PC Minutes 2008-10-211 1 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 21, 2008 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Ray presiding; also present were Commissioners Barneich, Keen, Tait and Ruth. Staff members in attendance were Community Development Director, Rob Strong, and Associate Planners Ryan Foster, Kelly Heffernon and Teresa McClish. AGENDA REVIEW: No changes requested. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chair Ray made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Keen, to approve the minutes of September 16, 2008 with the following modification: • Pg. 3, 2nd open bullet under Ray, change to "wording "deep word roof overhangs ". The motion was approved by a 5/0 voice vote. A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. B. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS AFTER AGENDA PREPARATION: None. II. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 07 -001 & LANDSCAPE PLAN; APPLICANT — COURTLAND VILLAGE, LLC; LOCATION — 1375 E. GRAND AVENUE. Associate Planner, Kelly Heffernon, presented the staff report for signage for the Court land Village II. In response to Commissioner questions, Ms. Heffernon further discussed maximum allowable square footage for the building; no plans are available to review yet for the SESLOC sign; each tenant will only have one sign (Commissioners may wish to allow two for the corner building — one on each side); there is a monument sign currently up for Longs, so this would be a duplicate; ARC's discussion to allow an "extra 10 sf' was because there would normally be 140 sf (70 + 70), but proposed totals 150 (100 +50). Chair Ray opened the public hearing for public comment. Dennis Mitchum, Longs project manager, noted the maximum size of the sign on Building 'C' would be 100 sf (not 50 sf). Also, they would like to delete the wording "Court land- Grand" from the proposed monument sign. CVS, who is buying Longs, would have the same position on the sign. Robert Carnes, SESLOC development manager, described the normal signs as brown anodized aluminum letters. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 2008 and adopt: RESOLUTION NO. 08 -2072 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM NO. 07 -001, APPLIED FOR BY E.F. MOORE AND CO. FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1375 EAST GRAND AVENUE The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Ray, Commissioners Barneich, Keen, Tait and Ruth NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21 day of October, 2008. RESOLUTION NO. 08 -2073 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE TIME EXTENSION CASE NO. 08 -007 FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 06 -005; APPLICANT JEFF HOLLISTER; FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 231 SOUTH HALCYON ROAD PAGE 2 Commissioner comments: • Commissioners had no problems with the proposed signs. They look nice. The second monument sign is okay, since the other one isn't very large. Chair Ray made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Barneich to approve Planned Sign Program Case No. 07 -001 with the following modifications: • Delete the center name from the monument sign, as requested by the applicant. III. NON - PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. TIME EXTENSION CASE NO. 08 -007; APPLICANT — JEFF HOLLISTER; LOCATION — 231 S. HALCYON Associate Planner, Ryan Foster, presented the staff report for a one -year time extension for Conditional Use Permit Case No. 06 -005. The project would expire in December 2008 if the Time Extension is not approved. Chair Ray opened the public hearing for public comment and hearing none closed it. Commissioner Barneich made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tait to recommend approval of Time Extension Case No. 08 -007 to City Council, and adopt: 1 1 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 2008 The motion was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Barneich, Tait, Keen, Ruth and Chair Ray None None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21 day of October, 2008. IV. REFERRAL ITEMS FOR COMMISSION ACTION/ NOTICES OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS: SINCE OCTOBER 7, 2008. PAGE 3 ase No., 1. ARCH 08 -007 (previously PSP 08 -001) 2. ASP 08 -013 Coast Sign, Inc./ Bank of America Heritage Oaks Bank Address.; 200 W. Branch St. Description Updated signage. Replacement of roof canopy, installation of new drive -up ATM and replacement of signs. 1255 E. Grand Ave. Action A. A. � d Planner K. Heffernon E. Diaz 2. In response to Commissioner Tait's questions Mr. Strong replied that the sign will consist of individual letters that are externally lit. Also, instead of a flat roof over the drive -up area, it will be a hip roof that's more consistent with existing architecture. 1. Commissioner Barneich requested that this item be pulled for public hearing at the next meeting due to concerns about wall sign size and monument background color. Commissioner Barneich moved, and Chair Ray seconded, to place ARC 08 -007 on the public hearing agenda for November 18, 2008. The motion was approved by a 5/0 voice vote. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. CONSERVATION ELEMENT — GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 07 -003; APPLICANT — CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; LOCATION — CITYWIDE Associate Planners, Teresa McClish and Ryan Foster, discussed draft Introduction and Energy chapters for the Conservation Element of the 2001 General Plan Update (PowerPoint presentation on file at Community Development Department). The first part of the updated element will deal with energy. It will be based on the guiding principles of ICLEI, Ahwanee, and the three E's (Energy, Equity, Environment). Reasons for doing the update are sustainability and a state mandate to address energy inefficiency in development and operating. Implications will include CEQA and County issues. In response to Commissioner questions, Ms. McClish replied that the Ahwanee principles are evolving; work is not proceeding on the original schedule due to County scheduling changes and lack of budget; parts of the element will be brought forward in the next three months, with chapters being more completely outlined in Spring 2009; although development activity is somewhat reduced, staff is currently working on the Housing Element update and water conservation; SLO Greenbuild's input and help will be at the discretion of the Planning Commission; AB32 will be discussed in more detail at future meetings. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 2008 VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: Chair Ray made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Barneich, to cancel the regular Planning Commission meeting of November 4, 2008. The motion was approved by a 5/0 roll call vote. VII. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW -UP: Mr. Strong announced that the City will miss Associate Engineer Victor Devens, who is leaving to work for Cal Trans. VIII. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. on a motion by Chair Ray. ATTEST: KATHY MENDOZA FOR LYN REARDON- SMITH, SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOP ENT DIRECTOR (Minutes approved at the PC meeting of 11/1V2008) PAGE 4 1