R 1660 , __no . ...... ,......\ .... 134 - RESOLUTI ON NO. 1660 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAIIDE A/lEND I NG RESOLUTI ON NO. 1006 REGARDING AMENDING ESTABLISHED CHARGES FOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE AREA OF THE DRAINAGE STUDY MAP DESIGNATED "ARROYO GRANDE DRAINAGE AREA NO. I, HALCYON ROAD WEST TO CITY LIMITS" WHEREAS, there exists certain drainage problems within that area considered In a drainage study and map to be known as "Arroyo Grande - Drainage Area No. I", dated August 22, 1972, for that area generally westerly of North and South Halcyon Road within the City limits as prepared by the City of Arroyo Grande staff members; and WHEREAS, the cost of drainage facilities, required by new development is the responsibility of the developer and the cost of drainage facilities necessary for existing development is the responsibility of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the amount of drainage runoff generated by the development of private property is in direct relation to the percentage of the lot coverage as permitted by applicable zoning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE that within the Arroyo Grande Drainage Area No. I, the City of Arroyo Grande establishes a drainage fee, and said fee being determined by the City Council to be an amount sufficient to contribute toward that portion of the cost of acquiring and constructing the drainage facilities, shown in said drainage study, atrrlbutable to new development, to be collected within the area of the above referred to map and subsequent amendments on the following basis: ZOtjE UNIT COST PER ACRE R-l $1,330.00 R-2 1,662.50 R-G 1,995.00 R-3 2,500.40 C or I 3,325.00 P-D Select Zone Unit Cost Per Acre in accordance with actual density achieved BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that annually the fees shall be modified up or down in conformance with the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index and the factor for the adjustment shall be calculated and established each January by City 'Council resolution as recommended by the Director of Public Works, by the following formula: Factor a I + Current Index - Base Index Base Index Factor = I + Current Index - 1811.76 1811. 76 The ENR Index as used above does not guarantee that sufficient funds will be generated to construct all the drainage structures necessary. simply because much of the area is already developed. The Index itself, however, does reflect actual Increases in construction cost which have occurred and which will apparently continue to occur. I - --~--- --- ,- -~ ------ ___J ---,----.- ._~ ..--.,.,------.-.. ---~-._-- .-----..._.__.-. ,- .-.. . , . .~. "'. 135 ... BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the area known as the "Stem Annexation" Is included within the Arroyo Grande Drainage Area No. I, Ha I cyon Road west to the City Limits", and the map of the area is hereby amended to Include the Stem Annexation (a copy of which is attached and known as Exhibit A). i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a permit or approval for the Improvement I I or development of any property within the area of the above referred to I Arroyo Grande Drainage Area No. I shall not be commenced untIl a payment of the above drainage fees has been deposited with the City of Arroyo Grande; and - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the area subject to the unit cost per acre shall be the total gross area of the property or parcel being developed, excepting that area credit shall be allowed for any existing Improvements and no drainage fee shall be assessed to any existIng residentially Improved R-1 lots; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in thoseccases where a subdivider or other developer has been required to construct Improvements of benefit to the general area, the cost of those structures may be credited toward the required drainage fees. This credit shall not preclude the developer from negotiating any additional reimbursements allowed by the SubdIvIsion Hap Act. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that In the event the City's drainage facilities, as necessary to serve the subject property are not available, the developer shall provide temporary interim provisions for draInage water to the approval of the City until the City's drainage facilities are available. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Hember Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Vandeveer, Millis, Hogan, Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Smi th the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of August, 1982. h~ I I MAYOR PRO I I ATTEST, ~i,w i DEPUTY LERK i i I I I ! i , i i