PC 2020-03-03 Administrative Decisions ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 3, 2020 (Decisions by the Community Development Director) ITEM NO. 1: PLOT PLAN REVIEW 20-001; MODIFICATIONS TO EQUIPMENT AT AN EXISTING TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY; LOCATION – 300 RESERVOIR ROAD (CITY RESERVOIR NO. 1); APPLICANT -AT&T MOBILITY; REPRESENTATIVE – SHANE WOODRUFF, TSJ CONSULTING After making the findings specified in Section 16.16.080 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project for alterations within the existing lease space at an existing wireless communications facility. ITEM NO. 2: PLOT PLAN REVIEW 20-002; ESTABLISHMENT OF A HOMESTAY IN THE RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN DISTRICT; LOCATION – 145 TALLY HO ROAD; APPLICANT – RON FREEMAN After making the findings specified in Section 16.16.080 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director approved the above referenced project to permit a one- room homestay in an existing single family residence.