CC 2019-12-10_08d Compensation Adjustments for PT Employees MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LISA CHRISTENSEN, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS FOR PART- TIME EMPLOYEES AND APPROVAL OF THE UPDATED CITYWIDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: An increase in the hourly pay rate for certain part-time positions in order to remain compliant with the new minimum wage in California. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The recommended pay rate adjustments are projected to cost an additional $13,846 for the balance of the current fiscal year. This increase was included in the 2019-20 budget, and will be offset by increased user fees for Recreation Programs. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution making compensation adjustments for part-time employees in compliance with minimum wage laws and approving the updated citywide combined salary schedule. BACKGROUND: In April 2016, the Governor signed Senate Bill 3, which, among other things, raises the minimum wage in California to $15 per hour over a number of years. The next scheduled increase will take effect January 1, 2020 and will increase the minimum wage from $12.00 per hour to $13.00 per hour for any employer who employs 26 or more employees. On December 28, 2018, part-time salaries were increased for the four minimum wage classifications: Facility Attendant, Sports Facility Attendant, AM/PM Assistant I and Student Intern (seasonal). In March 2019, as part of the midyear budget, part-time salaries, except the four minimum wage classifications, were increased to adjust for the salary differentials for positions that are part of a series of advancements or by a 2% cost of living adjustment (COLA). Currently, there are some part-time positions paying less than $13.00 per hour. Therefore, in preparation for implementation of the January 2020 minimum wage increase, staff has reviewed the current salary schedule for part-time employees. Item 8.d. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES AND APPROVAL OF THE UPDATED COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE DECEMBER 10, 2019 PAGE 2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Implementing salary schedules on the first day of a payroll period is recommended, as this provides for the most efficient implementation. In this case, the payroll period begins on December 27, 2019. It is recommended that the City increase certain part-time wages that will not be in compliance on this date, rather than January 1, which is anticipated to have minimal fiscal impact due to holiday schedules. The largest impact of the increase in the minimum wage is to the Recreation Services positions, as many of these positions are paid at or near minimum wage. The proposed salary schedule increases the minimum pay for the AM/PM Assistant I, Facility Attendant, Sports Facility Attendant and seasonal Student Intern positions and maintains the established 10% differential for six positions that are part of a series of advancements or higher level jobs. For example, the AM/PM Assistant I position increased to $13.00 and the AM/PM Assistant II position increased to $14.30 to maintain the 10% differential. Pursuant to CalPERS Circular 200-050-12, a publically available citywide pay schedule must be adopted by the governing body. Therefore, staff has prepared an updated Citywide Combined Salary Schedule to include the part-time wage increase recommended above (Exhibit B of attached Resolution). ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: 1. Adopt the Resolution amending compensation for certain part-time positions and approving the updated Citywide Combined Salary Schedule; or 2. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The City will have a part-time salary schedule that is compliant with minimum wage laws and updated Combined Salary Schedule. DISADVANTAGES: Additional costs will be incurred to implement this recommendation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Item 8.d. - Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES AND APPROVAL OF THE UPDATED CITYWIDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande (“City”) deems it in the best interest of the City and in order to ensure compliance with State law, that compensation for part-time employees be adjusted as hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that: 1. Salary ranges for part-time employee classifications shall be adjusted as designated in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, to be effective for the pay period beginning December 27, 2019. 2. All other part-time employee salary and benefit terms and conditions remain in full force and effect. 3. The Citywide Combined Salary Schedule as designated in Exhibit “B” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, to be effective December 27, 2019, reflecting the above described changes is hereby adopted. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of December, 2019. Item 8.d. - Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 CAREN RAY RUSSOM, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JAMES A. BERGMAN, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Item 8.d. - Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 EXHIBIT A Item 8.d. - Page 5 CITY O F ARROYO GRAN D E PART T IME SALARY SC H EDU LE EFF ECT IVE 1 2/27/19 H OURLY RAT E POLICE DE PA RTMENT Step A Step B Step C StepO Administrativ e Intern (Cadet) $14 .13 $14 .84 $15.57 $16.36 Records C lerk $19 .52 $20.50 $2 1.52 $22.60 Fleet & Equipm ent T ech nician $23.58 $24.76 $26.00 $27.30 Neighborhood Servi ces Technic ian $2 1.04 $22.09 $23.20 $24.36 T raining Technic ian $23.58 $24.76 $26.00 $27.30 Police Reserve Offi cer Tra inee $22.50 $23.63 $24.8 1 $26.05 Police Reserve Offi cer $25.84 $27.13 $28.49 $29.9 1 Desig nat ed Level I Reserve Officer $32.30 $33.92 $35.6 1 $37.39 RECREATI ON S E RV ICES DEPARTMENT AM/PM Assist a nt I $13.00 $13.65 $14 .33 $15 .05 AM/PM Assist ant II $14 .30 $15 .02 $15 .78 $16.56 AM/PM Assist a nt T eacher $15 .73 $16 .52 $17.34 $18 .22 AM/PM T eacher $17 .30 $18 .17 $19 .07 $20.03 Pre School T each er $17 .30 $18 .17 $19 .07 $20.03 Facili ty Attendant $13 .00 $13.65 $14 .33 $15 .05 Sen ior Facility Attendant $14 .30 $15 .02 $15 .78 $16.56 Sports Facili ty Attendant $13 .00 $13 .65 $14 .33 $15 .05 V olunteer and Program Coordinator $23.79 $24.98 $26.23 $27.54 MISCELLAN EOU S Administrativ e Intern $14 .13 $14 .84 $15.57 $16 .36 O f fice Assistant I $15 .86 $16 .65 $17.49 $18 .36 O f fice Assistant II $18 .54 $19 .47 $20.44 $21.47 Sr. Office Assista nt $19 .52 $20.50 $2 1.52 $22.60 Administrativ e Secretary $22.30 $23.4 1 $24.58 $25.8 1 Building P ermtt Technician $23.93 $25.13 $26.38 $27.70 Assi st a nt Eng ineer $29.2 1 $30.67 $32.2 1 $33.82 Associat e Engineer $32.13 $33.74 $35.42 $37.19 Pla nn ing Technic ian $23.93 $25.13 $26.38 $27.70 Assi st ant Plan ne r $27.85 $29.24 $30.70 $32.24 