CC 2020-07-14_08h Approval of Installation of Irrigation Wells_Fair Oaks Ave MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL ROBESON, ACTING CITY MANAGER / PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BY: PATRICK HOLUB, ASSISTANT PLANNER SHANE TAYLOR, UTILITES MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INSTALLATION OF TWO (2) IRRIGATION WELLS ON PROPERTY ZONED AGRICULTURE; LOCATION – 500 FAIR OAKS AVENUE; APPLICANT – LEROY SARUWATARI DATE: JULY 14, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of the request would allow the property owner to apply for two (2) new irrigation wells through County Environmental Health. IMPACT TO FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is no direct funding impact anticipated as a result of this request. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution approving the request by Leroy Saruwatari to drill and install two (2) new wells for irrigation water on an existing agricultural parcel at 500 Fair Oaks Avenue. BACKGROUND: The City has received a request from Mr. Leroy Saruwatari, owner of the agricultural parcel located at 500 Fair Oaks Avenue, to drill and install two (2) new irrigation wells in order to provide water for agricultural crops. Four (4) wells currently exist on the property. The existing wells are too shallow (<100’) and are not currently providing enough supply. Item 8.h. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INSTALLATION OF TWO (2) IRRIGATION WELLS ON PROPERTY ZONED AGRICULTURE; LOCATION – 500 FAIR OAKS AVENUE; APPLICANT – LEROY SARUWATARI JULY 14, 2020 PAGE 2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapter 13.08 requires Council approval for new or replacement wells or abandonment of existing wells. Approval to drill a well may be granted if the Council determines: 1) the well will neither deplete nor contaminate the City water supply; and 2) service from the City’s water system is neither practical nor feasible. Depletion or Contamination The new wells will provide irrigation water to the existing approximately thirty-two (32) acre agricultural field along the north side of Fair Oaks Avenue. The existing wells are not producing a sufficient volume of water to irrigate the land adequately. The project is conditioned to install a meter on the new wells to track usage. The property is within the adjudicated Santa Maria Groundwater Basin and the property owner retains overlying water rights. As conditioned, the wells will not deplete nor contaminate the City’s water supply. Practicality of Supply from the City’s Water System The agricultural fields that include the subject parcel also utilize several other irrigation wells along Fair Oaks Avenue and Valley Road. By policy, the City does not supply Item 8.h. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INSTALLATION OF TWO (2) IRRIGATION WELLS ON PROPERTY ZONED AGRICULTURE; LOCATION – 500 FAIR OAKS AVENUE; APPLICANT – LEROY SARUWATARI JULY 14, 2020 PAGE 3 agricultural properties with potable water, therefore, this property requires the use of a well in order to be viable as a productive agricultural operation. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Adopt the attached Resolution approving the installation of two (2) new irrigation wells; 2. Do not adopt the attached Resolution approving the installation of two (2) new irrigation wells; 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The wells will provide water supply to an agricultural property for irrigation needs. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified to drill the requested wells and it is not anticipated to create additional impact to the portion of the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), it has been determined that this project is Categorically Exempt per Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines regarding new construction or conversion of small structures. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachments: 1. Well Permit Application Item 8.h. - Page 3 ATTACHMENT 1 Item 8.h. - Page 4 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO HEAL TH AGENCY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION 2156 Sierra Way STE. B, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 PO Box 1489, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Phone: (805) 781-5544 Fax: (805) 781-4211 Email: ehs@co.slo.ca.us onstruction D Repair/Modification □ Replacement OfFICEUSE PermitNo, __ ~-----~- Submlttaf Corri:~letE _D Date ___ _, ____ _,~--- WP No. _____ ~----- Invoice No.~----'---~--- Scanned WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION. REPAIR, OR MODIFICATION OF WATER WELIS ---'-L-~-"""'---'----""""--'-J.L...-'-=1-"'-'>""-----City or Area .4::((oy O Assessor's Parcel Number OD(o -.JL// -0 r7/ Site served by a water company, agency or district? @-Nu D Yes . I II · O ,., _5-II Mailing Address qJ acyoo City . Zip Cf-_] i/ :J-o Telephone Number 0oS-lf J. & 'f Email_..LJ.'ff=-'-"'.L.J"'--=-.,..::.