PC Minutes 2005-04-04MINUTES CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 4, 2005 6:00 P.M. —10:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Brown presiding; also present were Commissioners Fellows, Keen, Parker and Tait. Staff members in attendance were Associate Planner, Kelly Heffernon and Public Works Engineer, Victor Devens. AGENDA REVIEW: No Changes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. 1. A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. B. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Letter from Susan Rotalo, dated April 4, 2005, re Creekside Center Development. 2. Letter from Alice & Tony Addison, dated April 4, 2005, re Creekside Center Development. 11. A. CONSENT AGENDA AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS SINCE MARCH 15, 2005 None. III. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP CASE NO. 04-004; APPLICANT — DB & M PROPERTIES, LLC; LOCATION — 415 EAST BRANCH STREET (continued from March 15, 2005 meeting). Associate Planner, Ms. Heffernon presented the staff report and gave a brief update of the history and update of the proposal for a commercial retail office and residential project to be developed in the Village of Arroyo Grande (Creekside Mixed -Use Center). Since the Commission considered the project in January 2005, additional site access and stop sign warrants analysis have been conducted and after review staff has made changes to the conditions of approval, most of which are in response to Commission comments and from neighbors of the project site. Re site access, after further study of Crown Hill the phasing condition of the project has been replaced with installation of a left -turn pocket and a red painted curb. Staff has also concluded that a four-way stop sign would be necessary for pedestrian safety at the intersection of Le Point Street and Crown Terrace. The parking has also been reconfigured; adjoining the east loading dock there is no loss of parking with this reconfiguration. Ms. Heffernon further stated that a special condition of approval for affordable housing has been added: "The applicant shall provide three, on-site, affordably restricted housing units to be sold to moderate -income qualified families...". In conclusion, Ms. Heffernon stated that staff MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 4, 2005 PAGE 2 recommends the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending approval of the project to the City Council subject to the conditions of approval. Commission questions regarding information contained in the staff report followed: Commissioner Parker asked questions of staff regarding site access; street width on Crown Terrace, parking requirements, clarification on the FEIR City Council approval and adverse effects related to water resources/overriding considerations. Commissioner Tait asked for clarification from staff on width of lower Le Point Street and Crown Terrace, delivery access to the commercial portion of the project, flooding setback line, on who is responsible for cleaning up the debris in Tally Ho Creek for flood prevention, the proposed driveways on Crown Terrace related to the elevation, the left turn pocket/keep clear painted sign and to further clarify the proposed sidewalks on Le Point and Crown Terrace including removal of trees. Commissioner Fellows asked staff how the extension of the curb face, from Le Point and Crown Terrace to make more of a 90 degree turn, would look; asked for clarification on what changes are proposed on Crown Terrace and Le Point; proposed sidewalks; proposed turn pocket; why access is no longer required off-site through Milt Hayes property; neighbor awareness of street lights; maintenance of fossil filters; mitigation measure for Maud's house and response to letter from Earl Balgeman on the traffic study. Chair Brown asked staff for clarification on how the left turn pocket would handle traffic; street widths; concern on design of the retail portion of the project; clarification on removal of the 20 feet from the north (rear) portion of the former Loomis warehouse. Chair Brown opened the public hearing for public comment Joe Boud, Design & Planning, asked staff for clarification on the new condition of approval for affordable housing, responded to Commission questions and explained the constraints of the project site and their efforts to satisfy the neighbors concerns. Commission questions to Mr. Boud: Commissioner Keen asked for clarification on the proposed elevations for access onto Crown Terrace for the project and vehicles backing out. Commissioner Parker asked for clarification on the proposal for removal of a portion of the loading dock; the open parking spaces for the guest parking for the residential; the amount of stucco and where located on the proposed project; design of the metal roofs for the commercial; delivery area for commercial. Commissioner Tait asked clarification on residential access through commercial use of Branch Street for delivery trucks; neighborhood concern with vehicles backing out; MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 4, 2005 PAGE 3 amount of stucco on commercial buildings; he would like to see a scale model version of the plan; concern with proposed removal of portion of the northern loading dock. He asked staff for clarification on why the residential access should be blocked off from the commercial. Chair Brown asked for clarification on the parking in respect to the mixed use for the project. He stated that after comments received from Mr. Chattel, City Council