PC Minutes 2004-03-261 1 1 CALL TO ORDER - The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in a special meeting with Chair Guthrie presiding; also present were Commissioners Arnold, Brown, Fowler and Keen. Staff members in attendance were Associate Planner, Teresa McClish and Assistant Planners, Ryan Foster and Jim Bergman. AGENDA REVIEW: No changes to the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No Minutes. A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 26, 2004 - 8:00 A.M. B. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Memo from Ms. McClish re the Places3S Workshop, to be held at 6:00 p.m. on April 7, 2004 sponsored by SLOCOG. A computer - modeling program will be used to compare long -range development scenarios based on different inputs and constraints (as determined by participants). Ms. McClish recommended the Planning Commission attend the workshop and give their input. II. NON - PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT CASE NO. 03 -008; APPLICANT — CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; LOCATION - CITYWIDE. Staff report prepared and presented by Associate Planner, Teresa McClish. Ms. McClish explained that this was a preview of proposed revisions to Commercial Mixed Use District regulations for East Grand Avenue and other General Commercial, Office and Industrial zoning districts. During a powerpoint presentation she described the proposed zoning changes to portions of the commercial areas of East Grand Avenue and the El Camino Real corridor, stating that considering the City is nearing buiidout and there are some major changes proposed to allow higher density for allowed residential uses. Some of the proposed changes to zoning include: • General Commercial to Mixed Use District (MU -1): to include Gateway and Midway sections of East Grand Ave • A second Mixed Use District (MU -2): to include the Highway portion of East Grand Ave El Camino. • Office Mixed Use (OMU): to include S. Halcyon, and commercial areas of Oak Park, Camino Mercado and Valley Road.. Staff is intending to bring forward one ordinance for the rest of the regional commercial areas for recommendation to City Council. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 26, 2004 PAGE 2 Ms. McClish then described the proposed changes and detailed areas upon which staff would like direction on. Commission Comments Fowler: • Mixed Use infill is being encouraged, but the "Not Permitted in pedestrian oriented storefront locations" (PED) proposals which discourage businesses such as doctor's offices, Office Accessory and Catering Services, may not be business friendly (property owners may not be able to rent their buildings). Brown: • Suggested that the PED be changed to some higher level of review to allow these businesses in some cases. • Had a concern for the parking in the higher density areas, and asked if the Places3S program would be addressing this as he would not like to see parking pushed into the residential areas. Ms. McClish said parking would be addressed in the Paces3S program and staff would be bringing forward some specific alternatives to accommodate higher density. • Asked for clarification on the height limits and where these would be in effect. Ms. McClish explained the proposed heights for the Gateway and Midway sections is 40 feet or three four stories, with up to a maximum of 48 feet or four stories potentially through the PUD process and 35 feet or three stories for the Highway portion of E. Grand and El Camino area. Keen: • Strongly opposes the only Industrial zoned area in the City (on El Camino) being tied in with the MU -2 district; this is not appropriate and this zoned area should have been addressed separately (as indicated during the General Plan Update process). • Automotive and Vehicle Services Not Permitted (NP) is acceptable if it is referring to the store front locations. • NP for Drive -thru services in the MU -1 area is not suitable. • Mortuary home NP, may not be suitable as in some cases living above a mortuary may be suitable. • Gas Stations NP, in the MU -1 area; this would render all the existing gas stations in this area as non - conforming; they should not just be in the highway area, people in town need places to fuel. • Restaurant drive -thru NP, in the MU -1 area; this would render all the existing drive - thru's in these areas as non - conforming. • Theater, auditorium with a CUP; this should be 'P' (permitted) as there is already an existing one in this area and it's pedestrian oriented. • Single Family use in Mixed Use project NP; this could work in some cases. • Height: over three stories is not preserving small town character; in addition the Fire Chief has stated that any project over 48 feet would be required to contribute toward a new fire truck. 