PC Minutes 2000-06-061
JUNE 6, 2000
Chair Greene called the regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo
Grande to order at 7:00 p.m.
X Commissioner Costello
X Commissioner Keen
X Commissioner London
X Vice -Chair Parker
X Chair Greene
The minutes of May 2, 2000 were continued to the Planning Commission meeting of June 21,
Carol Berger, 285 Hillcrest Dr, explained to the Planning Commission that the street between
Hillcrest and El Camino was deteriorating and some kind of walkway /sidewalk needed to be
installed in this location. There was no place to ride bicycles or for the children to walk to
school along this street. Ms. Berger stated that it was an extremely dangerous area and she felt
the City should do something about it.
Excepts from the Arroyo Linda Crossroads Traffic Analysis and the Wildan Associates Traffic
Analysis for Tract 2207.
Associate Planner Kelly Heffernon presented the staff report and stated that the applicant was
proposing a parcel map that would subdivide a 3.22 -acre site into three parcels averaging 1 acre
in size. Ms. Heffernon explained that a single - family residence along with several Oaks and
other non - native trees currently exists on the property. The existing residence would remain,
and the other two parcels would be sold as custom home lots. No trees would be removed as a
part of this application.
Ms. Heffernon further stated that the property was located at the end of Canyon Way and was
recently annexed to the City as part the Village Glen project. The front portion of the site is
relatively flat and then slopes up steeply to the southwest. Since the Development Code does
not allow grading or building on slopes greater than 25 %, the tentative map delineates this
steeper area of the property as prohibited for any future development.
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The proposed subdivision meets all relevant Development Code requirements, including lot size,
depth and width. The one remaining Development Code issue is with regard to the
Undergrounding of utilities.
Commissioner London asked if only one pole were removed how would this work for the utilities
on the west side of the project?
Craig Campbell, Public Works Department, stated that the request was to leave all the utilities
along the one line in place and only underground the wires along the frontage of the property.
Mr. Campbell pointed out to the Commission exactly which poles would be effected.
Mr. London stated that at a previous Commission meeting they had discussed the issue
concerning buildout and the adequacy of the water supply. One of the Commissioners had
suggested that this should be included in each submission that would add impact to the water
situation so the Commission could keep track of this situation in terms of the buildout. He
asked about the adequacy of the water supply with regard to this project?
Mr. Campbell stated that in the future staff could include this information for the Planning
Commission. As far as this project was concerned, all of the water planning documents
indicated that the City has an adequate water supply to buildout the City. He did not think that
the three units associated with this project were considered when the water planning documents
were created, however he did not feel that these three units would create an impact that would
cause any problem.
Commissioner Keen referred to Condition of Approval #13, which stated that "all residents
further than 150 feet from the access driveway shall be fully sprinkled (fire sprinklers) ". In the
notes from the SAC meeting where this project was discussed stated that if the homes were
within 150 feet of a fire hydrant they would not need to be sprinkled. He questioned if these
homes needed to be sprinkled or not?
Mr. Campbell replied that the Fire Department typically measures the distance from where the
fire truck can park and where the hose lays to all parts of the structure.
Vice -Chair Parker asked if in approving this parcel map the Commission was also approving the
road site? Would the road be 24 feet in the tract and 20 feet on the emergency access road?
Ms. Heffernon replied that the road site specifications and issues were approved at the time of
the approval of Tract Map 2265.
Mr. Campbell stated that when Tract Map 2265 was approved, the Commission approved that
the access road should be paved at 20 feet wide with two (2) foot shoulders for a total width of
24 feet.
Commissioner Costello asked what the rational was behind the City requiring the undergrounding
of the overhead wires, and is there a practical, as well as visual, reason for the utilities being
underground? Mr. Costello also asked if this line went on to service other areas or was this a
dead end?
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Kerry McCants, Community Development Director stated that undergrounding the utilities is
primarily an aesthetic consideration, which is ultimately based on the public health, safety and
Mr. Campbell stated that the practical side to undergrounding the utilities was rather minor,
other than the occasional wire coming down, there is no other reason that he is aware of. With
regards to the areas this utility wire services, he believes it is a dead end although there are
some residents that are served off to the side.
Vice -Chair Parker and Ms. Heffernon discussed the lot size requirement for RR zoning.
Chair Greene opened the Public Hearing.
Bruce Buckingham, representing the applicant, spoke to the Planning Commission and gave a
brief overview of the project and what had been previously approved by the Commission with
Tract 2265. He further explained the applicant's reasons for requesting the waiver of the
overhead utilities.
Kirby Gordon, attorney for Ms. Benson the applicant, spoke to the Commission in favor of the
Wayne Fresby, 291 Canyon Way, stated that he would not like to see a "tie -in" to Printz Road,
as it would make Canyon Way an alternate for highway 227 and he asked if a water line and
sewer line were going to be installed at the same time as the road was being built?
