CC 2020-07-14_08i Amendment to Agreement_Circulation Element Update MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: WHITNEY MCDONALD, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ROBIN DICKERSON, CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GHD INC., FOR THE GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT UPDATE (GPA 19-001) DATE: JULY 14, 2020 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of the Fourth Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services with GHD, Inc., to complete the General Plan Circulation Element Update and associated Guidelines, Transportation Impact Fee Update, and required environmental review. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The cost proposal from GHD totals $70,050 for the new scope of work. The FY 2020/21 Budget includes the $70,050 of the total $260,500 for Contractual Services for General Plan updates and studies, which is sufficient to cover this contract amendment. Significant staff hours will be required primarily from Community Development in order to complete this update to the General Plan. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the Fourth Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services with GHD Inc. for preparation of the General Plan Circulation Element Update, interim VMT Guidelines, Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines, Transportation Impact Fee Update, and required environmental review. BACKGROUND: Significant work has been completed over the past several years, as time and resources permitted, that inform the Circulation Element Update, including preparation of base transportation conditions, corridor and operational studies, a transportation model update, and initial draft policies. On February 10, 2015, the City Council awarded a three-year Agreement to Omni Means for On Call Services Civil Engineering specializing in Traffic Engineering. On February 27, 2019, the City Council amended the agreement to extend the agreement for a two- Item 8.i. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GHD INC., FOR THE GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT UPDATE (GPA 19-001) JULY 14, 2020 PAGE 2 year term and to change the name of the company from Omni Means to GHD Inc. On May 14, 2019, the City Council authorized a second amendment to add the Circulation Element Update to GHD’s scope of work at a cost of $90,600. On February 25, 2020, the City Council authorized a third amendment to extend the agreement for one additional year, as it did for other on-call engineering agreements that were being used for active, ongoing projects. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The last comprehensive update to the City’s General Plan occurred in 2001. Since then, several updates have been approved to various elements. The last major circulation plan completed was the Bicycle and Trails Master Plan in 2012. The Circulation Element is not simply a transportation plan, but rather a strategy addressing multiple infrastructure needs for the circulation of people, goods, and utilities. By statute, the Circulation Element must correlate directly with the Land Use Element, but also has direct relationships with other elements. The provisions of a Circulation Element affect a community’s physical, social, and economic environment, as well as its health. Further, recent legislation has driven change in the way local governments approach transportation and the types of solutions available, including: • The Complete Streets Act • Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32)/(SB 32) • The Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act (SB 375) and the completion of Sustainable Communities Strategies • CEQA Streamlining for infill projects (SB 226) • Shift in CEQA transportation metric away from Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) (SB 743) The primary body of work for the Circulation Element Update includes utilizing recent and new peak hour traffic counts along with the regional traffic model to update base conditions and provide traffic forecasts in order to build the long-term capital improvement program. Draft policies and guidelines will be updated in accordance with State law and circulated for public review. Additionally, environmental review will commence and policies will be prepared to address the new significant State requirements of SB 743 for VMT thresholds. SWCA is the local firm subcontracted through GHD to complete the environmental documents for the Circulation Element Update. GHD has made significant progress under the current contract, including completing the following documents and administrative draft documents that are currently in internal review by City staff:  Updated Draft Existing Conditions Background Report, with all new traffic counts;  Policy Audit Matrix, comparing existing CE policies with proposed changes; Item 8.i. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GHD INC., FOR THE GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT UPDATE (GPA 19-001) JULY 14, 2020 PAGE 3  A comparison of traffic volumes before and after closure of at-grade intersections on US 101; and,  Administrative Draft Transportation Impact Study Guidelines. Additional work is in internal development and nearing administrative draft status, including:  Application of available Travel Demand Models for forecasting;  Review of SLOCOG guidance for VMT and estimation of VMT using available Travel Demand Models and LEHD data (Big Data); and,  Development of new capital improvements project list, integrating the LRSP and SSAR. Authorization of the proposed Amendment includes the creation of a new, modern document template for updates of other General Plan elements, the development of an interim VMT policy prior to Circulation Element adoption, and the development of impact study guidelines that will preserve compelling City interests in maintaining efficient circulation amidst the shift to VMT analysis under CEQA. Lastly, the transportation impact fee analysis will be developed with consideration of the fact that CEQA mitigation will no longer result in the construction of capacity improvements on local roadways and intersections. The previous Circulation Element Update schedule included in GHD’s original scope of work was established with the Statewide implementation of SB 743 as the driving force for completion (July 1, 2020). GHD’s new proposal will extend the schedule, at City staff’s recommendation, to allow GHD and the City to adequately consider all of the factors mentioned above, host interactive public workshops, and prepare a defensible CEQA document under required review periods. However, with the July 1, 2020 VMT implementation date, GHD’s proposal includes development of an interim SB 743 policy that establishes a VMT baseline for the City and CEQA thresholds of significance. Staff has reviewed the proposed scope of work that includes an approximate 9-week timeframe once work commences. Approval of the amendment will allow GHD, the City’s current on-call traffic consultant, to incorporate all previous applicable studies and complete the Circulation Element Update as well as update the City’s guidelines for the preparation of project related traffic studies. Finally, Transportation Impact Fee Analysis preparation will allow the City to proceed with an update to transportation related development impact fees. The prior scope of work was estimated to cost $90,600. The new proposed scope of work would bring the total cost of the Circulation Element Update, the Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines, and the Transportation Impact Fee Analysis to $160,650. The Community Development Department’s Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget included funds for consultant services to cover this amendment. Item 8.i. - Page 3 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH GHD INC., FOR THE GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT UPDATE (GPA 19-001) JULY 14, 2020 PAGE 4 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Approve the Fourth Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services with GHG Inc.; 2. Modify and approve Fourth Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services with GHG Inc.; or 3. Do not approve Fourth Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services and provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Amending the Agreement with GHD Inc. will allow the City to complete the Circulation Element Update, Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines, Transportation Impact Fee Update, and required environmental review, and to prepare interim VMT Guidelines that will comply with the SB 743, all in an expedited manner by use of previous work completed and through the City’s existing on-call engineering traffic consultant. DISADVANTAGES: Amending the Agreement with GHD Inc. would not allow a separate competitive proposal process; however, GHD has been previously competitively qualified, they are uniquely qualified to complete the remaining analysis efficiently as they have been the City’s primary on-call traffic consultant, and their agreement is valid until February 2021. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This contract amendment does not require environmental review. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Item 8.i. - Page 4 FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES This Fourth Amendment ("Fourth Amendment") to Agreement for Consultant Services (“Agreement”) by and between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE and GHD, INC. (“Consultant”) is made and entered into this 14th day of July, 2020. WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Agreement dated March 1, 2015, for On-Call Consultant Services; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a First Amendment to the Agreement dated February 27, 2018, to extend the term of the agreement to February 29, 2020, and to change the name of the company from OMNI Means LTD to GHD Inc.; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Second Amendment to the Agreement dated May 14, 2019, to add the General Plan Circulation Element Update to GHD’s Scope of Services; and WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Third Amendment to the Agreement dated March 1, 2020 to extend the term of the Agreement to February 28, 2021, for the Circulation Element Update Scope of Services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Agreement, as amended, shall be further amended to include the additional services at the cost specified in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The total cost of the services provided under the Third Amendment to Agreement for Consultant Services and this Fourth Amendment to Agreement for Consultant Services shall be no more than $70,050.00. 2. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement, as amended, shall remain unchanged. Item 8.i. - Page 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and CONSULTANT have executed this Fourth Amendment the day and year first above written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE: By:   CAREN RAY RUSSOM, MAYOR GHD, INC.: By:______________________________ DOUGLAS J. RIES, PRINCIPAL ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY Item 8.i. - Page 6 GHD 943 Reserve Drive Roseville California 95678 United States T +1 916 782 8688 F +1 916 782 8689 W www.ghd.com March 13, 2020 Reference No.11144936 / 2101 Ms. Whitney Mc Donald Community Development Department City of Arroyo Grande 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Re: Circulation Element Update and Associated Transportation Planning Documents Dear Whitney: This Proposal reflects GHD’s understanding of the direction received and discussions that occurred during our meeting on Friday, February 21, 2020. At this meeting, we discussed the status of ongoing work and identified next steps needed to prepare the City for SB 743 by establishing a VMT policy framework and to complete updates to the City’s Circulation Element, Nexus Study and Transportation Impact Fee (TIF), multimodal Transportation Impact Study Guidelines (TISG), and associated CEQA documents. We thank you for what we felt was a very productive meeting with you and Robin. We hope it was equally productive for you in terms of getting up to speed as the City’s new Community Development Director. GHD is committed to continuing to serve the City of Arroyo Grande as a trusted consultant, advisor, and partner. This Proposal letter specifically responds to your request to prepare an interim VMT policy for City adoption, enhance the delivery of the other Circulation Element and associated planning documents, expand the public engagement process, and presents a schedule that ensures quality deliverables and a feasible CEQA timeline. Background As shared at our meeting, GHD, formerly Omni-Means, has been providing transportation planning and engineering services to the City since 1989. Over the years, we have conducted numerous transportation studies and GHD maintains an exhaustive archive of prior studies. If you are searching for any information on past circulation issues or documents, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. This ongoing Circulation Element Update process is an effort to finalize many past studies that have reached draft stages over many years. The first Existing Conditions Background Report was prepared in 2012. Since that time, subsequent draft studies were prepared, including a transportation model update working paper, a draft Circulation Element Update, draft Transportation Impact Study Guidelines, and a draft Transportation Impact Fee Update. These documents have now been largely superseded in their entirety by refreshed work products. Current Contract Status This current contract was originally envisioned to streamline the finalization of these documents. What was envisioned as simple refreshes to past documents has evolved along with best practices, industry standards, and legislative and policy requirements (SB 743). Changes to City staff, and to some extent GHD staff, over the course of our contract have also changed the desired direction of some work scope components. GHD is confident that the change in work scope components will result in superior products. GHD has made significant progress on the current contract, including completing the following documents and administrative draft documents that are currently in internal review by City staff: Item 8.i. - Page 7(~] P8278PRL002.docx 2  Updated Draft Existing Conditions Background Report, with all new traffic counts;  Policy Audit Matrix, comparing existing CE policies with proposed changes;  A comparison of traffic volumes before and after closure of at-grade intersections on US 101; and,  Administrative Draft Transportation Impact Study Guidelines. Additional work is in internal development and nearing administrative draft status, including:  Application of available Travel Demand Models for forecasting;  Review of SLOCOG guidance for VMT and estimation of VMT using available Travel Demand Models and LEHD data (Big Data); and,  Development of new