and the community it was the preferred outcome that the feed barn be retained intact, does the development need the six parking spaces and if they were eliminated would the applicant be able to leave the barn intact; he disagreed that the Council would be in agreement with removing the 20 feet of the back of the barn. Mr. Boud gave history and said it would not be a problem to remove the six parking spaces, but could affect the use of the commercial building or use conversion of the two Loomis houses for the future. In conclusion, Chair Brown stated he had a concern with the design of the retail building and would like this to come back to the Commission showing further detail to show that the design corresponds more with the barn; asked for clarification on the grading for the units on Crown Hill. 8:00 p.m. The Commission took a 10 -minute break. Dan Dawson, Associated Transportation of Engineers consultant, answered Commission questions on the traffic report for the project. Heather Jenson, 569 May Street, stated she was in support of the project and the proposed changes to the lot; it has been well planned; it meets all criteria for City with mixed use; it will include proposed improvements to streets that the City cannot afford and would improve safety; likes the architecture of the project; some stucco would be acceptable. B'Ann Smith, 548 Crown Hill, stated concerns with traffic; the project would need another ingress and egress out of property at bottom of Crown Hill; concern with flooding of Creek; concern with traffic backing out on a hill; does not like the designated left hand turn; approved of the architecture; the commercial is too intense. Jim Kozich, 521 B Crown Hill, President of the HOA for units on Crown Hill, stated concerns with the pedestrian traffic - this needs to be addressed, especially because children cross here; he would like to see the septic tank storage removed; he suggested that lights for the proposed project be directed downward; the project should look appealing from above. Barbara Freel, 502 Le Point, stated concerns with traffic, she would like to see a four- way stop sign, had concerns with light pollution from the proposed project; maintenance of the landscaping; would like to see a scale model of the proposal so neighborhood MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 4, 2005 PAGE 4 could envision; where would the construction and equipment be staged and hours of operation need to be addressed. Jacklin Pontarelli, 508 Le Point Street, representative for the Le Point Committee, spoke of concern for their walkable neighborhood, pedestrian safety and risk to Village life, increased density, views of the barn that may be blocked by the height of the development and retention of the loading dock. Mr. Daber, 592 Le Point Street, also speaking on behalf of the Le Point Committee, stated concern with traffic backing up and that the applicant is using the mixed use to pack buildings in and stated that this is not a mixed use project as the commercial and residential are separate. In conclusion, he stated that the project would generate more traffic than the 35 houses on Le Point Street, is out of proportion and is just too much for Arroyo Grande. Mike McConville, 529 E. Branch Street, stated that backing out onto E. Branch Street is tough (he lives on this street), he does not see a big problem for Crown Terrace — Traffic Committee should solve these problems; stop signs at Le Point would be very good; opening the driveway between the two buildings would relieve the situation, suggest making it outgoing only; creek clean-up should be done by the property owners; the project is well designed; saving the Loomis building is worth it; the City should put curb, gutter and sidewalks all the way up Crown Hill and all the way down Hwy 227 from the school; this is overall a great project. Paul Fishbein, 216 Crown Terrace, backing out onto Crown Terrace would be hazardous; suggest Caltrans should revisit the plan for this area; and the applicant should revisit the mitigation measure for the exit through the Hayes property. Earl Balgeman, 505 Le Point, stated he objects to ingress and egress on Crown Terrace — there are too many; concern with proposed sidewalks taking up a lot of property; he would like to see a better way for the neighborhood to be better informed on proposed developments before they go to committees. Ed Dorfman, 285 La Cresta, stated we are in the middle of a serious housing crisis and some of us do not seem to have concern about the less fortunate; this is an infill project and exactly what City has been asking for; it cuts down on vehicle use and is close to the Village core; the land plan is very well done - extremely efficient and maximizes the use of a very scarce commodity- land. He supports the project. Carol Fulmer, 437 Le Point, stated she had enjoyed use of the City easement for the last 20 years, but wanted to ensure that she does not have a street on her front doorstep; she would like to see no driveways off Crown Terrace as she has difficulty getting out of her driveway due to the grade; she likes the idea of a parking garage- it needs an exit onto Crown Terrace and this would make it more pedestrian friendly; she would like to see at least three fewer buildings in the subdivision and one less on Crown MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 4, 2005 PAGE 5 Terrace; she would like to see Le Point Street as one-way in, no gate, and one-way out; she also has concern with vehicles that will be going in and out during