R 1686 - , .. '\ ( l~O -- RESOLUTION NO. 1686 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE IN SUPPORT OF RELICENSING OF HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS TO THE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY WHEREAS, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company has over the past 100 years developed a safe, reliable, and economic system of hydroelectric generating facilities for the benefit of Its customers living throughout Centra~and Northern California; and WHEREAS, P.G. & E.'s 3.4 million customers represent an area population of over 9 million people who now enjoy the benefits of this power P.G. & E. generates without the ust of fossil fuels; and WHEREAS, certain of these hydroelectric facilities, consisting of projects licensed by the Federal Power COOI\1isslon, now known as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) are subject to consideration for rellcense by FERC; and WHEREAS, efforts are being made by certain municipal entities to secure for themselves sl~ P.G. & E. powerhouses on the Kings River, the Mokelumne and Feather Rivers through applications to FERC; efforts which, If successful, would transfer ownership and operation of these hydroelectric facilities away from P.G. & E. and divert the low cost power away from P.G. & E.'s customers and into their hands; and WHEREAS, it would be directly contrary to the best Interests of the citizens of Arroyo Grande and to the best interests of the millions of P.G. & E. customers throughout Northern and Central CalIfornia whose rates have supported P.G. & E.'s ownership and operation of these facilities, if the Rock Creek and Cresta plants on the Feather River (Project No. 1962) and the Mokelumne River Project (Project No. 137), the Phoenix (Project No. 106J) and the Haas-Kings River Project (Project No. 1988) were cut out of the hydroelectric generating system P.G. & E. uses to serve them; and WHEREAS, If these projects were to'be transferred to the municipalities seeking them, P.G. & E.'s customers will be forced to pay, every year, Increased costs for electricity from oil or gas fired generating facilities in amounts up to $100,000; and WHEREAS, the continued ownership, operation and improvement of its hydroelectric generating facilities by P.G. & E. is essential to the social and economic well being of the people of Northern and Central California; and WHEREAS, retention of these projects by P.G. & E. Is the only course providing for the fullest improvement and utilization of these resources in the public Interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby urges and requests that the Federal Energy Regulator Commission promptly grant Pacific Gas and Electric Company's rellcenslng applications and to reject the applications of the municipalities and associations seeking to take these projects away from P.G. & E. and Its customers. -----, .- _.---------. . - ~ ~ ~. < 181 - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be provided to: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission U.S. Senators (Appropriate U.S. Congressmen) (Appropriate State Senators) (Appropriate State Assemblymen) California Public Utility Commission Pad f i c Gas and E 1 ec trl c Company On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Counci1 Member Ga11agher. and on the fol10wing r011 ca11 vote. to wit: AYES: Counci1 Members Vandeveer, Ga11agher, Millis. Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councl1 Member Hogan the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 8th day of February, 1983. -f3'~~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~ -',