PC 2019-08-06_7a Approval of Minutes ACTION MINUTES MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2019 ARROYO GRANDE COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Schiro called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Planning Commission: Commissioners Andrea Montes, Jamie Maraviglia, Ken Sage, and Vice Chair Frank Schiro were present. Chair Glenn Martin was absent. Staff Present: Community Development Director Teresa McClish, Planning Manager Matt Downing, Assistant Planner Andrew Perez, and Permit Technician Patrick Holub were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Sage led the flag salute. 4. AGENDA REVIEW None. 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The Commission received the following material after preparation of the agenda: 1. One memo dated July 16, 2019 from Assistant Planner Perez related to Agenda Item 8.a, and 2. One memo dated July 16, 2019 from Assistant Planner Perez related to Agenda Item 8.c. 7. CONSENT AGENDA 7.a. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the June 18, 2019 Regular Planning Commission Meeting. Action: Commissioner Montes moved to approve the minutes of the June 18, 2019 Regular Planning Commission Meeting as submitted. Commissioner Sage seconded and the motion passed on the following voice vote: AYES: Montes, Sage, Maraviglia and Schiro NOES: None ABSENT: Martin 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8.a. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-003; ESTABLISHMENT OF A BREWPUB IN AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL SPACE; LOCATION – 116 WEST BRANCH STREET; APPLICANT – HUMDINGER BREWERY; REPRESENTATIVE – SHAWN RIDENHOUR, ARRIS STUDIO ARCHITECTS (Perez) Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 19-003. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES JULY 16, 2019 Assistant Planner Perez presented the staff report and responded to Commissioner questions regarding odors associated with the brewing process, storage of spent grains, and parking. Lee Samways and Justin Amy, applicants, spoke in support of the project and gave a background on the history of the business. Vice Chair Schiro opened the public hearing. William Stewart, Atascadero, spoke in support of the project and mentioned this this project will bring additional business to the City. Patty Welsh spoke against the proposal, citing concerns over parking, odor and vermin control. Hearing no further public comment, Vice Chair Schiro closed the public hearing. Action: Commissioner Maraviglia moved to adopt a Resolution entitled, “A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 19-003 LOCATED AT 116 W. BRANCH STREET; APPLIED FOR BY LEE SAMWAYS AND JUSTIN AMY.” Commissioner Sage seconded and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Maraviglia, Sage, Montes and Schiro NOES: None ABSENT: Martin 8.b. CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION CASE 19-001; PLOT PLAN REVIEW 19-013; LOCATION – 756 MYRTLE STREET; APPELLANT – JEROME & LETA HIRSCH, ET. AL. (Perez) Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution denying Appeal 19-001 and approving Plot Plan Review 19-013. Assistant Planner Perez presented the staff report and responded to Commissioner questions regarding parking, standard conditions of approval, and maximum occupancy. Jerry Hirsch, appellant, spoke against the project and responded to Commissioner questions regarding CC&Rs and parking. Buddy Jaquith, appellant, spoke against the project, mentioning parking and emergency access concerns. Caren Ray Russom, applicant, spoke in support of the project, mentioning that there is on-street parking available, that they are not in violation of any City Ordinances and that they carefully select short term renters to ensure the safety of the neighborhood. She also asked that the Commission consider striking the condition that requires short term renters to park in their garage. Vice Chair Schiro opened the public hearing. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES JULY 16, 2019 Steven Rosen, spoke in support of the project, stating that there is plenty of parking on the street. Ingrid Kovachs spoke against the project, stating that there is not enough parking on the street. Mark Kovachs spoke against the project, stating that there is not enough parking on the street and that there is not enough room in the driveway to park. Randy Russom spoke in support of the project, stating that there has been nothing since the original approval that indicates there will be an adverse impact and that they are not planning to have twelve people occupy the rental. Hearing no further public comment, Vice Chair Schiro closed the public comment period. Commissioner Montes moved to adopt a Resolution entitled, “A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING APPEAL CASE NO. 19-001 AND APPROVING PLOT PLAN REVIEW CASE NO. 19-013; LOCATED AT 756 MYRTLE STREET; APPLIED FOR BY CAREN RUSSOM; APPEALED BY JEROME AND LETA HIRSCH, ET. AL.” Commissioner Maraviglia seconded and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Montes, Maraviglia, Sage and Schiro NOES: None ABSENT: Martin Vice Chair Schiro called for a recess at 7:58. The Commission reconvened at 8:05 to consider all remaining items on the Planning Commission Agenda 8.c. CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 18-004 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-002; DEVELOPMENT OF TWENTY-TWO (22) RESIDENTIAL UNITS, AND 1,642 SQUARE FEET OF RETAIL SPACE; LOCATION – 1136 E GRAND AVENUE; APPLICANT – EAST GRAND VILLAGE, LLC; REPRESENTATIVE – JESSIE SKIDMORE, TEN OVER STUDIOS (Perez) Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving Tentative Tract Map 18-004 and Conditional Use Permit 18-002. Assistant Planner Perez presented the staff report and responded to Commissioner questions regarding emergency access, building heights and traffic. Vice Chair Schiro opened the public hearing. Joan Andrews asked whether the units would be rentals and what the median income for very low income is in San Luis Obispo County. Hearing no further public comment, Vice Chair Schiro closed the public comment period. Commissioner Sage moved to adopt a Resolution entitled, “A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES JULY 16, 2019 TRACT MAP 18-004 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-002; LOCATED AT 1136 EAST GRAND AVENUE; APPLIED FOR BY EAST GRAND VILLAGE, LLC.” Vice Chair Schiro seconded and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Sage, Schiro, Montes and Maraviglia, NOES: None ABSENT: Martin 9. NON-PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. ADM INISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE JULY 2, 2019 11. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS Vice Chair Schiro announced that the Five Cities 14U Babe Ruth team won the State Championship for the second year in a row and will be hosting the regional tournament starting on Monday, July 22nd at Soto Sports Complex. 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Community Development Director McClish alerted the Commission that a review of the ADU and Short Term Rental Ordinances would be brought before the Commission in early September. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m. ATTEST: PATRICK HOLUB GLENN MARTIN, CHAIR PERMIT TECHNICIAN (Approved at PC Meeting ______________) Case No. Applicant Address Description Action Planner PPR 19-016 Mike & Carol Evans 648 Paseo Street Establishment of a vacation rental in the Residential Suburban zoning district A A. Perez VSR19-004 Paul & Amy Filice 835 East Cherry Street Two-story accessory dwelling unit within a proposed two-story accessory structure A A. Perez