PC Minutes 2009-07-071 e 1 AGENDA REVIEW: None. A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 7, 2009 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Ray presiding; also present were Commissioner Barneich, Brown, Keen and Ruth. Staff members in attendance were Community Development Director, Rob Strong, Associate Planners, Jim Bergman, Kelly Heffernon, Ryan Foster, Assistant City Engineer, Mike Linn, and Planning Intern Darryl Mimick. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Strong indicated that in the future the Planning Commission minutes will be "action minutes ". APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chair Ray made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Keen, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of May 19, 2009, as presented, and the minutes of June 2, 2009 with the following modifications: • Page 2, first bullet should read "She is okay with the lot split — it makes sense right now with just two residences; it can be revisited later if the buildings convert to commercial." • Page 4, first bullet should read "She is glad to see the proposed sidewalks, especially on Tally Ho Road and that Via La Barranca drainage problem will be fixed next year." B. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS AFTER AGENDA PREPARATION: 1. A letter received from Adeline Bottorff, 1218 Montego dated June 30, 2009 regarding Item II.C. stating opposition to the number of residential lots being considered for the Hillcrest area. 2. A letter received from Steph Wald, CCSE Watershed Project Manager, dated July 7, 2009 regarding item II.B. commenting on Initial Study Summary. II. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 09 -003; APPLICANT — GARY SMITH; LOCATION — 211 E. BRANCH STREET Associate Planner, Jim Bergman and Planning Intern Darryl Mimick presented the staff report for consideration of a proposal to establish a wine tasting room. Staff answered Commission questions. Chair Ray opened the Public Hearing for public comments, but hearing none closed it. The Commission was in favor of the project. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 7, 2009 RESOLUTION 09 -2084 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 09 -003; WINE TASTING ROOM; APPLIED FOR BY NIPOMO WINE GROUP DBA PHANTOM RIVERS WINE, LOCATED AT 211 EAST BRANCH STREET The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Brown, Ruth, Barneich, Keen and Chair Ray NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 7th day of July 2009. Staff answered Commission questions. Bernard Landsman, Newman Drive, stated opposition to the project. PAGE 2 Commissioner Brown made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Ruth, to approve Conditional use Permit Case No. 09 -003, as submitted and adopt: B. VESTING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 05 -001 & MINOR EXCEPTION CASE NO. 05 -006; APPLICANT - DEBLAUW BUILDERS, INC.; LOCATION — 605 EMAN COURT Kelly Heffernon, Associate Planner, presented the staff report for review of a subdivision of a 1.28 -acre parcel into three residential lots and a Minor Exception for wall height and lot depth. Chair Ray opened the Public Hearing for public comments. Duane DeBlauw, applicant for the project, reviewed the project and indicated that structures will be set back 35 feet from the creek. Chris Diedrichsen, 582 Newman Drive, said there is no sewer easement across his property, and he will not allow any one on his property unless he has a deed and suggested that an EIR be done for the project. Mr. Linn said that there was a soils report done for this project. He said inspection could be provided by City staff. In response to Commissioner's concerns, Mr. Strong stated a sewer manhole is 10 — 15 feet into Mr. Diedrichsen's property and there is no sewer easement. The project meets the creek setback requirement and does not contribute to bank destabilization. 1 1 1 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 7, 2009 Commissioner Barneich made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Ruth, to adopt a resolution approving Vesting Tentative Parcel Map Case No. 05 -006 and MEX Case No. 05 -006, with the following modifications to the conditions of approval: • Add to mitigation measure 4.11 that Central Coast Salmon Enhancement review the creek setback landscape plan. • The landscape plan shall show drought tolerant landscaping throughout the property to limit irrigation within the creek setback area. • The building inspector shall make sure that the creek setback area is properly delineated with fencing and that construction activity is outside the setback area when performing normal building inspections. and adopt: RESOLUTION 09 -2085 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 05 -001 AND MINOR EXCEPTION CASE NO. 05 -006 