construction; will there be parking on lower Le Point and is the City to continue the easement at 437 Le Point? Bill McCann, 575 Crown Hill, stated concerns with the traffic and that the signal light at Mason Street is where it all starts - all traffic backs up past Crown Hill and blocks off entry; a community plan is needed for this whole area; having trucks unloading from Branch Street or having to cut off part of the barn for more parking may mean there are too many units proposed for this property. Camey Arad, owner of Chameleon Fabrics, (shortly to be located at 415 E. Branch/Loomis Barn), stated her concerns that if the applicant's plan goes through as proposed they would be losing 20 feet off the warehouse at the back of the historical barn in order to provide six more parking spaces; (some comments not recorded — Ms. Arad stepped away from the microphone); stated the move to the barn would enable their business to grow and that their business would not be having large truck deliveries; stated there is no room for a yellow curb so on -street loading could be a problem. In conclusion, Ms. Arad said they are the tenant user for the former Loomis feed store (referring to Chattel's letter) and they do not wish a portion of this warehouse to be removed. Commissioner Keen asked Ms. Arad where their customers would park if their business keeps on growing and they no longer have the parking spaces along the back of the barn? Ms. Arad said the site has shared parking and explained that the way their business was to grow would not produce more customers on site (mail order). Sam Gilstrap, Paseo Street, stated he was strongly in favor of the project; this mixed use project will be good for neighborhood; he had no concern with traffic and as the traffic study says, the traffic can be accommodated; this is a land use that minimizes traffic and encourages people to get out and walk; the owners of this property have listened to the concerns of our citizens and addressed them all. Mrs. Balgeman, 505 Le Point, named the Le Point Committee members, thanked them all for their participation and stated she strongly agrees with all of their comments. Paten Brian, 545 Crown Hill, stated the traffic consultant did not address the route school children take to and from school and he had concerns that there is no sidewalk for them on Crown Hill where they walk every day. Jerry Bauser, 950 Huasna Road, stated he walks all around this area every day, this proposal is an ideal location for him to live and just what he is looking for as a retired person; it's an ideal place. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 4, 2005 PAGE 6 Richard DeBlauw, owner of project, stated they are trying to develop a residential village that will not require an automobile and give employment to some people; when the barn was sold to the Brown's they accepted a legal obligation to remove the back of the barn (weak structure) to provide parking for the project. Joe Boud addressed some of the comments: • Down lighting is standard. • Pedestrian traffic: The safety issue will be greatly improved along Crown Terrace by providing a sidewalk; there will be a stairway going down into the residential section and access through the project out onto Branch Street. • Landscape will be taken care of by HOA for residential and commercial; the EIR was very specific as to who would take care of the creek clean up and create a park like area along the creek. • Driveways steepness: It would not be difficult to change the grade - simple solution. • Mr. Brown is a co -applicant and deviation from the plan would require amendment to the contract. • The proposed commercial building design: retention of the barn was determined as part of the certification of the EIR and that is when the applicant began rethinking the development of the site. • We have designed this site to satisfy the requirements of the City and will be providing significant off-site improvements. Commissioner Brown commented to Mr. Boud that if the City Council reduced the number of parking spaces (at back of barn) they could also limit future retail use at the barn and they would not then be affected. Mr. Boud agreed. Commissioner Parker asked Mr. Boud why they were not opening access to the creek open space to the public (proposed for residential users only)? Mr. Boud said reasons were liability, maintenance and clean up issues. 10:00 P.M. The Commission agreed not to continue the hearing past 10:00 pm. Chair Brown closed the public hearing to public comment. Commissioner Keen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Parker, to continue discussion of the item to the regular meeting of April 19, 2005 and that this item be placed first on the agenda. The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Keen, Parker, Fellows, Tait and Chair Brown NOES: None ABSENT: None MINUTES PAGE 7 PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 4, 2005 IV. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: None. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS: None. VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: None. VII. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW-UP: None. VIII. TENTATIVE AGENDA ITEMS FOR APRIL 19, 2005 MEETING: No items submitted. IX. ADJOURNMENT: The Commission adjourned the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. ATTEST: h LY REARDON-SMITH TIM ROWN, CH SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: R STR G, COMMUNITY DE LOPMENT DIRECTOR (Minutes approved at the PC meeting of April 19, 2005) 1 1 1 1