CC 2020-07-28_11a Traffic Way Bridge Closure Alternative_PP Presentation CONSIDERATION OF A PROJECT STATUS UPDATE AND RECOMMENDATION OF A PREFERRED CLOSURE ALTERNATIVE FOR THE TRAFFIC WAY BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT 7/29/2020 1 Tonight’s Discussion Why are we here tonight? Background – How did we get here? Key Components of Design Alternatives Comparison of Alternatives Future Public Outreach Staff’s Recommendation Questions 7/29/2020 2 Why are we here? Significant Channel Scour impacts on the Traffic Way Bridge Bridge has gone from a Scour Bridge Rehab Project to a full bridge replacement Staff is seeking confirmation on a selected alternative for closure of the Traffic Way Bridge Allow the design team to complete the environmental review and design documents with the preferred closure in a timely and cost effective manner 7/29/2020 3 Traffic Way Bridge 7/29/2020 4 Impacts of Scour 7/29/2020 5 Traffic Way Bridge Background Bridge built in 1932 (88 years old) Reinforced concrete structure with abutments and pier supports Major North/South Arterial Road that spans Arroyo Grande Creek (11,000 ADT) Scour Critical with decaying conditions project has gone from scour rehab project to full bridge replacement 7/29/2020 6 Key Components for Design Time and Cost Construction Access and Public Safety Level Of Service Bridge Alignment Extent of Environmental Studies and Permitting Project Phasing and Utility Relocation Right of Way and Temporary Construction Easements 7/29/2020 7 Alternatives No Project Full Closure Full Closure with Bridge Street one-way NB only Partial Closure 7/29/2020 8 Full Closure Emergency Response 7/29/2020 9 Full Closure Traffic Impacts 7/29/2020 10 Partial Closure Emergency Response 7/29/2020 11 Partial Closure Traffic Impacts 7/29/2020 12 Future Public Outreach Three groups impacted First Responders Businesses Public Continued work with Police and Fire throughout design When design is further along, discussions with businesses impacted by closure (Working group of businesses impacted) Public Outreach will be part of the CEQA and NEPA process to complete environmental review 7/29/2020 13 Staff Recommendation Confirmation of the preferred closure alternative at this time will narrow the scope of environmental studies and design work necessary for the preferred option, thereby limiting the time and cost of design. Limiting the time necessary to complete design and construction is important to keep the bridge from deteriorating to a point where it may no longer be used while design of the replacement is completed. Because the City is required to fund 11.47% of the cost of both construction and design, staff is recommending that the full closure with Bridge Street one way NB only option be selecting now to reduce overall costs to the City. 7/29/2020 14 7/29/2020 QUESTIONS? 15 CIP Budget 7/29/2020 16 Partial Closure Bridge Street/Branch 7/29/2020 17 Partial or Full Closure Mason/Branch 7/29/2020 18 Phasing of Partial Closure 7/29/2020 19