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 605 EMAN COURT; APPLIED FOR BY DEBLAUW BUILDERS INC. The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Barneich, Ruth, Brown, Keen and Chair Ray NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 7th day of July 2009. The Commission took a break at 7:38 p.m. and reconvened at 7:45 p.m. PAGE 3 C. PRE - ANNEXATION, SPHERE OF INFLUENCE ADJUSTMENT, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT CASE NOS. 09- 001; TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS CASE NOS. 09 -003, 09 -004, 09 -005, 09 -006 AND DRAFT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION; APPLICANT - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; LOCATION — SEVEN PROJECT SUBAREAS WITHIN THE CITY (Continued from April 7 and May 5, 2009 meetings) Community Development Director, Rob Strong, presented the staff report for consideration and recommendation to City Council of a proposal by the City of Arroyo Grande to pre -zone and annex one property accessed off of Pearwood Avenue; removal of three Mobile Home Park properties accessed off South Halcyon Road from the City's Sphere of Influence (SOI), to reflect actual water resource allocation from Oceano Community Services District; and changes in General Plan Land Use designations and zoning (GPA/DCA) for a total of nine (9) properties within the City of Arroyo Grande for General Plan consistency of Public Facility designated properties and to provide additional infill housing opportunities. Subareas 1, 2, 4 & 5 involve four (4) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 7, 2009 PAGE 4 separate residential subdivision tentative tract maps which are also being considered at this time. The project subareas include: 1) Prezone /Annexation /GPA/DCA/TTM for four (4) residential lots, and one Public Facility open space parcel, Pearwood Avenue and Huasna Road (APN 047 -125- 002); 2) GPA/DCA/TTM for Hillcrest Drive for 15 residential lots (APN 077 - 061 -016); 3) SOI change for South Halcyon Mobile Home Parks (APN's 075 - 011 -037, 039 & 040); 4) & 5) GPA/DCA/TTM for one (1) Multi - Family (MF) lot and two (2) four -lot residential sub - divisions, City and County Regional Center properties, (Portions of APN's 007- 011 -040; 044 & 046); including an Open Space /Conservation Public Facility overlay and easement on a part. 6) GPA/DCA: South Court land Street Public Facility designation and zoning for existing drainage basin (APN's 077 - 131 -030 & 031); 7) GPA/DCA: City Hall, East Branch Street (APN's 007 - 492 -004 & 007 - 493 -019). Also included in this project are clean -up amendments to the General Plan and Development Code to allow various commercial retail and recreational uses (including drive - through in the Regional Commercial district) and to revise the definition of "Agricultural Land" for Code consistency. He stated that the Notice of Availability was not mailed 30 days before the hearing and this item would need to be continued to the July 21, 2009 Planning Commission meeting. He stated that final recommendation will be presented to the September 22, 2009 City Council meeting. Subarea 1) Chair Ray opened the Public Hearing for public comments. The following people spoke in opposition to the project: • Eva Makela, Pearwood Avenue Dona Nelson, Pearwood Avenue • Rick Nelson, Pearwood Avenue Harvey Palmer, Pearwood Avenue • Dennis O'Neil, Pearwood Avenue Mike Favareille, Pearwood Avenue • Emily Howard, Pearwood Avenue George Stewart, Pearwood Avenue • Sharon Favareille, Pearwood Avenue Commission comments to Subarea 1): Mr. Strong said the water from construction of new houses will drain to the basin, which is safe. Mr. Strong stated Pearwood Avenue would be repaved next spring. After research, the City Clerk was unable to locate a referendum, which was mentioned by citizens. Mr. Strong stated he is not aware of flooding after the improvements were made to the Pearwood basin outlet but that additional research would be reported at continued hearing. The Commission took a break at 9:00 p.m. and reconvened at 9:15 p.m. Subarea 2) Chair Ray opened the Public Hearing for public comments. The following people spoke in opposition of the project: 1 1 1 1 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 7, 2009 • Larry Harlan, Hillcrest • Joe Wolosz, Hillcrest • Scott Seelos, Hillcrest Paul Hertel, Hillcrest Chris Barrett, Newport Jason Chang, Hillcrest PAGE 5 Rod Hatch, Sierra Drive, stated he does not remember being noticed on this matter and that traffic coming through by the water tank is a good option. Commission comments to Subarea 2): Alternative circulation to Stonecrest Drive needs to be explored before going further. It was the consensus of the Commission that the proposed subdivision should not be approved until alternative circulation /access is