R 1501 --'" "-.- UUJ.. .,.-.. ~ ~ . , , " RESOLUTION NO. 1501 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING THE 1981-82 REAMENDED ANNUAL TRANSPORTATION CLAIM AND AUTHORIZING ITS SUBMITTAL TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that it makes a finding that there are no unmet public transportation needs w~ich can be met through expansion of the existing transportation systems, establishing new transportation systems or by [ contracting for services from common carriers and others, pursuant to Article 8 of the Mi11s-Alquis~-Deddah Act. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Counci 1 of the City of Arroyo Grande, in accordance with Chapter 1400, Statutes 1971 and app1icab1e rules and regulations, approves the 1981-82 Reamended Annual Transportation Claim, as per Exhibit A attached, and authorizes its submittal, along with a11 other documentation required, to the San Luis Obispo Area Counci1 of Governments. On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Millis, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, Mayor Pope NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 8th day of September, 1981. .- ATTEST:~M) DEPU! CITY CLERK [ 41, 410 • ANNUAL CLAIM FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUNDS (Claim Number) T0: San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments 2156 Sierra I'Jay San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 FROM: Claimant: City of Arroyo Grande Address: P. 0. Box 550 City: Arroyo Grande Zip Code: 93420 Contact Person: Paul J. Karp Telephone No: (805) 489 -1303 This claimant, qualified pursuant to Section 99203 of the Public Utilities Code, hereby requests, in accordance with Chapter 1400, Statutes of 1971, as amended and applicable rules and regulations, that an allocation be made in the amount of $ 169,702 for the fiscal year 1981 - 1982 to be drawn from the Local Transportation Fund of the County of San Luis Obispo for the following purposes and in the following respective amounts as described in the Annual Project and Financial Plan. City of Arroyo Grande ( Claimant) Title:. City Administrate Date: September 14, 1981 Approved by San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments: B y : Title: Date: SLOCOG- TDA -4 /S0 }.a ,ANNUAL PROJECT AND FINANCIAL PLAN • Briefly describe all proposed projects and indicate proposed expen- ditures for the ensuing fiscal year. Project Title and Brief Description Purpose* Amount 1. Fund Arroyo Grande apportionment Public Transportation Article 8 of South County Area Transit per Section 99400 (c) $ 44,460+ Joint Powers Agreement • 2. Fund Arroyo Grande apportionment Public Transportation Article 8 $ 3,731+ Regional Handicapped Transit per Section 99400 (c) Joint Powers Agreement 3. Fund Miscellaneous construction; Local streets, roads; pedestrian $121511+ , Reconstruction; and Maintenance and bicycle facilities, Article 8 projects not inconsistant with Section 99400 (a) the adopted Regional Transpor- tation Plan. Identify appropriate Article and Section of the Act. (attached checklist may be used as a guide) Project Title and Brief Description Purpose* Amount 7 • a. Total claim for Pedestrian £, Bicycle Funds (Section 99234). $ N/A b. Total claim for Article 4 Funds (Section 99260). $ 0 c. Total claim for Article 8(c) Funds (Section 99400c). $ .49,660 d. Total claim for Article 8(a) Funds (Section 99400a). $ 121,5111 (1) Total agency budgeted expenditures for streets and roads (copy must be attached to claim). $ 495,062± (2) Percentage of claim (d) of total (d -1), 25 % e. Total claim designated for $ N/A (Other) *Identify appropriate Article and Section of the Act. (use attached checklist as a guide) z , 1 S T A T E M E N T O F C O N F O R M A N C E The _City of rco A., r_ ande hereby certifies that the Annual (claimant) Claim for Local Transportation Funds for Fiscal Year 1981 1982 in the amount of $ 169,702 conforms with: 1. Provisions of Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1090 of Division 4, Title I) of the Government Code and the requirements of the Transportation Development Act and its applicable rules and regulations. 2. The rules and regulations adopted by the San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments. 3. The Regional Transportation Plan, Transit Development Program, and the Transportation Improvement Program. Further, the claimant certifies that the audit findings pursuant to Section 99245 of the Transportation Development Act have been complied with: / / Yes / / No / / Not Applicable CERTIFIED: By: Paul . Karp Title: Director of P lir Works Date: 7 . /.1/ Allocation instructions and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to such monies being on hand and available for distribution, and to the provision that such monies will be used only in accordance with the terms of the approved Annual Project and Financial Plan. SAN LUIS OBISPO AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS CHECKLIST FOR SUBMITTAL OF ANNUAL LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUND CLAIM Claimant Cit of Arroyo Grande Apportionment: $169,702.00 Fiscal Year: 1931/82 1 • Signed Application 2. Signed Statement of Conformance 3. Certified copy of a resolution or minute order authorizing claim and approving basic purposes for which it is filed (required attachment) 4. Supplementary Information Required ( CAC,Sec. 6632) together with a statement signed by the chief financial officer of the claimant attesting to their reasonableness and accuracy (CAC,Sec. 632; PUC,Sec. 99266) - a. a budget for the fiscal year of the claim (or portion thereof pertaining to transportation b. a statement identifying and substantiating the reason or need for an increase in operating budget above the preceding year or a substantial increase or decrease _ in scope of operations or capital provisions for major new fixed facilities c. a statement of projected or estimated revenues or expenditures for the prior fiscal year 5. Compliance with Unmet Public Transportation Hearing Findings (required in cliam or submitted copy of final budget) X a. Claim for Senior Van subsidy, 33c per mile, up to $198 per month and all required insurance (Art. 8, Sec. 99400(c) or submit budget) b. Proportionate share of applicable regional systems: x Regional Handicapped System, Art. 8,Sec. 99400(c) $ 3,731 x So. Co. Area Transit, Art. 8,Sec. 99400(c) $44,460 No. Coast Transit Auth. Art. 8,Sec. 99400(c) $ N/A Other N/A 6. Conformity with Regional Transportation Plan 7. Compliance with annual fiscal audit findings, PUC, Sec. 99245 (required statement) 4 0 Requirements — Article 4 and Article 8c claims (submittal of information from Art 8c claims should be obtained from the financial officer of the JPA operating the transit service. 8. Submission of annual report, PUC,Sec. 99243 9. Compliance with Productivity Recommendations. PUC,Sec. 99244 (statement required) 10. _ Submittal of statement that operator does not routinely staff with two or more persons a vehicle designed to be operated by one person ( PUC,Sec. 99264) 11. _ Verification that at least 15% of funds received shall be used for capital expenditure (Art. 4 claims only, see PUC, Sec. 99267, CAC, Sec. 6654) 12. _ Compliance with fare and local support ratios (PUC, Sec. 99268.1,2,4,5; CAC, Sec. 6633.2) submittal of documentation establishing the required farebox ratio for the base year, identification of existing farebox ratio and projection of ratio for ensuing fiscal year • 13. Compliance with fund eligibility requirements (CAC,Sec. 6634) submittal of documentation to verify eligibility for funds mis 30 FORM