R 1467 .-_-------^-- - --_..---~------_.,_.-------~~---~~_.~-- .._---------'--_._-----~._.._---------.------- .. ,---- :) 017 . RESOLUTf ON NO. 1467 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HONORING CITY ADMINISTRATOR T~OMAS H. BUTCH FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE CITY. OF ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, THOMAS M. BUTCH will be leaving the City of Arroyo Grande on March 31, 1981 after 17 years and 8 months of service; and WHEREAS, he has been the guiding force in making Arroyo Grande the desirable community we know today; and [ WHEREAS, Tom has always administered his position with professionalism, efficiency and diplomacy; and WHEREAS, Arroyo Grande has grown and prospered under his administration; and WHEREAS, during the past seventeen-plus years Tom has been actively I involved in the following projects which have benefited this community and the j South County of San Luis Obispo County: Building of Lopez Dam and the Water Treatment Plant; Formation and building of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, Water Pollution Control Plant and the sewering of a majority of the Arroyo Grande City area; Established a new community center, as well as extensive improvements of the City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club Community Center; Formation of the Parks and Recreation Commission as well as the establishment of the Parks and Recreation Department, Encinas Bonitas Park, Soto Sports Complex Development, and Strother Park; Formation of the Planning Department and the Finance Department of the City; Formation of the Parking and Traffic Commission; Widening and improvement of Halcyon Road, Grand Avenue, Elm Street and expansion of Fair Oaks Avenue; Dedication of the Fred Grieb Bridge, Branch Street Improvement and undergrounding of utilities in the Downtown Village area; Relocation, expansion and development of the , Publ ic Works' corporation yard; Contributed toward the formation of the South County Area Transit System (SCAT), the first local bus system; Planned for future needs of the City of Arroyo Grande by organizing town meetings and a civic center committee, as well as finalizing acquisi.tion of land and buildings for civic center expansion purposes; Contributed to the creation and continued participation by the City in "Youth in Government Day" for the benefit of this area's high school students; Established a "Summer Youth Program" to give young people in the area the opportunity to work and earn during the summer months, and also furthered the opportunity for young people by establishing an internship program for prospective future city administrators; Received for the City from the California Society of Certified Public Accountants' Municipal Accounting Award for 1966 for special accounting procedures implemented into the City's finance system; Development and construction of the new Fire Station on Traffic Way; Was instrumental in this City being chosen as one of six cities in the State of California by the League of California Cities in establishing a program of capacity building, the results of which have been made available nationwide for communities as a model to improve local government; [ In cooperation with others formed the California Coast Cities Joint Powers Agreement to effectively provide various insurance coverages for all cities in the County of San Luis Obispo, thus saving hundreds of thousands of dollars. and also served as Chairman of the CCCJPA for a two year period; WHEREAS, Tom's community service has gone beyond the boundaries of the City with his involvement in various organizations, including. but not Jimited to: Office of Criminal Justice Planning, Region P, which serves all cities in the Counties of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara, for which he has served as Chairman for four years; Chairman of the Managers and City Administrator's Group of Cities in the County of San Luis Obispo; -- --,,------ ------- . ----.------..---.. ..-------...----~ -.-- ._._--.. __.._ _._~___.____"___~_m.______ _______~___.___ _~___ __...._ __.__~_.____.___________.___ _._~ __._ -..--.. -Ol~ .-- -- Chairman of ,CETA for the County of San luis Obispo for a two year period; league of California Cities, having served as Secretary to the President of the Channel Counties Division for two individual terms, and involvement in various statewide committees of the League of California Cities; Kiwanis Club of Greater Pismo Beach, President in 1968 as well as "1978 Kiwanian of the Year", and now serving as Secretary; Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce, president in 1968 and 1969, and still serving as a board member; Chairman and Master of Ceremonies of the Harvest Festival Belle Program for 10 years, as well as having served as Master of Ceremonies at innumerable local functions; Local Financial Chairman for 2 years of. Boy Scouts of America's Annual Fund Raising Campaign; Chairman of the United Way Allocations Committee for two years; and Instructor at Cal Poly in Public Administration as well as for the I Sacramento State University extention course in government at Cuesta College. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande is proud and appreciative of Tom's dedication to this City and wishes to take this opportunity to express itself toward this end. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOllOWS: That it recognizes the accomplishments of TOM BUTCH as the CITY ADMINISTRATOR of the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE during the past seventeen years; and That the City Council hereby expresses its thanks and appreciation to TOM for the manner in which he has guided the City Councils and City Staffs over the past seventeen years to make this City the professionally administered and fiscally south City that it is today. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby expresses its regret at Tom's leaving the employment of the City of Arroyo Grande and wishes continued health and contentment in his future endeavors. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, t and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council ~embers Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Pope NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of March, 1981. . ,~(~ ATTEST: ~11r/~MJ F D Y CI CLERK