PC Minutes 2007-11-20� MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 2007 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Ray presiding; also present were Commissioners Barneich, Keen, Marshall, and Tait. Staff members in attendance were Acting Community Development Director, Teresa McClish, Associate Planner, Ryan Foster, Assistant Planner, Jim Bergman and Public Works Engineer, Victor Devens. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. AGENDA REVIEW: The Commission discussed staff's requested continuance of Item II.A. as recorded under Item I.B. "Written Communications". APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Marshall made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Keen to approve the minutes of October 16, 2007, with the following corrections: 1. Item II.A. page 1, regarding Wood Winery, correct to show that the applicant testified during public hearing. 2. Page 5, correct the spelling of "statutory" and "governance". The motion was approved on a 5/0 voice vote. A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. B. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. Memo from staff requesting that Item II.A. regarding the Appeal of Minor Exception Case No. 07-012, to be continued to a date certain, due to the appellant being out of the country until the end of the year. II. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS A. APPEAL OF MINOR EXCEPTION CASE NO. 07-012; APPELLANT — JAMES ADAIR; LOCATION —131 EAST CHERRY AVENUE Associate Planner, Ryan Foster, requested the Commission continue this item to a date certain of January 15, 2008; the meeting of January 1 St having been cancelled due to the New Year's Day holiday. Chair Ray made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Keen to continue item II.A., Appeal of Minor Exception Case No. 07-012, to the meeting of January 15, 2008. The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Ray, Commissioners Keen, Barneich, Marshall and Tait NOES: None ABSENT: None PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES NOVEMBER 20, 2007 PAGE 2 III. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS A. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW CASE NO. 07-005; APPLICANT — MARY HAYES; LOCATION — 704 BRANCH MILL ROAD Assistant Planner, Jim Bergman, presented the staff report for review of a pre- application to subdivide a 4.1-acre parcel into three (3) parcels, designated as single family, low density residential, and correct the zoning map consistent with the General Plan. In conclusion, Mr. Bergman stated that on September 19, 2007 the Staff Advisory Committee reviewed this project and their tentative conditions are included in the staff report. The Commission had the following comments and questions regarding the project: Barneich: • Attachment No. 2, stated it was not clear whether the oak trees over 3" were to remain or be removed. Mr. Bergman stated the applicant may be able to answer this, but when the full application is received with new sets of plans the oak trees will be addressed. • Are all 3 parcels going to use both the new driveway and Huebner Lane? Mr. Bergman stated that they would all use the new driveway - Huebner Lane will provide secondary access to the property. Tait: • The staff report discusses that the property has been designated as Low Density Residential (2001 General Plan Update), but the rezone will be either Residential Hillside (RH) which allows 2.73 units, or Rural Residential (RR) which allows 4 units, how will this be decided? Mr. Bergman: Staff will make the recommendation as to the zoning once an application has been submitted. Ms. McClish: Both RR and RH would be consistent with the General Plan Update for Low Density Residential. • Is there concern that the 20-foot wide paved access road (Los Olivos) may impact the oak trees? Mr. Bergman: Once we have the actual plan oak tree impacts can be assessed. • Is the existing residence on septic and where will the storm water run off go to? Mr. Devens: The existing residence will have to hook up to City sewer, the increased storm water run off will end up in the Los Berros Creek. • Will the 100-foot clearance of combustibles include vegetation also? Ms. McClish: The 100-feet c/earance was discussed in SAC; there can be differenf vegetation fuel modification guidelines within the 100-feet such that the vegetation may get increasingly defensible as it gets closer to the home. Marshall: Fire Department "box culvert support" why is this required? Mr. Devens: This culvert already exists, but it has to be strong enough to support a fire vehicle. Why does the City have to initiate the rezoning and not the applicant? Ms. McClish: When the Genera/ Plan was amended for land use a few years ago the rezoning was not done at the same time - so the City will now need to do this. � PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 20, 2007 PAGE 3 PAGE 3 • Are there any dead-end road links in the vicinity that this proposal could be a solution for. Mr. Devens: Trinity Street does dead end at the property, however there is no direct way to connect it to this property. Ray: • Could Los Olivos connect through to Huebner Lane (rather than have a turnaround)? Mr. Devens: Huebner Lane is very narrow and has some blind corners. • Is the driveway access, across the larger parcel going to be via