R 1712 I ! .\ - .- . , .. . . . RESOLUTION NO. 1712 I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDER- STANDING WITH THE S.E.I .U. WHICH CONTAINS A SALARY SCHEDULE AND POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY STEPS WITHIN THE RESPECTIVE RANGES OF THE SALARY SCHEDULE FOR 1983/84 AND 1984/85 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, this City Council has met and conferred with duly elected representatives of employees of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, this Council deems it to be the best interests of the City of Arroyo Grande and its various employees that minimum and maximum compensation be fixed for various classifications of employment in the various departments of the City of Arroyo Grande as hereinafter provided. NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a Memorandum of Unders tand i ng is agreed upon with S.E.I .U. and adopted for fiscal years 1983/84 and 1984/85. Terms contained within such Memorandum of Understanding are effective July 1, 1983. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution shall supercede and repeal Resolution No. 1668 which previously established salary schedule and position classifications. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minimum compensation as of date of employment and the intermediate and maximum compensation for such employment shall be as hereinafter enumerated, effective July 1, 1983, and that said employees shall be assigned to salary steps within the respective pay range of the position classification as set forth in the adopted Memorandum of Understanding, and further, that the adopted Memo- randum of Understanding attached hereto is made a part hereof by reference, all of which are hereby adopted as follows: ADMINISTRATION OF THE COMPENSATION PLAN A11 employees entering the employ of the City shall be paid at the first step of the salary range established for their classification. Salary step increases, as provided herein, are not automatic, but based on perfor- mance and merit. Emp I oyees sha I 1 be placed on the step and qualify for in- crease in compensation for advancement to the next higher step of the pay ranges in the manner following: 1. Employees may qualify for advancement to the second step after completion of six months service, upon the recom- mendation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. 2. Employees may qualify for advancement to the third step, after the completion of one year of service in step two, upon recommendation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. 3. Employees may qualify for advancement to the fourth step, after the completion of one year of service at the third step, upon recommendation of the department head and ap- proval by the City Manager. 4. Employees may qualify for advancement to the fifth step, after completion of one year of service in step four, upon recommendation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. I --. ~. . . - . . - 5. a. Employees may qualify for advancement of one salary range above their position classified range upon re- ceipt of an Associated Arts Degree in a field relative to their job classification, from an accredited Junior College or College, or upon earning a special license or certificate, deemed to be equivalent to an AA degree in value to the City and an enhancement to the produc- tivity of an employee in his/her job, upon recommendation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. b. Employees may qualify for advancement of two salary ranges above their position classified range, upon re- ceipt of a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Degree in a field relative to their job classification, from an accredited College, upon recommendation of the de- partment head and approval by the City Manager. c. Exceptions: Where job classifications or requirements include an Associated Arts or Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Degree, Section 5a. and Section 5b. above will not apply. 6. A performance report on each employee recommended for advance- ment shall be submitted to the City Manager prior to final I action on such recommendation. I I On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member I Mi I lis I Vandeveer , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: - I I AYES: Councilmen Vandeveer, Hogan and Millis and Mayor Smith i NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gallagher the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of July, 1983. ! 131~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ----------- 9 .. - " MEMORANDUM OF UNl ;TANDING BET~IEEN THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND THE ARROYO GRANDE CHAPTER OF LOCAL 660, SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL-CIO, .FOR THE EMPLOYEES COMPRISING THE RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION FOR THE GENERAL SERVICES UNIT AND SUPERVISORS UNIT, STATING IN WRITING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING. ARTICLE I. Term of Memorandum of Understanding .. The term of the Memorandum of Understand I ng sha II be from J u I y. I . : 1983 . . . until June 30, .1985, and thereafter shall contInue from year to-year until either party requests modification by.March 15, 1985, or any year thereafter, In wh ich, event, meeti ng and conferring sha II c<!mm~ce.l1o; later :than 'Apti 1 ; 15, :.. 