PC Minutes 2002-08-20MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 20, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Costello presiding. Also present were Commissioner's Brown, Fowler, Guthrie, and Keen. Staff members in attendance were Community Development Director, Rob Strong, and Associate Planner, Teresa McClish. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — Two letters from citizens residing on Cerro Vista Circle requesting direction /investigation from the Planning Commission regarding large Day Care center. The Planning Commission agreed that these complaints should first be referred to Code Enforcement. AGENDA REVIEW - No changes in the agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS — None NON - PUBLIC HEARING — LOCAL HOUSING TASK FORCE RECRUITMENT & NOMINATIONS Rob Strong said the Commission is requested to create a subcommittee to work with staff to advertise, recruit and screen for volunteer members for an ad hoc Local Housing Task Force (LHTF). The Commission would then recommend nominations to Council. The Task Force would advise Commission and Council on the Housing Element Update. Staff and the Commission discussed possible participants for LHTF recruitment. The following were suggestions for representatives from local entities: • Housing Authority • People's Self Help Housing • Builder's for Profit • Developers • Real Estate Professionals • Property Owners • EOC • Housing Trust Fund • Architects /Engineers • Special Needs Groups Rob Strong further stated that tentative plans for the LHTF would be to hold three public workshops plus subcommittee meetings and the commitment could be as much as a year or more. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 20, 2002 PAGE 2 The Planning Commission expressed some concern on the suggested number of participants (11 -19) and whether this number would work efficiently. Commissioner's Guthrie and Fowler elected to head the first sub - committee for screening the applications for the LHTF DISCUSSION ITEMS — DEVELOPMENT CODE UPDATE, COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS AND LAND USE APPROVALS. Staff report prepared and presented by Teresa McClish Ms. McClish said staff were requesting input and direction from the Planning Commission on the draft preliminary Development Code revisions before proceeding with public workshops. The first revisions proposed are related to commercial zoning districts, starting with the Village Commercial district including provisions for mixed uses consistent with the General Plan. The proposed draft revisions to Chapter 16.12.030 include that the Community Development Director can approve applications such as Lot Line Adjustments, Certificates of Compliance and Mergers, that currently require Planning Commission approval, but they could be appealed to the Commission and Council. In addition, anything involving a non - conforming lot and further deviations would have to be brought to the Commission. Further, the areas currently zoned Planned Development have been changed in the General Plan and all discretionary applications in these areas in the future would be approved by the Commission. Staff is exploring changes to Chapter 16.16, Land Use, and are proposing to have minor projects approved with a Plot Plan Review where feasible and the more significant projects would be approved by the Commission. Commissioner Brown questioned how this would work? Ms. McClish explained that the Community Development Director would have discretion regarding minor project applications versus the major project applications. New use in an existing building or a significant remodel will require permits as stated in Table 16.36.030- A. Chapter 16.12.030 A & B Chapter 16.16 Chapter 16.24 Chapter 16.36 Chapter 16.48.95 Development Review Land Use Permits and Approvals Zoning Districts Designated Mixed Use and Commercial General Development PAGE 2 The Planning Commission had questions and gave suggestions, comments and direction to staff as they reviewed the following chapters: 1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 20, 2002 PAGE 3 PAGE 3 Rob Strong thanked the Commission for their input and said comments received would enable staff to further define changes in the draft. Staff intends the Development Code revisions for Public Hearing for the Planning Commission during January and February be distributed to the Village Improvement Association and Chamber of Commerce (along with the revised Guidelines) for their review. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS — Commissioner Brown asked staff for an update on the sidewalk of a specific residence on Allen Street. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW -UP — Rob Strong said we have had some unavoidable staffing changes in the last few weeks and are still in the process of trying to stabilize the situation. We are proceeding with the Housing Element, the EIR work and the Design Guidelines despite a flood of incoming development review projects and the vacation schedule. When staff has been stabilized he would give the Commission a schedule of projects, prioritizing how staff intends to handle the workload. Biddle Ranch, Ag Cluster, is going to Council, but not recommending any specific action. Finally, Rob Strong gave the Commission an update on the Courtland and Grand Avenue project. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. on a motion by Chair Costello, seconded by Commissioner Keen, and unanimously carried. ATTEST: LYN REARDON- SMITH, COMMISSION CLERK AS TO CO . TENT: ROB STRONG, COMMU ITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR EPH M. COSTELLO, CHAIR 1 1