Associat e P lanner $30.13 $3 1.64 $33.22 $34.88 Cust odian $16 .18 $16 .99 $17 .84 $18 .73 Maintenance Worker $16 .18 $16 .99 $17 .84 $18 .73 Student Intern (seasona l) $13.00 GROUP: SEIU Position ABC D E Office Assistant I Biweekly 1,426.85 1,498.19 1,573.10 1,651.76 1,734.35 Monthly 3,091.51 3,246.09 3,408.39 3,578.81 3,757.75 Annual 37,098.14 38,953.04 40,900.70 42,945.73 45,093.02 Accounting Clerk I Biweekly 1,462.52 1,535.65 1,612.43 1,693.05 1,777.71 Monthly 3,168.80 3,327.24 3,493.60 3,668.28 3,851.70 Annual 38,025.59 39,926.87 41,923.21 44,019.37 46,220.34 Maintenance Worker I Biweekly 1,536.56 1,613.39 1,694.06 1,778.76 1,867.70 Monthly 3,329.22 3,495.68 3,670.46 3,853.99 4,046.69 Annual 39,950.64 41,948.17 44,045.58 46,247.86 48,560.25 Office Assistant II Biweekly 1,574.98 1,653.73 1,736.41 1,823.23 1,914.39 Monthly 3,412.45 3,583.07 3,762.23 3,950.34 4,147.85 Annual 40,949.40 42,996.87 45,146.72 47,404.05 49,774.25 Accounting Clerk II Biweekly 1,696.08 1,780.88 1,869.93 1,963.42 2,061.59 Maintenance Worker II Monthly 3,674.84 3,858.58 4,051.51 4,254.08 4,466.79 Annual 44,098.03 46,302.93 48,618.08 51,048.98 53,601.43 Administrative Secretary Biweekly 1,872.15 1,965.76 2,064.05 2,167.25 2,275.61 Monthly 4,056.33 4,259.15 4,472.10 4,695.71 4,930.50 Annual 48,675.97 51,109.77 53,665.26 56,348.52 59,165.95 Senior Accounting Clerk Biweekly 1,918.96 2,014.90 2,115.65 2,221.43 2,332.50 Building Permit Tech.Monthly 4,157.74 4,365.63 4,583.91 4,813.10 5,053.76 Plan/Engineer Permit Tech Annual 49,892.87 52,387.51 55,006.89 57,757.23 60,645.10 Sports Facility Coord. Recreation Coordinator Maintenance Worker III Water Services Worker Biweekly 2,016.10 2,116.91 2,222.75 2,333.89 2,450.59 Monthly 4,368.22 4,586.64 4,815.97 5,056.77 5,309.60 Annual 52,418.70 55,039.63 57,791.61 60,681.19 63,715.25 Fleet Maint. Coordinator Biweekly 2,118.17 2,224.08 2,335.28 2,452.05 2,574.65 Monthly 4,589.37 4,818.83 5,059.78 5,312.76 5,578.40 Annual 55,072.39 57,826.01 60,717.31 63,753.18 66,940.84 Public Works Lead Worker Biweekly 2,171.12 2,279.68 2,393.66 2,513.35 2,639.01 Parks Lead Worker Monthly 4,704.10 4,939.31 5,186.27 5,445.58 5,717.86 Annual 56,449.20 59,271.66 62,235.25 65,347.01 68,614.36 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 12/27/19 EXHIBIT B Item 8.d. - Page 6 GIS Technician Biweekly 2,338.06 2,454.97 2,577.71 2,706.60 2,841.93 Monthly 5,065.80 5,319.09 5,585.05 5,864.30 6,157.51 Annual 60,789.62 63,829.10 67,020.55 70,371.58 73,890.16 Recreation Supervisor Biweekly 2,396.51 2,516.34 2,642.16 2,774.26 2,912.98 Monthly 5,192.45 5,452.07 5,724.67 6,010.91 6,311.45 Annual 62,309.36 65,424.83 68,696.07 72,130.87 75,737.41 Citywide Fleet Coordinator Biweekly 2,456.43 2,579.25 2,708.21 2,843.62 2,985.80 Monthly 5,322.26 5,588.37 5,867.79 6,161.18 6,469.24 Annual 63,867.09 67,060.45 70,413.47 73,934.14 77,630.85 IT Specialist Biweekly 2,580.78 2,709.82 2,845.31 2,987.58 3,136.96 Assistant Engineer Monthly 5,591.70 5,871.28 6,164.85 6,473.09 6,796.74 Engineering Inspector Annual 67,100.36 70,455.38 73,978.15 77,677.06 81,560.91 Program Analyst Associate Engineer Biweekly 2,919.92 3,065.92 3,219.21 3,380.17 3,549.18 Monthly 6,326.49 6,642.82 6,974.96 7,323.71 7,689.89 Annual 75,917.90 79,713.80 83,699.49 87,884.46 92,278.69 Senior Engineer Biweekly 3,144.43 3,301.66 3,466.74 3,640.08 3,822.08 Monthly 6,812.94 7,153.59 7,511.27 7,886.83 8,281.17 Annual 81,755.28 85,843.04 90,135.19 94,641.95 99,374.05 Item 8.d. - Page 7 GROUP: POA