capital improvements project list, integrating the LRSP and SSAR. Our record of progress is also documented in our Short Term Action Lists, which serve as both agenda and minutes for our twice-monthly check-in meetings. Check-in meetings were not originally anticipated in the original contract. These meetings, while somewhat effort intensive, have been invaluable, particularly with changes in City staff and changes to expectations regarding VMT policy. Check-in meetings have ensured clear communication on progress, expectations, and deliverables. Continuing these meetings is highly encouraged to ensure progress and responsibility are discussed and reviewed on an ongoing and regularly basis moving forward. The current contract budget for the Circulation Element Update is approximately 61% expended, with about $35,000 remaining. Until recently, it was not clear what level of CEQA document would be required to process the City’s Circulation Element. Sufficient budget remains in the current contract to complete the CEQA document, being prepared by a subconsultant, at a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) level. The remaining budget is not, however, sufficient to cover unanticipated changes to expended work effort, lost time and effort resulting from changes in City staff, and changes to desired deliverables and work scope to close out this critical City planning process. Next Steps As both the City and GHD have correctly and independently diagnosed, insufficient budget remains to complete remaining tasks to the City’s satisfaction. GHD is confident that the proposed Scope of Work, Budget, and Schedule below remains an excellent value proposition to the City. We are confident that this Proposal will complete these documents in a way that will serve the City for years to come. Our Proposal includes the creation of a new, modern document template for updates of other General Plan elements, the development of an interim VMT policy prior to Circulation Element adoption, and the development of impact study guidelines that will preserve compelling City interests in maintaining efficient circulation amidst the shift to VMT analysis under CEQA. Lastly, the transportation impact fee will be developed with consideration of the fact that CEQA mitigation will no longer result in the construction of capacity improvements on local roadways and intersections. The previous schedule was originally established with the Statewide implementation of SB 743 as the driving force for completion (July 1, 2020). Extending our schedule allows GHD and the City to adequately consider all of the factors mentioned above, host interactive public workshops, and prepare a defensible CEQA document under required review periods. However, with the upcoming July 1, 2020 VMT deadline, GHD proposes to complete an interim SB 743 policy that establishes a VMT baseline for the City and CEQA thresholds of significance. Item 8.i. - Page 8tmb 5 id P8278PRL002.docx 3 Scope of Work The following Scope of Work is proposed to be completed in the general order presented below, following a logical sequence of mutually-dependent efforts. Task 1 – Interim VMT Policy – Recognizing that the update to the Circulation Element will extend beyond July 1, 2020, the legislated deadline for Cities to adopt a VMT policy for CEQA impact evaluation, this task will develop an interim VMT policy and assist the City in processing it through City Council approval. This task includes preparation and attendance at two (2) meetings. Task 1 Deliverables  Interim VMT Policy (including VMT Baseline, Thresholds, and Guidance by Project Type)  Assist City staff in processing policy approval including preparation and attendance two public meetings. Task 2 – Prepare Circulation Element Document Template – A graphically rich document template will be developed by GHD for City use, including for the Circulation Element itself, associated planning documents, and future City planning documents. The document template will include formatting guidelines, including font selection and color schemes. Two drafts will be circulated to the City for comment prior to finalization. Task 2 Deliverables  Two Draft Document Templates and Style Guides.  Finalize Document Template and Style Guide Task 3 – Complete Update to Transportation Impact Study Guidelines – A revised draft of the Transportation Impact Study Guidelines has been prepared to reflect current standard industry, except for specific guidance on VMT analysis, which will be based initially on Task A-1’s interim policy. Once VMT guidance, multimodal performance measures, and LOS study requirements have been finalized with City staff, the draft guidelines can be completed for public review. Task 3 Deliverables  Finalize VMT impact assessment guidance.  