PC 2019-08-20_08c Verizon Village Small Cell CUPMEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: MATTHEW DOWNING, PLANNING MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-001; NEW SMALL CELL TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY ON PRIVATE PROPERTY; LOCATION – 119 E. BRANCH STREET; APPLICANT – VERIZON WIRELESS; REPRESENTATIVE – TRICIA KNIGHT D ATE: AUGUST 20, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of the project would allow a small cell telecommunication facility to be installed on private property in the Village. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 19-001. BACKGROUND: The project site is a previously developed commercial parcel located in Village Core Downtown (VCD) zoning district (Attachment 1). The parcel is developed with an existing commercial building surrounded by commercial development to the south, east, and west and parking facilities to the north. On May 9, 2017, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 685, which defined small cell telecommunication facilities as “an unmanned facility […] established for the purpose of providing wireless voice, data, and/or image transmission within a designated service area,” as well as permitted small cell telecommunication facilities in the VCD with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit if publicly visible or a Minor Use Permit if not publicly visible. The proposed project constitutes the City’s first application for a small cell telecommunication facility under the new regulations. The applicant proposes the installation of a small cell wireless telecommunication facility screened by an awning, which requires a Conditional Use Permit. Specifically, the applicant proposes to install the following: •Two (2) new antennas; •Four (4) new Remote Radio Units (RRUs); •Four (4) new dual diplexers; Item 8.c. - Page 1 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-001 AUGUST 20, 2019 PAGE 2 •One (1) new equipment cabinet at the rear of the building; •One (1) new GPS antenna; •One (1) new awning screen for equipment; •One (1) new electrical meter; and •Conduit. As described above, the new antennas are proposed to be located and screened behind a new awning set to replace the existing, dilapidated awning on the building. The RRUs and diplexers are proposed to be located behind the building’s roof parapet while a new equipment cabinet is proposed at the rear of the building, accessible from the public parking lot. Staff Advisory Committee: The Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) reviewed the proposed project on January 17, 2019. Members of the SAC include representatives from the City’s Public Works Department, Police Department, Five Cities Fire Authority, Building Division, Engineering Division, and Planning Division. Members of the SAC were in support of the project as proposed, with the requirement that the applicant obtain a formal easement from the City for use of the parking lot access to maintain equipment at the rear of the building. Architectural Review Committee The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) reviewed the proposed project three (3) times, most recently on August 5, 2019 (Attachment 2). Due to concerns regarding the proposed project’s visual impact on the Village, the ARC worked with the applicant to revise the design of the awning for the originally proposed, red, rectangular awning to the now proposed rounded, striped awning. Through this work, the ARC was able to finally find the project in compliance with the Design Guidelines and Standards for the Historic Character Overlay District D-2.4 (the “Design Guidelines”) and recommended approval of the project to the Planning Commission. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The purpose of the proposed facility is to improve data and 4G voice capacity that began to quickly slow in mid-2016, due to 4G data traffic growing at about 50% a year. The applicant indicates that improved capacity is essential to keep service at the quality its customers expect (Attachment 3). The future operation of this facility will comply with the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) guidelines limiting public exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy (Attachment 4). The proposed facility would replace an existing, dilapidated awning on the second story of the building facing E. Branch Street (Attachment 5). The new three-arched awning will follow the existing archest of the building and utilize the striped appearance of the awning on the first story directly below the proposed awning. A loose valance, a common part of awnings in the Village, will complete the aesthetic of the structure. The antennas will be shielded from below to ensure passersby on the sidewalk cannot see the equipment. The awning frame will be constructed of fiberglass and will be firmly affixed to the building. Item 8.c. - Page 2 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-001 AUGUST 20, 2019 PAGE 3 The awning will maintain the previous sign copy to include “Skin Care Clinic” for the business located on the second floor of the building. Cabling to the control equipment would be hidden, running through the upper portion of the roof to the rear of the building where the control equipment is proposed to be mounted. The control equipment is proposed to be located in a new equipment cabinet at the rear of the structure and painted to match the color of the building The Design Guidelines identify that awnings should be compatible in color and design with that of the building. Through the review of the ARC and the work of the applicant, the ARC found the project to be in compliance with the Design Guidelines (Attachment 6). Accordingly, the project as proposed will have minimal visual impact to the surrounding area. The project is also consistent with the City’s Telecommunication Facilities Siting and Permit Submittal Requirements (Attachment 7). ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Planning Commission consideration: 1. Adopt the attached Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 19-001; 2. Modify and adopt the attached Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 19- 001; 3. Do not adopt the attached Resolution, provide specific findings, and direct staff to return with an appropriate resolution denying Conditional Use Permit 19-001; or 4. Provide other direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The proposed project will increase cellular data capacity in the vicinity of the Village, allowing the applicant to continue to serve its customers as they have come to expect. The new awning will also replace a dilapidated awning in the same location with minimal visual impact to the surrounding neighborhood due to compliance with the Design Guidelines. DISADVANTAGES: None identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project has been reviewed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to Sections 15301(e)(2), 15303(c), and 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines regarding existing facilities, new construction, and in-fill development projects in urban areas. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENT: A notice of public hearing was mailed to all property owners within 300’ of the project site, was published in The Tribune, and posted at City Hall and on the City’s website on August 9, 2019. The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance Item 8.c. - Page 3 PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-001 AUGUST 20, 2019 PAGE 4 with Government Code Section 54954.2. No comments have been received regarding the proposed project. Attachments: 1. Vicinity map 2. Minutes of the May 6, June 17, and August 5, 2019, Architectural Review Committee meetings 3. Verizon Wireless Cell Site Necessity Case 4. Radio Frequency Study 5. Photo simulations 6. Page 38 of the Village Design Guidelines 7. Telecommunication Facilities Siting and Permit Submittal Requirements 8. Project plans Item 8.c. - Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-001; LOCATED AT 1275 ASH STREET; APPLIED FOR BY VERIZON WIRELESS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande considered Conditional Use Permit Case No. 19-001 on August 20, 2019, filed by Verizon Wireless, to install small cell telecommunication antennas and related equipment on an existing commercial building in the Village Core Downtown zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan, Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, and the environmental documents associated therewith; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and determined that the project is exempt per Section 15311 of the CEQA Guidelines regarding construction or placement of minor structures accessory to existing facilities; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has reviewed the project at a duly noticed public hearing on August 20, 2019; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: Conditional Use Permit Findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted within the subject district pursuant to the provisions of this section and complies with all the applicable provisions of this title, the goals, and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City. The proposed use is conditionally permitted within the subject district and complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code, the goals and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City. In addition, the facility will operate in full compliance with all state and federal regulations including the Telecommunications Act of 1996. 2. The proposed use would not impair the integrity and character of the district in which it is to be established or located. The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the district in Item 8.c. - Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 which it is to be established or located as the project is in compliance with the Design Guidelines and Standards for the Historic Character Overlay District (D-2.4). 3. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development that is proposed. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development that is proposed. The facility is not located within a predominantly residential neighborhood, and the stealth design of the structure will help camouflage the equipment. 4. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure public health and safety. There are adequate provisions for public utilities and services to ensure the public health and safety and no new utilization of these public utilities and services is anticipated with the equipment upgrades. 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity. The telecommunication facility will be unstaffed, have no impact on circulation systems, and will generate minimal noise, limiting any adverse impacts to adjacent land uses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 19-001 as set forth in Exhibit “B”, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Commissioner _______, seconded by Commissioner _______, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 20th day of August, 2019. Item 8.c. - Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 _______________________________ GLENN MARTIN, CHAIR ATTEST: _______________________________ PATRICK HOLUB SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: _______________________________ TERESA MCCLISH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Item 8.c. - Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT ‘A’ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-001 VERIZON WIRELESS 119 & 121 E. BRANCH STREET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This approval authorizes Verizon Wireless to install small cell telecommunication antennas and associated equipment as outlined in the project description of Conditional Use Permit 19-001. 2. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 3. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit 19-001. 4. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall amend the lease agreement with the City to include the facilities and improvements herein described, and shall comply with all terms of the lease agreement. 5. This application shall automatically expire on August 2, 2020 unless a building permit is issued. 6. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the Planning Commission at the meeting of August 20, 2019 and marked Exhibit “B”. 