CC 2020-06-23_06b Presentation Re Police Policy Procedures Training Program_PP Presentation_2
Arroyo Grande
Police Department
Departmental policy
Employee requirement:
Yearly review (High liability areas)
Daily review of all policies
Required revision acknowledgement
Policy is online
8 Points of Change (8 Cant Wait)
Require De-Escalation.
Establish Use of Force Continuum.
Duty to Intervene.
Ban shooting at moving vehicles.
Ban Chokeholds and Strangleholds.
Exhaust all Alternatives Before Shooting.
Require Warning Before Shooting.
Require All Use of Force are Reported.
8 Points of Change
Require De-Escalation:
Require officers to de-escalate situations, where possible, by communicating with subjects, maintaining distance, and otherwise eliminating the need to use force.
The Arroyo Grande Police Department supports the concept of de-escalation. Penal code 835a, as amended by Assembly Bill 392, requires officers to continually evaluate factors that may
require either escalation or de-escalation in order to protect themselves or others.
Use of Force Continuum
8 Points of Change
Establish Use of Force Continuum:
Establish a force continuum that restricts the most severe types of force to the most extreme situations and creates clear policy restrictions on the use of each police weapon and tactic.
Officers are trained in a variety of techniques and are issued a variety of equipment in order to apply reasonable use of force. Officers are expected to comply to the use of force
guidelines to make such decisions in a professional, impartial, and reasonable manner.
Duty to Intervene
8 Points of Change
Duty to Intervene:
Require officers to intervene and stop excessive force used by other officers and report these incidents immediately to a supervisor.
Lexipol 300.2.1
Officers who observe another officer using unreasonable force shall, when in position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force and should promptly notify supervisor.
Ban Shooting at Moving Vehicles
8 Points of Change
Ban Shooting at Moving Vehicles:
Ban officers from shooting at moving vehicles in all cases, which is regarded as a particularly dangerous and ineffective tactic. While some departments may restrict shooting at vehicles
to particular situations, these loopholes allow for police to continue killing in situations that are all too common. 62 people were killed by police last year in these situations.
This must be categorically banned.
Lexipol 300.4.1
Shooting at moving vehicles are rarely effective and officers shall make every effort to get out of the path of the approaching vehicle instead of discharging their firearm. There are
instances where shooting at a moving vehicle may be justified such as the vehicle being used as a weapon against a citizen or the officer or the occupants themselves are shooting from
the moving vehicle.
Ban Chokeholds and strangleholds
8 Points of Change
Ban Chokeholds and Strangleholds:
Allowing officers to choke or strangle civilians results in the unnecessary death or serious injury of civilians. Both chokeholds and all other neck restraints must be banned in all
Existing policy does not allow nor are officers trained in the use of a, “chokehold.” Department policy does allow for a “carotid restraint control hold” however, the use of this technique
has been suspended until further review.
Exhaust all alternatives before shooting
8 Points of Change
Exhaust All Alternatives Before Shooting:
Require officers to exhaust all other alternatives, including non-force and less lethal force options, prior to resorting to deadly force.
Lexipol 300.3
Officers shall use only that amount of force that reasonably appears necessary given the facts and totality of the circumstances known to or perceived by the officer at the time of the
event (Ca. Penal Code 835a).
Require Warning Before Shooting
8 Points of Change
Require Warning Before Shooting:
Require officers to give a verbal warning in all situations before using deadly force.
Lexipol 300.4(b)
In the event of lethal force, “where feasible, the officer shall, prior to the use of force, make reasonable efforts to identify themselves and warn that deadly force may be used.”
Require All Uses of Force are reported
8 Points of Change
Require All Uses of Force are Reported:
Require officers to report each time they use force or threaten to use force against civilians. Comprehensive reporting includes requiring officers to report whenever they point a firearm
at someone, in addition to all other types of force.
Lexipol 300.5
Policy 300.5 requires any use of force shall be reported to the direct supervisor and shall be document ed promptly, completely, and accurately.
Thank You
Shawn Cosgrove
Arroyo Grande
Police Department
Ensuring Quality of Life
Police training overview
State of California
Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)
2002 - POST established mandated training for all police officers.
Arrest and Control – Biennial
Emergency Vehicle Operations – Biennial
Force Option Simulator – Biennial
Communications - Biennial
updated training standard
2010 – Arroyo Grande Police Department performed a complete overhaul of our training program.
Ensuring Quality of Life
Identify areas of high liability
Provide continuous and consistent training in Perishable Skill areas
Develop in-house instructors
Identify the needs of the community
Create an annual training calendar
Meet POST training mandates
Stay current with national, state and local laws
Develop subject matter experts
Set a training standard that required all sworn employees participate in
Training matrix
Ensuring Quality of Life
Training Calendar
Delivery Method
Training Topic
Who Attends
annual training
The Arroyo Grande Police Department developed training in 8 high-liability areas of concern.
Ensuring Quality of Life
Firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Arrest and Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Force Option Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Emergency Vehicle Operation (EVOC) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) . . . . . . . . . . .
Legal Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Crisis Intervention and Mental Health . . . . . . . . . . . . .
POST Requirement AGPD
4 hours Biennial 22 hours Annual
4 hours Biennial 8 hours Annual
4 hours Biennial 4 hours Annual
4 hours Biennial 4 hours Annual
2 hours Biennial 8 hours Annual
8 hours Biennial 8 hours Annual
No Requirement 2 hours Annual
FTO’s Only 8 hours Annual
Department instructors
Ensuring Quality of Life
Arrest and Control
Mobile Field Force
Active Shooter
Less Lethal
Active Shooter
Force Option Simulator
Community based training
Arroyo Grande Police Department introduced a framework for annual community based policing training.
Ensuring Quality of Life
Crisis Intervention (CIT)
Mental Health Regulation and Process
Cultural Diversity
Responding to Non-Criminal Barricade
Implicit Bias
Statistical review
Ensuring Quality of Life
Thank You
Michael T. Martinez