ARC 2019-06-03 8a Sidewalk Cafe ASPMEMORANDUM TO: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FROM: MATTHEW DOWNING, PLANNING MANAGER BY: ANDREW PEREZ, ASSISTANT PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PERMIT 19-006; TWO (2)NEW WALL SIGNS FOR A NEW BUSINESS IN THE VILLAGE CENTRE COMPLEX; LOCATION – 130 W. BRANCH STREET, SUITE A; APPLICANT – SIDEWALK CAFE; REPRESENTATIVE – MARC COLLINS DATE: JUNE 3, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Recommendation for future action by the Community Development Director will result in new signage for a newer business in the Historic Character Overlay District (D-2.4) IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) review the proposed sign plans and make a recommendation to the Community Development Director. BACKGROUND: The subject property is zoned Village Mixed-Use (VMU), is located in the D-2.4 Historic Character Overlay District (Attachment 1), and requires review by the ARC for compliance with the Design Guidelines and Standards for the Historic Character Overlay District (Design Guidelines) (Attachment 2). ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Project Description The applicant is proposing to install two (2) new wall signs on Building “B” of the Village Centre complex. The Village Centre commercial complex has an existing sign program to regulate the size, location, and style of all signage within the complex. The applicant is proposing a wall sign on both the southern and western elevations, which is allowed by the sign program for this tenant space and was utilized with the previous tenant. In addition to the sign program, the proposed signage is subject to the regulation of the Design Guidelines, which state the preferred materials for sign construction are wood, Item 8.a - Page 1 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PERMIT 19-006 JUNE 3, 2019 PAGE 2 metal, or a simulation of these materials. The proposed walls signs would be identical in both appearance and size, and are proposed to consist of a corrugated metal backing with a painted wooden frame and wo oden letters in compliance with the Design Guidelines. The sign face is generally flat, with raised lettering and trim providing some depth and dimension to the sign . The corrugated metal backing will remain a natural metal color, while the trim and lettering will be black. Paint and material samples will be available for review at the meeting. The design and materials for the signs are as follows: Wall Signs Materials: Galvanized corrugated metal backing MDO (medium density overlay) plywood lettering Douglas Fir trim Colors: Background: Untreated corrugated metal Main lettering and trim: Black (satin finish) Message: Sidewalk Cafe Size: 3’-2” x 12’ (38 square feet) Locations: One (1) Above the main entrance One (1) Western elevation above the awning Two (2) total Illumination: Indirect illumination from existing gooseneck fixtures The proposed signs meet the specific regulations for business identification signs identified in table 16.60.040-A of the Municipal Code. The signs are also subject to the Village Centre Sign program (Attachment 3), specifically the following sections: P 21; Sign Program Criteria 1.Signs shall be compatible with the overall design theme of a Classic Village with rustic overtones. 2.Sign construction materials may include wood or metal, or styrofoam finished to look like wood or metal. No plastic signs or pre-made plastic letters may be used in any business identification signs. P 22; Sign Allotment 1.The Arroyo Grande Development Code provides for the square footage allotment for each business based on the store’s linear frontage times (x) 1.5 sq. ft. of signage. 2.Each tenant will be allotted: a.One sign per frontage above the awning line over or near their store’s main entry door. b.One extra sign along West Branch Street if their shop or business is out of view of passing vehicles. c.Another extra sign if shop or business is over 1600 sq. ft. Item 8.a - Page 2 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SIGN PERMIT 19-006 JUNE 3, 2019 PAGE 3 The amount of signage allocated for this tenant space, per the Village Centre Sign Program, is 79.5 square feet, and the applicant is proposing 76 square feet of signage. The proposed signage meets the approved Village Centre Sign Program criteria in terms of design, material, square footage, and number of signs allocated for the tenant space. The existing temporary banner will be removed when the new signage is installed. ADVANTAGES: The proposed signage meets the requirements of the Village Design Guidelines , the Village Centre Sign Program, and the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. DISADVANTAGES: None identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project was reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and determined to be categorically exempt per Section 15311(a) of the Guidelines regarding the relocation of an existing sign within the same commercial complex. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Project Location 2.Design Guidelines P. 36-38 3.Village Centre Planned Sign Program 4.Project Plans Item 8.a - Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 130 W. Branch St. Item 8.a - Page 4 C ITY OF A RROYO G RANDE GUIDELINES & S TANDARDS FOR H ISTORIC D ISTRICTS Signs, Awnings and Rear Entries SIGNS General 1.Signs shall meet all requirements of the Development Code, and the provisions of these Guidelines and Standards for the district in which it is located. If a conflict arises between the Development Code and these Guidelines and Standards, the most restrictive requirements shall apply. 2.All signs, except Community Development Director approved window signs, shall be subject to review by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). 3.Signs shall be oriented to pedestrians and slow moving vehicle traffic. This means that signs shall be smaller and on more of a human scale than signs in other commercial districts. 4.Painted wall signs are not appropriate on facades of unpainted brick or stone. Signs painted directly on unpainted or unfinished walls are not appropriate for the Village Core Downtown and Mixed Use districts. Wall signs painted on finished wood and/or painted brick, stone or stucco surfaces are allowed subject to ARC recommendation. Removing or altering painted signs can cause damage to the surface material. Size 1.Signs shall not completely cover kick plates or window transoms. 2.All signage is included in the sign area allowed in the Development Code. This includes window and awning signs, logos and graphic representations that identify the business, product sold, or service offered. 3.Window signs shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the window area in which they appear. 4.Sign materials and lettering styles shall be consistent with the historic period. Location 1.Signs shall be located in relation to the bays on the façade. Signs shall not 36 Item 8.a - Page 5 C ITY OF A RROYO G RANDE GUIDELINES & S TANDARDS FOR H ISTORIC D ISTRICTS obscure architectural features of the building. 2.Wall signs shall be located near the entry to the building to better relate to pedestrian traffic. 3.Window and door signs shall be applied where they will not obstruct visibility. 4.Signs on awnings or canopies shall be placed where pedestrians can see them. Under-canopy signs are encouraged in the Village Core Downtown District to enhance pedestrian orientation, and shall be counted as part of the total allowable sign area. Materials 1.Signs shall be built of wood, metal or other materials that simulate the appearance of wood or metal. 2.The use of wood-simulating recycled plastic material is subject to Architectural Review Committee (ARC) approval. 3.High gloss, shiny or reflective surfaces may be used as accents, but shall not be used as the predominant sign material. 4.Signs may use raised images or painted images in their design. 5.Sign materials shall complement the building material, and shall be in keeping with the historic character of the Village. 6.Signs painted on a signboard or other thin material shall be framed on all sides to provide depth and a finished look to the sign. Sign frames shall include carved or routed details or otherwise be designed to complement the architectural design of the building or district. 7.Interior lit and metal canister, plastic and vacuum-formed letters or sign faces are not permitted unless specifically recommended by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). Colors 1.Sign colors shall complement the building color scheme. 2.Bright, intense colors are inappropriate including the use of fluorescent, “neon” or “day-glo” colors on signs. 3.All applications for sign permits shall include a sample of the intended color palette. 