1985. ARTICLE 2. Salary Schedules The City and the Union agree thatal ( classifications represeni'ed by the Union shall receive salaries as represented in Exhibit A and B to this M.O.U. . , ARTICLE 3. Insurance Programs. During the term of this agreement, the City wl'll maintain exlstlngmedi- cal insurance benefits, and continue to pay employee premiums during fiscal years 1983-8~. The City wil I contribute $25.00 towards family coverage for . those employe'es 'who have dependents. ARTICLE 4. Vacation Leave A. The purpose of 'annual vacation leave Is to enable each eligible employee to annually return to his work mentally and physically refreshed. B. Each eligible employee shall be required to have served the equivalent of one year' of continuous service in "rhe City in order to be eligible for his/her fur I annual vacation leave. However, in'the event an employee so chooses, she/he may, after six continuous months of service, take vacation leave not to exceed five (5) working days with the Supervisor's approva I. C. Employees who terminate employment shall be paid in a lump sum for al I accrued vacation leave earned prior to the date of termination. ~. , 1 -"_.. , __._.._._'_' __.._~~~..._-.'._..__.-.+~";''''''~''_'''''_'''",,"~"C.,._c:;;.o<. . .'-- ,.-. .-;-':,-,::-~;:::..:.':-.:.:::-" ..-- ..---_. ...-..-.- -~-, --..-.,-.--.-...-".. . I 'r,) . __,c,~,=~.... ......,',_..__._. \ , I D. Vacation leave \~ith pay sha! I be e~rned in accordance vlith the following schedule: Vacation Schedule After: 1 y~ar 10 days 6.67 hours per month ,.- 2 12 :...... . 8.00 .. . 3 13 8.67 4 14 9.34 5 15 10.00 ... .. 6 15 10.00 7 . 16 10.67 8 16 10.67 9 .'.". 17 11.34 10 17 11.34 II 18 12.00 12 18 12.00 13 19 12.61 14 19 /2.67 15 20 . 13.34 E- If for any reason an employee becomes sick duri,ng a vacation, or in the case where a hol iday falls during a .vacation period, the affected employee shall be entitled to utilize such available sick or hol,iday. leave in I ieu of vacation time. The vacation period may be appropriately ex- tended upon approval of -the immediate Supervisor. F. Vacation leave may be taken as it accrues; Vacatio~ shall be scheduled at the discretion and convenience of each individual employee wi.th the consent of the immediate Supervisor \'lithin the Jimi't,rtions neces- si-tated by the legitimate operational needs of the City. G. In the event that the schedu ling preferences ,of tVlo (2) or more employees conflict, the preferences of the more senior employee (time in service) shall govern, barring any unusual circumstances. H. An employee must use 1J minimum of 50% of vaca-tion leave earned during each calender year during'that same calender year. The balance of the vvca"tion leave remaining unused during that same calender yea," may be accrued. -~_..--- ---.- , I. Emp loyees ma} "crue vacation leave up to the maximum hours listed below dependent upon years of service as a regular full-time employee: Years of Service Maximum Vacation Hours Which On January I Can be Accrued on January 1 1-5 80 5+ ':".10 -". ,- . 120 10+ - 15 160 '15,+ - 200 J. In the event an employee's accrued vacation leave exceeds the maximum allowable In Paragraph I, the employee shal', be paid at hisiher .. . , '>' . -. January 1st hourly wage rate for those hours accrued. in excees of the maximum allowable. . , :':.:::\:i.~,q';./.. -; ARTICLE 5. Hol idays '-' - . , -',; '.~..:>:::~}~;':;~}.~,. The' fol IO\oiing days shaiT be pa'ld holidays for employees durlngth~ '.. 1983-85 fiscal years: . . 1983/84 1984/85 Observed Observed a. New Year's Day Mon., Jan. 2, 1984 Tues,., Jan. I, 1985' b. Li nc:o!~~~. Birthday Mon., Feb. 13, 1984 Tues., Feb. 12~19!t c. Wash I ngton' s8 i rthday . Mon., Feb'. .20, 1984 Mon., Feb: 1B, 19B' d. Memoria I Day Mon., May ~8, I ~B4 Mon:, May 27~ 198~ e. Independence Day Mon., J,uly 4, 1983 : \~ed., . 3ld. }J, ..1.984\ f. labor Day Mon., Sept. 5, 1983 Mon. , Sep. 3, 1984 g. Columbus Day Mon., Oct. 10, 1983. . '.jon., Oct. 8, 1984 h. Ve.ter-an's Day Fri., Nov. i ", 1983 /40n'., Nov. 12, 1984 i. Thanksgiving Thurs., Nov. 24, '1983 Thurs., Nov. 22,' 1984 j. Day Following Fri., Nov. 25, 1983 Fri., Nov. 23, Thanksgiving 1984 k. One-half day Fri., Dec. 23, 1983 Mon., Dec. 24, 1984 I. Christmas Mon., Dec. 26, 1983 Tues., Dec. 25, 1984 m. One-half day Fri., Dec. 30, 1983 Mon., Dec. 31, 1984. n. Two hours only Desig- nated ,by Supervisor Good Friday Good Friday o. One day at Employee Cho ice, )1 i.th Super- Floating Ji~or approval Floating p. Every day appo i nled by the Pres i den't or Governor or .f4ayor for pub I i c fDst thanksgiving hol iday. , - 3 -~_.- - ------.--. .---.- :0,> . When any of the above-listed holidays fall on Saturd~y, it wil I be re- cognized on Friday. If it falls on Sunday, It wi,11 be recognized on I~onday. For all employees who regularly work on Saturaay~b;'~un?ay, then the holiday will be specified by the above-listed dates. In 'the case that a holiday fal Is on an employee's regularly scheduled day off, he/she. shal I have the option to ta~e such a holiday on an alternate day as selected by the employee. and approved :::.00 by.the Department Head. ARTICLE 6. Sick Leave Al,. eligible employees shall accrue one (I) working'day of sick leave with pay for each month of s~r,vicewith unlimited accumulation. Upon. re- tir~nent, an employee may choose'to be paid for 50% of unused si~k leave to a maximum of 360 hours at his/her current rate of pay. At the end of each year an employee has the option of being pald.straight time for 25%' of their . unused sick leave of that year, transferring It to vacation or leaving it in sick leave. ARTICLE 7. Hours of Work and OvertIme The normal working schedule for ful I-time employees shall he eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week. All authorized time worked in excessoLforty (40) hours per week or a holiday recognized in this Memo- randum of Understahding, shal I be compensated for at the rate of one and one- haff (f-I/2) times the employee's regular.base hourly rate of pay. Time worl<ed for computa-ti on of overt i me sha II include holidays, jury duty, sick leave, bereavement leave, and' previously sch~duled vacation and compensatory '~ime off for purposes of .