7. The applicant shall agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless at his/her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in any way relating to the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. 8. A copy of these conditions shall be incorporated into all construction documents. 9. To limit noise impacts to adjacent property owners, construction shall be limited to between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. No construction Item 8.c. - Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 5 shall occur on Saturday or Sunday. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 10. The facility shall not bear any signs or advertising devices other than certification, warning, or other FCC required seals or signage. 11. All equipment at the rear of the property shall be enclosed or underground and painted to match the color of the building. 12. The applicant shall be approved for an easement agreement through the City controlled parking lot prior to issuance of a building permit. 13. The applicant shall implement the recommended mitigation measures contained in the Radio Frequency (RF) Study prepared by Hammett & Edison, Inc., dated January 3, 2019. 14. A second RF Study shall be prepared and submitted to the Community Development Department within sixty (60) days after the facility is operational. 15. The project does not include a backup generator. If the applicant determines that a generator is needed in the future, and amendment to the Conditional Use Permit will be required. BUILDING AND LIFE SAFETY DIVISION AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS 16. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of all California Codes, as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. 17. Any review costs generated by outside consultants for plan check services shall be paid by the applicant during the building permit approval process. 18. Building Permit fees shall be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 19. Building permits shall be obtained prior to installation. ENGINEERING DIVISION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS GENERAL IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 20. Site Maintenance – The developer shall be responsible during construction for cleaning city streets, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks of dirt tracked from the project site. The flushing of dirt or debris to storm drain or sanitary sewer facilities shall not be permitted. The cleaning shall be done after each day’s work or as directed by the Director of Public Works. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONDITIONS 21. The awning pattern and color shall match that of the existing first floor awning. Item 8.c. - Page 9 DT ARROYO GRANDE SC1CONSTRUCTION:RADIO:VERIZON SIGNATURE BLOCKDISCIPLINE:SIGNATURE:DATE:EQUIPMENT:SITE ACQUISITION:MICROWAVE:TELCO:WO ADMINISTRATOR:PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR:CODE COMPLIANCEPSL # 285338119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420DRIVING DIRECTIONSTO: 119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST. ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420VICINITY MAPFROM: 2785 MITCHELL DR.WALNUT CREEK, CA 94958T-1A-1.1A-4SHEETT-1DESCRIPTIONTITLE SHEETREVPLANNER:CONSTRUCTION:SAC WIRELESS SIGNATURE BLOCKDISCIPLINE:SIGNATURE:SITE ACQUISITION:LANDLORD:NEW & EXISTING SOUTHEAST ELEVATIONCALL 811RCallbefore you dig.below.Know what'sCONTRACTOR TO CALL TOVERIFY UTILITIES ATLEAST TWO WORKINGDAYS PRIOR TO DIGGINGWWW.CALL811.COM SITE PLANDATE:A-3EQUIPMENT & ANTENNA PLANZONING DRAWINGS - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJECT SUMMARYPROJECT TEAMSMITHCO SURVEYING ENGINEERINGP.O. BOX 81626BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380CONTACT: GREG SMITH, PLSTELEPHONE: (661) 393-1217ARCHITECT:SURVEYOR:UTILITY COORDINATOR:SAC WIRELESS, LLC.NESTOR POPOWYCH, AIA5015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150SAN DIEGO, CA 92122CONTACT: OMAR MUNOZTELEPHONE: (619) 736-3588PLANNINGSITE ACQUISITIONTITLE SHEETA-5NEW & EXISTING SOUTHWEST ELEVATIONC-1 SITE SURVEYPROPERTY INFORMATION:SITE NAME: DT ARROYO GRANDE SC1SITE NUMBER: 285338SITE ADDRESS: 119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420JURISDICTION: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDEASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERCURRENT ZONING:TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:AREA OF CONSTRUCTION:HANDICAP REQUIREMENTS: FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMANHABITATION. HANDICAPPED ACCESS NOT REQUIRED.V-B007-192-056 AND 007-192-057GEODETIC COORDINATESLAT.LONG.ELEVATION.VILLAGE CORE DOWNTOWNCONSTRUCTION INFORMATION35° 07' 25.48"120° 34' 41.98"126.4' NAVD 88(BASIS OF DRAWING)OCCUPANCY:UAPPLICANT/LESSEE2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598OFFICE: (925) 279-6000APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE1. HEAD NORTHEAST ON MITCHELL DR TOWARD OAK GROVE RD2. TURN RIGHT ONTO OAK GROVE RD3. TURN RIGHT ONTO YGNACIO VALLEY RD4. YGNACIO VALLEY RD TURNS RIGHT AND BECOMES HILLSIDE AVE5. USE THE LEFT 2 LANES TO TURN LEFT ONTO THE INTERSTATE 680 S RAMP TO SAN JOSE6. MERGE ONTO I-680 S7. TAKE THE ANDRADE RD EXIT TOWARD SHERIDAN RD8. CONTINUE ONTO MISSION RD9. MERGE ONTO I-680 S VIA THE RAMP TO FREMONT/SAN JOSE10. USE THE RIGHT 3 LANES TO MERGE ONTO US-101 S TOWARD LOS ANGELES11. CONTINUE STRAIGHT TO STAY ON US-101 S12. TAKE EXIT 187A FOR CA-227/GRAND AVE13. TURN LEFT ONTO CA-227 N/E GRAND AVETEK CONSULTING INC.PERMIT PROCESSING SERVICES123 SEACLIFF DRPISMO BEACH, CA 93449CONTACT: TRICIA KNIGHTTELEPHONE: (805) 448-4221FAX: (805) 888-2807TEK-CONSULTING.NETC-2 SITE SURVEYSAC WIRELESS1057 LA VISTA ROADSANTA BARBARA, CA 93110CONTACT: CRAIG ENGELTELEPHONE: (805) 440-0038TEK CONSULTING INC.123 SEACLIFF DRPISMO BEACH, CA 93449CONTACT: TRICIA KNIGHTTELEPHONE: (805) 448-4221TEK-CONSULTING.NETGENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTESDO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS IF NOT FULL SIZE (24 X 36)CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANS AND EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ONTHE JOB SITE AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IN WRITING OF ANYDISCREPANCIES BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THESAME.PROJECT DESCRIPTIONTHIS PROJECT IS A VERIZON UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATION WIRELESSFACILITY. IT WILL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING:x(2) NEW ANTENNASx(4) NEW RRU'Sx(4) NEW DUAL DIPLEXERSx(1) NEW EQUIPMENT CABINETx(1) NEW GPS ANTENNAxNEW FRP SCREEN / FAUX AWNINGxNEW ELECTRICAL METERPROPERTY OWNER:OWNER: ADNAN EL-HELOUADDRESS: 224 CHRISTINE WAYPISMO BEACH, CA 93449CONTACT: ADNAN EL-HELOUTELEPHONE: 805-801-7464EMAIL: aelhelou@sbcglobal.netSITENOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSA-2ENLARGED ROOF PLAN088NORTHSAC WIRELESS, LLC.8880 CAL CENTER DRIVESUITE 130SACRAMENTO, CA 95826CONTACT: JOSEPH SHARPTELEPHONE: (916) 205-9305JOSEPH.SHARP@SACW.COMA-6DETAILSx2016 CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODEx2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODESx2016 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODEx2016 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODEx2016 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODExCITY & COUNTY ORDINANCES001110A-1500FT RADIUS MAP0C-3 SITE SURVEY8EXHIBIT "B"Item 8.c. - Page 10 Item 8.c. - Page 11 Item 8.c. - Page 12 Item 8.c. - Page 13 500FT RADIUS MAP500FT RADIUS MAP1" = 50'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/2" = 50'-0" (11x17)50'25' 50'0A-11NORTHNOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSVERIZON SITERADIUS= 500FTItem 8.c. - Page 14 90 90 SITE PLANSITE PLAN1/2" = 20'-0" (11x17)SCALE:(OR)1" = 20'-0" (24x36)20' 10' 20'0A-1.11NORTHNOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSCL1A-2NEW VERIZON WIRELESSANTENNA & EQUIPMENT AREA,SEE ENLARGED ROOF PLAN"ALPHA" SECTOR 105°"BETA" SECTOR 210°E. BRANCH STREETC LNEVAD A S T R E E TCLLE POINT STREETAPN:007-192-007APN:007-192-008APN:007-192-009APN:007-192-010APN:007-192-067APN:007-192-066APN:007-192-062OWNER: CITY OFARROYO GRANDEAPN:007-192-056APN:007-192-057EXISTING UTILITY POLE #37(NEW VERIZON POWER/FIBER P.O.C.)EXISTING OVERHEADPOWER LINEEXISTING UTILITYPOLENOTE:POWER PLAN: PG&E DESIGN TO BEDETERMINEDTRANSPORT SOLUTION: DESIGN TO BEDETERMINEDLESSEE PROPOSED 12'-0"WIDE ACCESS EASEMENTRIGHT-OF- WAYPROPERTY LINERIGHT OF WAYNEW VERIZON POWER/FIBEROVERHEAD LINES (LENGTH=±100FT)Item 8.c. - Page 15 90 90 ENLARGEDROOF PLANENLARGED ROOF PLAN1/4" = 1'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17)01'2' 4'A-21NORTHNEW VERIZON WIRELESSEQUIPMENT AREANOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTS1A-31A-51A-4NOTE:POWER PLAN: PG&E DESIGN TO BEDETERMINEDTRANSPORT SOLUTION: DESIGN TO BEDETERMINEDNEW VERIZON WIRELESSANTENNA AREA2A-3NEW VERIZONWIRELESS FIBER,DC POWER &GROUNDCONDUITS ONSLEEPERS(APPROX. 100')EXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOPEXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOPEXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOP(LOWER)APN:007-192-056APN:007-192-057EXISTING RETAININGWALLACUNITACUNITACUNITROOFACCESSHATCHEXISTING 1/2" DIA.CONDUITPROP E R T Y LI N E PROPERTY LINEPROP E R T Y LI N E 2A-52A-4EXISTING OVERHEADPOWER LINE TO EXISTINGWEATHER HEAD MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDINGPROPERTY LINERIGHT OF WAYLESSEE PROPOSED 12'-0"WIDE ACCESS EASEMENTRIGHT-OF- WAYAPN:007-192-055APN:007-192-062OWNER: CITY OFARROYO GRANDE"BETA" SECTOR 210°NEW VERIZON POWER/FIBEROVERHEAD LINES TO NEWWEATHER HEADS MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDING(LENGTH=±100FT)"ALPHA" SECTOR 105°Item 8.c. - Page 16 EQUIPMENT &ANTENNA PLANANTENNA PLAN1/4" = 1'-0" (11x17)SCALE:(OR)1/2" = 1'-0" (24x36)06"1' 2'2A-3NOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSEQUIPMENT PLAN1/4" = 1'-0" (11x17)SCALE:(OR)1/2" = 1'-0" (24x36)06"1' 2'1NEW VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENTCABINET MOUNTED ON NEW CONCRETEPAD LOCATED AT GROUND LEVELNEW VERIZON WIRELESS RRUS,(4)TOTAL, MOUNTED TO EXISTINGBUILDING WITHIN NEW ENCLOSURES(NO TOP OR BOTTOM ENCLOSUREFOR VENTILATION PURPOSES)NORTHNEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANELANTENNAS MOUNTED BEHIND NEW FRPSCREEN (FAUX AWNING), (2) TOTALNORTH15'-2"NEW VERIZON WIRELESS FRP SCREENING (NEW FAUX AWNING)NEW VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREANEW VERIZON WIRELESS FIBER, DCPOWER & GROUND CONDUITS ONSLEEPERS (APPROX. 100')EXISTING 1/2" DIA. CONDUITEXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOPEXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOP(LOWER)APN:007-192-056APN:007-192-057EXISTING ROOFACCESS HATCHEXISTING AC UNITEXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOP(LOWER)APN:007-192-056EXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOPAPN:007-192-057EXISTINGGROUNDLEVEL3'-4"NEWVERIZON WIRELESSLEASE AREA3'-7"NEWVERIZON WIRELESSLEASE AREA3'-4"EXISTING ELECTRICAL METERNEW VERIZON WIRELESS FIBER, DCPOWER & GROUND CONDUITS ONSLEEPERS (APPROX. 100')PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINENEW VERIZON WIRELESS METERPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINENEW VERIZON WIRELESS CONDUIT PENETRATIONSNEW VERIZONWIRELESS 17x30FIBER PULL BOXNEW VERIZON WIRELESS 4" FIBER CONDUITROUTE TO NEW EQUIPMENT CABINETNEW VERIZON WIRELESS GPSANTENNA MOUNTED (ABOVE)ON EXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING OVERHEADPOWER LINE TO EXISTINGWEATHER HEAD MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING WEATHER HEAD (ABOVE)MOUNTED TO EXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING RETAINING WALL4A-63A-66A-61A-62'-10"4'-2"NEW FRP4'-2"NEW FRP6'-10"NEW AWNING (TO MATCH EXISTING)EXISTING AWNING, (3) TOTALTO BE REMOVED(SHOWN HIDDEN)PROPERTY LINERIGHT OF WAY"ALPHA" S E C T O R 1 0 5 °"BETA" SECTOR 210°5A-6NEW VERIZON WIRELESS DUALDIPLEXERS, (2) PER SECTOR,TOTAL OF (4)2A-6NEW VERIZON POWER/FIBEROVERHEAD LINES TO NEWWEATHER HEADS MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDING(LENGTH=±100FT)1'-0"NEW VERIZON POWER AND FIBERWEATHER HEADS(MIN. 1FT SEPARATION)Item 8.c. - Page 17 NEW & EXISTINGSOUTHEASTELEVATIONS21/4" = 1'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17)01'2' 4'A-4NEW SOUTHEAST ELEVATION11/4" = 1'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17)01'2' 4'NOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSTOP OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS FRP SCREEN (FAUX AWNING)ELEV. 20' AGLGROUND LEVELAGL = 0.0'AGL 0.0' = AMSL 126.1'EXISTING ROOF LINE (UPPER)ELEV. 19.9' AGLEXISTING SOUTHEAST ELEVATIONEXISTING ROOF LINE (LOWER)ELEV. 10.4' AGLTOP OF EXISTING BUILDING (LOWER)ELEV. 17' AGLTOP OF EXISTING FACADE PEAKELEV. 