R 1451 411 /" .-, ~ RESOLUTION NO. 1451 A RESOLUTI ON OF THE CITY COUNC I L OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOGNIZING JOSEPH E. ANDERSON, JR. FOR HIS 29 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS AN EMPLOYEE IN THE CAPACITY OF DJ, RECTORd OF PUBLIC WORKS, AND HONORING HIM AT HIS TIME OF RETIREMENT ON DECEMBER 31, 1980 WHEREAS, the City of Aoroyo Grande is proud of its employees and their devotion to the Citizens of Arroyo Grande and their employment with the City; and [ WHEREAS, Joseph E. Anderson, Jr. has served In this City in the capacity of Director of Public Works since April 16, 1952; and WHEREAS. during the last twenty-nine years, Joe has been instrumental in the development and improvement of the City by being involved in the following projects: The annexation, street improvement and drainage system for the Fair Oaks area; the negotiation for the freeway system; the construction of Grand Avenue and-lthe reconstruction of Branch Street; planning. right of way acquisition, and construction of major streets in the City including Elm Street, Halcyon Road, and Fair Oaks Avenue. including construction of the Fred Grieb Bridge over the Arroyo Grande Creek; installation of four 1iffinalized intersections; construction of a complete sewage col1ection/~ ffietrunk I ine to a centralized treatment faci I ity; development of the existing water system which included installation of three additional reservoirs, ties to the Lppez Water Project, establishment of a water program to upgrade the operational capabilities of the system, all of which resulted in an effective fire protection system for the entire City; operation and expansion of a conjunctive surface and groundwater supply to provide for past and future growth; building construction during Joe's stay with the City include the Police Station, Fire Station, City , Hall remodeling, Recreation Department Facility, the Corporate Yard, and public improvements within the City's park system, and modification of the swinging bridge. WHEREAS, it is the desire and wish of the City to recognize Joe's involvement and accomplishments for and on behalf of the City and its' residents. NO~, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE does hereby resolve as follows: That it recognizes the accomplishments and retirement of JOSEPH E. ANDERSON, JR. as the Director of Public Works for the City of Arroyo Grande and for his twenty-nine years of service. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, and Mayor Pope NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Smith the foregoing Resolution ,./as passed and adopted this 13th .~ay of January, 1981. '-':___u_ /, i '/0' '_..c/. ~/ I .... . /' < 7 / . ,,/V7/- i~. ATTEST: ._.(l;/Yi. KAYOR / - ildiJ___.. DEPUTY CLERK ,,'......., .---