Obtain City approval of all TISG methodologies and requirements  Finalize Transportation Impact Study Guidelines Task 4 – Update Travel Forecasts and Revise and Update Circulation Element and Map – Based on the concurrence on the proposed policy updates included in the Policy Matrix, the current administrative draft of the Circulation Element will be further revised and updated. Additionally, using the recently updated SLOCOG regional model, travel forecasts for the City of Arroyo Grande/South County area will be utilized to help identify a Circulation Map for future planned circulation improvements within the City. Task 4 Deliverables  Travel forecasts within the City of Arroyo Grande from the SLOCOG model  Revised and Updated Draft Circulation Element  Revised and Update Draft Circulation Map Task 5 – Revise and Update Transportation Impact Fee – Based on the updated Circulation Map determined in Task 4, the past draft Transportation Impact Fee (TIF), dated May 10, 2016, will be updated with a revised Transportation Capital Improvement Program (TCIP) that will contain new and refreshed Item 8.i. - Page 9tmb 5 id P8278PRL002.docx 4 cost estimates. Additionally, with further input from the City, anticipated 20-year development levels will be used from which transportation impact fees, by land use type, will be proposed. Task 5 Deliverables  Revised TCIP with new and refreshed cost estimates  Updated TIF based on the updated TCIP and City projected 20-year development levels. Task 6 – Public Workshops and Public Meetings– Recognizing the importance of overall circulation planning within the City of Arroyo Grande, prior to completion of the above circulation documents, input from the community is highly desired. Two public workshops are proposed to share existing condition findings, receive initial community concerns, share initial circulation alternatives and receive input on potential policy recommendations. With community input at those key critical stages in our process, we will have an understanding as to the potential effectiveness of proposed recommendations to meet identified community needs. Following the selection and completion of the environmental document, GHD will assist the City in the preparation and attendance at two public meetings, one before the Planning Commission and a second , before City Council. Task 6 Deliverables  Preparation and Attendance at Two (2) Public Workshops  Environmental Document coordination.  Planning Commission and City Council hearings (2 total) Schedule and Budget Consistent with our preceding meeting, GHD proposes to deliver the interim VMT policy to the City in May 2020 to ensure adequate time for discussion with City staff and decision makers in advance of adoption. GHD will also be working, under separate contract, with SLOCOG to host an information SB 743 / VMT workshop that all member agencies will be invited to attend. This meeting, scheduled in early June, will provide opportunity to refine and review the proposed interim policy with other agency approaches. Also consistent with our preceding meeting, GHD proposes to have the Circulation Element, all associated planning documents, and the associated CEQ document, completed in early December 2020. A detailed project schedule will be established in coordination with City staff and the environmental subconsultant. Item 8.i. - Page 10tmb 5 id P8278PRL002.docx 5 Item 8.i. - Page 11Task 1 Interim VMT Polley 1.1 Interim VMT Policy 4 12 16 4 36 s 6,000 1.2 Approval Processing Interim Policy, incluidng 2 public meetings 8 12 20 s 3,760 Task 2 Prepare Circularion Elem,ent Document Tempfate 2.1 Two Draft Document Templates and Style Guides 4 24 8 36 s 5,500 2.2 Finalize Document Template and Style Guide 2 12 8 22 s 3,330 Task 3 Complete Update to Tran.sportarion Impact Study Guidelines 3.1 Finalize VMT impact assessment guidance 2 4 16 8 30 s 4,690 3.2 Obtain City staff approval or all TISG methodologies and requirements 2 4 8 14 s 2,330 3.3 Finalize Transportation Impact Study Guidelines 2 4 4 10 s 1,730 Task 4 Update Travel Forecasts and Revise/Update Clrcularion Element and Map 4.1 Trav-el forecasts within the City of Arroyo Grande from the SLOCOG model 4 16 8 28 s 4,300 4.2 Revised and Updated Draft Circulation Element 2 8 12 4 2 28 s 4,790 4.3 Revised and Updated Circulation Map 2 2 4 8 2 16 34 s 5,370 Task 5 Revise and Update Transportation Impact Fee 5.1 Revised TCIP with new and refreshed cost estimates 2 4 4 32 42 s 6,370 5.2 Updated TIF based on the updated TCIP and City projected 20-year growth 4 4 20 2 12 42 s 6,740 Task 6 Public Worl<shops, Environmental Coordinarion and Public Meerings 6.1 Preparation and Attendance al 2 Public Workshops 8 8 12 12 12 52 s 8,340 6.2 Environmental Document Coordination -(SWCA afready under contract, no additional 4 4 2 10 s 2,000 budget added) 6.3 Planning Commission and City Council hearings (2 total) 8 8 12 28 s 4,800 Total Hours 58 74 76 108 8 108 0 0 g ~ 8 0 N ~ .., :g u, .., .... ~ u, ... 0 0 t ... <Ii ,.; ~ 0 ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... P8278PRL002.docx 6 Thank you for your consideration and please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the above Proposal. Sincerely, Todd Tregenza, AICP _______________ Associate TBT/C1584LTR001.docx cc: Robin Dickerson, City of Arroyo Grande Jake Hudson, GHD Item 8.i. - Page 12