Position ABC D E Police Officer Biweekly 2,635.55 2,767.33 2,905.69 3,050.98 3,203.53 Monthly 5,710.36     5,995.88  6,295.67    6,610.46      6,940.98     Annual 68,524.32  71,950.54 75,548.07 79,325.47    83,291.74   Sr. Police Officer Biweekly 2,910.32 3,055.84 3,208.63 3,369.06 3,537.51 Monthly 6,305.70     6,620.98  6,952.03    7,299.63      7,664.62     Annual 75,668.38  79,451.79 83,424.38 87,595.60    91,975.38   Police Sergeant Biweekly 3,373.17 3,541.83 3,718.92 3,904.87 4,100.11 Monthly 7,308.54     7,673.97  8,057.66    8,460.55      8,883.58     Annual 87,702.47  92,087.60 96,691.98 101,526.58 106,602.91 Records Clerk Biweekly 1,836.71 1,928.54 2,024.97 2,126.22 2,232.53 Monthly 3,979.53 4,178.51 4,387.43 4,606.80 4,837.14 Annual 47,754.36 50,142.08 52,649.18 55,281.64 58,045.72 Records / Property Evidence Biweekly 2,029.19 2,130.65 2,237.19 2,349.04 2,466.50 Technician Monthly 4,396.58 4,616.41 4,847.23 5,089.60 5,344.08 Annual 52,759.02 55,396.97 58,166.82 61,075.16 64,128.91 Police Trainee Biweekly 2,295.64 2,410.42 2,530.94 2,657.49 2,790.36 Monthly 4,973.88 5,222.58 5,483.70 5,757.89 6,045.78 Annual 59,686.58 62,670.91 65,804.46 69,094.68 72,549.41 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 12/27/19 Item 8.d. - Page 8 GROUP: FCFA IAFF Position A B C D E Fire Fighter Biweekly 2,144 2,251 2,364 2,482 2,606 Monthly 4,645 4,877 5,121 5,377 5,646 Annual 55,740 58,527 61,453 64,526 67,752 Fire Engineer Biweekly 2,486 2,611 2,741 2,878 3,022 Monthly 5,387 5,656 5,939 6,236 6,548 Annual 64,644 67,876 71,270 74,834 78,575 Fire Captain Biweekly 2,955 3,103 3,258 3,421 3,592 Monthly 6,403 6,723 7,059 7,412 7,783 Annual 76,836 80,678 84,712 88,947 93,395 GROUP: FCFA MANAGEMENT Position LOW MID HIGH Administrative Assistant/Biweekly 2,302 2,550 2,798 Clerk to the Board Monthly 4,988 5,526 6,063 Annual 59,860 66,309 72,758 Battalion Chief Biweekly 4,543 5,033 5,523 Monthly 9,843 10,904 11,966 Annual 118,112 130,851 143,590 Fire Chief Biweekly 5,270 5,839 6,408 Monthly 11,418 12,651 13,884 Annual 137,020 151,813 166,607 COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 12/27/19 FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 12/27/19 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Item 8.d. - Page 9 GROUP: MANAGEMENT Position LOW MID HIGH Office Assistant I Biweekly 1,456.62 1,613.77 1,770.92 Monthly 3,156.00 3,496.50 3,837.00 Annual 37,872.00 41,958.00 46,044.00 Office Assistant II Biweekly 1,607.08 1,781.31 1,955.54 Monthly 3,482.00 3,859.50 4,237.00 Annual 41,784.00 46,314.00 50,844.00 Administrative Secretary Biweekly 1,864.62 2,065.38 2,266.15 Monthly 4,040.00 4,475.00 4,910.00 Annual 48,480.00 53,700.00 58,920.00 Executive Secretary Biweekly 2,109.23 2,337.23 2,565.23 Monthly 4,570.00 5,064.00 5,558.00 Annual 54,840.00 60,768.00 66,696.00 Executive Asst./Deputy City Biweekly 2,161.85 2,395.62 2,629.38 Clerk Monthly 4,684.00 5,190.50 5,697.00 Annual 56,208.00 62,286.00 68,364.00 Assistant Planner Biweekly 2,328.46 2,580.00 2,831.54 Monthly 5,045.00 5,590.00 6,135.00 Annual 60,540.00 67,080.00 73,620.00 Associate Planner Biweekly 2,569.85 2,847.69 3,125.54 Monthly 5,568.00 6,170.00 6,772.00 Annual 66,816.00 74,040.00 81,264.00 Planning Manager Biweekly 3,054.92 3,384.92 3,714.92 Accounting Manager Monthly 6,619.00 7,334.00 8,049.00 Annual 79,428.00 88,008.00 96,588.00 Public Works Manager Biweekly 3,290.77 3,645.69 4,000.62 Utilities Manager Monthly 7,130.00 7,899.00 8,668.00 Annual 85,560.00 94,788.00 