37 Item 8.a - Page 6 C ITY OF A RROYO G RANDE GUIDELINES & S TANDARDS FOR H ISTORIC D ISTRICTS Sign Illumination 1.Signs may be externally illuminated with incandescent lights, or other lighting that does not produce glare and is designed to conserve energy. 2.Wall, canopy, or projecting signs may be illuminated from concealed sources or exposed ornamental fixtures that complement the building’s architecture. 3.Window signs and window displays may be illuminated from concealed sources. 4.Neon tubing signs that approximate the appearance of historic neon are subject to approval of the Architectural Review Committee. All neon tubing shall be covered with transparent or translucent material to prevent rupture or shall be certified by the manufacturer for safety. AWNINGS AND CANOPIES 1.Under-awning or under-canopy signs oriented to pedestrian traffic are encouraged as part of the overall signage in the Village Core Downtown and Mixed Use districts. 2.All graphics, logos, and signs contained on awnings or canopies shall be considered part of the total allowed sign area as defined in the Development Code. 3.Awning or canopy color and design should be compatible with that of the building on which it is attached and complement those of adjacent buildings, both in style and color. 4.Canopies and awnings shall be consistent with the historic period in regard to size, shape, and materials. Aluminum, fiberglass and plastic awnings or canopies are not appropriate. The use of loose valances and traditional vintage-stripped awning material is encouraged. Canopies and awnings consisting of materials stretched taut over a rigid framework are not appropriate. REAR ENTRIES 1.Rear entries are traditionally plain and unadorned. Common materials include brick, stone, boards and battens and wood siding, and these are acceptable for new construction or renovation. 38 Item 8.a - Page 7 ATTACHMENT 3Item 8.a - Page 8 Item 8.a - Page 9 Item 8.a - Page 10 Item 8.a - Page 11 SIGN TABLE BUSINESS NAME SIGN 1 SIGN 2 S!GN3 sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. (Al) 17.7 s.f. MISSION Community Bank 23.8 s.f. Painted sign directly on stucco wall 12.8 s.f. MERIDIA.t� II (D) 12.8 s.f. 12.8 s.f. * Plasma cut steel sign 20.3 s.f. 8.7 s.f. ADDED TOUCH (D) 18.8 s.f. or 3D individual letter sign 9.1 s.f. (C) BLAKESLEE & BLAKESLEE 24.0 s.f. 20.0 s.f. 20.0 s.f. Hanging wood sign BRASIL'S je,velers (C) 13.8 s.f. 3D individual letter sign (B) Prudential HUNTER REALTY 15.4 s.f. 28.0 s.f. 28.0 s.f. 3D letter or metal box sign Future Tenant (A2) 18 s.f. 24s.t: zo.os.f. Painted or "'3D letter .. sign 2.4sf. 12.5 s.f. Future Tenant (A3) 18.s.l Painted or "3D letter " sign 12.5 s.f. FUTURE tenant (D) J 2 �f. 3D individual letter sign FUTURE TENANT (C) I 2st- 3D individual letter sign Future Tenant (C) 12 s.f. 3D individual letter sign FUTURE tenant (B) 3D individual letter sign *an . .1.m1i lla.ry NOTE: This summary does not include the following signage: Directional signs, Handicapped, Security, or Traffic Signs. TOTAL FRONTAGE sq. ft. (X)l1!2 sq.ft 88 ft. 4J.5sf 132.0 s.f. 96 ft. 58.ls.f.144.0 s.f. 33 ft. 27.9sf. 49.5 s.f. 64.0sf. 62 ft. 93.0 s.f. I 3..8sf. 19 ft. 28.5 s.f. 90 ft. 7/.f.s.!. 13 5.0 s.f. �2 5:f 55 ft. 82.5 sJ. 6 7s.f 68 ft. 102.0 s.f. J2 j.f. 16 ft. 24.0 s.f. 12 sf. 18 ft 27.0 s.f. J2s.f 19 ft. 28.5 s.f. 53 ft. 79.5 s.f. BUSINESS NAME SIGN l sq. ft. FUTURE (B) J8s.£ 3D individual letter sign Future Tenant (up stairs "C") 12.s.f, Hanging wood sign Future Tenant (up stairs "C") I 2..s.f. Hanging wood sign Future Tenant (up stairs "C") /2s.f. Hanging wood sign Future Tenant (up stairs "D") s�..r-. Painted or "3D letter " sign Future Tenant (up stairs "D") 8s.f. Painted or "3D letter" sign Future Tenant (up stairs '"D") 8 s.f: Painted or "3D letter" sign SIGN 2 SIGN 3 sq. ft. sq. ft. /2.sf I Zs.f. I Zif. INT€i21CK 6s.f 8 5:f. JNTal()/< 6sJ. 8 r,,f. !NT€/llo(1. 6s.f.8s.f TOTAL sq. ft. losf. 24sf 24af. I 24sf. I i i 2.Zsf 225.f. 22s.f. TOTAL Business lnde ntificatio n Signs I 62Z.3 si . .ft. I TOTAL Add ress Markers (19 BUSINESSES@ 1 sf. EACH) •. , ..•.. 19.0 s.f. TOTAL Window Ribbon Signs (19 BUSINES.SES @ 1.17 sf. EACH) .. 22.2 s.f. Entrance MONUMENT SIGN ART MONUMENT & Pedestal 8' X 8' ............... 64.0 s.f. (SCULPTURE S'X 5'X 7') , ... 17 5 cu.ft. (PEDISTAL - 3 SIDES 5'x 4') , . 50 cu.ft FRONTAGE (X) I1l2 sq.ft. 24 ft.36.0 s.f. 19 ft 28.5 s.f. 18 ft. 27.0 s.f. 19 ft. 28.5 s.f. 16 ft. 24.0 s.f. 16 ft. 24.0 s.f. 16 ft. 24.0 s.f. TOTAL 1117.5 s.f. 23 I 38 s.f. 38 s.f 76 s.f. Item 8.a - Page 12 ATTACHMENT 4Item 8.a - Page 13 Item 8.a - Page 14