CC 2020-05-26_07 Supplemental No 1_R Kendra Reynolds From: Toni Toni <considerlilies07@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 4:10 PM To: public comment Subject: board meeting 5/26 item 8g I commend the lock step response of the local, state and federal government in dealing with the covid-19 potential emergency. But as the data shows this isnt an emergency. Covid-19 has a death rate around .1 to.2% please see https://link.edgepilot.com/s/5cbbd857/o t8HM9y3EiGc51H2Ijwfg?u=https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcar e/494034-the-data-are-in-stop-the-panic-and-end-the-total-isolation THIS ISNT A 50% DEATH RATE LIKE EBOLA. That would be an emergency. All governmental emergency powers need to be rescinded ASAP. Thanks for your service. Vonie Grimm Get Outlook for Android Links contained in this email have been replaced. If you click on a link in the email above, the link will be analyzed for known threats. If a known threat is found, you will not be able to proceed to the destination. If suspicious content is detected, you will see a warning. 1 p,RRO Y0 0, C INCORPORATE V D JULY 10, 1911 *. C4�lF0RIO MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JESSICA MATSON, DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 7 — MAY 26, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MEETING COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS DATE: MAY 26, 2020 Attached is correspondence received. CC' City Attorney City Clerk City Website (or public review binder) From:Judi Kodaj ] Sent: Tuesday,May 26,2020 9:41 AM To: Jimmy Paulding Subject:No fireworks I sent the mayor an email to share with you pertaining to why to declare AG a no fireworks city.Please discuss at today's meeting. Thank you Sent from my iPad From:Judi Kodaj ] Sent: Tuesday,May 26,2020 9:37 AM To: Caren Ray Russom Subject:Fireworks Forward this email to all the city council members please. Please declare Arroyo Grande a no fireworks zone. This would be the perfect year for this change. I do realize it probably is more of an issue with illegal fireworks along with Safe&Sane. For years,too many people set off fireworks weeks before and after the July 4th.These fireworks are so traumatic to dogs,many veterans and cause sleep deprivation for the employed.Would you want your hospital surgery team to work on you with sleep deprivation?Every year,I can clearly hear them"whooshing"by my house. It is too close for comfort. The risk of fire increases from stray fireworks.Lastly,all fireworks are made in China. Why support the extremely corrupt,dangerous and horrific human rights offending government of China. I do sincerely believe that by declaring AG a no fireworks city would greatly decrease illegal fireworks and help our pets,veterans and decrease the risk of fire and injuries. Please discuss this at today's city council meeting. I know many good law abiding citizens feel the same way as I do about fireworks. Let me know you received and read this email. Thank you, Judi