easement? Mr. Devens: There would have to be an access easement dedicated along the alignment of the driveway. Although this was not a public hearing item Chair Ray opened the hearing for public comment. Grant Dorman, representative, stated that this had been an approved project in 1985, but no records are available going back that far; he then answered Commission questions: • Drainage from the hillside: On the north side of the property there is a retaining wall and behind that a swale was put in to capture the run off; the site has not been surveyed yet so volumes, retention or detention cannot be addressed yet. • The clearance on the trees cannot be addressed until there is a tentative map. • The box culvert has already been engineered for fire truck access. Commissioner Keen asked for clarification on the access easement shown on the plan. Mr. Dorman clarified where the easement was and stated that it would probably not be abandoned once the new driveway was in place - it makes sense to keep the secondary access even though it's narrow. In conclusion, Mr. Dorman stated that until the mapping has been done it would be premature to discuss the proposed tentative conditions. Commissioner Ray closed the public hearing. Commission comments: Marshall: • He is looking forward to the next hearing on this proposal; the greatest concern may be the management of the oak trees on the property. Tait: • Agrees with Commissioner Marshall regarding the concern of the oak trees on site. • It will be interesting to see what will be required after the drainage and soil study and what will be required for the tentative 100-foot clearance condition by the Fire Department. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 20, 2007 PAGE 4 PAG E 4 Keen: • There are a lot of items to be addressed — a lot of it fairly extensive, including sprinkling of the existing house when this comes forward. Barneich: • It appears that this site has two perfect places for two houses. • She has some concerns for the driveway, oak tree clearance, and drainage. Ray: • This proposal will be drastically different when it comes forward to the Commission again due to all the extensive conditions placed on it. Therefore, at this time it's difficult to give any kind of indication of how she feels about the project. No motion was made as this was a pre-application. Gretchen Miller, representative, for James Adair, asked if Item II.A had been discussed? Chair Ray stated that the Commission had approved continuation of this item to the meeting of January 15, 2008. Ms. Miller stated that Mr. Adair had faxed her authorization to speak for him at the hearing and that three other people were also present with her to speak on this item. . Associate Planner, Ryan Foster, stated he had not received any contact from Mr. Adair regarding his having a representative present, but he accepted the fax from the applicant for the file. Chair Ray stated that due to this fact the item would be continued as already decided by motion. IV. REFERRAL ITEMS FOR COMMISSION ACTION/ NOTICES OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS: SINCE OCTOBER 16, 2007: 1. ARCH 07-007 Bill Cockshott 2. PPR 07-011 Massage Zone, LL 3. PPR 07-012 Peggy Genoway 4. TUP 07-024 Village Improvement Whiteley 8� Ide 1404 E. Grand 411 Traffic Way E. Grand Ave New two-story home existing lot in Village New massage business New massage business Village Christmas Parade on�A A A A. 5. MEX 07-014 James Shields 433 Stagecoach Minor Exception to allow a 3' ,q Rd. encroachment into front yard setback for re uired arkin . 6. TUP 07-023 Hopper Bros. 1587 EI Camino Christmas tree sales A • Christmas Trees Real R. Foster R. Foster R. Foster A. Di Giralamo J. Bergman J. Paulding PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 20, 2007 PAGE 5 Item No. 1 Commissioner Tait asked if the ARC had reviewed been reviewed by the ARC and approved by the Commissioner Barneich asked if the small house o replied that the small house was on an existing lot had no further concerns. PAGE 5 this item? Mr. Foster stated it had Community Development Director. n the lot would remain. Mr. Foster and will remain. The Commission Item No. 2& 3 : Commissioner Tait asked if there was another massage business at 411 Traffic Way? Mr. Foster said he did not think so, but he would take a look at this. The Commission had no further concerns. Item No. 4 : Ms. McClish stated the address for this item should be East Branch Street, not East Grand Avenue. Item No. 5: In reply to questions from Commissioner Marshall, Mr. Bergman explained with a drawing how the 3-foot deviation and the driveway and parking would work. The Commission had no further concerns. Item No. 6: The Commission had no concerns. _� V. DISCUSSION ITEMS: None. VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: Commissioner Barneich gave an update on the trees to be planted on the sidewalk of the Equity Reach Mortgage building along the Bridge Street side. VII. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW-UP: None. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. ATT ST: , " �_ LY REARDON-SMITH, CAR N RAY, ¢H ,AIR SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION � AS TO CONTENT: C " TERESA M�LISH, ACTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR (Minutes approved at the PC meeting of December 4, 2007) .\