=~'-'="-'--'----- Drilling Contractor Name /h :l),J lo~ Drilling Company Name fa 4 lo,,,..---h<t {( /11!}; 7 li--rit ex --< Telephone Number -=§~ru~-7~/~L/_'-/~;;l-'-// l~ MailingAddress f() J3r,'i, f)/JJO O,cde {A-'/:Sf./S-.:/-- Fax -----"-'==----------'Email Address ry/o/ry <;) cic,/. [&"c'-,, I hereby agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the County of San Luis Obispo and the State of California pertaining to well construction, destruction, repair or modification. Within sixty days after completion of the well, I will furnish Environmental Health Services with a well completion f!WOrt and water quality test results. This application becomes a valid permit following sign off by Environmental Health Services. ?:' SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED Contractor Signature JL--'~--==:'-#'----Printed Name tt f (Y"' Date !opt/,:)-{) FOROFFICE USE ONLY RECEIVEOBY __ ~----------·DATE~---------'---~-·FEEPAID$._· ------~CK/CCJl~-~~---- WELLSITEAPPROVED: YES □ NO □ BY ___ ~---------'-~-------~--DATE• ____________ _ WEll SITE APPROVAl'<iPS CQO.RDINATES SITE LETTER DATE -~--~----~--PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE.~~--~~---~--------'---'----'---'----+-------'-- SPECIALREQUIREMENTS FOR DRILLINGCQNTRACT9R-+-_-~------+------+---~--------------""-- . FINAllETTER SENT PATE-.. Page 1 of3 Item 8.h. - Page 5 Intended Use: Construction D Repair/Modification D Replacement D Domestic Private ~gation/Agriculture D Commercial D Public/Community Water System D Stock D Industrial Public Water System Name __________________ contact. __________________ _ (If Different From owner) Parcel Size (acres) lf. 7--J---: Is proposed well located within city limits? D No D Yes Name of city ________ _ D Paso Robles GWB O Edna GWB D Cuyama GWB D Los Osos GWB ~a Maria GWB D Coastal Zone O Lake Nacimiento D Sensitive Resource Area Basin Name. ___________ Sub-Basin Name ___________ Target Aquifer/Basin _________ _ Do you anticipate drilling into a water bearing formation that has the potential to degrade a higher quality aquifer? D Yes Enilo If yes, please explain: _________________________________________ _ Is there any known potential to encounter a water bearing forma~ w!)!re levels of water quality constituents such as nitrate, selenium, hydrogen sulfide, boron, organics, etc., are a concern? D Yes uJ-No If yes, please explain: _______________ _ Geologist letter attached: D Yes No (Required for wells over 800' OR equal to or deeper than the sub-area thresholds in the PRGWB) Other attachments: D Construction Plan/Diagram D Land Use Permit D Coastal Zone Permit D Air Rotary D Reverse Rotary D Cable Tool D Other ____________ _ Exploration Hole: Exploration/Borehole Depth J-oo ft. Exploration/ Borehole Diameter _ _,_/_O=-___ in. Conductor casing: Conductor Depth, _____ ft. Diameter ______ in. Material _____ Seal Depth _____ ft. Boring: Boring Depth ;:).DC> ft. Boring Diameter --":}__'-L(+----in. Well Casing:o:Pr9duction Casing Depth :J.oQ ft. Size CLY / Le Thickness/Gauge/ASTM sched. JJ}l J-( D Steel l:!:tP!astic Dstainless D Other _________ _ Diameter _,_/2=:= __ i.n. Gravel Pack/ Gravel AnnularSeal: Depth ,f[) ft. DNeatCement l!'.lsandCement L, sack mix Oather _________ _ Seal Method: ~mped with tremie pipe D Other _______ D Retardant/Accelerator (name) ________ _ WELL PROPOSAL/CONSTRUCTION MODIFICATIONS NOTE: NOT APPROVED UNTIL SIGNED BELOW Date: ______ Description: ____________________________________ _ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"-PROJECT MODIFICATIONS EVALUATION Received by: _.;. ____ _.;._..,_ ___ ~_ ...... _Evaluated by:_· .----'-"-'-_;,---'----""'-_;,~-Date:--'--""'--'--'-' □ Approved □ Denied □ ApprQveclwith Conditions:-----"-'"---'------------'--'-'--"'-'---- COMPLETE AND ATTACH REQUIRED SCALED PLOT PLAN AND ANY REQUIRED LAND USE PERMITS OR GEOLOGIC REPORTS AS APPLICABLE Page 2 of3 Item 8.h. - Page 6 WELL PERMIT PLOT PLAN • SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 2156 SIERRA WAY STE. 8/PO BOX 1489 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93401 PHONE: (805)781-5544, FAX (805)781-4211 EMAIL: EHS@CO.SLO.CA.US SCALE: ¼" = 25' INDICATE BELOW THE EXACT LOCATION OF PROPOSED WELL WITH RESPECT TO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WITHIN A 200 FOOT RADIUS: PROPERTY LINES, EASEMENTS, WATER BODIES OR WATER COURSES, DRAINAGE PATTERN, ROADS, EXISTING WELLS, SEWERS AND PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS, ANIMAL ENCLOSURES AND ANY OTHER CONCENTRATED SOURCES OF POLLUTION. INCLUDE DIMENSIONS. ALL PROPOSED WELL SITES SHALL BE DESIGNATED WITH A FLAGGED SURVEYOR'S STAKE LABELED "WELL SITE." DRILLING SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED. ,,., 'W--f s ' # . , . ,. -u\ ~ , " ~ , ~ ·-~ ·~ ! " ~ ~ - Directions to site: Gate codelsl and survev contact information: