PC 2019-10-01_10a Administrative Decisions ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 1, 2019 (Decisions by the Community Development Director) ITEM NO. 1: PLOT PLAN REVIEW 19-031; ESTABLISHMENT OF HOMESTAY IN THE SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT; LOCATION – 307 MYRTLE DRIVE; APPLICANT – INGRID & MARK KOVACS After making the findings specified in Section 16.16.080 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for the establishment of a one-bedroom homestay in an existing accessory dwelling unit. ITEM NO. 2: PLOT PLAN REVIEW 19-027; ESTABLISHMENT OF VACATION RENTAL IN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT; LOCATION – 200 RODEO DRIVE; APPLICANT – SAMUEL & MONICA OJCIUS After making the findings specified in Section 16.16.080 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for the establishment of a vacation rental in an existing single-family residence. ITEM NO. 3: PLOT PLAN REVIEW 19-029; ESTABLISHMENT OF VACATION RENTAL IN THE SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT; LOCATION – 1050 MAPLE STREET; APPLICANT – NATE GREEN After making the findings specified in Section 16.16.080 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for the establishment of a vacation rental in an existing single-family residence. ITEM NO. 4: VIEWSHED REVIEW 19-006; CONSTRUCTION OF AN ATTACHED 491 SQUARE FOOT ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT AND A 311 SQUARE FOOT SECOND FLOOR ADDITION TO THE PRIMARY DWELLING UNIT; LOCATION – 277 CANYON WAY; APPLICANT – JOSH & KELLY REYNOLDS; REPRESENTATIVE – BRYCE ENGSTROM, ARCHITECT After making the findings specified in Section 16.16.110 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for the construction of a two-story addition to an existing single-family residence.