PC Minutes 2005-05-031 MINUTES CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 3, 2005 6:00 P.M. —10:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Brown presiding; also present were Commissioners Keen, Parker and Tait. Commissioner Fellows was absent. Staff members in attendance were Community Development Director, Rob Strong, Associate Planner, Teresa McClish, Assistant Planners Ryan Foster and Jim Bergman, and Public Works Engineer, Victor Devens. AGENDA REVIEW: Commissioner Keen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tait to continue agenda item III.D. (DCA 05-007 regarding Village Commercial District and Village Mixed Use parking provisions) to a date uncertain. The motion was approved on the following, roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Keen, Tait, Parker and Chair Brown NOES: None ABSENT: Fellows APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of April 5, 2005 and April 19, 2005 were approved on a motion by Commissioner Keen, seconded by Commissioner Parker. The motion was approved on a 4/0 voice vote. I. A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Otis Page, 606 Myrtle Street, spoke in regards to the Cherry Creek project. (Mr. Strong recused himself during this time.) Mr. Page felt there was a conflict at the City Council when they discussed both the City agriculture policy and the Cherry Creek Pre -application Review on the same day (March 23, 2004). He wrote a memo on March 24, 2004, and he plans to write and speak further on this matter in the future. He questioned the City's enforcement of new policies on prime agricultural properties. B. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Letter dated 5/2/05 from David Robasciotti re Item III.B. Spanish Oaks. 2. Consent Agenda Item 3 added for VSR 05-008, 1398 Newport. 3. Letters dated 4/26/05 from D. Scott and Kendra Wagers re: Alder House. 4. Public commissioner ethics bookmark/checklist from City Manager Steve Adams. Mr. Strong noted that item 3 (Alder House letters) will be included with the agenda packet when this is presented at Planning Commission in the future. II. A CONSENT AGENDA AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS SINCE APRIL 19, 2005 1. VSR 05-005 1411 Sierra Dr. Addition of 2nd story and modification of A J. Bergman existing garage. 2. VSR 05-004 1215 Poplar St Addition of 2nd Story & modification of A A. Brownwood kitchen & garage. 3. VSR 05-008 1351 Newport Expansion of existing 2nd story deck on A R. Foster Ave. rear of house. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 3, 2005 PAGE 2 Commissioner Keen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Parker to approve consent Items 1, 2 and 3. The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Keen, Parker, Tait and Chair Brown NOES: None ABSENT: Fellows III. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 04-009; APPLICANT — GARY WHITE (HAMPTON INN & SUITES HOTEL AND RESTAURANT); LOCATION — 1400 W. BRANCH STREET/CAMINO MERCADO INTERSECTION. Assistant Planner, Jim Bergman presented the staff report and requested this item be treated as a Pre -application review, due to the need for a concurrent Development Code Amendment in order to appropriately rezone the property. Chair Brown opened the public hearing to public comment. Robert Tuttle, architect, spoke in favor of the project and further described the proposal. He answered commissioner questions on technical details and possible changes to the project. Chair Brown closed the public hearing to public comment. Staff answered further technical questions from the Commission. The Commission took a 10 -minute break at 7:30 p.m. Commissioners commented on the project. Positive feedback was received on: • Additional revenue generated for the City. • Good location for a hotel. • Three-dimensional model. Concerns were expressed in regards to: • Water consumption. • Height. • Massing: It needs additional architectural details to soften appearance and possibly some tiering of floors from Branch Street. • Oak trees: A new arborist's report needs to be done. As many oaks as possible in good condition should be saved and possibly relocated as necessary. • Air quality monitoring. • Traffic and circulation. • Sloped "retaining walls" with landscaping instead of just brick or concrete. Mr. Strong noted the project will return as is on the May 17, 2005 agenda and requested Planning Commission give direction to Council, since it will also be presented as a Pre - application review on their May 10, 2005 agenda. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 3, 2005 PAGE 3 While not a formal vote and not to exhibit prejudice on the upcoming project, Commissioners Keen, Parker and Tait expressed that they probably would approve the project as is, because of the positive comments expressed above. Chair Brown stated that he would not be able to approve it as is, due mainly to the height. B. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP CASE NO. 05-001 & PUD 05-001; APPLICANT A.G. SPANISH OAKS, LLC; LOCATION —175 ELM STREET & 1194 MAPLE STREET. An additional letter was distributed to commissioners, dated 5/3/05 from Gary Cruikshank, in regards to this project. Assistant Planner, Ryan Foster presented the staff report and answered technical questions from the Commission. Chair Brown opened the public hearing to public comment. Eileen Dickey, applicant, introduced Glenn Rider of EDA and the architect, Lenny Grant. Mr. Grant spoke in support of the project and described changes made in response to the Pre -application Review. He also answered technical questions from the commission. Mr. Rider also spoke in support of the project, describing the lot layout and circulation plan. Molly Santa Cruz, 1180 Maple Street, lives next-door to the project and stated that while potentially a good project, it's too dense. Also, the units are too close to neighboring single family residences at the property line. Phil Romero, 190 South Elm, spoke in favor of the project due to the affordable housing component. Mona Amian-Skamfer and David Skamfer, 618 Cerro Vista Drive, also spoke in favor of the project due to the affordable housing component. David Robasciotti, 178 South Elm, spoke in support of the project overall, but expressed concern that utilities be taken care of. Gary Cruikshank, 1186 Maple Street, requested that the project not be approved as is. It abuts his property on two sides, and this will have a profound negative long-lasting effect on him and the value of his property. He will submit further comments in writing. Ms. Dickey returned to state that they wanted to be sensitive to neighbor's concerns and mitigate any potential problems. Chair Brown closed the public hearing to public comment. Commission comments: Commissioner Keen was ready to move forward with the project, but Commissioners Parker, Tait and Chair Brown felt certain necessary findings could not be made and further PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 3, 2005 PAGE 4 revision was necessary in order for approval. Chair Brown offered the applicant the choice of having the project denied and sent to City Council or continued for further revision. The Commission took a 10 -minute break at 9:30 p.m. Mr. Grant requested continuance of the project to May 17, 2005. Commissioner Brown made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Parker to continue TTM 05-001 and PUD 05-001 to 5/17/05. The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Keen, Parker, Tait and Chair Brown NOES: None ABSENT: Fellows C. VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP/ PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 01-001 AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 01-002; APPLICANT — CASTLEROCK; LOCATION — JAMES WAY AND LA CANADA. Commissioners discussed the 10:00 p.m. closing policy and decided to try to entertain brief staff and applicant presentations, in order to allow for public comment due to size of audience in attendance, even if goes to 10:30 p.m. Doug Tait recused himself from this item, as he owns property within 500 feet of the site. Nanci Parker disclosed previous involvement (both as a former commissioner and as a citizen) for the record. She stated she felt she would make a decision on it without bias. Associate Planner, Teresa McClish presented the staff report. Chair Brown opened the public hearing to public comment. Dennis Law, representing Castlerock, presented the project with further details. David Foote, FIRMA (a Castlerock environmental consultant), described the plans for riparian and wetland restoration and enhancement proposals and answered commission questions. Lindy Althouse, Althouse and Mead biologist (a Castlrock environmental consultant), spoke in regards to the Pismo Clarkia. Dennis Law wrapped up the applicant's presentation by discussing four enhancements 1) Water well dedication, 2) Pismo lake watershed enhancement, 3) Emergency access and 4) the Pismo Clarkia study. The Commission apologized to the audience for the late hour and requested they submit comments in writing or return at the next meeting for public comment. (Dennis Law indicated consent.) Commissioner Brown made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Parker to continue the project to June 7, 2005 with the consent of the applicant. The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: 1 1 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 3, 2005 PAGE 5 AYES: Chair Brown, Commissioners Parker and Keen NOES: None ABSENT: Fellows ABSTAIN: Tait NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: IV.A. PROPOSED 2005-07 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP), PUBLIC WORKS, CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE (Doug Tait returned.) The Commission agreed that this item should be continued to the next regular meeting of May 17, 2005 due to the late hour. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Mr. Devens commented that in regards to Commission concern over water supply, Public Works is in the process of working on an itemized inventory of projects pending, approved, and under construction to identify cumulative water impacts. It will also identify potential additional water supplies and how those will correlate with estimated occupancy of pending developments. VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: None. VII. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW-UP: (A memo was enclosed in the packet re the partially finished floor store at 406 E. Branch.) VIII. TENTATIVE AGENDA ITEMS FOR MAY 17, 2005 MEETING: No comments. IX. ADJOURNMENT: The Commission adjourned the meeting at 10:50 p.m. ATTEST: KATHY M DOZA SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION TO ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVEL MENT DIRECTOR (Minutes approved at the PC meeting of May 17, 2005) TI40W, CHAIR 1 1 1