PC Minutes 2009-10-06` C e No ' °' App'' ; Address Description Action Planner_ 1. VSR 09 -004 Troy Powell 111 McKinley Street Extension of the existing second story deck and stairs to the side yard setback A. J. Bergman 2. MEX 09 -003 D.E. Regan & Carmen Enciso 213 Whiteley Street Allow parking space in street sideyard assoc. w/ 2nd du A. J. Bergman 3. TUP 09 -014 South County Historical Society Over Branch Street in the Village Banner for SCHS Antique Show & Sale Feb 13 -14 A. J. Bergman 4. TUP 09 -022 City of A G & Chamber of Commerce West Branch Street in the Village Banner across W. Branch Street in Village (Beautification Award) A J. Bergman 1 1 1 CALL TO ORDER - The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Ray presiding; also present were Commissioners, Barneich, Keen and Ruth. Commissioner Brown absent. Staff members in attendance were Community Development Director Teresa McClish and Planning Manager Jim Bergman. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None AGENDA REVIEW: None MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 6, 2009 6:00 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Ray made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Ruth and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of September 15, 2009, with the following revisions: • minor spelling errors. • Page 5, Table, Number 6. Commissioner Keen voted "Yes, only in the Village Core ". A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None B. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS AFTER AGENDA PREPARATION: None II. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: None III. NON - PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: None IV. REFERRAL ITEMS FOR COMMISSION ACTION /NOTICES OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE SEPTEMBER 15, 2009: Commissioner Keen asked if there is a policy on the banners (i.e. number /year and length of time). Ms. McClish stated yes and the policy is in the process of being amended. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 6, 2009 Commissioner Barneich asked if Item No. 2 is for compliance. Mr. Bergman indicated yes. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Update on City Staff Project: Update the City's General Plan Conservation /Open Space Element Ms. McClish presented the staff report regarding the Update on the City's General Plan Conservation /Open Space Element and noted there is a workshop on October 22, 2009 at 6:30 pm at the Women's Center. In response to Chair Ray's question, Ms. McClish stated the $10,000 cost is what the University is requesting for materials, which has been approved by the City Council. B. Update on City Staff Project: Update on the City's General Plan Housing Element Ms. McClish presented the staff report regarding the Update on the City's General Plan Housing Element. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS: None VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: Commissioner Barneich asked about discussion of Sharrows. Ms. McClish said this item will be presented with the bike plan update at a later date. Commissioner Barneich asked if the City Council discussed the LESA Model. Ms. McClish will follow -up at the next Commission meeting on the City Council's comment to the LESA Model. Ms. McClish stated staff will be reviewing the "conversion" definition. VII. ACTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW -UP: None VIII. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. ATTEST: 1 (,J Jcfr it DEBBIE WEICHINGER SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: rK) TERESA McICL SH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR (Approved at the 11/17/09 meeting) PAGE 2 1 1 1