26.4' AGLTOP OF EXISTING PARAPET WALLELEV. 22.9' AGLGROUND LEVELAGL = 0.0'AGL 0.0' = AMSL 126.1'EXISTING ROOF LINE (LOWER)ELEV. 10.4' AGLTOP OF EXISTING BUILDING (LOWER)ELEV. 17' AGLTOP OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNASELEV. 19'-10" AGLRAD CENTER OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNASELEV. 18'-10" AGLNEW VERIZON WIRELESSEQUIPMENT AREA(BEHIND, LOCATED ATREAR OF BUILDING)1A-3NEW VERIZON WIRELESS RRUS,(4)TOTAL, MOUNTED TO EXISTINGBUILDING (SHOWN HIDDEN)NEW VERIZON WIRELESS FIBER, DCPOWER & GROUND CONDUITS ONSLEEPERS (APPROX. 100')NEW VERIZON WIRELESSCONDUIT PENETRATIONS6A-6TOP OF EXISTING PARAPET WALLELEV. 22.9' AGLNEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANELANTENNAS MOUNTED BEHINDNEW FRP SCREEN (FAUXAWNING), (2) TOTAL1A-6EXISTING AWNING, (3) TOTALTO BE REMOVED (SHOWNHIDDEN)EXISTING ROOF LINE (UPPER)ELEV. 19.9' AGLBOTTOM OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESSFRP SCREEN (FAUX AWNING)ELEV. 17'-0" AGL5A-6NEW VERIZON WIRELESS DUALDIPLEXERS, (2) PER SECTOR,TOTAL OF (4)2A-6TOP OF EXISTING FACADE PEAKELEV. 26.4' AGLItem 8.c. - Page 18 21/4" = 1'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17)01'2' 4'A-5NEW SOUTHWEST ELEVATION11/4" = 1'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17)01'2' 4'NOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSGROUND LEVELAGL = 0.0'AGL 0.0' = AMSL 126.1'EXISTING ROOF LINE (UPPER)ELEV. 19.9' AGLEXISTING SOUTHWEST ELEVATIONTOP OF EXISTING BUILDING (LOWER)ELEV. 17' AGLTOP OF EXISTING FACADE PEAKELEV. 26.4' AGLTOP OF EXISTING PARAPET WALLELEV. 22.9' AGLNEW & EXISTINGSOUTHWESTELEVATIONSNEW VERIZON WIRELESS RRUS, (4)TOTAL,MOUNTED EXISTING BUILDING (SHOWNHIDDEN)EXISTING BUILDING IN FOREGROUND(SHOWN AS SECTION THROUGH)GROUND LEVELAGL = 0.0'AGL 0.0' = AMSL 126.1'EXISTING ROOF LINE (LOWER)ELEV. 10.4' AGLEXISTING ELECTRICAL METERSNEW VERIZONWIRELESSEQUIPMENT CABINETMOUNTED ON NEWCONCRETE PADLOCATED ATGROUND LEVELNEW VERIZON WIRELESS FIBER, DCPOWER & GROUND CONDUITS ONSLEEPERS (APPROX. 100')NEW VERIZON WIRELESS CONDUITPENETRATIONSEXISTING OVERHEADPOWER LINE TO EXISTINGWEATHER HEAD MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING OVERHEADPOWER LINE TO EXISTINGWEATHER HEAD MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDINGNEW VERIZON WIRELESSGPS ANTENNA MOUNTED(ABOVE) ON EXISTINGBUILDING6A-64A-63A-6EXISTING ROOF LINE (LOWER)ELEV. 10.4' AGLNEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTEDBEHIND NEW FRP SCREEN (FAUX AWNING), (2) TOTAL1A-6EXISTING AWNING, (3) TOTALTO BE REMOVED (SHOWNHIDDEN)TOP OF EXISTING PARAPET WALLELEV. 22.9' AGL5A-6TOP OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS FRP SCREEN (FAUX AWNING)ELEV. 20' AGLEXISTING ROOF LINE (UPPER)ELEV. 19.9' AGLTOP OF EXISTING FACADE PEAKELEV. 26.4' AGLNEW VERIZON POWER/FIBEROVERHEAD LINES TO NEWWEATHER HEADS MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDING(LENGTH=±100FT)NEW VERIZON POWER AND FIBERWEATHER HEADS(MIN. 1FT SEPARATION)TOP OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNASELEV. 19'-10" AGLRAD CENTER OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNASELEV. 18'-10" AGLBOTTOM OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNASELEV. 17'-0" AGL1'-4"Item 8.c. - Page 19 DETAILSA-63N.T.S.SCALE2N.T.S.SCALE8N.T.S.SCALE1N.T.S.SCALENOT USEDNOT USED7N.T.S.SCALENOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSANTENNA DETAIL5N.T.S.SCALERADIO DETAIL4N.T.S.SCALEEQUIPMENT CABINET DETAILERICCSON 4449DIMENSIONS:HEIGHT: 15"WIDTH: 13.2"DEPTH: 9.3"WEIGHT: 70LBS#2 AWG BTCW(TYP. 3 PLACES)GPS ANTENNA1-1/4"Ø PIPECABLE TO PIPE CONNECTORBURNDY TYPE GARTOP OFPARAPET WALLCONTINUOUS BEAD OFSILICONE SEALANT @TOP OF UNISTRUT, TYP.12" MIN. LENGTHUNISTRUT P1000, TYP.CONDUIT CLAMPNEOPRENE WASHER @THREADED ROD, TYP.#6 AWG GROUNDINGCABLE KIT1/2"Ø COAXIAL CABLESECURE TO WALL USINGHILTI CONCRETE SCREWS,1/4"Ø X 1-3/4" LONGCOPPER ISOLATEDGROUND BUSUNISTRUT HEXHEAD CAPSCREW (TYP)NEW 3-1/2" ODGALVANIZED PIPECOLUMNNEW 1/2" U-BOLT, A307OR BETTERNEW P2800-50 U-SHAPEFITTING (TYP. OF 2 PERU-BOLT)UNISTRUT SPRING NUT(MIN. OF 4 PLACES)1/2" HEX NUT1"Ø x 1/8" WASHERP1000 UNISTRUTCABINET(7) 1.75" / 2.5"KNOCKOUT(BOTH SIDESOF CABINET)CHARLES UNIVERSAL BROADBAND ENCLOSURE (CUBE) SS4C215DB3REGULATORY SPECIFICATIONS:WEIGHT (W/ BATTERIES)RACK MOUNTINGCOLORMATERIAL73"H x 32"W x 32"D 740LBS23" (15RU)OFF WHITE.125" WELDED ALUMINUMMOUNTING STYLEPAD MOUNT ENCLOSUREDOOR LATCHING3-POINT LATCHING WITH PAD LOCKABLE HANDLEBATTERY TYPES / TERMINATION Ni-CD OR VRLA, ANDERSON DISCONNECTS FOR EACH STRINGAC TERMINATION12 POSITION LOAD CENTER (LEFT HAND SIDE)BUS BARSTWO (2) 2X14 POSITION BUS BARS(7) 1.75/2.5" DOUBLE KNOCKOUT ON RHS(7) 1.75/2.5" DOUBLE KNOCKOUT ON LHS(4) 1.75/2.5" DOUBLE KNOCKOUT ON REARCABLE ENTRANCEALARMSDOOR INTRUSION (2)CERTIFICATIONSTELCORDIA ZONE 4 SEISMIC, TELCORDIA GR-487 AND ULDIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT (W/ OUT BATTERIES)1811LBS32.132.132.332.3FRONT VIEWSIDE VIEWPLAN VIEW74.1"72.3"6.9"5.4"3.5"3.2"8.1"14"2.7"LENGTH: 23.2"WIDTH: 12.0"DEPTH: 7.1"WEIGHT: 13 LBSAMPHENOLHTXCWW63111414Fxy012"23.2"7.1"FOR MOUNTING USE:2-POINT MOUNTING &DOWNTILT BRACKETKIT -AMPHENOLPART # 36210006FRONTSIDEGPS DETAILS6N.T.S.SCALEMOUNTING DETAIL9.3"15"FRONTSIDETOP13.2"11.1"15"FRONTSIDETOP13.2"ERICCSON 8843DIMENSIONS:HEIGHT: 15"WIDTH: 13.2"DEPTH: 11.1"WEIGHT: 75LBSRADIO DETAILDIPLEXER SPECIFICATIONSItem 8.c. - Page 20 ATTACHMENT 1 SUBJECT PROPERTY Item 8.c. - Page 21 Minutes:ARC PAGE 3 Monday, May 6, 2019 AYES: Hall, Juette, Berlin, Couch NOES: None ABSENT: Hoag Committee Member Couch excused himself from the meeting at 3:38 p.m. 8. PROJECTS 8.a. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-001; NEW SMALL CELL TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY OF PRIVATE PROPERTY; LOCATION - 119 E. BRANCH STREET; APPLICANT - VERIZON WIRELESS; REPRESENTATIVE - TRICIA KNIGHT (Downing) Planning Manager Downing presented the staff report and gave background about the project site, the City's siting requirements for telecommunication facilities, and the project in relation to the Village Design Guidelines. The Committee spoke in opposition to the location of the equipment behind the proposed awning and, would prefer the equipment to be located behind the parapet, if possible, would prefer a rounded awning that was more complimentary to the building's architecture, and met the requirements of the Village Design Guidelines. Vice Chair Berlin made a motion, seconded by Committee Member Juette, to recommend a continuation of the item to a date uncertain to allow the applicant to be present. The motion passed 3-0 on the following voice vote: AYES: Berlin, Juette, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Hoag, Couch 9.c. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR (Downing) Planning Manager Downing presented the item and Vice Chair Berlin recommended a continuation of the item to the May 20, 2019 Regular Meeting to allow all Committee Members to be present for the election. The recommendation was unanimously supported. 10. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS None. 11. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Planning Manager Downing formally introduced and welcomed Committee Member Juette to the ARC. 12. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.to a regular meeting on May 20, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. NDREW PEREZ ( : ARREN HOAG ASSISTANT PLANNER CHAIR Approved at ARC Meeting 6- 3-19 ) ATTACHMENT 2 Item 8.c. - Page 22 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2019 ARROYO GRANDE CITY HALL, 300 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hoag called the Regular Architectural Review Committee meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL ARC Members: Chair Warren Hoag, Vice Chair Bruce Berlin and Committee Members Jon Couch, and Kristin Juette were present. Committee Member Lori Hall was absent. City Staff Present: Planning Manager Matt Downing and Assistant Planner Andrew Perez were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Committee Member Juette led the Flag Salute. 4. AGENDA REVIEW None. 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 7. CONSENT AGENDA Vice Chair Berlin made a motion, seconded by Committee Member Juette, to approve the minutes of the June 3, 2019, Regular Meeting. The motion passed 4-0 on the following voice vote: AYES: Berlin, Juette, Couch, Hoag NOES: None ABSENT: Hall 8. PROJECTS 8.a. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-001; NEW SMALL CELL TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY ON PRIVATE PROPERTY; LOCATION 119 E. BRANCH STREET; APPLICANT — VERIZON WIRELESS; REPRESENTATIVE — TRICIA KNIGHT (Downing) Planning Manager Downing presented the staff report and summarized the comments from the Committee's previous review of the project at the May 6, 2019, Regular Meeting. Planning Manager Downing explained the revisions made to the project to address the Committee's previous concerns through the proposal of a new, fiberglass awning to shelter the telecommunication equipment, which would be painted to match the first floor awning and would include a loose, scalloped valance. Item 8.c. - Page 23 Minutes: ARC Monday, June 17, 2019 PAGE 2 Tricia Knight, project representative, provided some clarification why fiberglass was chosen for the awning instead of a customary fabric awning, explained why this location was chosen and explained the drawbacks to installing the equipment within the existing building fagade. The Committee spoke in support of the direction the project is headed from an aesthetic perspective, and appreciated the aesthetic treatment of the awning with the striping to match the first floor awning. The Committee was not supportive of the fiberglass because it does not comply with the Village Design Guidelines, is likely to be much more rigid than a traditional fabric awning, and will likely have a reflective quality that could be a detriment to The Village's aesthetics. The Committee was also concerned that a material sample of the fiberglass was not provided. Chair Hoag recommended a continuation of the item until the applicant can provide a material sample, and additional information about how the awning and telecommunication will be attached to the building. The recommendation was unanimously supported by the Committee. 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS None 10. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS Committee Member Couch announced that he will be absent from the July 1, 2019, Regular Meeting. Chair Hoag announced that he will be absent from the July 15, 2019, Regular Meeting. Committee Member Couch relayed a compliment from staff at Ten Over Studios to the Committee that they appreciated the constructive feedback and overall positivity they received at the May 20, 2019, Regular Meeting. 11. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Planning Manager Downing appreciated the Committee's flexibility and feedback on Item 8.a. Planning Manager Downing announced that the Housing Element Update scope of work is being reviewed by the Planning Commission at their June 18, 2019 meeting. Planning Manager Downing announced that the public improvements for the Rugged Radio project in Subarea 1 of the East Cherry Specific Plan should begin in the near future. 12. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:12 p.m.to a regular meeting on July 1, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. t --ANDREW PEREZ WARREN HOA ASSISTANT PLANNER CHAIR Approved at ARC Meeting F7 ) Item 8.c. - Page 24 ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2019 ARROYO GRANDE CITY HALL, 300 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hoag called the Regular Architectural Review Committee meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL ARC Members: Chair Warren Hoag, Vice Chair Bruce Berlin and Committee Members Jon Couch, Lori Hall and Kristin Juette were present. City Staff Present: Assistant Planner Andrew Perez was present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Committee Member Couch led the Flag Salute. 4. AGENDA REVIEW None. 