~his paragraph, and shall be calculated at a maximum of eight (8) hours per day. Overtime shall be computed at .the nearest half (1/2) hour. At the request of any employee eligible for overtime pay, his/. her superv i sor I~ i II prov i de that, in lieu of cash payment for any overt i me, he/she may have the choice of time off with pay at the rate of one and one- half (1-1/2) hours fo~ each hour of overtime ~/orked. Compensatory time off shal I be taken at the'option of the employee Hith the consent of the immed- i ate slJperv i sor. ARTICLE B. Standby ray. Sti:tndby du'l'y is defined as that circumstance which requires an employee so assigned '1'0: I. Perform rou'~ i no inspect ions. %. Be roady to rospond immediately to a call for service. 3. Be read; Iy iJvai liJble at all hours by telephone. - - - ., . An employee so assigne,. to stand-by duty shal I receive $1.00 per hour to beg i n at the end of the regu I a r r y schedul ed workday or ''ork week, or other employee's stand-by time, and end at the start of the next regularly s~hed- ~Ied work day or the beginning of another employee's stand-by time. ARTICLE 9. Ca II Back Pay ::.'--" . Cal I back is defined as that circumstance which .requires an employee ! to unexpe7tedly return to work after the employee has left work at the end of the employee"s work day or work week; An emp.loyee cal led In early to start his/her work shift without prior' reasonable not-ice will also receive time and one-half (1-1/2) overtime. pay for all extra hours worked, with'a - minimum callout of two (2) hours. ARTICLE 10. Uniform Rental The City.agrees to furnish three (3) shirts and two (2) p~irs of pants ,-'" ., per week for employees in the fol lowing classifications: Parks Foreman Pub I ic Works Foreman Pub I ic Works Superintendent Public Works leadman Bu nd I ng Ma i ntenance Man Custodian Equipment Operator Maintenance Worker I, II t4echan ic I, II Coni'trudion Inspector Employees hired to fil I newly-created classifications will also receive uni- forms under..this section, if the wearing of a uniform is required. Un i forms for the above~listed field personnel are to be worn during work, and may be worn to and from work. ARTICLE II. Safety Sboes. During .the term of this Agreement, the City shal.1 pay to all uni't employees, as listed in Section 10, $50.00 per year tOl'/ard each pair of sa-fety. shoes purchased. The safety shoes' must then be worn during all working hours where thar'D is a need for sufety shoes. ~ ~ .- -.....- -~._. -~ ' ~ . .~.'- . '~.---'-""--.' ._,~..- ..~- ...--_. ..-"..' ,._.~. --_._.,--_.~-. '.~--,,,... . ~ Q ARTICLE 12. Paychecks During the term of this Memorandum of Understanding, the City will pay regular checks on a bi-~/eel<fy basis, and continue payroll deductions I i for the County/City Employee Credit Union when so desired by employees. AR1)ClE 13. Bereavement Leave .:;.... A three (3) day leave with pay shal I be avai lable to employees who suffer the death of a relative (defined as: 'spouse, parent, chi Id, sister, brother, grandparent or grandchi Id,and the corresponding relative by marriage) for the purpose of attending the funeral and making 'other arrange- ments at the time the loss occurs. .This.leave' is not chargeable against accrued sick leave. .. .,. .,"- . , --~"-"-"- - -_..--~.- ~~ < '0 I \ ARTICLE 14. Fami Iy L, Ie. An employee may take an unlimited amount of sick leave if required to be a\'lay from the job TO personally care for a member of his/her immediate fami Iy . as defined in Article 13, Bereavement Leav~,~ubject to approval of the Immediate ~ ~. . sUp'ervisor and verification of need. ART ICLE 15. Educational Pay. The City and the Union agree to .contlnue the CITy's educational program fOI~ the improvement of employee efficiency. Both parties recognize that.the advance- '.. ment of employees to positions of higher skills are m~tters of great Importance. . . If approved by Department Head, the City wi II allow five (5) pel.cent educational . pay for all Bachelor's degrees arid two and one-half CZi: percent for. all M.degree!:;} ." and applicable certificates that employees receive to improve hIs/her performance. No additlo~al educational pay shall be made for duplicate or more than'ooe AA degree, BA degree or' applicable certificates. ( -.,.- ~ ._- ARTICLE 16. Leaves of Absence. ,_. ,---_.. A. Medical Leave: , t~ed i ca I leave without pay may be granted for the purpose of. recovery from prolonged illness or injury or to restore health or for pregnancy, upon employee's written request to the City Manager, subject TO submisslo~ of medical evidence saTisfactory as establishing the employee's medical need. B. Emergency Leave Emergency leave without pay may be granted to any permanent employee ~Iho upon ~Iritten request to :the City Manager demonstrates that the leave is necessary for personal reason beyond his/her control or' wi II serve .to improve his/her abi I ity as an employee of the City. Emergency leaves may be granted up to a maximum of one (1) year. Upon expira'~ion of an approved Emergency Leave the employee shel I be reinstated in the position held at.the time leave ~'as grunted. Fai lure on the part of the employee on leave to report promptly at the leav~s expiration, shall be cause for disch1lrgc. 7 ---- '- _'_M__'_ ~-_.._.