. 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Community Development Director McClish stated that there would be a public workshop to discuss the possible closure of the El Campo and three other at-grade crossings on Highway 101. The workshop will be on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 5:00pm at the Annex of the Arroyo Grande Community Hospital and hosted by SLOCOG. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. ATTEST: PATRICK HOLUB GLENN MARTIN, CHAIR PERMIT TECHNICIAN (Approved at PC Meeting ______________)