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 7. CONSENT AGENDA Vice Chair Berlin made a motion, seconded by Committee Member Couch to approve the minutes of the July 15, 2019, Regular Meeting with the correction of one misspelled word. The motion passed 5-0 on the following voice vote: AYES: Berlin, Couch, Juette, NOES: None ABSTAIN: Hoag, Hall 8. PROJECTS 8.a. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-001; NEW SMALL CELL TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY ON PRIVATE PROPERTY; LOCATION – 119 E. BRANCH STREET; APPLICANT – VERIZON WIRELESS; REPRESENTATIVE – TRICIA KNIGHT(Downing) Assistant Planner Perez presented the staff report, summarized the comments from the Committee’s previous two reviews of the project, and explained the revisions to the proposed awnings in response to the Committee’s previous comments. Tricia Knight, project representative, spoke in support of the project and explained how the revision meets both the needs of the applicant and complies with the Design Guidelines. The applicant provided a material sample of the canvas in two different patterns for the Committee to review. Item 8.c. - Page 25 Minutes: ARC PAGE 2 Monday, August 5, 2019 The Committee spoke in support of the project and was supportive of the change of awning material from fiberglass to canvas. The Committee appreciated the applicant’s effort and willingness to work with the Committee to get to a project design that meets the needs of the applicant while complying with the Design Guidelines. Vice Chair Berlin made a motion, seconded by Committee Member Couch, to recommend approval of the project to the Planning Commission with the following condition: 1. The awning pattern and color shall match that of the existing first floor awning. The motion passed 5-0 on the following voice vote: AYES: Berlin, Couch, Juette, Hoag, Hall NOES: None 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS None. 10. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS Chair Hoag apologized for his absence that led to the cancellation of the July 1, regular meeting. Chair Hoag inquired about the meeting schedule for September, considering the first meeting of the month is cancelled due to the Labor Day holiday, and the second meeting of the month conflicts with the American Planning Association conference. Committee Member Couch reiterated appreciation for Item 8.a due to the fact that it is setting a precedent in that it is the first project in the Village to include cell equipment on a building façade. 11. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Assistant Planner Perez announced that the East Grand Village project was approved by the Planning Commission on July 16, 2019 12. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:12 p.m.to a regular meeting on August 19, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. _____________________________ _____________________________ ANDREW PEREZ WARREN HOAG ASSISTANT PLANNER CHAIR (Approved at ARC Meeting _________) Item 8.c. - Page 26 Verizon Wireless Cell Site Necessity Case -DT Arroyo Gra de SC1 Pr,epar,ed by Verirzon Wireless RF Eng 1neering Dewayne Bonham ATTACHMENT 3 Item 8.c. - Page 27 Need Summary: Project Need O v ervi ew : This projects will serve to improve data and 4G voice capacity that will begin to quickly slow in mid 2016. We project that this new site will meet the areas needs through 2025 based on current use trends. With 4G data traffic growing at about 50°/o a year improved capacity is essential to keep service at the quality our customers expect. While this site does improve a small area of poor service in the eastern area of downtown, that is not the purpose of this site. Our engineering data also shows that this area will begin experiencing data traffic overloads in mid 2016 (See Page 9). The existing Hwy 101/Branch site shown in red on the page 9 map (left) needs to have some of the area it covers moved onto another site to allow it to keep performing well. This site does an excellent job of moving a dense area of downtown traffic onto a more localized site better able to serve this high capacity area. Additional details and explanations follow in this presentation . Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties exoept by written agreement 2 Item 8.c. - Page 28 Introduction: There are two main drivers that prompt the need for a new cell site, coverage and/or capacity. Most sites provide a mixture of both, but increasingly some sites are pure capacity in areas of good coverage. Coverage is the need for expanded wireless service in an area that has either no service or poor service. The request for improved service often comes from our customers or emergency services personnel. While this once meant providing coverage in vehicles, as usage patterns have shifted this now means improving coverage inside of buildings and in residential areas as well. Coverage that was good in an area on older technology, may not be as good with newer technology. Capacity is the need for more wireless resources. Cell sites have a limited amount of resources to handle voice calls, data connections, and data volume. When these limits are reached, the user experience quickly degrades. This could mean that customers cannot make/receive calls or could have trouble getting applications to run. A site short on capacity could also make internet connections time out or delay information to emergency response personnel. Confidential and proprietary material$ for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement 3 Item 8.c. - Page 29 Explanation of Wireless Coverage Coverage is best shown in coverage maps. We use tools that take into account terrain, vegetation, building types, and cell site specifics to model predictions of the existing coverage and what we expect to see with a proposed cell site. Coverage also changes with the frequencies used. While most phones today use 3G at 800 MHZ or 4G at 700 MHz these are low frequencies that have better coverage then the higher 1900 MHz and 2100 MHz that are now coming into use due to increased capacity demands. These higher frequencies require about 3 times the number of sites to achieve the same coverage as the lower frequencies. Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement 4 Item 8.c. - Page 30 Explanation of Capacity Capacity is the amount of resources that a cell has to handle customer demand. We utilize sophisticated programs use current usage trends to forecast future demand. Since it takes an average of 2-3 years to complete a cell site project, we have to start the process of adding a new cell several years in advance of when the cell will be needed. Location, Location, Location. A good capacity cell site needs to be in the center of a user population which insures that traffic is evenly distributed around the cell. A typical cell site is configured as a 3 slice pie shape. With each slice (aka. Sector) having 33°/o of the cells resources. If one sector is under used it's resources can not necessarily be used in a higher use sector. Optimal performance is only obtained when all three sectors have an even traffic distribution. Confidential and proprietary materialS for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 5 Item 8.c. - Page 31 Explanation of Wireless Data Growth Wireless Data Growth Each year we see large increases in how much data our users need. As the resolution of the pictures we send increases, the quality of the video we watch improves, and the complexity of the applications grow we commonly see data growth rates of 60% per year. According to Cisco, wireless data traffic will increase by a factor of 220 times in the period from 2009 to 2019. Machine to Machine communications will also increase the loads on wireless networks. Over the next 5 years more and more services will be offered over the wireless infrastructure that improve our safety and make our lives easier. A few are listed below. -Cars that notify 911 when an airbag deploys. -Driverless cars needing traffic data and maps to reach your destination as quickly as possible . -Medical monitors that will alert us should a loved one neglect taking their prescription drugs. -Home alarms that notify you when your child arrives home from school. -Smart street lights that notify the city when they are not working. -City garbage cans that let people know when they need to be emptied. -Tracking watches will aid in finding lost Alzheimer patients. Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not pem,itted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement 6 Item 8.c. - Page 32 Radio Emission Safety ... A common question we hear on our wireless site projects is "Are the radio emissions safe?" We go to great effort to ensure that all our projects meet the regulations set by the FCC to ensure safety of the public and our employees. How this site measures in comparison with this standard is detailed in a report included with the zoning application for this site. There are a number of questionable sources of information available on this subject that are not supported by science. Below are links to three organizations that have performed extensive reviews of the science available on this subject and have good educational articles on the results of their research. World Health Organization http://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/index1 .html America Cancer Society http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/athome/cellular-phone-towers FCC Radio Frequency Safety https:/ /www.fee.gov/general/rad io-frequency-safety-0 Confidential and proplietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use. disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement 7 Item 8.c. - Page 33 Coverage: Existing 700 MHz VoLTE Coverage Map Proposed 700 MHz VoLTE Coverage Map The above maps shows the existing coverage quality for the area with the existing coverage on the left and the coverage with the proposed cell on the right. Good coverage is shown in green, marginal coverage is shown in yellow, and poor coverage is shown in red. This level of coverage is based on the new 4G voice service used in the latest phones which requires stronger signal then the old technology. As can be seen this cell has a minimal impact on coverage with a slight improvement in the eastern portion of town. Since the purpose of this cell is expanded capacity for the downtown area this is expected. Green=Good In-Building, Yellow= Good In-Vehicle, Red:=Good on-Street. Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or disbibution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement 8 Item 8.c. - Page 34 Serving Sector Maps: Proposed Site Best Server without DT Arroyo Grande SC 1 Best Server with OT Arroyo Gra The plots above show the best servers or sectors that cover this area with each sector shown in a different color. The left map shows what sectors currently cover this area with the overloaded sector showing in red. The right map show the area this new site will cover in green. This project will improve service by providing necessary capacity to support the growth we are seeing in 4G traffic. The green area around the proposed site will see much better service. If the site is not built the area in red on the left map will see data speeds and new 4G voice service start to quickly degrade. Confidential and proprietary materials for authorized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use , disclosure or disbibution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 9 Item 8.c. - Page 35 Capacity Projection: Actual use: µk,11:..1 t~ -"'i ll:-,t > 0 LL FDV 100% 50% 0% 1 I I I Exhaustion Threshold: 1/1/2015 7/1/2015 1/1/2016 7/1/2016 1/1/2017 7/1/2017 Summary: The existing Hwy 101/Branch cell site cannot support the data traffic in the large area it covers and is projected to begin overloading in mid 2016. Detail below: The graph above shows FDV (Forward Data Volume) which is a measurement of the customer data usage that this sector currently serves. The blue line shows the daily data use on this sector of the cell site. The yellow line is a projection based on the last years usage to show when we expect to see our customers begin to see their data speeds begin to slow down. The red line is the limit where the sector becomes exhausted and service starts to degrade. The point in time where we see the yellow line go above the red line is when we will start seeing service begin to degrade. Service will quickly degrade after that point as usage continues to grow. To aid in resolving this, we ask to add a 2 sector small cell site to improve wireless service in this area by offloading the concentrated downtown traffic from this sector with the proposed site. Confidential and proprietary materials for au1horized Verizon personnel and outside agencies only. Use, disclosure or distribution of this material is not permitted to any unauthorized persons or third parties except by written agreement. 