1 1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 26, 2004 PAGE 3 • Lot coverage: he questioned whether this should include the structures and the paved areas. Ms. McClish said the code does include the pavement. • "Dwelling units per acre" should be included in the MU -1 chart. • He had a concern re shared parking. Arnold: • Concern re density equivalents for Mixed Use projects: some of these may not be workable where there is a really dense commercial project and this should be addressed. • Changing the whole dynamics of Grand Avenue while not addressing changing the size of parcels may not be viable; subterraian parking may become the requirement. • Could not see how the rural charm could be kept for these areas if there are no design guidelines. • He really liked the idea of the "pedestrian friendly ", but could not see how this would work with this busy main road and not a lot of parking; Grand Avenue is not the Village. • Height issue: allowing greater heights in areas where there are not so deep lots which back up to residential areas may impact the neighbors. • Suggest having a Restricted Use Permit (RUP) to give a business a "window of opportunity" instead of CUP. • Would rather be overparked than underparked in these proposals. Ms. McClish said additional ideas to consider in the goal of achieving some pedestrian orientation on East Grande include: • Focus on distinct activity notes on one side of Grand Avenue. • Encourage some more mid -block alleys /large courtyard areas. Guthrie: • If we are to commit to a change from Commercial to Mixed -Use zoning we do need to start restricting some uses (gas stations are non - compatible in a Mixed - Use zone). • He agreed with Commissioner Keen on the designation of the El Camino area inclusion in the rezone and said a reconfiguration should be considered. • He believed some uses should be restricted in what is a natural retail section to protect the retail potential; we are giving up a significant amount of retail by permitting residential in these areas; a doctor's office is permitted, but not on the street front (and this does not need a street front). • Height issue: if this mixed use is going to work we are going to have to go to larger scale, have less traffic /parking and concentrate on developing more housing; a 48 foot building standing alone may be difficult, but in certain areas you could build into a slope or hill. • He will have more specifics after the Place3S workshop. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 26, 2004 9:35 a.m: Commissioner Fowler excused herself to go to work. PAGE 4 In answer to Commissioner Guthrie's question Ms. McClish clarified where adult businesses are allowed. Commissioner Keen asked again about not having an Industrial zone and stated from Brisco Road down MU -2 would seem appropriate, except for some of the uses which should be in an Industrial zone. We are trying to promote business on Grand Ave, but there seems to be more talk about the housing which he believed should be secondary. Commissioner Guthrie suggested that it might be a good idea to have a second set of standards to permit changes in use in non - conforming buildings where there is a change in use, but not a significant change in the building (where the area has not yet changed). Commissioner Fowler stated if the philosphy of Mixed -Use is to be followed, then services need to be included and closer and the PED designation on the Table of allowed uses should be struck; we need to be business friendly. Commissioner Guthrie stated that maximum floor areas have been addressed but asked if minimum floor areas should be addressed. In reply, .Ms. McClish stated given the current status and how close to build -out we are, over time we will have to find a way to squeeze in the density on Grand Avenue. In answer to the question of minimum floor areas, a minimum floor area ratio (of one for example) could help ensure that parcels are built out and the area is intensified to meet the goals of the General Plan. However, the minimum requirement could only be implemented for discretionary actions. Commissioner Keen restated he would not like the City to discourage businesses for the sake of housing as he believed the City could not meet the water needs for the houses being proposed. Commissioner Arnold restated if we are trying to create a pedestrian area we need to keep a cozy feel and this could be difficult on the two lane East Grand Avenue (a heavy access to the beach), and he was concerned with creating traffic problems. The Commission had no further comments and Ms. McClish said this item would be discussed again at the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission, April 20, 2004. III. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m. on a motion by Commissioner Keen, seconded by Commissioner Arnold. 1 1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 26, 2004 ATTEST: LY'N REARDON- SMITH, SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEV LOPMENT DIRECTOR (Approved at PC meeting of April 6, 2004) PAGE 5 AMES GUTHRIE, CHAIR 1 1