CC 2021-01-26_10a Project Status Update_Brisco Halcyon Road Interchange_Supplemental Information No 1
DATE: JANUARY 25, 2021
Attached is correspondence received for the above referenced item.
cc: City Manager
City Attorney
City Clerk
City Website (or public review binder)
To:public comment
Subject:Comment - City Council Meeting 1/26/2021, agenda item 10.a. Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange Modification
Date:Sunday, January 24, 2021 9:23:41 AM
To the City Council of Arroyo Grande:
Regarding Agenda Item 10.a. on the 1/26/2021 City Council meeting agenda:
As 31 year residents of Arroyo Grande, we advocate voting NO on the recommended
option 4.c. Roundabout.
We advocate for either the Alternative 1 of closing ramps, the No Build Alternative, or
reexamining the concept that Mayor Ray Russom brought up on 3/26/2019 to add
another lane to the Brisco Road underpass.
Option 4.c. is very expensive. In our opinion, it will not address Arroyo Grande’s
problems with the current Brisco Road interchange, and will likely create new
challenges to the traffic in the area of West Branch and Rodeo Road.
We would also like to suggest adding a RED arrow at the traffic signal that directs the
southbound lane at West Branch and Brisco Road.
Drivers making a right turn from southbound West Branch onto Brisco Road simply
have a red light. They have cannot see or know when the northbound left turn arrow
is illuminated.
Drivers making a left turn onto Brisco Road from the northbound West Branch left turn
lane, follow what appears to be a “protected” green arrow. This creates a false sense
of safety.
The only circumstance under which the green arrow would actually be a protected left
for northbound drivers would be if the oncoming southbound traffic stopped at the
light was unable to make a right turn in front of those of us making a left turn from
West Branch to Brisco Road.
Thank you,
Jeffrey and Andrea Portney
Emerald Bay Dr.
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
From:Caren Ray Russom
To:public comment
Subject:Fw: Brisco Project
Date:Monday, January 25, 2021 12:14:35 PM
Yours in service,
Caren Ray Russom
Mayor, City of Arroyo Grande
Tel: 805-473-5400 |
300 E. Branch St | Arroyo Grande | CA | 93420
From: Bob Perez
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2021 1:01 PM
To: Kristen Barneich; Lan George; Jimmy Paulding; Caren Ray Russom; Keith Storton
Subject: RE: Brisco Project
Mayor and City Council,
On January 26, 2021, your decision will affect the City of Arroyo Grande for years to come.
I provide the following for your consideration. All information was obtained from Fiscal
documents provided on the City of Arroyo Grande website.
The City finished the fiscal year with General Fund expenditures exceeding revenues by
approximately $2,048,000.
TOT down by $214,448
The following list of projects approved in the FY 2019-20 Budget will impact the
Street Projects - The Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 Interchange project is in the
Project Approval and Environmental Determination phase and a preferred alternative is
scheduled to be selected.
At June 30, 2019, the City reported net pension liability of $17.8 million for governmental
Net pension liability is influenced by several factors, including the long-term rate of return
earned by the pension system’s
investments as well as the City’s share of the total pension fund’s assets and can fluctuate
significantly from year to year.
Brisco Road Interchange Project – Depending on which alternative is selected, the total cost of
improvements is estimated to be between $14 million and $23 million.
Let me ask this in a different way.
Say you have a job where you can "just about" afford to purchase that million-dollar home.
You look at your income and see a future that is not as stable as the past. Does the prudent
person say, "Heck with it", and power ahead with that uncertainty? Maybe - if they believe
they might somehow manage to get all the people they know (constituents) to chip in (taxes)
to get them out of the mess they got in to.
You look at things and realize the future is not as certain as you thought. You realize the
totality of the circumstances may very well not work out so well fiscally. At a crossroads. Say,
"Heck with it", and hope to get bailed out if things go bad? Take another look at your options
and see if the same outcome can be accomplished for less? Or, considering all options, realize
that sometimes things are best left alone for now.
Please consider this: the fiscal responsibility lies with you. Ignore anything else. Is this the
right time to embark on a $23 million project, a $14 million project, or, just leave well enough
alone? Our future is uncertain. January 26 will be your legacy.
Bob and Mardell Perez
Grace Lane, Arroyo Grande
PS: If you leave things as is, could you consider placing a "No Right On Red" sign on the
southbound lane of West Branch at Brisco, just at the underpass. Very often, drivers going
north on West Branch, and turning left onto Brisco get stuck in the middle of the street,
because southbound drivers turn right on the red and block the intersection.
From:Caren Ray Russom
To:public comment
Subject:Fw: Brisco Interchange Project
Date:Monday, January 25, 2021 12:15:48 PM
Yours in service,
Caren Ray Russom
Mayor, City of Arroyo Grande
Tel: 805-473-5400 |
300 E. Branch St | Arroyo Grande | CA | 93420
From: James Webster
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2021 12:32 PM
To: Caren Ray Russom
Subject: Brisco Interchange Project
Mayor Russom,
It has come to my attention that the Brisco project will again be reviewed and
discussed at this Tuesdays meeting.