1 0 Item 8.c. - Page 36 Verizon Wireless • Proposed Base Station (Site No. 285338 "OT Arroyo Grande SC1 ") 121 East Branch Street• Arroyo Grande, California Statement of Hammett & Edison, Inc., Consulting Engineers The finn of Hammett & Edison, Inc., Consulting Engineers, has been retained on behalf of Verizon Wireless, a personal wireless telecommunications carrier, to evaluate the base station (Site No. 285338 "DT Arroyo Grande SC l ") proposed to be located at 119 & 121 East Branch Street in Arroyo Grande, California, for compliance with appropriate guidelines limiting human exposure to radio frequency ("RF") electromagnetic fields. Executive Summary Verizon proposes to install directional panel antennas on the front of the two-story building located at 121 East Branch Street in Arroyo Grande. The proposed operation will comply with the FCC guidelines limiting public exposure to RF energy. Prevailing Exposure Standards The U.S. Congress requires that the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") evaluate its actions for possible significant impact on the environment. A summary of the FCC's exposure limits is shown in Figure 1. These limits apply for continuous exposures and are intended to provide a prudent margin of safety for all persons, regardless of age, gender, size, or health. The most restrictive FCC limit for exposures of unlimited duration to radio frequency energy for several personal wireless services are as follows: Wireless Service Microwave (Point-to-Point) WiFi (and unlicensed uses) BRS (Broadband Radio) WCS (Wireless Communication) AWS (Advanced Wireless) PCS (Personal Communication) Cellular SMR (Specialized Mobile Radio) 700MHz [ most restrictive frequency range] Frequency Band 5-80 GHz 2-6 2,600 MHz 2,300 2,100 1,950 870 855 700 30-300 Occu pational Limit 5.00mW/cm2 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.90 2.85 2.40 1.00 General Facility Requirements Public Limit 1.00 mW/cm2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.58 0.57 0.48 0.20 Base stations typically consist of two distinct parts: the electronic transceivers (also called "radios" or "channels") that are connected to the traditional wired telephone lines, and the passive antennas that send the wireless signals created by the radios out to be received by individual subscriber units. The transceivers are often located at ground level and are connected to the antennas by coaxial cables. A HAMMETT & EDISON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS SAN FRANCISCO JAN 1 4 2019 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE J9P3 Page 1 of 4 ATTACHMENT 4 Item 8.c. - Page 37 Verizon Wireless • Proposed Base Station (Site No. 285338 "DT Arroyo Grande SC1 ") 121 East Branch Street• Arroyo Grande, California Because of the short wavelength of the frequencies assigned by the FCC for wireless services, the antennas require line-of-sight paths for their signals to propagate well and so are installed at some height above ground. The antennas are designed to concentrate their energy toward the horizon, with very little energy wasted toward the sky or the ground. This means that it is generally not possible for exposure conditions to approach the maximum permissible exposure limits without being physically very near the antennas. Computer Modeling Method The FCC provides direction for determining compliance in its Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin No. 65, "Evaluating Compliance with FCC-Specified Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation," dated August 1997. Figure 2 describes the calculation methodologies, reflecting the facts that a directional antenna's radiation pattern is not fully fom1ed at locations very close by (the "near-field" effect) and that at greater distances the power level from an energy source decreases with the square of the distance from it (the "inverse square law"). The conservative nature of this method for evaluating exposure conditions has been verified by numerous field tests. Site and Facility Description Based upon information provided by Verizon, including zoning drawings by SAC AE Design Group, Inc., dated May 17, 2018, it is proposed to install two Amphenol Model HTXCWW631114F directional panel antennas behind a new view screen, configured to resemble an m1/lling, to be installed on the southeast face of the two-story retail building located at 121 East Branch Street in Arroyo Grande. The antennas would employ no downtilt, would be mounted at an effective height of about 14½ feet above ground, and would be oriented toward 105°T and 210°T. The maximum effective radiated power in any direction would be 4,770 watts, representing simultaneous operation at 1,850 watts for AWS, 1,860 watts for PCS, 560 watts for cellular, and 500 watts for 700 MHz service. There are reported no other wireless telecommunications base stations at the site or nearby. Study Results For a person anywhere at ground, the maximum RF exposure level due to the proposed Verizon operation is calculated to be 0.25 mW/cm2, which is 44% of the applicable public exposure limit. The maximum calculated level at the top-floor elevation of any nearby building is 16% of the public exposure limit. It should be noted that these results include several "worst-case" assumptions and therefore are expected to overstate actual power density levels from the proposed operation. Levels are calculated to exceed the applicable public limit on the roofs of the two buildings to the southwest, located at 117 and 119 East Branch Street. HAMMETT & EDISON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS SAN FRANOSCO J9P3 Page 2 of4 Item 8.c. - Page 38 Verizon Wireless • Proposed Base Station (Site No. 285338 "DT Arroyo Grande SC1 ") 121 East Branch Street• Arroyo Grande, California Recommended Mitigation Measures Due to their mounting location and height, the Verizon antennas would not be accessible to unauthorized persons, and so no additional mitigation measures are necessary to comply with the FCC public exposure guidelines. To prevent occupational exposures in excess of the FCC guidelines, it is recommended that appropriate RF safety training, to include review of personal monitor use and lockout/tagout procedures, be provided to all authorized personnel who have access to the antennas or to the rooftops of 117 and 119 East Branch Street, including employees and contractors of Verizon and of the property owner." No access within 19 feet directly in front of the Verizon antennas themselves, such as might occur during certain maintenance activities, should be allowed while the pertinent antenna is in operation, unless other measures can be demonstrated to ensure that occupational protection requirements are met. It is recommended that boundary lines be marked with blue paint on the roofs of the two buildings to the southwest, to identify areas within which exposure levels are calculated to exceed the public FCC limit, as shown in Figure 3. It is recommended that explanatory signs t be posted at the boundary lines and on the screens in front of the antennas, readily visible from any angle of approach to persons who might need to work within that distance. C,onclusion Based on the information and analysis above, it is the undersigned's professional opm1on that operation of the base station proposed by Verizon Wireless at 121 East Branch Street in Arroyo Grande, California, can comply with the prevailing standards for limiting human exposure to radio frequency energy and, therefore, need not for this reason cause a significant impact on the environment. The highest calculated level in publicly accessible areas is much less than the prevailing standards allow for exposures of unlimited duration. This finding is consistent with measurements of actual exposure conditions taken at other operating base stations. Training authorized personnel, marking roof areas, and posting explanatory signs are recommended to establish compliance with occupational exposure limits. It is understood that all three buildings 11 7, 119, and 121 East Branch Street -are owned in common. t Signs should comply with OET-65 color, symbol, and content recommendations. Contact information should be provided (e.g., a telephone number) to arrange for access to restricted areas. The selection oflanguage(s) is not an engineering matter, and guidance from the landlord, local zoning or health authority, or appropriate professionals may be required. HAMMETT & EDISON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS SAN FRANCISCO J9P3 Page 3 of4 Item 8.c. - Page 39 Verizon Wireless • Proposed Base Station (Site No. 285338 "OT Arroyo Grande SC1 ") 121 East Branch Street• Arroyo Grande, California Authorship The undersigned author of this statement is a qualified Professional Engineer, holding California Registration Nos. E-13026 and M-20676, which expire on June 30, 2019. This work has been carried out under his direction, and all statements are true and correct of his own knowledge except, where noted, when data has been supplied by others, which data he believes to be correct. January 3, 2019 HAMMETT & EDISON, I:'.'IC. CO:--!SULTING ENGINEERS SAN FRANCISCO William F. Han 1ett, P.E. 707/996-5200 J9P3 Page 4 of4 Item 8.c. - Page 40 ' > FCC Radio Frequency Protection Guide The U.S. Congress required (1996 Telecom Act) the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to adopt a nationwide human exposure standard to ensure that its licensees do not, cumulatively, have a significant impact on the environment. The FCC adopted the limits from Report No. 86, "Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields," published in 1986 by the Congressionally chartered National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (''NCRP"). Separate limits apply for occupational and public exposure conditions, with the latter limits generally five times more restrictive. The more recent standard, developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and approved as American National Standard ANSI/IEEE C95.l-2006, "Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz,'' includes similar limits. These limits apply for continuous exposures from all sources and are intended to provide a prudent margin of safety for all persons, regardless of age, gender, size, or health. As shown in the table and chart below, separate limits apply for occupational and public exposure conditions, with the latter limits (in italics and/or dashed) up to five times more restrictive: Frequency Applicable Range (MHz) 0.3 -1.34 1.34 3.0 3.0 -30 30 -300 300 1,500 1,500 -100,000 1000 100 ,-.._ ~-,"' ~ ..... s 10 ~ "' u o~~ 1 p... Q s '-'-' 0.1 0.1 Electromagnetic Fields {f is fre quency of emission in MHz ) Electric Magnetic Equivalent Far-Field Field Strength Field Strength Power Density (V/m) (Alm) (mW/cm2) 614 614 1.63 1.63 100 100 614 823.8/f 1.63 2.19/f 100 180//2 1842/ f 823.8/f 4.89/ f 2.19/f 900/ f 2 180//2 61.4 27.5 0.163 0.0729 1.0 0.2 3.54W 1.59'/j w1106 {f !238 f/300 f/1500 137 61.4 0.364 0.163 5.0 1.0 ~ Occupational Exposure / PCS Cell ~~--------· - Public Exposure 1 10 100 103 Frequency (MHz) Higher levels are allowed for short periods of time, such that total exposure levels averaged over six or thirty minutes, for occupational or public settings, respectively, do not exceed the limits, and higher levels also are allowed for exposures to small areas, such that the spatially averaged levels do not exceed the limits. However, neither of these allowances is incorporated in the conservative calculation formulas in the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin No. 65 (August 1997) for projecting field levels. Hammett & Edison has built those formulas into a proprietary program that calculates, at each location on an arbitrary rectangular grid, the total expected power density from any number of individual radio sources. The program allows for the description of buildings and uneven terrain, if required to obtain more accurate projections. HAMMETT & EDISON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS SAN FRANCISCO FCC Guidelines Figure I Item 8.c. - Page 41 RFRCALC TM Calculation Methodology Assessment by Calculation of Compliance with FCC Exposure Guidelines The U.S. Congress required (1996 Telecom Act) the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to adopt a nationwide human exposure standard to ensure that its licensees do not, cumulatively, have a significant impact on the environment. The maximum permissible exposure limits adopted by the FCC (see Figure 1) apply for continuous exposures from all sources and are intended to provide a prudent margin of safety for all persons, regardless of age, gender, size, or health. Higher levels are allowed for short periods of time, such that total exposure levels averaged over six or thirty minutes, for occupational or public settings, respectively, do not exceed the limits. Near Field. Prediction methods have been developed for the near field zone of panel ( directional) and whip ( omnidirectional) antennas, typical at wireless telecommunications base stations, as well as dish (aperture) antennas, typically used for microwave links. The antenna patterns are not fully formed in the near field at these antennas, and the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin No. 65 (August 1997) gives suitable formulas for calculating power density within such zones. d . S 180 0.1 X pnet . 