HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2020-08-18 Items Recd at MtgFrom:Greg Cottrell
To:public comment
Subject:Election concerns
Date:Tuesday, August 18, 2020 5:56:12 PM
Arroyo Grande City Council,
I am a business owner in the City of AG and concerned with the future of our city. In regards to the
three current seats that are up for reelection I wanted to voice my opinion about cancelling the
election and saving our city the important funding it will need for the future. All three current seats
on our council are strong and important for the future of AG. It would be a great disservice to allow
unprepared people to challenge the set election process and simply use the “write in” procedure.
I believe in the set process for elections. Just because someone gets mad and doesn’t want to follow
the proper process doesn’t mean that our tax paying citizens should have to pay for an election to
proceed. If the opponent can not get the simple 20 signatures in the required time, how strong of a
leader are they to take on the tough jobs for city leaders.
Please consider cancelling the election and saving our important financial resources that our great
city will need in the future. During times like these difficult decisions need to be made. I just hope
they are not made by emotions but by strong future planning.
Greg Cottrell
Rugged Race Products Inc.
Sent from my iPhone
From:Caren Ray Russom
To:public comment
Subject:FW: Comments to City Council re Election Agenda Item 6A
Date:Tuesday, August 18, 2020 5:30:18 PM
Yours in service,
Caren Ray Russom
Mayor, City of Arroyo Grande
Tel: 805-473-5400 | www.arroyogrande.org
300 E. Branch St | Arroyo Grande | CA | 93420
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 5:11 PM
To: Lan George; Lan George; Caren Ray Russom
Subject: Fwd: Comments to City Council re Election Agenda Item 6A
Here is what I just sent to the Council website
I am told it will be read during the public comment period
I hope it helps. We DON'T need to spend money on this election
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: Comments to City Council re Election Agenda Item 6A
Date: August 18, 2020 at 5:10:07 PM PDT
To: publiccomment@arroyo-grande.org
To the Honorable Members of the Arroyo Grande City Council:
Please accept the recommendations of staff regarding the cancellation of the
November election. Elections have rules for reasons and there was plenty of
time for anyone who wished to run to file the necessary paper work, pay the fees
and declare candidacy.
I’ve been involved in political and policy work for more than 40 years. I’ve
worked on local, state and national elections - both for candidates and for
initiatives and referenda. All of those elections - like ours - have strict rules for
filing and candidacies. And in each of these elections, it’s critical for the public
and voters to know about the candidates, their views and their qualifications.
One of the ways that is achieved is through the printing and distribution of ballot
pamphlets - which are the only piece of direct mail that goes to every voter.
And of course all ballots then must be printed and distributed to voters. Printing
ballot pamphlets and ballots for the millions of Californians who vote is time-
consuming and expensive. Hence, there are strict deadlines to allow for all this to
happen. The mechanics of this is just one of the reasons that elections have
critical deadlines. Other reasons involve election fundraising, filing of state
paperwork and voter transparency. Rules matter and the current three candidates
followed all the rules.
Thelaws governing our local elections are very clear; anyone wanting to run
understood the deadlines and had to meet them. Those that did not, can, if they
wish, run during the next election.
Because elections are a lot of work and cost a lot of taxpayer money, California
election law recognizes that so they have permitted IF no one decides to file
against incumbents then there is an opportunity to save tax dollars and cancel the
election. That is the case here. That is what the staff recommendation is
proposing, and the Council should follow their recommendations.
Right now, AG and all of California is in the midst of three intersecting crises: A
deadly and costly pandemic - affecting not only individuals but businesses
throughout our city; the economic downturn that we have as a result of the
pandemic and equal justice demands that have put pressure on our law
enforcement resources. Right now, our tax dollars are precious and scarce. Just a
few weeks ago this Council rejected calls to put a tax increase on our ballot -
rightfully believing that this was just not the time to put an additional tax burden
on anyone. Whatever the estimate of this unnecessary election (and I’ve heard
nearly $30,000) no city can afford to spend dollars they don’t have at this time.
Please reject all calls to hold this election. Everyone had the time to file, no one
did. Let’s not waste the money and get on with addressing our critical issues
specifically how we can best help AG’s small businesse, our citizens, our schools
and our children navigate through this difficult time.
Maggie Linden
Arroyo Grande CA
From:Nikki field
To:public comment
Cc:Caren Ray Russom
Subject:Vote on write in captain opinion
Date:Tuesday, August 18, 2020 4:24:44 PM
Dear Arroyo Grande Mayor and Council members,
My name is Brittny Field and I live at Arroyo Grande. As a resident I respectfully ask you to cancel
the election in November. I support following the rules of the election process and the deadline to file papers has
already passed. Myself and other members of the community would like to see the 28k spent on other things for our
community such as: Parks and Rec, sidewalks, streets or save it for when we really need it.
As our current local leaders I really hope that you follow the election rules and process and do not waste the tax
payers dollars on a poorly planned write in campaign.
Brittny Field
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
From:Freedom Ropes
To:public comment
Subject:Caren Ray Russom
Date:Tuesday, August 18, 2020 7:05:34 PM
Good evening,
After listening to the council meeting tonight I thought it was important that I responded
quickly with an email.
Caren is incorrect i never came to her for advice. We did not have a friendly relationship. I
never knew anything about Caren until she wrote me about a completely separate issue. I had
no dislike for Caren but disagree with a few of her actions in the last 3 months.
Caren sent one of her largest supporters (someone i thought was a friend) to make it clear that
my business would be put through hell if I ran. She knew to hit us with someone we thought
we knew.
I have no opinion about the write in process but you should know i 100 percent believe Caren
and her crew were going to try to hurt my already hurting business.
Thank you,
Lea Rigo