- :,,,;) '. ART ICLE 17. Jury Duty. Employees shall be granted leave with full pay and 1'10 loss in benefits-:, I~hen cal led for jury duty if -the employee remi-ts any Jury fee 'for such jury . du-ty. l-t Is unders-tood that -the employee may retain any travel payor sub- s~s-tance pay granted by the court because of the employee's participation in :;:."0 jury duty. The employee shall be responsible for notIfying his/her super- visor as soon as possible upon receIving no-tIce to appear for Jury duty, make every reasonable effort -to keep his/her supervisor advised as to the anti~t- ipated length of service, and return to work Immediately following the end of Jury duty service. ARTICLE 18. Dues Deduction. The City and Union agree that requests for changes In and cancellations of union dues and other deductions shall be promptly processed through the Union and put into effect at the employee's request. Deductions shall be made twice monthly cmd remitted -to the Union monthly. Reques-ts for deductions shall be made by City-approved authoriza.tion cards in accordance with appl icable state law. , The Union agrees -to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any I iab,i 1- ities \'/hich may "rise as a r0sult of the application of this Article. . ARTICLE 19. Union Stev/ards A. The City does authorize the Arroyo Grande Chapter of the Service Employees Interna-tional Union to appoint -three (3) "Union Stewards" and one (1) alternate, either of which may represen-t an employee sUb.Ject -to the City's grievance procedure (Article 23). B. The Union shed I provide th0 City I~anager with a I ist of all authorized union stewards, and the list shal I be kept current. An employee and/or his/her "Union Steward" representative may, when , C. and to the extent necessary, -take official Ci.ty time withou-~ loss of compensation in ord'Jr to purticipate in the investigation and processing of a grievance as proviuod for in Article 23, upon notification ancl aDProval of -H".. im,n<>rn,,-r-o I . I supervisor or his d€ ]nee. D. The City manager will approve employee and/or Union Steward taking I official City time to investigate and process a grievance. when and to the extent "necessary and only if it wi I) in no event adversely affect the opera- tional, security or safety requirements of the City_ =. ~. '. E.. It is understood that the employee and/or Union Steward shall make every reasonable effort to perfonn any of the above activities on off-duty time. ARTICLE 20. Union Access to Work locations. A. The City agrees that an authorized union ,staff- member shall be granted access to work location to .participate in investigat~on and processing of grievances per the grievance .procedure (Article 23), or -1"0 observe working con- ditions. upon approval of the City Manager when and to t~e extent necessary. B. The Union shall provide the City Manager \1lth a list of all authorized staff representatives and'the list shall be kept current by the Union. C. Upon notification and approval of the City Manager of his/her designee. an ahthorlzed union staff member is permitted to communicate with employeeCs5 . . . and/or un'ion stewardCs) on official c-ity time without said employee{s)t and/or' union ste'"ardCs)', 10.55 of compensation. It is not the intent of this section , to allow general union meetings on City time; but rather to allow investigation and discussion of ~/orking conditions, grievances and safety issues. D. It is understood that every ,reasonable effort shall .be made to perform the above activities on off-duty time. .. ART ICLE 21- Use of City facilities A. The Union may, with prior approval of the City Manager be granted the use of City faci I i.ties for meetings of City employees, provided space is aVui lable. No u~;o fee will be charged. B. The City "grees -J'o furnish bulletin board space of re...sonable size for po:;ting of union mutorials. I 9 '0 NHICLE 22. Repre. '~at i on. With respect to the meet and confer process, three (3) union representatives shall be the maximum number of employees allowed to meet ~tith City representatives on City time during their normal working hours for the purpose of'meeting and conferring in good faith without loss of payor any benefits. :::'..', ARTICLE 23. Grievance Procedure. PURPOSE ., ~ A. This grievance procedure shall be the exclusive process to resolve grievances as the term is defined her~in below .. \ --- B. The purposes of this procedure are: . , I. To;'resolve grievances Informally at thelowes-~ level. 2. To provide an orderly proce'dur$for revie\~ing an1d r;~olving " . t : I .... grievances prrmptlY. ' . ";.':.1'. DEF IN ITIONS: . A. Gr i evance means a comp I a i nt by an emp loyee concern i ng the. i nterpretat i on or appl ication of the provisions of this Agreement or' of rules or regulations governing personnel practices or conditions which complaint has not been resolved sat i s factori I y in an i nforma I manner be'h~een the emp loyee and hi s/her immed i ate supervisor. 13. As used in this procedure '~he term "immediato supervisor" means the individual so designated by City Management ~Iho assigns, revie\~s and directs the work of;-an employee. T /lI,E LI 1-4 ITS : Each party involved in a grievance shall act quickly so that the. grievance may be reso I ved prornpll y. Every eftorl' should be made to complete action \-tithin '~ime . . . ." -1I)r~ I imits contained in the g,rievance procedure, but \~Ith the ~Irltten consent o'f <,II parties, the time I imi'hrfion tor any step may be extended. STEP 1 Tho gri avance in i t i a II y sha II be persona II y discussed bf,-h-lCen '~he emp I oyee and hi slher immed jato slIpervl sor. \'lith I n seven (7) days. tho imrnedi ate super- visor shall ~ivc his/h~~ deci~ion or n'sp.<:mse.... -..-'" ..--.--.._._^'_. ...--....-,.-. . e..... ._.~..._,..... .-.. STEP 2 A. If the grievance is not informally resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant in Step 1, a formal grievance may be initiated. A tormal grievance must be in~tiated no later than: 0- 1- Thirty (30) days after the event of circumstances occasioning the grievance; or . 