111W/ 2 For a panel or whip antenna, power ensity = --x ----, 1n cm , 0Bw JCXD xh . . O.lxl6x17xP W and for an aperture antenna, maximum power density Smax = h 2 net , in m /cm2, Jtx where 0Bw =:= half-power beamwidth of the antenna, in degrees, and Pnet =:= net power input to the antenna, in watts, D =:= distance from antenna, in meters, h =:= aperture height of the antenna, in meters, and r, =:= aperture efficiency (unitless, typically 0.5-0.8). The factor of 0.1 in the numerators converts to the desired units of power density. Far Field. OET-65 gives this formula for calculating power density in the far field of an individual RF source: d . S 2.56xl.64xl00xRFF2 xERP . mW; 2 power ensity = 4 x JC x Dz , m cm , where ERP = total ERP (all polarizations), in kilowatts, RFF = relative field factor at the direction to the actual point of calculation, and D = distance from the center ofradiation to the point of calculation, in meters. The factor of 2.56 accounts for the increase in power density due to ground reflection, assuming a reflection coefficient of 1.6 (1.6 x 1.6 = 2.56). The factor of 1.64 is the gain of a half-wave dipole relative to an isotropic radiator. The factor of 100 in the numerator converts to the desired units of power density. This formula has been built into a proprietary program that calculates, at each location on an arbitrary rectangular grid, the total expected power density from any number of individual radiation sources. The program also allows for the description of uneven terrain in the vicinity, to obtain more accurate projections. F It:..~ .. HAMMETT & EDISON, INC. ~~~ --,.:J CONSULTING ENGINEERS ';fl ~~ SA'-IFHANCISCO Methodology Figure 2 Item 8.c. - Page 42 Verizon Wireless • Proposed Base Station (Site No. 285338 "OT Arroyo Grande SC1 ") 121 East Branch Street• Arroyo Grande, California Calculated RF Exposure Levels on Roof ,- / Rec:ommended Mitigation Measures .. .,..,.,.,., .,...,../ • Mark boundary as shown • Post explanatory signs • Provide training \ #117 / _,,.. ...,/ ,...,,,, / ,.,.. .,,,,,..,,,,,.--,/ ,, / \\ #119 \ Notes: See text. / .,..,,,.,,,..,,,.. Base drawing from SACAE Design Group, Inc., dated May 17, 2018. Calculations performed according to OET Bulletin 65, August 1997. Legend: Less Than Public Shaded color blank Boundary marking NIA Sign type I -Green INFORMATION HAMMETT & EDISON, INC. CONSUL TING ENGINEERS SAN FRANCISCO Exceeds Exceeds Exceeds lOx Public Occu pational Occup ational ■ ~ -B-Blue '¥-Yellow (Q) -Orange NOTICE CAUTION WARNING #121 \ ' \, \ Verizon -antennas I ' I { I I I J9P3 Figure 3 Item 8.c. - Page 43 5015 SHOREHAM PLACE, SUITE 150SAN DIEGO, CA 92122www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.NEWEXISTINGPHOTOSIMULATION VIEWPOINT 1DT ARROYO GRANDE SC1PSL # 285338119 & 121 E. BRANCH STARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420NEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANELANTENNAS WALL MOUNTED TOEXISTING BUILDING AND BEHINDNEW FRP SCREENING (FAUXAWNING) - COLOR AND MATERIALTO MATCH EXISTING$77$&+0(17Item 8.c. - Page 44 C ITY OF A RROYO G RANDE GUIDELINES & S TANDARDS FOR H ISTORIC D ISTRICTS Sign Illumination 1.Signs may be externally illuminated with incandescent lights, or other lighting that does not produce glare and is designed to conserve energy. 2.Wall, canopy, or projecting signs may be illuminated from concealed sources or exposed ornamental fixtures that complement the building’s architecture. 3.Window signs and window displays may be illuminated from concealed sources. 4.Neon tubing signs that approximate the appearance of historic neon are subject to approval of the Architectural Review Committee. All neon tubing shall be covered with transparent or translucent material to prevent rupture or shall be certified by the manufacturer for safety. AWNINGS AND CANOPIES 1.Under-awning or under-canopy signs oriented to pedestrian traffic are encouraged as part of the overall signage in the Village Core Downtown and Mixed Use districts. 2.All graphics, logos, and signs contained on awnings or canopies shall be considered part of the total allowed sign area as defined in the Development Code. 3.Awning or canopy color and design should be compatible with that of the building on which it is attached and complement those of adjacent buildings, both in style and color. 4.Canopies and awnings shall be consistent with the historic period in regard to size, shape, and materials. Aluminum, fiberglass and plastic awnings or canopies are not appropriate. The use of loose valances and traditional vintage-stripped awning material is encouraged. Canopies and awnings consisting of materials stretched taut over a rigid framework are not appropriate. REAR ENTRIES 1.Rear entries are traditionally plain and unadorned. Common materials include brick, stone, boards and battens and wood siding, and these are acceptable for new construction or renovation. 38 ATTACHMENT 6 Item 8.c. - Page 45 City of ATTACHMENT 7 ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL APRIL 25, 2017 TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES SITING and PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS I.SITING REQUIREMENTS The following requirements are intended to assist telecommunication service providers and the community in understanding the City's standards and permit process for such facilities. The goal is to balance the needs of wireless communication providers, the regulatory functions of the City, the rights guaranteed by the federal government, and the potential impacts upon the community and neighboring property owners in the design and siting of telecommunication facilities. A.General Requirements: 1.Telecommunication facilities shall avoid any unreasonable interference with views from neighboring properties. 2.Telecommunication facilities shall not cause any interference with City communication systems. 3.No monopoles or towers shall be installed on top of an exposed ridgeline or prominent slope when alternative sites are available. 4.Telecommunication facilities shall be painted color(s) that are most compatible with their surroundings. 5.Innovative design shall be used whenever the screening potential for the site is low. For example, designing structures that are compatible with surrounding architecture, or appear as a natural environmental feature, could help mitigate the visual impact of a facility. 2017 Telecommunication Facilities Siting Requirements and Checklist Page 1 Item 8.c. - Page 46 6. Telecommunication facilities are allowed in all Mixed-Use and Public Facility zoning designations with either an approved Minor Use Permit or Conditional Use Permit. Telecommunication facilities are not allowed on any property with a Residential land use designation. An exception is to place concealed facilities on non-residential structures that are allowable in residential districts (such as within church steeples). 7. The City lists the placement of facilities in the following preferential order: a. Side-mount antenna on existing structures (buildings, water tanks, etc.) when integrated into the existing structure, completely hidden from public view or painted and blended to match existing structures; b. Within or on existing signs to be completely hidden from public view; c. Atop existing structures (buildings, water tanks, etc.) with appropriate visual/architectural screening to be completely hidden from public view, and with a magnetic attachment system where appropriate to reduce damage to existing structures; d. Alternative tower structures (or stealth structures), such as man- made trees, clock towers, flagpoles, steeples, false chimneys, etc., that camouflage or conceal the presence of antennas. e. Existing monopoles, existing electric transmission towers, and existing lattice towers; f. New locations. 8. The City encourages co-location of telecommunication facilities, but only if it results in a lesser visual impact. 9. Small Cell facilities shall be considered an accessory use in all zoning districts. B. Requirements for Building Mounted Antennas: 1. Building mounted antennas and all other equipment shall be in scale and architecturally integrated with the building design in such a manner as to be visually unobtrusive. 2. Colors and materials shall match the existing building. 3. All equipment shall be screened from public view. 2017 Telecommunication Facilities Siting Requirements and Checklist Page 2 Item 8.c. - Page 47 4. Building mounted antennas and all other equipment shall avoid any unreasonable interference with views from neighboring properties. C. Definition and Requirements for Small Cell Facilities: 1. A Small Cell Facility means a wireless telecommunication facility that may consist of one or more radio receivers, antennas, interconnecting cables, power supply, other associated electronics and accessory equipment, which are attached to a structure (see Section E below for requirements of small cell facilities located within the Public Right-of- Way). 2. Antennas shall not exceed an overall length of two feet (2') and shall be screened from view so as to not be visible to passerby on any public street. 3. Equipment cabinets shall be located as follows so as to not be visible to passerby on any public street: a. within interior building space; b. behind parapet walls; c. within an underground vault; or d. fully screened within a landscaped area. 4. Facilities shall not pose a safety hazard by its placement adjacent to sensitive land uses. 5. Small Cell Facilities proposed in the Village Core Downtown zoning district shall be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee and the Historic Resources Committee. D. Requirements for Monopoles and Towers: 1. Standalone monopoles and towers may be considered only when the applicant reasonably demonstrates that the proposed facility cannot be placed on an existing building or structure. 2. Monopoles and towers shall be encouraged on properties zoned Public Facility over other zoning districts. 3. Substantial landscaping or other screening should be provided to visually buffer any adjoining residential uses from the potential visual impacts of the facility. Landscape screening should be designed to achieve its desired appearance in a reasonable period of time. 4. For monopoles or towers proposed within 300 feet of residentially zoned property, the facility should be set back at least 50 feet or the height of the facility, whichever is greater. Otherwise, the standard setback for the applicable zoning district shall apply. 2017 Telecommunication Facilities Siting Requirements and Checklist Page 3 Item 8.c. - Page 48 E. Requirements for Small Cell Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way: 1. Facilities shall be designed and installed in compliance with all requirements of California Public Utilities Commission General Order 95, including all separation and climbing space requirements. 