proposed for Subarea 2. Time 10:05 p.m. Commissioner Barneich made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Ray and unanimously carried to approve continuing the meeting to 11:00 p.m. Subarea 3) Chair Ray opened the Public Hearing for public comments, but hearing none closed it. The Commission concurred with proposal of Subarea 3. Subarea 4 &5) Chair Ray opened the Public Hearing for public comments. Caryn Maddalena, representative from County of San Luis Obispo, stated that the zoning for Subarea 4 &5 are Single Family and Residential Suburban respectively and the Tract Map for the County property needs to be corrected by the City. The following people expressed their concern with the added traffic, questioned the definition of Multi - Family (MF) and are in opposition of the project: • Bonnie Young, Mercedes Lane • Jim Broz, Rodeo Drive • John Hurd, Old Ranch Road Vincent Bozanich, Old Ranch Road, concurred with the comments above and added he is in favor of the proposed Police Department. Commission comments to Subarea 4 &5): Mr. Strong gave the definition of MF stating it is 9 units /acre, townhouse /condominium. The Commission concurred with proposal of Subarea 4 & 5 and asked to see the CC &R's for the four lots that are contiguous to the Recreation Center and stated that this is only public discussion and no project is being approved at this time. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 7, 2009 Subarea 6) Chair Ray opened the Public Hearing for public comments, but hearing none closed it. The Commission concurred with proposal of Subarea 6. Subarea 7) Chair Ray opened the Public Hearing for public comments, but hearing none closed it. The Commission concurred with proposal of Subarea 7. Commission comments on clean -up amendments: Commission would like to discuss "Ag Land ", Exhibit "A" of the Draft ordinance at the continued hearing and review changes to the table regarding Regional Commercial (RC) at that time. After discussion, the Commission agreed to continue public hearing and consideration of this item to the next regular Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, July 21, 2009. III. NON - PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CASE NO. 09 -002; APPLICANTS- POLLY KINGSLEY /NEAL & BETTY MILNE; LOCATION - 379 & 393 CORBETT CANYON ROAD Associate Planner, Ryan Foster presented the staff report for review of a request for a lot line adjustment. Commissioner Ruth made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Ray to approve Lot Line Adjustment Case No. 09 -002; as submitted and adopt: RESOLUTION 09 -2086 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 09 -002; LOCATED AT 379 AND 393 CORBETT CANYON ROAD; APPLIED FOR BY NEIL AND BETTY MILNE /POLLY KINGSLEY The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Ruth, Ray, Barneich, Keen, and Brown, NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 7th day of July 2009. PAGE 6 B. REVIEW OF PROPOSED PLANS FOR THE CAR CORRAL PARKING LOT IN THE VILLAGE OF ARROYO GRANDE Rob Strong, Community Development Director, presented plans to the Commission for the Car Corral parking lot reconfiguration and resurface between and behind the Village Grill, Sportscard Shop and Bill's Cleaners. 1 1 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 7, 2009 Commission comments: • Have more trees installed in the parking lot. • Relocate the mail drop box somewhere in the Village. The Commission supported the Car Corral parking lot reconfiguration and resurface between and behind the Village Grill, Sportscard Shop and Bill's Cleaners. I.V. REFERRAL ITEMS FOR COMMISSION ACTION /NOTICES OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE JUNE 2, 2009: Case N 1. PPR 09 -007 2. MEX 09 -002 3. VSR 09 -002 pp Paul Wolf Aleji Davar Cortez Cate Address 604 E. Grand Ave. 592 Le Point 556 & 558 Bakeman Ln )escriptiori, Chiropractic Office For a 280 sq.ft. secondary dwelling unit. Construction of 2 flr. Exterior deck on front of house Action A. A. A. Planner,, . , J. Bergman J. Bergman J. Bergman/ D. Mimick Item No. 2: In reply to a question from the Commission Mr. Strong clarified where the second dwelling unit would be located. The Commission had no further comments /concerns.. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS: None VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: Chair Ray would like to review the format for action minutes. VII. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW -UP: None VIII. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:03 p.m. ATTEST: w DEBBIE WEICHINGER, SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION TO •� •� RIB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVEL • PMENT (Approved at the July 21, 2009 meeting) ditit CAREN RAY# IR PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 1 1 1