2. Within seven (7) calendar days of the step 1 decision rendered In the Informal. grievance procedure, whicheverfs fatter. ... B. However, If the Step 1 Informal grievance procedure Is not initiated within the period specified in sub-section (1) above, the period in ;whlch to bring the grievance shall not be extended by sub-section (2) above. ""'" . -,- -,", '. ' . C. A Step 2 grievance shall be initiated in wrt1'ing on a form pre- scribed by the City and shal Ibe filed with the persons ~esJgnated by City Managem6nt as:the first level of appeal. The employee may be represented by a representative of his/her choice, D. The grievant shall cite the specific provision(s) of the then currently effective Memorandum of Understanding, ordinance, resolution or written rule claimed to have been violated, set forth the facts that purportedly ~onstitute such violation, and the specific remedy sought. . E. Within seven (7) days after the initiation of the Step 2 grievance, the first level of appeal shall investigate the grievance, and give his decision in writing to the grievant. STEP 3 A. If the grievant is not satisfied \~ith the decision rendered pursuant to Step 2, he/she may appea I the deci s ion Id-rh in seven (7) days to the City I/lanager or hi (htlb5 i gnated re~re5en-tat i vo. The employee may be represented by a rcpresenta'rivo of his/her choice. 8, The Ci ty r.1anager or his des i gna'red represen'rat i ve sha II respond in writing vtithin sevcn (7) days to the grievan-r. I f the C i 1-y Manager or his/her designatcd rcpresentiJtive de-rermines it is desirable, he/she shall hold 11 ~ . . :.;) conference(s) or othen~ise Investigate the matter. STEP 4 A.. If the grievant is no'~ satisfied with the decision rendered pursuant i I to Step 3, he/she may appeal the decision within seven (7) days to the City .'Counci I. The employee may be represented by a representative of his/her choice:'-'-' I B.' The determination of the City Counci J shall be final and binding step I of the grievance procedure. ARTICLE 24.. Advancement in Salary. ! ,- The salary range as se'~ f6rth for each classification is divided into five (5) steps which shall be interpreted and applied as fol lows: A. The first step is the minimum rate and normally shall be.the hiring rate. B. The second step is granted to employees who are el.iglble for '~his adjustment after completion of six (6) full calendar months of satisfactory service in a classification, or at the completion of the probationary,perlod. The adjustment shal I be made only if granted by the Department Head and subject to the approval of the City Manager or his designee. C. The th i rd step sha II be granted to an emp I oyee \.,ho has proven him/her fully qual ified in a given classification for one (I) full additional year from granting of previous step increase, only if granted by the Department Head and subject to the approval of the City Manager or his designee. D. The fourth step shall be granted to an ,employee who has proven him/her above average in a given classification for one (J) full additional year by the Dopar.tment Head and ~lith the approval of the City Manager or his designee. E. .The fifth step shal I be granted to an employee who has continued to demonstrate above average per formance and has demonstrated conti nued gl"o,~th in <, given classification for one (1) full additional'year by the Depar"tment lIoad and with the approval of tha Ci'ly fl,anager or his designee. f,n employee must all-lays con-tinuo to maintain an accephll)le level of per- fot"meHlce and shall bo ovalua'~ed by his/liar DepDdmcn-t Head annually. If -the t ... .. _,.,..._.u'___ ......-.. - ~_. -.' , _.._~._--- - .........-.,-.-.-. -' written evaluation the Department .Head does not support a continued acceptable effort, an individual may be reduced by the'Department Head with the approval of the City Manager or his/her designee. - . . ..- ... . . . .. ... 13 .--.- 'J ., . Article 25 ClassifIcation Inequities The City agrees to re-classify the following positions on July I, 1983. Position Salary Range Adjustment to Carpenter/Maintenance Person 24 - . Art.lcle 26 Contract I ng Out , I . The City agrees to communIcate with the Union upon request In regard to the I f61,lowing matters: i I 1. Any proposed subcontracting of services which would result In the elim- _. ination of unit member's job. 2. Changes in services which ~Iould result In the el imlnation of unit member's .. job. Article 27 Management Rights The City retains all its exclusive rights and authority under state law (and charter>, and expressly and exclusively retains' its management rights, which include, but are no't I imi"ted to: --the exclusive right to determine the'mlssion of its constituent depart- ments, commissions, boards; --Set standards and levels of service; --determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotions; --direct Its employees; --detorm I ne the methods and means to re I I eve Its emp loyees f rom duty because of tack of work or other lawful reasons; --maintain the efficiency of governmental operations; --determine the methods, means and numbers and kinds of persons by which governrrient operations are .to be conducted; --de.term i ne methods of f inane i ng; --determine style and/or types of City-issued equipment to be used; , .--~,. -. -." --- .-._- -".. ,-.- .-_..-.- ".' .-.'--" ~ -...- ----,------ ,,>,..................,..y-." ...... --,'- -~ .-, _m_ I::') - --determine and/c ;hange the faci litles. fClethod.s. 