2. Facilities shall be installed and maintained in a manner that does not unreasonably impede public access and use of the right-of-way. 3. The design and location of ground-mounted facilities shall reasonably mitigate aesthetic impacts when feasible. Ground-mounted cabinets shall be painted a neutral color to match the surrounding environment or as directed by the Community Development Director. Drought- resistant landscaping, screening or undergrounding of facilities may be required when necessary to match similar existing treatments implemented for all other entities with facilities in the right-of-way. II. PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS Any new telecommunication facility proposed within a zoning district of the City of Arroyo Grande is subject to review and approval through the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process. The applicant shall submit the following additional items and information (unless waived by the Community Development Director based on written justification provided by the applicant) along with the standard CUP application materials. The following list of requirements will be used to check your application for completeness after it is submitted. If you're the application is not complete, a copy of this list, and/or the CUP checklist, will be returned teyetu with additional requirements noted. A. Site Information: Submit a site plan, Assessor's Parcel Map(s), or a recent aerial photo that clearly illustrates the following information: 1. The lease area of the proposed project. 2. The lease areas of all other facilities on the parcel where the proposed facility is located. 3. Property boundaries of the site and the legal lot. 4. Location of all habitable structures within 500 feet of the proposed facility with the distance from the proposed antenna facility to the closest structure clearly marked. 201.7 Telecommunication Facilities Siting Requirements and Checklist Page 4 Item 8.c. - Page 49 B. Technology Information: 1. A general written description of the type of technology and type of consumer services the carrier will provide to its customers. 2. An explanation of site selection (reason the site was chosen over alternative sites). 3. Dimensioned plans showing the proposed height, direction and type of antenna proposed (i.e., panel, whip, dish) and all accessory structures/equipment requested as a part of the proposed antenna facility. 4. Detailed engineering calculations for foundation wind loads. C. RF Exposure Information: An RF emissions statement certified by a qualified radio frequency professional demonstrating compliance with Federal Communications Commission guidelines. D. Co-Location Information: Co-location is defined as the coincident placement of telecommunication carriers' antennas on the same wireless tower or antenna-mounting structure. The principal benefit from co-location is that fewer towers are needed to serve a given area, thereby reducing the overall visual impact of towers on a community. The City encourages the co-location between carriers, or the use of existing towers wherever possible to discourage the unnecessary proliferation of towers. The City also encourages the design of new towers which allow for future co- location whenever feasible. Applicants proposing to site the antenna(s) must demonstrate that reasonable efforts have been made to locate the antennas(s) on existing antenna-mounting structures. 1. If not co-located, provide information pertaining to the feasibility of joint- use antenna facilities, and discuss the reasons why such joint use is not a viable option or alternative to a new facility site. This includes written notification of refusal of the existing antenna-mounting structure owner to lease space on the structure. Include information on lack of existing wireless towers in the area, topography, frequency or signal interference, line of site problems, and available land zoning restrictions as applicable. E. Visual Impact Information: The following information provides staff with criteria for determining the significance of project visual impacts for CEQA purposes. 1. Submit a preliminary environmental review with special emphasis placed upon the nature and extent of visual and aesthetic impacts. 2017 Telecommunication Facilities Siting Requirements and Checklist Page 5 Item 8.c. - Page 50 2. Submit photo mock-ups or digital computer representations of the project site "before" and "after" installation. Physical samples of facility materials and/or a three-dimensional model may also be required. Show the proposed tower, antenna(s), equipment shelters, and any landscaping or screening proposed to lessen the visual impact of the project. 3. Submit information regarding the location of existing towers of the same, or similar design as the proposal facility, located within 10 miles of Arroyo Grande for viewing purposes. 4. If the project site is located within 1/2 mile of a public road, residence, public park, public hiking trail, or private easement open to the public, or if visible from such areas, show the proposed project site from multiple vantage points. Multiple viewpoints will require an index map and key for identification. 5. Provide a sample of the proposed color of the tower in the form of a minimum one square foot paint sample, and explain the reasons why that color is best for the location proposed. 6. Describe the type of landscaping proposed to screen the facility to the maximum extent feasible, or the reasons why landscaping is not necessary or feasible. 7. Proposed communication facilities should not be sited on ridgelines or hilltops when alternative sites are available. If a ridgeline location is proposed, submit written justification to the Community Development Director. If no alternative site exists, the communications facility must be located to minimize silhouetting on the ridgeline and must blend with the surrounding environment to decrease visibility from off site. 8. At the time of permit renewal, any major modification to the existing permit, or change-out of major equipment, the permit site and existing equipment shall be reviewed for consistency with changes that could substantially lessen visual impacts. If the Community Development Director determines that a change would substantially lessen the visual impacts of the facility, or if they would result in a substantial benefit to the public, the permitee may be required to make those changes. 9. If there is a change of lessee, information regarding the type of facility that will be used by the new lessee shall be submitted to the Community Development Department within ten (10) days of that change. If the transfer would require any changes to the facilities approved in the original CUP, an Amended Conditional Use Permit application must be submitted. The new lessee shall use the most current stealthing techniques available if it would substantially lessen visual impacts of the site, and if it would result in a substantial benefit to the public. 2017 Telecommunication Facilities Siting Requirements and Checklist Page 6 Item 8.c. - Page 51 10. Describe if the proposed facility is intended to be a "Coverage" and/or Capacity" site. F. Antenna/Site Capacity Information: 1. Submit information on the total available mounting heights for antennas for the proposed antenna tower and any other structures for the proposed project. This information may be used for future co-location of antennas from other companies. 2. There shall be a maximum of two towers per assessor's parcel or developed site. III. PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FACILITIES IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY California Public Utilities Code §7901 grants telephone corporations the right to place facilities in the public rights-of-way subject only to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions as provided under California Public Utilities Code 7901.1. Under CPUC §7901.1(b), to be reasonable, time, place and manner restrictions must be applied to all entities in an equivalent manner. Height, spacing, structural and safety requirements for wireless facilities on utility poles in the right-of-way are regulated by California Public Utilities Commission General Order 95. Any new telecommunication facility proposed within the public right-of-way of the City of Arroyo Grande is subject to review and approval through the encroachment permit process. The applicant shall submit the following additional items and information (unless waived by the Director of Public Works based on written justification provided by the applicant) along with the standard encroachment permit application materials: A. Items B1, B2, B3, C and E2 of Section II above. B. A brief description of how the placement of equipment on a utility pole has been designed to comply with California Public Utilities Commission General Order 95 and to minimize visual impacts. C. A brief description of how any ground-mounted equipment has been located in a manner to prevent vehicle and pedestrian obstruction of the right-of-way and to minimize aesthetic impacts. D. Ground-mounted equipment is not allowed within sidewalks. 2017 Telecommunication Facilities Siting Requirements and Checklist Page 7 Item 8.c. - Page 52 DT ARROYO GRANDE SC1CONSTRUCTION:RADIO:VERIZON SIGNATURE BLOCKDISCIPLINE:SIGNATURE:DATE:EQUIPMENT:SITE ACQUISITION:MICROWAVE:TELCO:WO ADMINISTRATOR:PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR:CODE COMPLIANCEPSL # 285338119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420DRIVING DIRECTIONSTO: 119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST. ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420VICINITY MAPFROM: 2785 MITCHELL DR.WALNUT CREEK, CA 94958T-1A-1.1A-4SHEETT-1DESCRIPTIONTITLE SHEETREVPLANNER:CONSTRUCTION:SAC WIRELESS SIGNATURE BLOCKDISCIPLINE:SIGNATURE:SITE ACQUISITION:LANDLORD:NEW & EXISTING SOUTHEAST ELEVATIONCALL 811RCallbefore you dig.below.Know what'sCONTRACTOR TO CALL TOVERIFY UTILITIES ATLEAST TWO WORKINGDAYS PRIOR TO DIGGINGWWW.CALL811.COM SITE PLANDATE:A-3EQUIPMENT & ANTENNA PLANZONING DRAWINGS - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJECT SUMMARYPROJECT TEAMSMITHCO SURVEYING ENGINEERINGP.O. BOX 81626BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380CONTACT: GREG SMITH, PLSTELEPHONE: (661) 393-1217ARCHITECT:SURVEYOR:UTILITY COORDINATOR:SAC WIRELESS, LLC.NESTOR POPOWYCH, AIA5015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150SAN DIEGO, CA 92122CONTACT: OMAR MUNOZTELEPHONE: (619) 736-3588PLANNINGSITE ACQUISITIONTITLE SHEETA-5NEW & EXISTING SOUTHWEST ELEVATIONC-1 SITE SURVEYPROPERTY INFORMATION:SITE NAME: DT ARROYO GRANDE SC1SITE NUMBER: 285338SITE ADDRESS: 119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420JURISDICTION: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDEASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERCURRENT ZONING:TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:AREA OF CONSTRUCTION:HANDICAP REQUIREMENTS: FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMANHABITATION. HANDICAPPED ACCESS NOT REQUIRED.V-B007-192-056 AND 007-192-057GEODETIC COORDINATESLAT.LONG.ELEVATION.VILLAGE CORE DOWNTOWNCONSTRUCTION INFORMATION35° 07' 25.48"120° 34' 41.98"126.4' NAVD 88(BASIS OF DRAWING)OCCUPANCY:UAPPLICANT/LESSEE2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598OFFICE: (925) 279-6000APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE1. HEAD NORTHEAST ON MITCHELL DR TOWARD OAK GROVE RD2. TURN RIGHT ONTO OAK GROVE RD3. TURN RIGHT ONTO YGNACIO VALLEY RD4. YGNACIO VALLEY RD TURNS RIGHT AND BECOMES HILLSIDE AVE5. USE THE LEFT 2 LANES TO TURN LEFT ONTO THE INTERSTATE 680 S RAMP TO SAN JOSE6. MERGE ONTO I-680 S7. TAKE THE ANDRADE RD EXIT TOWARD SHERIDAN RD8. CONTINUE ONTO MISSION RD9. MERGE ONTO I-680 S VIA THE RAMP TO FREMONT/SAN JOSE10. USE THE RIGHT 3 LANES TO MERGE ONTO US-101 S TOWARD LOS ANGELES11. CONTINUE STRAIGHT TO STAY ON US-101 S12. TAKE EXIT 187A FOR CA-227/GRAND AVE13. TURN LEFT ONTO CA-227 N/E GRAND AVETEK CONSULTING INC.PERMIT PROCESSING SERVICES123 SEACLIFF DRPISMO BEACH, CA 93449CONTACT: TRICIA KNIGHTTELEPHONE: (805) 448-4221FAX: (805) 888-2807TEK-CONSULTING.NETC-2 SITE SURVEYSAC WIRELESS1057 LA VISTA ROADSANTA BARBARA, CA 93110CONTACT: CRAIG ENGELTELEPHONE: (805) 440-0038TEK CONSULTING INC.123 SEACLIFF DRPISMO BEACH, CA 93449CONTACT: TRICIA KNIGHTTELEPHONE: (805) 448-4221TEK-CONSULTING.NETGENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTESDO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS IF NOT FULL SIZE (24 X 36)CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANS AND EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ONTHE JOB SITE AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IN WRITING OF ANYDISCREPANCIES BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THESAME.PROJECT DESCRIPTIONTHIS PROJECT IS