CC 2020-09-22_06b Mayors Commendation_Heidy MangiardiItem 6.b. - Page 1 :Mayor's Commendation Presenter£ to J-feidy :Mangiard-i In recognition of your generous donation of $1,500 to tfie City of :Arroyo (Jranae to benefit tfie Tnricfiment Lab 1Jistance Learning Program wfiicfi wi[[ be utifized to yroviae scfio[arsfiips to cfii[dren wfio otfierwise cou[d not yarticipate due to financia[ need. 'Dater£ tfiis 22na c£ay of Seytem6er 2020 Caren 'Ray 1lussom, :Jvt.ayor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 6.b. - Page 2