'technology, means. organ- izational structure and composition of the work force and al locate and assign work by which the City operations are to be conducted; --determine and change the number of locations. relocations and types of operations, processes and materials to be used in carrying out all City functions Including, but not limited to. the right to contract for or subcontract any work or operations of the City; --to assign work to and schedule employees In accordance with requirements as determined by the City and to establish and change work schedules and assign- ments upon reasonable notice; - --establ ish and modify productivity and performance programs and standards; ~ --discharge suspend, demote. reprimand, withhold salary increases and benefits, \ , ! , or otherwise discipline employees in accordance with applicable law; The Union recognizes that the City has and ~/i II continue to retain. whether ,"- exercised or not, the unilateral and exclusive'right to. operate, adminlster,.and manage its municipal services and ~/ork force performing those services in al I respects subject to -this Memorandumprovided,'howe~er, that the :exercise of such rights does not preclude employees or their representatIves from conf~rring or raising grievance about the prm;tical consequences that decisions on these matters may have on wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment. Article 28 No Strike/No Lockout The Union agrees that during the term of this Memorandum of Understanding, neither the Union or the employees it represents \ii II engage in, encourage, sandion, support, or suggest any strikes. .Theemployer agrees that it wi I I not lockout any of its employees during -the term of this r.lemorandum of Understanding. A,-t ie I (, 29 Ret i rcroenl The City is a corl'lTatting agency ~lith the Publ ic Employees Retiremen-J- 15 .. __0.. --......-.--... ,,-"~,-.--'--" . _____:.__cc,""'_.- ,.-..~.,.~.",,_.-.-_. ;~~---'-', __._" ,.,""'_' ._...,-_h _._____.____,_,_'. < .....n. __ :1;) ., , - System of the State of Cal ifornia, to which the City and the employee both con- tribute. This is carried on In conJundion with Social Security. Participation Is mandatory for al I ful I-time City employees. Retirement at age 70 Is required of a II emp loyees. -.' .- Art~cle 30 Use of Private Vehicle/Mileage Rate No worker shal I be required as a condition of obtaining or continuing City employment, to possess or provide a private vehlcle'for use in connection with his/her City e~ployment. The City sha I f re i mbu'rse emp loyees at a rate of 25<t per mile for use of personal vehicles. when such employees agree to such 'use upon stated request of the City. Transportation to and from work shal I not be relm- ,.';:" . bursed. Article 31 Non-Discrimination The City shal I pursue a policy of affirmative action,equal opportunity and equal promotional opportunity for all workers In accordance with appl icable law. No unit member shall be discriminated against by the City because of his/her , efforts in carrying out this Agreement or because of political, ~el Igious, Union or non-Union affil iation or belief, race, color, age, sex, national origin, handicap, mar-ital or mi I itary status, or sexual preference. Article 32 Personne I F i I es An employee on their designee may insped his/her personnel f:ile and obtain copies of any and al I items in that file at employee expense. A copy of a I I materials placed in an employeJs'personnel file after the signing of this Agree- men-t shall be provided to the employee. The employee may have placed In his/her personnel file any signed and dated statement of clarifica.tion or disagreement to any item or adicle contained wi-thin his/her personnel fi Ie. Personne I f i I es i nc I ude those f i I es ma i n-ta I ned by the i mmed i ate slJperv i sor, or other administrators/supervisors inv61vod in employee evaluations as \'/ell as tho contra I personne I f i 10. '~ - A supervisor's pel na I notes sha II not be cons i db, 'ed a part of the per- sonnel file. Article 33 Resignation An employee wishing to feave his/her employment \~Ith -the City in good - . staQding, shal I file with his/her supervisor a written resignation stating the . effective.date of his/her resIgnation and the reasons for leaving. The resigning individual shall file such \'/~itten resignation at least h/o (2) weeks In advance of the effective termination date and participate 1'n an - ."', ,'" .. exit interview conducted by the City prior to issuance of .the final' pay check. Article 34 Outside Employment . No full time employee shall engage In outside employment or an enterprise -that his/her Department Head may find unsuitable and In conflict wl"th their . municipal duties or responsibilities, or which lessens their effectiveness as a City employee. Article 35 '-Probationary Period All original and promotional .appointments shall be tentative and subject to , a probationary period of six months. 'The-Department'Head with consent of the City Manager, may extend the probationary period for specified cause(s) which shall be provided in \,riting to the employee. The probationary period shall be regarded as a part of a continuing testing process and shall be,utilized for closely observing the employee's work, for securing the most effective adjustment of a new employee to his or her position, and for rejecting any probationary employee whose performance does not me~t the requ i red standards of vlork. The Department Head, w'ith the consent of the City 14anager, may release the probationary employee from City employment without cause at any time during the probationary period. Ar'l'icle 36 Transfers Tr'ansfer- of an employee to a position ~Jithin the emploY\Je's s;urrent i"O;J/1ge shall not affect the employee's salary rate. Transfer of an employee to a position ~Ji th i n a higher rango sha II be cons i dered a promotIon. Transfer of an employee to a 10\'/er range shall be considered a demotion. 