Due to the effects of Covid it would seem that the City as well as many of its citizens
are currently having financial difficulties and that the effects will continue for some
time. It certainly seems imprudent to continue spending money on the most
expensive solution.
This is especially true when there is a very satisfactory solution which is much less
expensive and is favored by a significant number of citizens.
I urge you and the council to reconsider your previous decision and demonstrate that
you are being responsive to changing circumstances and considering the input of
many people in AG, especially those who will be most impacted by this project.
Jim Webster
Rodeo Dr
Arroyo Grande
From:Caren Ray Russom
To:public comment
Subject:Fw: Brisco Rd Project
Date:Monday, January 25, 2021 12:11:57 PM
Yours in service,
Caren Ray Russom
Mayor, City of Arroyo Grande
Tel: 805-473-5400 |
300 E. Branch St | Arroyo Grande | CA | 93420
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2021 1:07 PM
To: Caren Ray Russom; Jimmy Paulding; Keith Storton; Lan George; Kristen Barneich
Subject: Brisco Rd Project
I understand that the costs for the Brisco Road project have risen substantially. I believe at
this time of statewide and local financial strain, it is unwise to continue with the project as it is
currently designed.
I am a daily user of the Brisco interchange, and usually traffic is not an issue. There are certain
times of the day that it is congested, but one learns to avoid those time periods. I understand
that access to 101 may be problematic for the ambulance company. If that's the case, simply
closing the off ramp may be enough to mitigate the problem. I'd certainly prefer taking
alternate routes to an unaffordable $26 million plus project.
With business owners hurting, Five Cities Fire costs rising, pension problems, and many people
out of work or just barely holding on, now is not the time for taking on such massive expense.
If a tax increase goes on the ballot for the Brisco Project, my family and I will vote against it.
Beth and Tom Plymale
From:Jimmy Paulding
To:Annamarie Porter
Subject:Fw: Brisco Road interchange
Date:Monday, January 25, 2021 1:24:10 PM
Jimmy Paulding
Mayor Pro Tem
City of Arroyo Grande
From: Gary Thies
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2021 9:25 AM
To: Kristen Barneich; Lan George; Jimmy Paulding; Caren Ray Russom; Keith Storton
Subject: Brisco Road interchange
To Whom this may concern:
Dear City Council members...
We have attended the numerous council meetings discussing the famed; Brisco
Road Interchange Project.
Brisco Road Interchange Project – Depending on which alternative is selected, the
total cost of improvements is estimated to be between $14 million and $23 million.
As a last plea: Please save the city the above amount, leave the interchange as is,
it works fine, and install the "no right turn on red" suggestion below!!! Total cost,
probably under $5,000!.
If you leave things as is, could you consider placing a "No Right On Red" sign on
the southbound lane of West Branch at Brisco, just at the underpass. Very often,
drivers going north on West Branch, and turning left onto Brisco get stuck in the
middle of the street, because southbound drivers turn right on the red and block the
Sincerely, and finally:
Gary and Mary Thies
From:Caren Ray Russom
To:public comment
Subject:Fw: Round about. On rodeo dr.
Date:Monday, January 25, 2021 12:09:53 PM
For the record.
Yours in service,
Caren Ray Russom
Mayor, City of Arroyo Grande
Tel: 805-473-5400 |
300 E. Branch St | Arroyo Grande | CA | 93420
From: Jidith Hughes
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2021 5:04 PM
To: Caren Ray Russom
Subject: Round about. On rodeo dr.
This is a dangerous and ridiculous idea. Dangerous because of the very close school . Ridiculous because with show
of hands etc, at recent meetings the majority were against it. It seems the mayor and the city council just want to
keep up with the “Jones’s” because the other towns are putting them in. The cost is way too much and the other
Do the right thing! Judith Hughes
Sent from my iPad
From:Kevin Buchanan
To:public comment
Subject:Item 10.a - Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange Modifications Project
Date:Monday, January 25, 2021 12:06:10 PM
Councilmembers and staff,
I'm writing to comment on the proposed Brisco-Halcyon Road Interchange project.
I simply want to clarify the cost and benefit of this project. What this project amounts to is $20
million spent to decrease peak level delays, to drivers using one section of our city streets, in
2035, by about 30 seconds. The LOS analysis in the report describes delays approaching 1
minute at peak levels currently, and estimates that delay to decline down to around 20 seconds
at peak levels in 2035 after implementation of this project.
I don't believe 30 seconds, a couple of hours a day, are worth $20 million. $3 million of which
will come from city funds that could be used elsewhere, $10 million of which will be financed
by new debt.
If we are concerned about regional access from the highway to the regional commercial
center, then instead of doubling down on expecting a single centralized hub to scale and serve
the entire growing region, we should instead be reassessing our land-use and development
patterns to allow goods and services to be provided closer to where people live.
The only viable way to reduce traffic is to tackle the issue at the source: bring jobs, housing,
and other destinations closer together to shorten and reduce the number and length of car
trips people need to take. We need to reorient our national transportation program to help
advance that goal instead of undermining it.
The Congestion Con
I don't believe this project is any real long term solution to our city's transportation needs, nor
do I think it's the best way to spend the required funds - regardless of any state funds that
might incentive the project.
Kevin Buchanan
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