A VERIZON UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATION WIRELESSFACILITY. IT WILL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING:x(2) NEW ANTENNASx(4) NEW RRU'Sx(4) NEW DUAL DIPLEXERSx(1) NEW EQUIPMENT CABINETx(1) NEW GPS ANTENNAxNEW FRP SCREEN / FAUX AWNINGxNEW ELECTRICAL METERPROPERTY OWNER:OWNER: ADNAN EL-HELOUADDRESS: 224 CHRISTINE WAYPISMO BEACH, CA 93449CONTACT: ADNAN EL-HELOUTELEPHONE: 805-801-7464EMAIL: aelhelou@sbcglobal.netSITENOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSA-2ENLARGED ROOF PLAN088NORTHSAC WIRELESS, LLC.8880 CAL CENTER DRIVESUITE 130SACRAMENTO, CA 95826CONTACT: JOSEPH SHARPTELEPHONE: (916) 205-9305JOSEPH.SHARP@SACW.COMA-6DETAILSx2016 CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODEx2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODESx2016 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODEx2016 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODEx2016 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODExCITY & COUNTY ORDINANCES001110A-1500FT RADIUS MAP0C-3 SITE SURVEY8ATTACHMENT 8Item 8.c. - Page 53 Item 8.c. - Page 54 Item 8.c. - Page 55 Item 8.c. - Page 56 500FT RADIUS MAP500FT RADIUS MAP1" = 50'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/2" = 50'-0" (11x17)50'25' 50'0A-11NORTHNOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSVERIZON SITERADIUS= 500FTItem 8.c. - Page 57 90 90 SITE PLANSITE PLAN1/2" = 20'-0" (11x17)SCALE:(OR)1" = 20'-0" (24x36)20' 10' 20'0A-1.11NORTHNOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSCL1A-2NEW VERIZON WIRELESSANTENNA & EQUIPMENT AREA,SEE ENLARGED ROOF PLAN"ALPHA" SECTOR 105°"BETA" SECTOR 210°E. BRANCH STREETC LNEVAD A S T R E E TCLLE POINT STREETAPN:007-192-007APN:007-192-008APN:007-192-009APN:007-192-010APN:007-192-067APN:007-192-066APN:007-192-062OWNER: CITY OFARROYO GRANDEAPN:007-192-056APN:007-192-057EXISTING UTILITY POLE #37(NEW VERIZON POWER/FIBER P.O.C.)EXISTING OVERHEADPOWER LINEEXISTING UTILITYPOLENOTE:POWER PLAN: PG&E DESIGN TO BEDETERMINEDTRANSPORT SOLUTION: DESIGN TO BEDETERMINEDLESSEE PROPOSED 12'-0"WIDE ACCESS EASEMENTRIGHT-OF- WAYPROPERTY LINERIGHT OF WAYNEW VERIZON POWER/FIBEROVERHEAD LINES (LENGTH=±100FT)Item 8.c. - Page 58 90 90 ENLARGEDROOF PLANENLARGED ROOF PLAN1/4" = 1'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17)01'2' 4'A-21NORTHNEW VERIZON WIRELESSEQUIPMENT AREANOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTS1A-31A-51A-4NOTE:POWER PLAN: PG&E DESIGN TO BEDETERMINEDTRANSPORT SOLUTION: DESIGN TO BEDETERMINEDNEW VERIZON WIRELESSANTENNA AREA2A-3NEW VERIZONWIRELESS FIBER,DC POWER &GROUNDCONDUITS ONSLEEPERS(APPROX. 100')EXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOPEXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOPEXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOP(LOWER)APN:007-192-056APN:007-192-057EXISTING RETAININGWALLACUNITACUNITACUNITROOFACCESSHATCHEXISTING 1/2" DIA.CONDUITPROP E R T Y LI N E PROPERTY LINEPROP E R T Y LI N E 2A-52A-4EXISTING OVERHEADPOWER LINE TO EXISTINGWEATHER HEAD MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDINGPROPERTY LINERIGHT OF WAYLESSEE PROPOSED 12'-0"WIDE ACCESS EASEMENTRIGHT-OF- WAYAPN:007-192-055APN:007-192-062OWNER: CITY OFARROYO GRANDE"BETA" SECTOR 210°NEW VERIZON POWER/FIBEROVERHEAD LINES TO NEWWEATHER HEADS MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDING(LENGTH=±100FT)"ALPHA" SECTOR 105°Item 8.c. - Page 59 EQUIPMENT &ANTENNA PLANANTENNA PLAN1/4" = 1'-0" (11x17)SCALE:(OR)1/2" = 1'-0" (24x36)06"1' 2'2A-3NOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSEQUIPMENT PLAN1/4" = 1'-0" (11x17)SCALE:(OR)1/2" = 1'-0" (24x36)06"1' 2'1NEW VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENTCABINET MOUNTED ON NEW CONCRETEPAD LOCATED AT GROUND LEVELNEW VERIZON WIRELESS RRUS,(4)TOTAL, MOUNTED TO EXISTINGBUILDING WITHIN NEW ENCLOSURES(NO TOP OR BOTTOM ENCLOSUREFOR VENTILATION PURPOSES)NORTHNEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANELANTENNAS MOUNTED BEHIND NEW FRPSCREEN (FAUX AWNING), (2) TOTALNORTH15'-2"NEW VERIZON WIRELESS FRP SCREENING (NEW FAUX AWNING)NEW VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREANEW VERIZON WIRELESS FIBER, DCPOWER & GROUND CONDUITS ONSLEEPERS (APPROX. 100')EXISTING 1/2" DIA. CONDUITEXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOPEXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOP(LOWER)APN:007-192-056APN:007-192-057EXISTING ROOFACCESS HATCHEXISTING AC UNITEXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOP(LOWER)APN:007-192-056EXISTINGBUILDINGROOFTOPAPN:007-192-057EXISTINGGROUNDLEVEL3'-4"NEWVERIZON WIRELESSLEASE AREA3'-7"NEWVERIZON WIRELESSLEASE AREA3'-4"EXISTING ELECTRICAL METERNEW VERIZON WIRELESS FIBER, DCPOWER & GROUND CONDUITS ONSLEEPERS (APPROX. 100')PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINENEW VERIZON WIRELESS METERPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINENEW VERIZON WIRELESS CONDUIT PENETRATIONSNEW VERIZONWIRELESS 17x30FIBER PULL BOXNEW VERIZON WIRELESS 4" FIBER CONDUITROUTE TO NEW EQUIPMENT CABINETNEW VERIZON WIRELESS GPSANTENNA MOUNTED (ABOVE)ON EXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING OVERHEADPOWER LINE TO EXISTINGWEATHER HEAD MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING WEATHER HEAD (ABOVE)MOUNTED TO EXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING RETAINING WALL4A-63A-66A-61A-62'-10"4'-2"NEW FRP4'-2"NEW FRP6'-10"NEW AWNING (TO MATCH EXISTING)EXISTING AWNING, (3) TOTALTO BE REMOVED(SHOWN HIDDEN)PROPERTY LINERIGHT OF WAY"ALPHA" S E C T O R 1 0 5 °"BETA" SECTOR 210°5A-6NEW VERIZON WIRELESS DUALDIPLEXERS, (2) PER SECTOR,TOTAL OF (4)2A-6NEW VERIZON POWER/FIBEROVERHEAD LINES TO NEWWEATHER HEADS MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDING(LENGTH=±100FT)1'-0"NEW VERIZON POWER AND FIBERWEATHER HEADS(MIN. 1FT SEPARATION)Item 8.c. - Page 60 NEW & EXISTINGSOUTHEASTELEVATIONS21/4" = 1'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17)01'2' 4'A-4NEW SOUTHEAST ELEVATION11/4" = 1'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17)01'2' 4'NOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSTOP OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS FRP SCREEN (FAUX AWNING)ELEV. 20' AGLGROUND LEVELAGL = 0.0'AGL 0.0' = AMSL 126.1'EXISTING ROOF LINE (UPPER)ELEV. 19.9' AGLEXISTING SOUTHEAST ELEVATIONEXISTING ROOF LINE (LOWER)ELEV. 10.4' AGLTOP OF EXISTING BUILDING (LOWER)ELEV. 17' AGLTOP OF EXISTING FACADE PEAKELEV. 26.4' AGLTOP OF EXISTING PARAPET WALLELEV. 22.9' AGLGROUND LEVELAGL = 0.0'AGL 0.0' = AMSL 126.1'EXISTING ROOF LINE (LOWER)ELEV. 10.4' AGLTOP OF EXISTING BUILDING (LOWER)ELEV. 17' AGLTOP OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNASELEV. 19'-10" AGLRAD CENTER OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNASELEV. 18'-10" AGLNEW VERIZON WIRELESSEQUIPMENT AREA(BEHIND, LOCATED ATREAR OF BUILDING)1A-3NEW VERIZON WIRELESS RRUS,(4)TOTAL, MOUNTED TO EXISTINGBUILDING (SHOWN HIDDEN)NEW VERIZON WIRELESS FIBER, DCPOWER & GROUND CONDUITS ONSLEEPERS (APPROX. 100')NEW VERIZON WIRELESSCONDUIT PENETRATIONS6A-6TOP OF EXISTING PARAPET WALLELEV. 22.9' AGLNEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANELANTENNAS MOUNTED BEHINDNEW FRP SCREEN (FAUXAWNING), (2) TOTAL1A-6EXISTING AWNING, (3) TOTALTO BE REMOVED (SHOWNHIDDEN)EXISTING ROOF LINE (UPPER)ELEV. 19.9' AGLBOTTOM OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESSFRP SCREEN (FAUX AWNING)ELEV. 17'-0" AGL5A-6NEW VERIZON WIRELESS DUALDIPLEXERS, (2) PER SECTOR,TOTAL OF (4)2A-6TOP OF EXISTING FACADE PEAKELEV. 26.4' AGLItem 8.c. - Page 61 21/4" = 1'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17)01'2' 4'A-5NEW SOUTHWEST ELEVATION11/4" = 1'-0" (24x36)(OR)SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17)01'2' 4'NOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSGROUND LEVELAGL = 0.0'AGL 0.0' = AMSL 126.1'EXISTING ROOF LINE (UPPER)ELEV. 19.9' AGLEXISTING SOUTHWEST ELEVATIONTOP OF EXISTING BUILDING (LOWER)ELEV. 17' AGLTOP OF EXISTING FACADE PEAKELEV. 26.4' AGLTOP OF EXISTING PARAPET WALLELEV. 22.9' AGLNEW & EXISTINGSOUTHWESTELEVATIONSNEW VERIZON WIRELESS RRUS, (4)TOTAL,MOUNTED EXISTING BUILDING (SHOWNHIDDEN)EXISTING BUILDING IN FOREGROUND(SHOWN AS SECTION THROUGH)GROUND LEVELAGL = 0.0'AGL 0.0' = AMSL 126.1'EXISTING ROOF LINE (LOWER)ELEV. 10.4' AGLEXISTING ELECTRICAL METERSNEW VERIZONWIRELESSEQUIPMENT CABINETMOUNTED ON NEWCONCRETE PADLOCATED ATGROUND LEVELNEW VERIZON WIRELESS FIBER, DCPOWER & GROUND CONDUITS ONSLEEPERS (APPROX. 100')NEW VERIZON WIRELESS CONDUITPENETRATIONSEXISTING OVERHEADPOWER LINE TO EXISTINGWEATHER HEAD MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING OVERHEADPOWER LINE TO EXISTINGWEATHER HEAD MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDINGNEW VERIZON WIRELESSGPS ANTENNA MOUNTED(ABOVE) ON EXISTINGBUILDING6A-64A-63A-6EXISTING ROOF LINE (LOWER)ELEV. 10.4' AGLNEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTEDBEHIND NEW FRP SCREEN (FAUX AWNING), (2) TOTAL1A-6EXISTING AWNING, (3) TOTALTO BE REMOVED (SHOWNHIDDEN)TOP OF EXISTING PARAPET WALLELEV. 22.9' AGL5A-6TOP OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS FRP SCREEN (FAUX AWNING)ELEV. 20' AGLEXISTING ROOF LINE (UPPER)ELEV. 19.9' AGLTOP OF EXISTING FACADE PEAKELEV. 26.4' AGLNEW VERIZON POWER/FIBEROVERHEAD LINES TO NEWWEATHER HEADS MOUNTEDTO EXISTING BUILDING(LENGTH=±100FT)NEW VERIZON POWER AND FIBERWEATHER HEADS(MIN. 1FT SEPARATION)TOP OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNASELEV. 19'-10" AGLRAD CENTER OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNASELEV. 18'-10" AGLBOTTOM OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNASELEV. 17'-0" AGL1'-4"Item 8.c. - Page 62 DETAILSA-63N.T.S.SCALE2N.T.S.SCALE8N.T.S.SCALE1N.T.S.SCALENOT USEDNOT USED7N.T.S.SCALENOTE: THE ORIGINAL SIZE OF THIS PLAN IS 24" X 36". SCALE RATIO IS NOT VALID FOR REDUCED OR ENLARGED SHEET SIZESSHEET TITLE:ISSUE STATUSPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OFDRAWINGS IS PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL TOVERIZON WIRELESSANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN AS IT RELATESTO VERIZON WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDSAN DIEGO, CA 92122619.736.37665015 SHOREHAM PL, SUITE 150www.sacw.comSAC AE DESIGN GROUP, INC.W I R E L E S S2875 MITCHELL DRIVE, BLDG 9WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598DESCRIPTIONDATE BYREV.0OMSMALL CELL PROJECT119 & 121 E. BRANCH ST.ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420PSL # 285338DT ARROYOGRANDE SC15/1/2019 PLANNING SUBMITTAL1OM6/6/2019 PLANNING COMMENTSANTENNA DETAIL5N.T.S.SCALERADIO DETAIL4N.T.S.SCALEEQUIPMENT CABINET DETAILERICCSON 4449DIMENSIONS:HEIGHT: 15"WIDTH: 13.2"DEPTH: 9.3"WEIGHT: 70LBS#2 AWG BTCW(TYP. 3 PLACES)GPS ANTENNA1-1/4"Ø PIPECABLE TO PIPE CONNECTORBURNDY TYPE GARTOP OFPARAPET WALLCONTINUOUS BEAD OFSILICONE SEALANT @TOP OF UNISTRUT, TYP.12" MIN. LENGTHUNISTRUT P1000, TYP.CONDUIT CLAMPNEOPRENE WASHER @THREADED ROD, TYP.#6 AWG GROUNDINGCABLE KIT1/2"Ø COAXIAL CABLESECURE TO WALL USINGHILTI CONCRETE SCREWS,1/4"Ø X 1-3/4" LONGCOPPER ISOLATEDGROUND BUSUNISTRUT HEXHEAD CAPSCREW (TYP)NEW 3-1/2" ODGALVANIZED PIPECOLUMNNEW 1/2" U-BOLT, A307OR BETTERNEW P2800-50 U-SHAPEFITTING (TYP. OF 2 PERU-BOLT)UNISTRUT SPRING NUT(MIN. OF 4 PLACES)1/2" HEX NUT1"Ø x 1/8" WASHERP1000 UNISTRUTCABINET(7) 1.75" / 2.5"KNOCKOUT(BOTH SIDESOF CABINET)CHARLES UNIVERSAL BROADBAND ENCLOSURE (CUBE) SS4C215DB3REGULATORY SPECIFICATIONS:WEIGHT (W/ BATTERIES)RACK MOUNTINGCOLORMATERIAL73"H x 32"W x 32"D 740LBS23" (15RU)OFF WHITE.125" WELDED ALUMINUMMOUNTING STYLEPAD MOUNT ENCLOSUREDOOR LATCHING3-POINT LATCHING WITH PAD LOCKABLE HANDLEBATTERY TYPES / TERMINATION Ni-CD OR VRLA, ANDERSON DISCONNECTS FOR EACH STRINGAC TERMINATION12 POSITION LOAD CENTER (LEFT HAND SIDE)BUS BARSTWO (2) 2X14 POSITION BUS BARS(7) 1.75/2.5" DOUBLE KNOCKOUT ON RHS(7) 1.75/2.5" DOUBLE KNOCKOUT ON LHS(4) 1.75/2.5" DOUBLE KNOCKOUT ON REARCABLE ENTRANCEALARMSDOOR INTRUSION (2)CERTIFICATIONSTELCORDIA ZONE 4 SEISMIC, TELCORDIA GR-487 AND ULDIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT (W/ OUT BATTERIES)1811LBS32.132.132.332.3FRONT VIEWSIDE VIEWPLAN VIEW74.1"72.3"6.9"5.4"3.5"3.2"8.1"14"2.7"LENGTH: 23.2"WIDTH: 12.0"DEPTH: 7.1"WEIGHT: 13 LBSAMPHENOLHTXCWW63111414Fxy012"23.2"7.1"FOR MOUNTING USE:2-POINT MOUNTING &DOWNTILT BRACKETKIT -AMPHENOLPART # 36210006FRONTSIDEGPS DETAILS6N.T.S.SCALEMOUNTING DETAIL9.3"15"FRONTSIDETOP13.2"11.1"15"FRONTSIDETOP13.2"ERICCSON 8843DIMENSIONS:HEIGHT: 15"WIDTH: 13.2"DEPTH: 11.1"WEIGHT: 75LBSRADIO DETAILDIPLEXER SPECIFICATIONSItem 8.c. - Page 63