Mr. Campbell stated that there was no "tie -in" planned to Printz Road with this project or Tract
2265 and in fact the completion of these two projects would subdivide the property and there
would be no opportunity to "tie -in" with Printz Road. This project, as well as Tract 2265 will
have sewer and water.
Chair Greene closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Costello asked if there was room for further development to the east of the
Mr. Campbell replied that there was not room for further development as it was mostly built out.
Vice -Chair Parker had further questions about the undergrounding of the utilities. She asked if
the City had ever offered to dismiss the undergrounding of utilities because they did not service
the subject property?
Mr. Campbell stated that in the past some judgement calls had been made at the staff level
where this had been required. The determination has always been if the utilities have fallen
within six (6) feet of the boundaries. He stated that the Commission has been faced with this
question before and there have been times when the Planning Commission had granted the
developers some relief from this requirement.
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Chair Greene stated that the Development Code did not talk about the Planning Commission
getting involved with making the decision on undergrounding the utilities. Only the Community
Development Director or the Public Works Director have the discretion to make this decision. He
asked if Mr. Campbell believed that the Development Code authorized the Planning Commission
to make these kinds of decisions?
Mr. Campbell replied that staff, after reviewing the Development Code and discussing this issue,
believed that the power that is granted to the Community Development Director and the Director
of Public Works is very limited. Their ability to grant an exception can only be based on the fact
that, because of issues like topography, it is infeasible to do the undergrounding. As far as the
Planning Commission's authority, staff has looked at the General Exception capability under the
standards of land division on page 93 as giving the Commission the authority to approve
exceptions to standards.
The Planning Commissioners discussed the project and stated that they were in favor of the
project and also in favor of granting the exception to undergrounding the utilities.
Chair Greene asked that Condition of Approval #32 regarding the overhead utilities, in view of
the fact that the Planning Commission has the discretion, be amended to permit the overhead
line to remain.
Staff stated that they would modify the Exhibit which the Condition refers to so that it would
reflect the Planning Commission's wishes.
Commissioner Costello moved that the Planning Commission adopt:
YES Commissioner Costello
YES Commissioner Keen
YES Commissioner London
YES Vice -Chair Parker
YES Chair Greene
with Exhibit A as amended. Commissioner London seconded the motion. The motion was
approved by the following roll call vote:
JUNE 6, 2000
Kelly Heffernon, Associate Planner, stated that the project site is located on the south side of Ash
Street between South Elm and Walnut Streets, and is roughly a half -acre in size. A single - family
residence exists on the front portion of the property, which is proposed to remain. One 24"
diameter oak tree also exists on the site that appears to be in excellent health. The applicant has
indicated that he will try to avoid tree removal, however staff recommends that this issue be
settled with more certainty tonight.
She said that the applicant was requesting approval of a Tentative Parcel Map and Planned Unit
Development to create three parcels and construct two new single - family residences. A 20 -foot
wide shared driveway would access the two new lots to the rear of the property.
Ms Heffernon stated that the property is located within the Condominium /Townhouse zoning
district, which is intended for development of small lot single - family and multi - family residential
dwelling units with a maximum density of 9 dwelling units per acre. The applicant was proposing 3
units on a half -acre site, which is within the allowable density.
The applicant is seeking approval of a Planned Unit Development to deviate from the minimum lot
size, lot depth, lot width and setback requirements of the Development Code. The project meets all
other Development Code requirements, such as the maximum lot coverage, number of guest
parking spaces and amount of private open space.
Finally, Ms. Heffernon stated that the applicant was also seeking an exception from the
Development Code regarding the Undergrounding of utilities. A total of 3 utility poles and
related overhead wires are subject to the undergrounding requirement. The Development Code
does offer some relief to this requirement if the Public Works Director and Community
Development Director determine that certain conditions cause the undergrounding of utilities
"impractical" or "infeasible ". Both the Public Works Director and Community Development
Director have reviewed the applicant's request and concluded that the undergrounding
requirement is not "impractical" or "infeasible ". The applicant is requesting that the Planning
Commission consider the circumstances outlined in the letter and grant the exception. The
objection is based primarily on financial reasons, stating that the Undergrounding costs would
render this project infeasible.
To date, staff has received one letter in response to the public hearing notice, which is included in
the staff report as Attachment 6. Owners of the property located behind the project site are
concerned primarily with the narrow access and future development potential of their property.
They feel that the proposed access and orientation of the residence on parcel 3 would prohibit
them from developing their property to its full multiple - family use. Staff spoke with the City Fire
Chief regarding the situation who stated that the neighbor's access would be sufficient so long as
all of the units are fully sprinkled.
