R 1462 - 010' ,..... ') " ...J RESOLUTI ON NO. 1462 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE BY-MAIL BALLOT ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON , MARCH 3, 1981, OECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER HATTERS ARE PROVIDED BY LAW WHEREAS, a special by-mail ballot election was held and conducted in the City of Arroyo Grande, California, on Tuesday, March 3, 1981, as required by law; and WHEREAS, notice of said election was duly and regularly given in I time, form and manner as provided by law; that election officers were appointed and that in all respects said election was held and conducted and the votes cast thereat, received .and canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California for the holding of elections (n ci ties, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. J449 adopted December .9, 1980, the City Clerk of said City canvassed the returns of said election and has certified the results to this City Council, said results were received, attached and m;3de a part hereqf as "Exhibit A". NOW, THEREFORE" THE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALI FORN I A, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERM I NE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That there was one (I) voting precinct established for the purpose of holding said election consisting of one of the regular precincts in the County of San Luis Obispo, California, as established for the holding of state and county elections. SECTI ON 2: That at said special by-mail ballot election, the following measure was submitted to the electors of said precinct, to wit: "Shall the order adopted on October 14, 1980 by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ordering the annexation to said City of the territory described in said order and designated as "El Camino Real No. I Annexation to the City of Arroyo Grande" be confirmed?" SECTI ON 3: That the whold number of votes cast in said City (except absent voter ballots) was seventy-six (76). That the whole number of absent voter ballots cast in said City was 0, making a total of seventy-six (76) votes cast in said City. SECTION 4: That as a result of said election, a majority of the qualified voters voting on said measure relating to El Camino Real No. I Annexation to the City of Arroyo Grande did vote in favor thereof, and that said proposition was carried, and shall be deemed adopted and ratified. SECTI ON 5: The City Clerk shall enter on the records of the , City Council of said City, a statement of the result of said election, showing: I) The whole number of votes cast in the city; 2) The measure voted upon; 3) The number of votes for and against the measure. ;..". - ~~--...__.._-_.+ .,-_.._-_..,-~-_._--_._----~.- ."--~ . ------.---.---..,--.-----.- . --'--'--~--------'--------""'--'--" .- .. ~- ~ , 011 SECTION 6: That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original Resolutions of said City; ans shall make a minute passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED on March 10, 1981. ATTEST: (j~C@~ DEPUTY Y CLERK EXH I B IT "A" CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS I, Cindy Christian, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis ObispOt State of Californiat duly authorized by Resolution No. 1449, adopted by the City Council of said City on the 9th day of December, 1980, do hereby certify that I have canvassed the returns of the special by-mail ballot municipal election held in said City on the 3rd day of March, 1981, and find that the number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes given in the City for and against the measure were as follows: Dated 3 -1/ - ~/ PRECINCT #1 FOR MEASURE AGAINST MEASURE TOTAL VOTES CAST (Fair Oaks #3) AT PRECINCT 49 20 76 Note: Seven ballots received were not properly executed.