HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2020-07-14_10a Supplemental No 2
DATE: JULY 14, 2020
Attached is additional correspondence received for the above referenced item.
cc: Acting City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
City Website (or public review binder)
From: Linda [
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 1:13 PM
To: Caren Ray Russom
Subject: My opinion
Dear Mayor Caren,
For the record: I am against any tax increase, especially now for obvious reasons.
Also, I am against our great PD issuing tickets or fines for not wearing masks.
Thank you
Linda Ostapowicz
Sent from my iPhone
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:37 PM
To: 'crayrussom@arroyogrande.org'
Subject: Mask Fines
Dear Mayor Russom;
If businesses want to enforce a mask policy, it is entirely their right to do so, and my family
will respect that decision. However, we do not support fines for mask wearing or enforcement
by our police department. They have more important work to do. The only situation where
our officers should be involved is where there is a threat to a business owner or patron because
people are acting stupidly about the issue. As regards the fines, logicially, if someone is
wearing a mask, another person not wearing one won't be a threat if masks operate as
intended. People need to make their own decisions as to how much risk they are willing to
take. Our city and county are already under a great deal of stress, we don't need the additional
harrassment and resulting conflicts that would occur should a mask order pass. We would also
be less inclined to shop or visit in AG due to such an ordinance.
Second, given our budget problems, the Brisco interchange plan needs to be scrapped. I use
that intersection often, sometimes it's a minor pain, but any minor inconvenience is certainly
not worth $24 million dollars during this period of fiscal crisis.
Third, on the proposed tax increase. We understand that our city is facing some major fiscal
issues. However, these need to be addressed responsibly. My family will not vote for any tax
increases without a defined plan on how to work our way out of our current budget crisis.
Funds would have to be allocated to specific projects, and a tax sunset provision added.
Beth and Tom Plymale
From:Denise Miller-Andreini
To:Caren Ray Russom; Jimmy Paulding; Keith Storton; Kristen Barneich; Lan George; public comment
Subject:1% Sales and Use Tax Increase for Arroyo Grande
Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 1:30:50 PM
I am sure that you have read this email regarding the position of the South County Chambers
of Commerce. I support this position also. It is a very difficult time for small businesses even
more so now over the Governors orders yesterday. I find it very unsettling that it is even
going to be brought up truthfully. To do so at this time sends a message that AG City Council
is insensitive to the immediate situation that has now rocked our local small businesses more
importantly the restaurants. I hope that you take the time to really hear what the community
has to say regarding this. There is a growing loud voice of people in our community that are
very upset with this. I hear it daily from my customers and friends and now they are angry.
Denise Miller-Andreini
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jocelyn Brennan <jocelyn@southcountychambers.com>
Subject: 1% Sales and Use Tax Increase for Arroyo Grande
Date: July 13, 2020 at 11:12:30 AM PDT
Hello Arroyo Grande Businesses,
The Arroyo Grande City Council will be voting this Tuesday on a 1% Sales
and Use Tax increase for the November ballot. If you would like to share
your thoughts, you can email the council at
Or you can speak during the council meeting by calling (833) 493-5844,
mention you would like to speak regarding agenda item 10 A. You will
have up to 3 minutes to speak. The meeting begins at 6:00 pm Tuesday,
July 14th.
Below is the letter from the Chamber to the Arroyo Grande Council
Members, stating our opposition position and advocating for business
recovery and economic development. If you have not done so already,
please take this confidential survey regarding the proposed sales tax
increase in Arroyo Grande. Start survey.
Dear Arroyo Grande City Council,
Thank you for your continued support and accessibility to the business
community. We appreciate the city making arrangements for additional
outdoor seating for restaurants. This will be even more valuable as SLO
County is placed on the state’s monitor list and restaurants are restricted
to outdoor dining for a minimum of three weeks. We are grateful for your
continued partnership on the Arroyo Grande Steering Committee,
Governmental Affairs, Tourism Business Improvement District, State of
the City, Christmas in the Village, and candidate forum.
The South County Chambers of Commerce (SCCC) exists to create
partnerships and opportunities that ensure South County Businesses
prosper. Our vision is that our members are the most resilient, diverse,
and growing businesses in South San Luis Obispo County because of the
effective stakeholder engagement and advocacy we do. Our Chamber
represents 700 businesses with over 7,900 employees.
Our businesses have recently experienced unbelievable and
unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on
business, and loss of revenue due to the stay at home order. The local
businesses have complied with these restrictions and have shown
extreme patience and resiliency. Arroyo Grande businesses continue to
face an uncertain future.
