R 1693 ~- .~-- -.--- .~--- . -,". .~, -, - ..- 108 - RESOLUTION NO. 1693 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMENTING UPON THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT, OCS SALE NO. 73, PREPARED BY THE MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE, PACIFIC OCS REGION WHEREAS, the Department of Interior has re1eased a Draft Environmenta1 Impact Statement for Lease Sale No. 73, (DEIS) and has invited comment, and; WHEREAS, such comment sha11 be heard in Santa Maria, Ca1ifornia, on April 13,1983. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Counci1 of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby pubtfcatty comment and prepare this res01utlon for presentation at said public hearing at Santa Maria on Apri1 13, 1983: 1 . The DE IS faits to anatyze specific impacts such as the affect upon the Pismo Beach. 2. The DEIS fails to consider deteting nearshore tracts at San Luis Obispo Bay, Pismo Beach or the Santa Maria River. 3. The DE IS fails to estimate the direct and indirect popu1ation increase to San Luis Obispo and Northern Santa Barbara counties during the exptoration and development phases. 4. The DEIS faits to determine the abltity of these communities to accommodate, house and service the population increase. S. The DEIS does not address the consequences to the residents and business community of Arroyo Grande in the event acceptabte air quatity standards are exceeded as a result of offshore oit drilling. On motion of Councit Member Mitlis, seconded by Counci1 Member Vandeveer, and on the fo 11 owl ng roll ca 11 vote, to wi t: AYES: Council Members Vandeveer, Mi11is, and Gal1agher NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Hogan, Mayor Smith the foregoing Resotution was passed and adopted this 12th day of April, 1983. 7//~~! ATTEST:f!t~/PL DEPUTY I CLERK