17 . ":J . . '0 . , .' . ~ < : .1 ; . Article 37 Promotion Transfer of an employee to a higher range shal I result in an Increase in i salary. The employee's salary shall be placed in the identical step in the hig~er range which the employee enjoyed in the class from which the employee " was promOted. Promotion of an employee may. be made with the consent'of the City Manager witho~t testing or opening the position for consideration of all non- employees. AI I current employees shal I be given consideration for a position opening which wit I be fil led by promotion. An employee p'romoted to a new pos i- t ion sha1l, servidJ '5 ix! montl1 i proDa:t'i'onary :per:i od I n that :pos 1 Honi';'", rn'i the event the promoted party is removed from the position to which promote~ the employee shall not be considered dem~ted, but shal I be returned 10 the range from which ~ promoted. No change in step shal I occur as a result of an employee passing the promoted position probationary period. A promoted employee shall retain his or . . her anniversary date held prior to promotion. Article 38 Demotion Transfer of an employee to a lower class shall result in reduction of salary. The employee's salary sh"" I be placed in the identical step in the lower class which the emplQyee enjoyed in the class from \~hich demo-tiori;v!as made. Demotion can be made for cause which shall be provided the employee in' vlrlting by the Department Head prior to any action taking place. Demotion for discipl inary reasons may be appealed through the grievance procedure by the demoted employee. Demotion for other reasqns is not appealable.' Article 39 Lay Offs ~/henever , In the judgement of the City, it becomes necessary to make a re- duct i 6n in force, -Hhenover poss i b Ie, . sa i d reduct i on sha II be accomp I i shed through a't"tri t ion. V/orkers subject to a reduction in force shall bo given a"- leas.t thirty' (30) W' .. working days notice pr , to the effect I ve date of '~he I ay off. The Union shall receive concurrent notice, and may be granted an opportunity to meet and consult with the City to discuss proposed alternatives to a reduction iQ force. When one or more workers performing in the same class in a City department .' ar~ to face a reduction in force, that worker(s) most recent annual evaluation and seniority (defined as total time tn current classification plus lower classifications)' shall be used to determine the order of layoff. The order of layoff shall be as follows; .. A. Temporary workers In Inverse.order of seniority (least first) B. Permanent employees whose most recent annual evaluation w,fs below sat'"' . isfactory In inverse order of seniority. C. Permanent employees In Inverse order of seniority. If a laid off employee's position, or a similar position to which the City determines the former employee is suited,becomes avaIlable, within twelve months of lay off;said former employee shall be recalled In the'reverseorderof lay off. If a job in a lower classification becomes avai lable and a former employee is qua'l ifled in the judgement of the Clty"he/she may fill "the slot until his/her former position becomes available, if ever. Article 40 Employees for whom necessity requires a different schedule than thatgen- era I Iy applied, shal I work according to regulations prepared by the respective supervising officials and approved by the City Manager. The City shall specify, and in writing, all changes in ~Iork place hours and provide the affected employees ~lith reasonable notice of these changes. Hours may be a Itered to permit fl ex time. Adicle 41 M.O.U. I rnp I omentat i on 80'l'h padies ugree that the terms of this Memorandum of Understanding supen:odeprovisio05, of all other resolutions and rules of the City which con- 19 ---_.._.__._~.._- - --_...~.. ,-- - .-- () . fl iet with provisions of this Agreement. , Exhibit A and B attached. ." . REPRESENTATIVES OF CITY OF REPRESENTATIVES OF,' ARROYO GRANDE ARROYO GRANDE CHAPTER SE IU lOCAl,,660 . . , . " Date: 9-a,tl7;rM'J. Da'te: . , , .,.) _r_._~_.... . ...."'- . - RANGE A B c D'\ .. E . 967 .- () II 1,016 1.066 t.120 1.176 (J 12 991 1.041 1.093 1.143 1..205 (J 13 1.016 1.066 1.120 1,176 1 .231... I () 14 1.041 1.093 1.141:1 1,205 I 1.265 \ ~ ';;:-". o .15 1.066 1,120' I . 176 .1 . 234 1.296 ,\ " . 0 16 1.093 1.146 I .295 [ . 265 1 .329 \ 0 17 I . 1 20 . 1 .1 76 1.234 l.296 1.361 .~ ~ .- . , 1.148 J~2i:J5 1..265 1..329 ," 0 lB 1.395 0 19 1.176 1.234 1.296 (.361. 1.429 . o 20 1.205 1.265 .1.329 1.395 . 1.465 0,;.... ~ ... . .. o 21 I . 2 34 1.296 1.361 1,429 1.500 0 22 1.265 1.329 1.395 '1.465 1,538 0 23 1.296 1 .361 1.429 1 .50.0 1.. 575 0 2(' 1.329 1.395 1 . 46~> .1.538 1.615 '. . () 2~ 1,361 1,429 1.500 1,575 ( ,654. -, () 26 1 .395 1.465 1 .538 1.615 1,696 ,.~ . 0 27 1 ... t..2~) 1 .. ~-)OO J .57:; ] .6SfJ. I . 7:~7 0 2U 1... '..65 1.538 1'.615 1.696 1.780 ..... () 29 1.. 500 1.575 1.654 . 1 .737 1.824 () 30 1.530 1.615 1,696 1.780 1 . B69 () 31 t .~>'/5 1,()5/. 1.737 .1.. U2'.. 1.915 () :J? 1... 615 1,.()96 1.7HO 1.669 1.963 0 _n J ..65". 1 .. ., 3 ~I 1,(124 1. ql 5 2.011 () 3'f 1.696 J . 'IUO 1.069 1.963 2.061 0 .3 ~) I .'f:S7 1.H21, 1 .. 91 ~-) 2.011 2. III _.._u ._.." .....,...... .." 'J"> SCHEDULE OFSA'tARY"~GES PAGE 2 . _. ; RANG:: II B C D'- E () 36 1.780 1.069 1,963 2,061 2,164 . 0 37 1 .82(' 1.915 2,011 2. III 2.217 0 30 1,069 1.963 '2.061 2.164 2.272 1.915 2.011 , '" 0 3'> 2.111 2.217 2.328 ::.... . 0 40 . 1.963 2.061 2.164 2.272 2.386 . o 41 2.011 2.111 2.217 .2.328 2,444 ,.~ 0 42 2.061 2. t 64 2.272 2.386 2.505 .. 