ARC 2019-05-06_09a Rugged Radios Landscaping MEMORANDUM TO: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FROM: MATTHEW DOWNING, PLANNING MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR RUGGED RADIOS (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-003); LOCATION – SUBAREA 1 – EAST CHERRY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN; APPLICANT – GREG COTTRELL, RUGGED RADIOS; REPRESENTATIVE – STEVEN PUGLISI ARCHITECTS DATE: MAY 6, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Review and approval of the final landscape plan is required prior to building permit issuance. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) review the final planting plan and make a recommendation to the Community Development Director. BACKGROUND: On December 18, 2018, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 18-2316, approving the phased developed of Subarea 1 of the East Cherry Avenue Specific Plan for the headquarter of Rugged Radios, including the flagship storefront, two (2) warehouses, and a neighborhood café (Attachment 1). Full site improvements, including parking, landscaping, lighting, and underground infrastructure, will be completed with the initial development of the flagship store and the warehouse. Condition of approval number 107 required the ARC to review and make a recommendation to the Community Development Director regarding the final planting plan. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The proposed planting plan is largely consistent with the preliminary landscaping plan. The plan includes forty-three (43) street and on-site trees, exceeding the Municipal Code requirement of one (1) tree per five (5) parking spaces. Species include Arbutus Marina, Western Rosebud, Little Gem Magnolia, New Zealand Christmas Tree, Fruitless Olive, and Western Redbud. Additional shrub and perennials are proposed throughout the site with low water consuming groundcover as well. Final documentation in compliance with the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) will be submitted with the ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR RUGGED RADIOS MAY 6, 2019 PAGE 2 construction plans; however, based on the proposed plants, compliance with the MWELO is anticipated. ADVANTAGES: The proposed landscaping will help to soften the new buildings on the site and final approval of the landscaping will allow the building permit to be issued. DISADVANTAGES: None identified. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENT: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. At the time of report publication, no comments have been received. Attachments: 1. Location map 2. Planting plan ATTACHMENT 1 VIEW FROM TRAFFIC WAY LOOKING SOUTHEAST SUBJECT PROPERTY VIEW FROM E. CHERRY AVENUE LOOKING SOUTHWEST VIEW FROM TRAFFIC WAY LOOKING NORTHEAST ATTACHMENT 2