The South County Chambers 2020 Board of Directors has reviewed the
Arroyo Grande proposed sales and use tax increase that you are
considering at your July 14th council meeting for the November ballot. We
appreciate the Acting City Manager presenting this item to our Arroyo
Grande Steering Committee, and the proactive outreach by council
members. We sent a survey to our local businesses and of approximately
70 responses 54% were opposed to an increase, 25% supported an
increase and 21% were undecided. After careful consideration, the SCCC
Board voted unanimously to oppose an increase to the Arroyo Grande
sales tax.
We recognize that the city budget has also been affected by the impacts
of COVID-19 and agree that local streets and infrastructure are important
to the business community and tourism. However, at a time when our local
businesses have suffered a severe loss in revenue, are struggling to get
their customer base back while complying with local and state health and
safety guidelines, we concluded the time is not right to propose an
increase in the sales and use tax that will directly impact local businesses
bottom line.
We recommend the city focus on economic development and utilize
SB1090 funds (and/or a portion of sales tax funds depending on the
council’s decision and then ultimately the voter’s decision).
When Arroyo Grande businesses thrive, it will benefit the city budget and
the resident’s quality of life. Economic development efforts are proven to
stimulate private sector investment that results in the creation of private-
sector jobs and improvement in the local tax base. In particular, business
retention will be more important than ever.
Below is a suggested framework of programs. The Chamber will be
committed to supporting and assisting with these efforts or to implement
them in partnership with the city, including a development and review
1. Low-interest Loans: Available to businesses for rent, purchasing
land, refurbishing buildings, and new equipment.
2. Business Beautification Grants: Grant funding for business
infrastructure and/or beautification projects that enhances the
appearance and wayfinding of the city business corridors.
3. Workforce Training: Training provided for the workforce to
businesses and industries impacted by COVID-19, allowing them to
remain competitive. Training on health and safety best practices and
compliance, and online sales.
4. Technology Grants: One-time grant funding for businesses to
upgrade or purchase technology for business operations.
5. Fee Credits: City fee credits for businesses, encouraging business
retention and expansion. Fees are based on the number of local jobs
added and/or retained.
Please join us in supporting our local businesses and setting them up for a
successful recovery.
2020 South County Chambers Board of Directors
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From:Brent Inglehart
To:public comment
Subject:Mask fines and Sales Tax increase
Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 1:03:22 PM
Mayor and Fellow Council Members,
I am a new Arroyo Grande resident, but I have been a 5-Cities resident for 16 years. I was
disheartened to read that you are discussing fines and penalties for citizens not wearing masks.
I do not believe the data, and medical science, of face coverings is so compelling to lead a
community to penalize people financially for not complying with what is deemed a
"recommendation" by the CDC. Most people do not know how to wear a mask properly as it
is. Also, they cannot keep it sterile and sanitary by the way they store and remove it. Children
have a hard time wearing a mask for a variety of reasons and people with underlying health
issues cannot wear a mask for proper breathing.
At what point are we going to say no to the State and Local Authorities taking away our
inalienable rights. Why are you making the police and code enforcement be the bad guys in
enforcing this mask law? They have better things to do and their efforts need to be focused on
larger endeavors. People are already stressed, not working, getting their bills piled up while
also mentally exhausted from all the restrictions and societal issues on a daily basis. So... let's
ticket people and use taxpayer dollars to then ask the now ticketed taxpayer to make up the
lost revenue by raising taxes. Sounds totally reasonable! (sarcasm) I am sorry, but your
rationale is lunacy.
I am against any additional restrictions of our freedoms and rights to operate within a free
society. I am against any new taxes to pay for the budget shortage you caused by pandering to
the Governor's Office. Open the businesses and stop restricting life. Globally, there were 1.5
million deaths from TB last year. We sure had a ton of mask enforcement last year?! Also, the
H1N1 deaths in 2009 were around 237,000- 250,000 (est). Again, masks and an economy
shutdown were not activated. We have had 5 deaths in SLO County. More people die in DUI
crashes and shark attacks each year. The COVID numbers are up because the testing is up.
Also, can we be real? How many people traveled up and down the state into the various
counties for the rallies and protests? Masks were not worn by a majority of the crowds. How
come there are rules for some people and then we look away for other people. The COVID
data does not support the closure of our community.
I urge you all to be leaders. Our local economy, and people's livelihoods, may not not survive
another major shutdown. Burdening your community with making up the revenue loss is not
right. Your decisions could affect generations of Arroyo Grande families. What makes
our community great is our ability to thrive in tough times, so what will you do? Add to the
stress and financial burden or dial back CIP projects and non-priority services.