2.111 2.217 2.328 2.444 ' " A. ." ...... ....h. 0 43 2,566 . .. () 44 2 . 1 64 2..272 .2.386 2.505. 2.630. ,., .. ...1 . " o 45 2.217 2.328 2. 44/. .2.566 2.695 ..1.... ... ".,.. .......~ . ..-. '.- .! , 0 46 2.272 2.386 2.505 2.630 2.762 .................. .. 0 47 ; 2.328 2.4-',.4 2.566 2.695 2.029 ~~ 0 (,8 . 2. .JUt> 2.505 2.630 2.762 2.900 <.\ "- ..- ,,- ._.-,~- 0 1,9 '2.L..4l.. 2.566 2.695- 2.829 2.971 , I '\{\ o 50 2.505 2. (, 30 2,762 2.900 3.045 ~ o 51 2.566 2.695 2.029 2.<)71 ,."q'~ ~ () ~,2 2.630 2.762 2.900 3.0~5 3.197. .- .... ..... ... 0 53 2.6<)5 2.i\29 2.971 3.119 3.275 ......-. "- .. 0 5'J 2.762 2.900 3. Ol..~) 3.197 3.357 0 !j5 2.029 2.971 3.119 3.275 3. (';J9 0 56 2.900 3.0t4>5 3.197 3,357 3.525 () ~) ., 2.<)71 :1.119 3.275 3./".39 3,611 () !j~J J,. 0/. 5 :10197 3.357 J.~25 3.701 0 ~', {I :1. 1 1 'J :J.2 7~) 3. It]l) 3. (,II 3.792 0 (,0 3.1 crf .J. 3~j-' 3.~25 .3. '/0 I 3, rlf~6 ---- _._.u.._._.._...._ " '. ...'~.h ~'_.,~ ''''''''_'~'''_ .'.__ _ . '..- CITY OF ARROYtQGRA7') . " . '..' 6/28/83 _. SCHEDULE OF SALARY Rt.._ ES PAGE 3" .. RANGE A B C D E 0 61 3,275 3,439 3.611 3.792 3.981 0 62 3.357 3,525 3.701 3.886 4,081 -::::-0. .- . . .. -., ..... .---'. ... ~ .." ..," ~~, ~. . ',., -,-",,;'.'.- _.'-' .,.. .~~. . ~ .....-<, -.... . .. ~ . I I ,.:.......-. "" . '. ." -,." ..... ,. ,," ..-- ... . ..-.......- ., ~ .-~._~_... ....--,~,~...+ ---- ~----- v, .c::or UJ SCHEDlILE OF SA'f^f{Y"~~ES PAGE 1 " , I - t~ANGE ^ - B C , 0'-.....-' E 0 1 1 1.015 1 .066 1.119 1.175 1,234 , . 0 '2 1.041 ',093 J ..1.1.. 7 1.205 1 .265 . 0 '3 1,066 1.119 1.175 1.234 1.296 0 14 1 .09.3 1.147 1.205 1,265 1.328 . -;:""--" . 0: 15 . ~1.119 1.175 1.234 .1.296 1.361 ..... . -.'. .. .~. -- ,. 0 16 10147 1.205 1 ..265 1.328 1 ,395 -. .,. ..". , ~ ~ ".::,;,:;;-::-,~ . ,. -. .....,..--=::'~. ,.. 0 17 1.175 1.234 1.296 1.361 1 ,429 '. .\ ~ . : . :~'. ...... "..~ '-'" - . .-..~ '. ....... 0 IS 1.205 1 '-265 1.328 .... '1' .395 1'.'4{,'4 . .~'.",-.. ~'" .. 0 19 ...1.234 1.296 1.361 1.429 1.500 ~ . ........ ..... .'1.538-' k - .- ..... , - . o 20 1.265 1.328 1 .395 1 .464 , ..' "~ ,. '.'." I .' ._- . .'-. .. ;: : ::::~~ 0 21 1.296 1.361 1.429 1.500 . .. 0 22 1.32g 1.395 t .464 1'.538 . < . i ~ 0 23 ) .361 1..1..29 1 .500 1 _ 575 . 1.654 ~~\ .'-' . 0 2" 1.395 1 . 464 1 .538 1.615 1.695 ~;."- ,.... ." ., . '". .. . ,. "-'" . __.. 4__.... . '.. 0 25_ 1 .'.2C) 1.500 .1 .. '575 1.654 1.737. , ....,-. 0 26 f .'.6'. 1.53<1 1.615 1 r695 1.780 0 27 ] .500 1 . ~;75 1.. 65'f- 1.737 1. B23 .. .... .- ...-~. ----". ." 0 2tl l.53B 1.615 1,695 1.780 1.869 '" , . ','" "'_ 'hOo . - ..' .'- ..-_. --- 0 29 J.57~ '1.65'f- 1.737 1.623 1.915 II .30 1.615 1.695 t .7t'JO 1.669 . 1 .962 0 ;11 J .65/' 1.737 1. H23 1.915 2.010 .... .... 0 :32 1.695 1.700 1. B6q 1.962 2.061 0 3.1 1,737 I.B2:1 1.91S 2..010 2.111 0 ."Jr, 1.7110 1.069 t. 96:~ 2,061 2.. '61, () J~j 1.02:1 I ,,91 ~.) 2.010 2.111 2.216 '-A I r ur. i\t(HUYll- GRANDE \ .61'2H/83 SUIEDULE OF SALI,"~Y R""""ES PAGE 2 . . r~^I\JGE A B C .~ D E 0 36 I.Ho9 t .962 2.061 2.164 2.212 0 31 1.915 2.010 2. I II 2.216 2,327 0 38 1.902 2.061 2.164 2,272 2..385 o 39 2.010 2,111 2.216 2.327 2.444 ..0:.'. . .' 0 40 .. 2.061 2.164 2.2.72 2.385 2.505 0 41 2. I II 2.216 2.327 2.444- 2.566 ---- 0 42 2 . I 64 2.272 2..385 2~505 2.630 ..... .. -,. '. .. o 43 2.216 2.327 2.444 2.566 2'.694 '. .' 0 4/, 2..272 2.385 2.505 2.630 .2.761 -" . 0 1,5 2.327 2.444 2.-566 2.694- 2.829 - n__' ~-,. --. -.... " + .' ..-....- 0 46 2 .365 2.505 2.630 2.761 2.899 .. 0 47 ':2.444 2.566 2.694 2.829 2.970 ~.: ., . . ~ .. 0 48 2.505 2.630 ,2.761 2,899 3~044 I 0 49 2.566 2.69/, 2,829 2.970 3.119 ~~ 0 50 2.630 2,761 2, 89CJ 3.04/, ~I 3.197. ~ 0 51 2..69(1- 2.629 2.970 3..119 3.275 ~ ~ 0 52 2.761 2.899 3.04"j. 3.\97 3.356 ~"\." .... ........,... .... " 0 53 2.829 2.970 3.119 3..275 3.438 .. " ..-, " ~+._-.....-,--. o 5(j. 2..A9<) 3.0/,.,,. :\. 191 3.356 3.521, 0 ~f:) 2.970 3.119 3..275 3.,,38 3.610 o 56 3. Of,. I. 3.) 9./ 3.356 3.. 52'~ 3, -(Ol 0 r:,7 3.119 :i.275 3,4311 3.610 3.791 n 'J ~~ :~ . 1 <)-, :,.]56 3.52'. 3.701 3.0H6 0 59 J.27':) 3...r..JH 3.610 3..~'c)1 3,CJOO 0 (,0 :,.. 357 3. ~j2/,. 3. -{O I 3.. t't~6 {~.. oao ,..- -... . ..'" "N"t<U\:/U}o/u.~ANDE 4.. ' I . ~j t>'ZH/U3 SCtlEDULE OF SALARY ~GES PAGE 3 . RANGE A B C D'~ E 0 61 3.".38 3.610 3.791 3,980 4.179 0 62 3,524 3,701 3.886 4.080 4.,26'1- - ;;;:~'. " .' . ."....~...... ., .. . , ",. 'f> -";. .: " , " "'~ '.'! .'n _. ""'. .-. . 'f.. ..... :~~ \ " ....I?i "1 .-... " . .t!o. . . , , , \ ,. ....,.- ..,. .' .... \ \ , , . .",~,~.~"" -... .. . I . .. i I " '. I I \ I . .. .., .. .. I '.--' ....-. '.~'" 0 ". , . ..~.:.r ........-......-.-.. .'-^'-" . ,.'.. . - S.E.I.U. EXHIBIT ,,("'"'" , , CLERICAL AND FISCAL SALARY RANGE Department Secretary 19 Clerk Typist II 18 Accounting Clerk II 18 Clerk Typist I 13 Accounting Clerk I 13 Switchboard Operator 13 Clericai Aide II . . PUBLIC WORKS, PARKS, AND RECREATION . Public Works Superintendent 40 . Associate Engineer 39 Public Works Foreperson 34 , Chief Inspector 'Bullding & Construction 34 Park Foreperson 32 Building Inspector' 30 Construction Inspector 30 Mech~nic Leadperson 30 . leadperson 29 PW-Planning Technician 28 Mechanic II 28 Recreation Supervisor 2,6 Water Services Person 25 Mechanic I 24 Equipment Operator 24 Carpenter Maintenance Person 24 I Ora f-tsperson 24 Maintenance Person I I 19 JunHor 18 I~a i ntenance Porson I 17 Building Maintenance Person 17 j 1 This listing represents current status as of 6/30/83 ! This Exhibit "C" is a listing of cert~in positions, w/sulary . f C' t f Arroyo Grande and I s a part of 1983-4 and nmges, 0 I yo. L ! 660 SEll] d I understancll ng between oca , , 19<;4-5 rnemoran urn 0 and city of Arroyo Grande. .' .-....-- ..-:__~~.2::-::.',:;':.'-i-.::.,-:::~%:~ - ---"-