ARC 2019-10-21_8b Orchard Assisted LivingMEMORANDUM TO: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FROM: ANDREW PEREZ, ASSISTANT PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-002; ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY WITH 78 ASSISTED LIVING AND 20 MEMORY CARE UNITS, TOTALING 120 BEDS; LOCATION – 207 PILGRIM WAY (ORCHARD STREET); APPLICANT – NOBLE VENTURES PROPERTIES, INC.; REPRESENTATIVE – DAVID MI D ATE: OCTOBER 21, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Recommendation for future action by the Planning Commission will result in the development of an assisted living facility on a vacant parcel. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is the potential for an increased costs associated with the anticipated number of calls to the Five Cities Fire Authority typical of assisted living facilities.. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) review the proposed project and make a recommendation to the Planning Commission. BACKGROUND: Location The project site is located in the Public/quasi-public (PF) zoning district located between Orchard Road and US Highway 101 right-of-way. An application for a lot line adjustment approved by the Planning Commission on August 20, 2019 between 631 Arroyo Avenue and 103 Pilgrim Way created the 2.8 acre project site (Attachment 1). The project site is a vacant parcel that is relatively flat that abuts a parcel developed with a religious facility and a single family residence to the north, and undeveloped parcels to the south and east. A seasonal drainage channel is located between the project site and the religious facility to the north. Approximately 300 feet south of the project site is the next closest residential development. The project site is accessed from Orchard Street to the west. Existing vegetation consists primarily of weeds and grasses with some trees adjacent to Orchard Street. Item 8.b - Page 1 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-002 OCTOBER 21, 2019 PAGE 2 Pre-Application Review The applicant processed Pre-Application 18-003 in July and August 2018 to obtain preliminary feedback from the Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) on the project. The comments from staff resulted in minor alterations to the unit mix, bed count, and parking configuration. Staff provided direction about development standards applicable to the project, particularly lot coverage, floor-area ratio and maximum height. Other issues identified included emergency department access, water consumption and neutralization, stormwater management, and flood hazard management. The applicant revised the project based on these comments and subsequently submitted the application now under consideration. Staff Advisory Committee The SAC reviewed the project on multiple occasions, most recently on October 9, 2019. Items of discussion included the project’s fire access, site circulation, stormwater management and conditions of approval relating to an anticipated increase in calls for service to emergency medical services, particularly Five Cities Fire Authority, and cost recovery for that anticipated increase. Members of the SAC were in support of the project. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Project Description The proposed project is described as a residential care facility for the elderly, licensed by the State of California Community Care Licensing Division (Attachment 2). The facility will consist of 78 assisted living units and 20 memory care units. Within the assisted living portion of the facility, there are proposed to be 31 studios, 41 one-bedroom units, and 6 two-bedroom units. The memory care portion of the facility is proposed to consist of 10 single occupancy rooms and 10 double occupancy rooms. The maximum occupancy for the entire facility would be 120 residents. The facility would also include a conference room, reception area, and offices for sales, marketing, and management staff. Each of the 78 assisted living units is proposed with private laundry facilities, private full bathrooms, and kitchens with a sink, dishwasher, cabinets, microwaves, and ovens with range tops. Residents would have access to three (3) daily meals plus snacks available throughout the day in addition to other amenities such as exercise programs, a movie theatre, an onsite beauty/barber shop, a gift shop, and entertainment and various activities. There is also approximately 7,000 square feet of outdoor living space located in the two (2) interior courtyards. The residents of the memory care units would be served their meals in a communal dining area, because these units will not have private kitchens. Residents in the memory care wing of the facility would also have access to communal activities and living areas and 3,000 square feet of outdoor space located in an interior courtyard and the memory care garden. Item 8.b - Page 2 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-002 OCTOBER 21, 2019 PAGE 3 General Plan The General Plan land use designation for the subject property is Community Facility. Community Facilities are defined as public or quasi-public uses that fulfill neighborhood, community, or regional needs. The proposed assisted living facility meets General Plan Policies LU9-1, and LU9-2 of the Land Use Element and Policy J.2 of the Housing Element, which state: LU9-1: The Community Facilities (CF) designation includes public or institutional uses that provide a community facility or service. The uses allowed in this designation include but are not limited to the following: cemeteries, churches, lodges, City Hall, city yard, fire and police stations, places of general public assembly, senior centers, women’s centers, museums, other facilities that are primarily contained within a structure, and public or private schools, parks, playgrounds and sports complexes, South County regional center and other public agency facilities. LU9-2: Community facilities other than schools, parks and recreation areas may also be conditionally permitted in any other land use designation based on the specific function of the facility, compatible with the site and environs. Schools, parks and recreation facilities may be conditionally permitted in or adjoining residential neighborhoods or mixed use areas where the facilities are intended to serve the areas in which they are located. LU11-2: The City shall permit larger group housing for seniors in appropriate multiple- family or mixed-use locations, subject to discretionary review. Development Standards The subject property is zoned PF. The primary purpose of the PF district is to designate land for the conduct of public, quasi-public, and institutional activities, including the protection of areas needed for such future facilities. The proposed project qualifies as a recreational use, per the Municipal Code, and is allowed with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The development standards for the PF district and the proposed project are identified in the following table: Table 1: Site Development Standards for the PF Zoning District Development Standards PF District CUP 19-002 Notes Maximum Density N/A 98 units total 35 units/acre No max. density for this type of project. Maximum size is dependent on meeting all site development standards. Minimum Lot Size 25,000 sq. ft. 122,000 sf (approx.) 2.8 acres Code Met. Minimum Lot Width 140 feet 288 feet Code Met Item 8.b - Page 3 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-002 OCTOBER 21, 2019 PAGE 4 Development Standards PF District CUP 19-002 Notes Front Yard Setback 20 feet 49 feet Code Met Rear Yard Setback 10 feet 79 feet Code Met Interior Yard Setback 10 feet 25 feet Code Met Street Side Yard Setback 20 feet N/A N/A Building Size Limits N/A 47,153 sf No max. building size in this zone. Maximum size is dependent on meeting all site development standards. Max Building Height 30 feet 36 feet Building height above 30’ allowed through the CUP process Site Coverage 45% 37.68% Code Met Floor Area Ratio 0.50 0.43 Code Met Off-Street Parking Covered in Table 2 below Access and Parking The project site proposes a single public access point from Orchard Street. An island and monument sign divide the ingress and egress lanes of the driveway. Parking areas surround the proposed structure on the north, east, and west sides, and an emergency access road encompasses the entire project site. A porte cochere covers an unloading area near the main entrance on the north side of the facility. A total of 69 parking spaces are required for the proposed project. The parking rate for assisted living facilities, per Section 16.56.040 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, is one (1) parking space for every three (3) resident beds and one (1) space for every employee on the largest shift. Employees will work one of the three (3), 8-hour shifts with an anticipated maximum of 29 employees during the busiest shift. These requirements are broken down in Table 2 below. Development Code Section Intentionally left blank. Item 8.b - Page 4 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-002 OCTOBER 21, 2019 PAGE 5 Table 2: Parking Calculations Resident Parking Employee Parking Total Development Code Requirements 1 parking space/ 3 resident beds (120 beds proposed) One space per employee on the largest space (29 employees on the largest shift) Total Required: 40 spaces 29 spaces 69 spaces Proposed Parking 67 standard spaces, and 3 ADA spaces 70 spaces Architecture The architectural character of the development resembles a Mediterranean style, utilizing a mix of exterior colors and materials as listed in Table 2 (Attachment 2). The resident will primarily be located around the perimeter of the building, with the communal areas and two (2) courtyards located in the center. The building design features a hipped roof and a tower element that rises above the roofline. The exterior walls of the structure are proposed with a stucco finish proposed with a base color named “Hollywood Golden Age”, which is a yellowish-beige color. A brown color, called to as “Calico Rock” is proposed as an accent color and to break up the massing, and for the fascia and trim. The wood shutters are proposed to be painted a greenish- gray color, called “Marsh Maverick”. The design incorporates a number of decorative elements throughout the design, such as the aforementioned shutters, Juliette balconies, and gable feature consisting of a stucco ring with perpendicular iron bars. The window and door frames are proposed to be an anodized bronze, and the Juliette balconies would be a crimson red. A charcoal colored asphalt shingle roof is proposed for the entire structure. Table 3: Building Materials and Colors Color Scheme Asphalt Shingles Charcoal Stucco “Hollywood Golden Age” Trim & Base Elements Calico Rock Windows & Doors Frame Anodized bronze Shutters “Marsh Maverick” Juliette Balcony “Deep Crimson” Trees and Landscaping As identified previously, the site is relatively devoid of vegetation with the exception of weeds and grasses throughout the site and nine (9) pepper trees near the Orchard Street right of way. Three (3) of these trees are proposed to be removed, while the other six (6) will remain. The landscape plan proposes a wide variety of trees to be planted throughout Item 8.b - Page 5 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 19-002 OCTOBER 21, 2019 PAGE 6 the site including Redwoods, Liquidambar, California Sycamore, Cottonwood, Japanese Flowering Cherry, and Crepe Myrtles. The landscape plan also includes a number of shrubs, grasses and succulents around the perimeter of the building. Each of the courtyards will include numerous trees and potted plants, and the memory care garden will include a turf area, surrounded by groundcover and shrubs. The landscape plan currently complies with the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. The landscape plan proposes low-voltage light fixtures to provide uplighting around the facility for aesthetic purposes and illuminate walking paths for safety. Additional exterior lighting is provided through decorative light fixtures affixed to the building. Signage The application also proposes the installation of a monument sign at the vehicular entrance to the facility. The monument sign would be installed on an island between the entrance and exit lanes. The exact dimensions and colors are to be determined, but the sign would sit on a concrete base, and include name of the facility. AD VANTAGES: The proposed project will develop a vacant site with an assisted care facility that will provide housing for seniors consistent with the General Plan. The design of the development respects neighboring church facility and nearby residential neighborhood and lessens impacts to those properties with extensive landscaping buffers between the properties. DISADVANTAGES: Due to the nature of the proposed project, it is likely to increase the number of calls of service to the Five Cities Fire Authority, which in turn may increase the City’s costs for service. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The proposed project is being reviewed under the California Environmental Quality Act. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENT: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. No comments have been received. Attachments: 1.Location map 2.Licensing and Operations 3.Color and Materials 4.Project plans Item 8.b - Page 6 ATTACHMENT 1 Project Site Item 8.b - Page 7 LICENSING AND OPERATIONS The entirety ofWestmont's Arroyo Grande project will be licensed by the State of California Community Care Licensing Division-Department of Social Services (DSS) as a residential care facility for the elderly (RCFE). The retirement community is a 24-hour per day operation. Westmont Living's typical resident age is 80-years or older, single, with either a desire for a socialized environment and the convenience of dining, activities and amenities immediately available, or experiencing a growing need for personal assistance with daily activities. Approximately 10% of residents will be couples. Services onsite will include three meals per day plus snacks available to all residents as required by licensing (and included in the monthly fee). Additionally there will be entertainment, and onsite activities/exercise programming, a movie theatre, an onsite beauty/barber shop, a gift shop that will sell various sundries, as well as transportation to various activities within the greater community of Arroyo Grande. Each of the 78 assisted living units contains its own stackable washer/dryer and private full baths with handicap accessible shower enclosures. The 41 one bedroom and 6 two-bedroom units contain kitchens with a sink, dishwasher, cabinets, microwaves, and ovens with range tops. Westmont' s experience in their other retirement communities has taught them that apartments are more marketable to the adult children of resident seniors and to the seniors themselves if they contain kitchens and stackable laundry equipment. By giving residents the choice of doing their own laundry or preparing a meal, independence is reinforced, although most take advantage of the convenient and personalized services offered onsite . By providing the services and conveniences of home within the community, the program also helps to smooth the transition process for residents into higher levels of care when those services become necessary. Westmont Living's memory care neighborhood is located on the first floor (west wing), and contains 20 units and a large communal dining, activities and living area. The units each have their own full baths but do not contain kitchenettes or stackable washer/dryers. The memory care neighborhood will also be fully licensed by the State of California Community Care Licensing-Department of Social Services (DSS) and will have a secured perimeter, offering superior individualized care for residents suffering from Alzheimer's Disease or other age­ related dementias. Westmont Living will staff the community 24-hours per day, using three three employee shifts (7 AM - 3 PM, 3 PM -11 PM and 11 PM - 7 AM). The daytime shift will have the maximum total staffing and will include 29 employees (assisted living and memory care combined). Licensing regulations do not specify staffing requirements for assisted living facilities. Title 22 regulations do require that the project has a State certified Executive Director, one awake staff member during nighttime hours, one activities person for the assisted living building and for the memory Westmont Living at Arroyo Grande Assisted Living Page 1 ATTACHMENT 2 Item 8.b - Page 8 Item 8.b - Page 9 ATTACHMENT 3Item 8.b - Page 10