Arroyo Grande Resident
From:Collette Eells
To:public comment
Subject:Proposed Sales Tax Increase
Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 12:20:48 PM
Regarding item 10.a. on the July 14, 2020 City Council Agenda:
Consideration Of Placing A Local Transaction And Use Tax (“Sales Tax”)
Measure On The November 3, 2020 Ballot
Regarding the proposed Sales Tax Increase of 1% from 7.75% to 8.75% to be placed
on the November ballot.
Taking into account the impact on the economy from the COVID-19 virus, it is
understandable that the city is experiencing a much greater shortfall than initially
expected. However considering the county unemployment rate of greater than 12%, a
sales tax increase of 1% is much, much too extreme for residents of this city. It is
expected that the unemployment rate will remain exceptionally high 2-5 years out.
Businesses are already hurting and this significant of an increase, no doubt, will
further impact their downside. Considering so many residents are barely making ends
meet, if at all, this would be just one more tribulation for our residents during this time
of health and economic distress… which has no end in sight.
I urge the council to consider a lesser sales tax increase of at most 0.25%. Then look
to make up the difference of the city’s monetary shortfall in obtaining it from non-
residents by way of an increase of the Transient Occupancy Tax.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Collette Eells
Arroyo Grande
To:public comment
Subject:Mask penalties and increase in tax
Date:Tuesday, July 14, 2020 9:35:45 AM
Dear Arroyo Grande Council,
I urge you to not vote on a penalty for those who do not wear a mask-there is little scientific evidence that a cloth
mask can stop a virus aerosol since they are much, much smaller than the holes in even an N95 mask. While they
stop most of the droplets from sneezing and coughing they still let the aersols through! The only way to keep it from
spreading is to keep those with Covid who are coughing and sneezing out of the public. Masking healthy people
does nothing except hurt the lungs of those healthy people. When I am out shopping 99% of the people are wearing
masks already, why would we waste resources on the few people who probably have a medical exemption for not
wearing a mask anyways. I am one of the people who cannot wear a mask do to a medical condition that masks
exacerbate and if this gets passed I will not be shopping in Arroyo Grande anyone. I don't want the hassle or
embarrassment of someone reporting me because I have a medical condition-are you serious! Think about that-what
a waste in resources! Not to mention it opens the city up to law suits if you are continually hassling people who have
a medical condition-it is a form of discrimination! Would you go around citing people with any other
disability unless they prove their medical condition? No, you can't because there are laws against that!
I also urge you to vote to increase the sales tax-our community is hurting already increasing the tax will just
encourage people to shop in the neighboring cities.
Thank you for your time,
Shannon Riddering
From:Robert Kelly
To:public comment
Subject:1% Sales Tax
Date:Monday, July 13, 2020 10:28:50 PM
I am strongly against a 1% sales tax increase. We are already paying among the highest state taxes and gasoline
taxes in the US.
Grow revenue through sales growth and economic development, don’t just raise tax rates, please.
Rob Kelly
Arroyo Grande, CA
Sent from my iPhone
From:Cindy & George Hansen
To:public comment
Subject:July 14, 2020 Agenda Item: Sales Tax Increase
Date:Monday, July 13, 2020 9:15:29 PM
Arroyo Grande City Council Members:
RE: Proposed Sales Tax Increase of 1%
I support a time certain sales tax increase of 1% for two years to offset potential
losses related to the coronavirus. After two years the City can make its case again if
the situation warrants.
Thank you.
Cindy Hansen
Arroyo Grande, CA
Dear Mayor and Arroyo Grande Council Members,
You should all start balancing your budget by returning the money you stole by voting
in your own stipends. Everyone in Arroyo Grande should have tarred and feathered you
for raping our budget. Changing this rule should be the first order of business-pay for
performance only! If you are raising taxes, none of you performed.
You have already shown us your colors, Ms. Russom, by using public funds for frivolous
personal use. Oh, that is right, you told me earlier this year that you lied about
spending that money yourself to cover up for another council member who brazenly
committed the crime. Corrupt officials feeding from the public trough are disgusting
and must be stopped. Who in their right mind would pay $18.00 for a shot of whiskey
with their own money let alone public funds? Someone who has no sense of a hard
earned dollar and staying on a budget which seems to be the accepted attitude from
government officials in California.
I suggest you trim the budget, starting with yourselves, your pay, and those benefits
most of us do not have. Then, perhaps, cut funding for all the travel for useless fact
finding/training trips where most of the corruption starts. Stop depending on the
citizens of this city to bail you out by raising more taxes to cover unnecessary spending.
If you do not have the ability, will, or financial background to do it, get out. Time to
get new leadership, and not attract any more YOUNG, inexperienced people to this
Michele Norwood
On Jul 13, 2020, at 7:05 PM, MICHELE NORWOOD <