R 1711 "', . ~ .- .. '. , RESOLUTION NO. 1711 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING AN EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PROGRAM, INCLUDING A SALARY SCHEDULE, POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY STEPS WITHIN THE RESPECTIVE RANGES FOR MANAGEMENT, CONFIDENTIAL AND PART-TIME EMPLOYEES AND FIRE VOLUNTEERS WHERE APPLI CABLE FOR 1983/84 AND 1984/85 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, this Council deems it to be the best interests of the City of Arroyo Grande and its various employees that minimum and maximum compensation be fixed for various classifications of employment in the various departments of the City of Arroyo Grande as hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the terms of this resolution shall be effective July 1, 1983 and shall apply to the fiscal years 1983/84 and 1984/85. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution shall supercede and repeal Resolution No. 1668 which previously established salary schedule and position cJassifications. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the minimum compensation as of date of employment and the intermediate and maximum compensation for such employment shall be as hereinafter enumerated, effective July 1, 1983, and that said employees shall be assigned to salary steps within the respective pay range of the position classification as set forth in the exhibits, and further, that exhibits attached hereto are made a part hereof by reference, all of which are hereby adopted as follows: ADMINISTRATION OF THE COMPENSATION PLAN All management and confidential employees, other than' the 'City Manager, entering the employ of the City shall be paid at the first step of the salary range established for their classification. Salary step increases, as pro- vided herein, are not automatic, but based on performance and merit. Em- ployees shal I be placed on the step and qualify for increase in compensation for advancement to the next higher step of the pay ranges in the manner fol- lowing: 1. Employees may qualify for advancement to the second step, after completion of six months service, upon the recom- mendation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. 2. Employees may qualify for advancement to the third step, after the completion of one year of service in step two, upon recommendation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. 3. Employees may qualify for advancement to the fourth step, after the completion of one year of service at the third step, upon recommendation of the department head and ap- prova I by the City Manager. 4. Employees may qualify for advancement to the fifth step, after completion of one year of service in step four, upon recommendation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. 5. a. Employees may qualify for advancement of one salary range above their position classified range upon reo ceipt of an Associated Arts Degree in a field relative to their job classification, from an accredited Junior College or College, or upon earning a special license or certificate, deemed to be equivalent to an AA degree in value to the City and an enhancement to the productivity ---- -..- ---~ -. :- ~ (Cont'd) 5. a. of an employee in his/her job, upon recommendation of the department head and approval by the City Manger. b. Employees may qualify for advancement of two salary ranges above their position classified range, upon receipt of a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts De- gree in a field relative to their job classification, from an accredited College, upon recommendation of the department head and approval by the City Manager. c. Exceptions: Where job classifications or requirements include an Associated Arts or Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Degree, Section 5a. and Section 5b. above will not apply. 6. A performance report on each employee recommended for advance- ment shall be submitted to the City Manager prior to final action on such recommendation. All Part-time employees shall be paid without benefit of a salary range or position classification and at rates as specified in this resolution. The City Manager shall be paid without benefit of a salary range or position classification and at rates as specified in this resolution. MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES 1983/84 1984/85 Sa 1 ary Range Salary Range Public Works Director/City Engineer 52 52 Pol ice Chief 50 50 Fire Chief 45 45 Planning Director 44 44 Finance Director 42 42 Parks & Recreation Director 42 42 Secretary to City Manager 24 24 Department Secretary (Fire/Administrative) 19 19 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 1983/84 1984/85 Hour 1 y Rate Houriy Rat,e Deputy City Clerk $6.35 $6.67 Printer $6.00 $6.30 Recreation Leader $4.25 $4.46 Clerical Aide $4.16 $4.37 Parks Maintenance Person $3.78 $3.96 Pre-School Teacher (0-2 yrs svc.) $5.82 $6.11 Pre-School Teacher (2-3 yrs svc.) $6.14 $6.44 Pre-School Teacher (3+ yrs svc.) $6.45 $6.77 CITY MANAGER 1983/84 1984/85 Annua 1 Rate Annua I Rate City Manager $46,800 $49,140 FIRE VOLUNTEER (Non-Employee) 1984/85 1983/84 Monthly Rate Monthly Rate Fire Volunteer $100 $105 -~-~- ,- . On motion of Council Member Mi 11 is , seconded by Counc i 1 Member Vandeveer , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Vandeveer, Hogan and Millis and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gallagher the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of July, 1983. i3'fkN~ MAYOR ATTEST: