R 1479 033 ~- ~ ....... RESOLUTION NO. 1479 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HONORING WAYNE H. HOERET~, CITY ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF PISMO BEACH, UPON HIS RETIREMENT WHEREAS, WAYNE H. HOERETH will be leaving the City of Pismo Beach after five years of service; and WHEREAS, he has been instrumental in making the City of Pismo Beach [the highly desirable community that it is today; and ~HEREAS. WAYHE h., ""Y' "m',"'.'.' h', PO""OR "'h '""<0""". professionalism, and diplomacy; and WHEREAS, during the past five years WAYNE has been involved with the following projects which have benefited the City of Pismo Beach and the entire South County: Establishment of a public'utilities fee to be used for upgrading of the waste water treatment plant for future development; Purchase of an'IBM Systems 32 computer to facilitate.water billings, - busiriess licenses, payrol1, accounts payable, etc; Initiated a Joint Powers Agr.eement for Liabi I i ty Insurance Coverage and subsequently adding another JPA for Health Insurance; Implemented and worked with a Citizens Advisory Committ.ee to write the Local Coastal Plan and General Plan';' Rehabilitated the interior of Pismo Beach City Hall, thereby providing a more efficient working space for each department; Reconstruction of the Cypress Street bridge; Worked to close the beach area to'autanobile traffic; Negotiated the agreement with the South San Luis Obispo county Sanitation District, comprising the area of Oceano and the cities of Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande and Grover City, to facil i tate the di sposal of sewage through' the District's outfall line; Assisted in negotiating with the corps of Engineers and the California Legislature for funding for the reconstruction of the Seawall; Instrumental in major' impr.ovements on the City's water system and the Esparto and Ocean Boulevard drainage and paving project; Creation of the South County Area Transit, the South County's first public transportation system; Establishment of a Joint Powers Agreement for the South County Data Processing Cooperative; and during his administration, held down expenditures in an era of financial limitations. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCI L OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: That it recognj zes the accomp Ii shments and ret i rement of WAYNE H. HOERETH as City Administrator of the City of Pismo Beach. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande wishes continued health and contentment to WAYNE H. HOERETH in his retirement. [On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Smith, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope NOES: None ABSENT: None ,h. ",."", R."""" .., p.".' ." .,,,,", 'h" 2~'.' ,,8,. ~ ~/~ - ~/ MAY R , ATTEST: f?<r.d1. /;/Jr-tUJ J D PUT~ITY CLERK i.",:;;.o';;.,-" .-" ,'. ,,~'