104,016.00 Information Technology Mgr Biweekly 3,371.54 3,735.46 4,099.38 Monthly 7,305.00 8,093.50 8,882.00 Annual 87,660.00 97,122.00 106,584.00 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 12/27/19 Item 8.d. - Page 10 Position LOW MID HIGH Capital Improvement Projects Biweekly 3,456.46 3,829.38 4,202.31 Manager Monthly 7,489.00 8,297.00 9,105.00 Annual 89,868.00 99,564.00 109,260.00 Human Resources Manager Biweekly 3,543.23 3,925.38 4,307.54 Dir of Legis and Info Services Monthly 7,677.00 8,505.00 9,333.00 Dir of Recreation Services Annual 92,124.00 102,060.00 111,996.00 Building Official Biweekly 3,631.38 4,023.69 4,416.00 Monthly 7,868.00 8,718.00 9,568.00 Annual 94,416.00 104,616.00 114,816.00 Police Commander Biweekly 4,129.85 4,575.46 5,021.08 Monthly 8,948.00 9,913.50 10,879.00 Annual 107,376.00 118,962.00 130,548.00 City Engineer Biweekly 4,423.85 4,902.23 5,380.62 Monthly 9,585.00 10,621.50 11,658.00 Annual 115,020.00 127,458.00 139,896.00 Director of Public Works Biweekly 4,883.08 5,410.38 5,937.69 Dir of Administrative Services Monthly 10,580.00 11,722.50 12,865.00 Dir of Community Develop Annual 126,960.00 140,670.00 154,380.00 Police Chief Biweekly 5,284.62 5,855.54 6,426.46 Monthly 11,450.00 12,687.00 13,924.00 Annual 137,400.00 152,244.00 167,088.00 City Manager Biweekly 7,305.69 Monthly 15,829.00 Annual 189,948.00 EFFECTIVE 12/27/19 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE Item 8.d. - Page 11 GROUP: PART‐TIME POSITIONS POLICE DEPARTMENT Step A Step B Step C Step D Administrative Intern (Cadet) $14.13 $14.84 $15.57 $16.36 Records Clerk $19.52 $20.50 $21.52 $22.60 Fleet & Equipment Technician $23.58 $24.76 $26.00 $27.30 Neighborhood Services Technician $21.04 $22.09 $23.20 $24.36 Training Technician $23.58 $24.76 $26.00 $27.30 Police Reserve Officer Trainee $22.50 $23.63 $24.81 $26.05 Police Reserve Officer $25.84 $27.13 $28.49 $29.91 Designated Level I Reserve Officer $32.30 $33.92 $35.61 $37.39 RECREATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT AM/PM Assistant I $13.00 $13.65 $14.33 $15.05 AM/PM Assistant II $14.30 $15.02 $15.78 $16.56 AM/PM Assistant Teacher $15.73 $16.52 $17.34 $18.22 AM/PM Teacher $17.30 $18.17 $19.07 $20.03 Pre School Teacher $17.30 $18.17 $19.07 $20.03 Facility Attendant $13.00 $13.65 $14.33 $15.05 Senior Facility Attendant $14.30 $15.02 $15.78 $16.56 Sports Facility Attendant $13.00 $13.65 $14.33 $15.05 Volunteer and Program Coordinator $23.79 $24.98 $26.23 $27.54 MISCELLANEOUS Administrative Intern $14.13 $14.84 $15.57 $16.36 Office Assistant I $15.86 $16.65 $17.49 $18.36 Office Assistant II $18.54 $19.47 $20.44 $21.47 Sr. Office Assistant $19.52 $20.50 $21.52 $22.60 Administrative Secretary $22.30 $23.41 $24.58 $25.81 Building Permit Technician $23.93 $25.13 $26.38 $27.70 Assistant Engineer $29.21 $30.67 $32.21 $33.82 Associate Engineer $32.13 $33.74 $35.42 $37.19 Planning Technician $23.93 $25.13 $26.38 $27.70 Assistant Planner $27.85 $29.24 $30.70 $32.24 Associate Planner $30.13 $31.64 $33.22 $34.88 Custodian $16.18 $16.99 $17.84 $18.73 Maintenance Worker $16.18 $16.99 $17.84 $18.73 Student Intern (seasonal)$13.00 FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY Office Assistant II $17.64 $18.52 $19.44 $20.42 Reserve Firefighter $14.50 $15.50 $16.50 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMBINED SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 12/27/19 HOURLY RATE Item 8.d. - 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