In closing, Ms. Heffernon stated that staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt
Resolution No. 00 -1745, approving Tentative Parcel Map 99 -003 and Planned Unit Development
99 -003, subject the conditions of approval.
Commissioner Keen stated that the subject parcel was only 1 10 by 120 square feet. He asked
JUNE 6, 2000
if this was too small to subdivide? Also on page five (5) of seven (7) of the staff report it stated
that one of the set backs on Parcel 3, is 3 feet. He asked if this was on the back property line
or on the interior /side line between the two newly proposed residences?
Ms. Heffernon stated that it was the back property line.
Vice Chair Parker stated that at the ARC meeting of September 13, 1999 there was some
discussion concerning the fireplaces. She asked if these were wood burning fireplaces and if
those were allowed in the City?
Ms. Heffernon stated that she did not know if wood burning fireplaces were allowed.
Ms. Parker had a question about Conditions of Approval, Numbers 35 and 37. These two
conditions dealt with curb and gutters and the widening of Ash Street, respectively. She asked
what they needed to improve on Ash Street? She also stated that the Conditions of Approval
required a street tree maintenance easement. She asked if there was such an easement on Ash
Craig Campbell, Public Works Department, stated that this was being required to improve the
line up with the existing curb and gutters. With regard to the street tree maintenance easement,
Mr. Campbell stated that this was required with any new subdivision and that this requirement
started about twelve years ago.
Commissioner Costello stated that the development would have five (5) retention basins on it.
He inquired what the depth of these basins would be and where the water would go from the
retention basins?
Mr. Campbell replied that these were infiltration basins. He stated that the applicant had
calculated the depth of the basins, which would be one -half foot to two (2) feet deep.
Commissioner London asked if the driveway was an easement or was it owned by the property
behind? He stated that the owner of the property had expressed some concern that the fence
footings could present a problem as far as the drainage. Is there something in the drainage plans
that address this problem? Furthermore, the property owner is concerned about this project
encroaching on his property. Is this a valid concern?
Mr. Campbell stated that the project as designed would capture all the drainage in the proposed
basins . The natural drainage is from the subject property to the property in the rear and
therefore this fence would not present a problem. With regards to any encroachment by this
project, this project approval does not include any approval to encroachment on the driveway.
Chair Greene stated, with regards to the undergrounding of utilities, that it was his
understanding that the proposal was to remove the pole at the southwest corner of the parcel.
Then the wires running along the property line of 1169 and the adjoining property would be put
underground to the existing pole. That pole would remain. Mr. Greene asked if this was
correct? He also asked if Mr. Campbell would summarize the applicant's objections to this
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Mr. Campbell explained where the wires would be placed underground. He went on to say that
that the applicant felt this would be an excessive financial burden to do the undergrounding
along the west property line for both poles one (1) and two (2).
Chair Greene asked Ms. Heffernon about the Oak tree that the applicant feels might have to be
removed to build a patio? Mr. Greene referred to sheet A -1 of the submitted plans for the site
and floor plan for Parcel 2. He stated that at the top of the plans there is an Oak tree noted and
asked if this was the tree staff was referring too?
Ms. Heffernon stated the tree Mr. Greene referred to was the one staff was referring to, and
that staff was not clear about what the applicant was proposing. Staff was asking the applicant
to clarify this.
Mr. Greene asked Ms. Heffernon what type of clarification staff was looking for and where in
the Conditions of Approval this should be placed?
Ms. Heffernon stated that if the applicant was proposing to remove the tree then staff would
like a condition that states that the applicant is required to replace the tree at a three (3) to one
(1) ratio. Staff would like the landscape plan to reflect exactly where the replacement trees
would be put. If the tree is to be retained, then staff would like tree protection measures
Mr. Green asked if the patio was not installed, could the tree be saved?
Ms. Heffernon stated that she felt that the applicant could best answer the question.
Commissioner London asked where the proposed driveway was to be installed? He also asked
where the utility poles would be on the property?
Ms. Heffernon stated that the proposed driveway was on the west side of the property and the
existing driveway borders the east side of the property. The poles are on the property line
adjacent to the newly proposed driveway.
Commissioner Costello asked what other development is likely in this area that would be
required to underground utility poles?
Mr. Campbell stated that this area is mostly built out and he did not see any development in the
near future that would be required to underground any utilities.
Mr. Costello asked what the ratio of lot coverage would be if the covered patio was installed?
Ms. Heffernon stated that the patio was not included in the plans at this point and if it exceeded
the maximum allowed it would be included as part of the PUD deviation.
Chair Greene opened the Public Hearing.
JUNE 6, 2000
Tim Tiessen, 725 Shell Beach Road, Shell Beach, architect for the applicant gave a brief history
of the project. He explained that the issue of the overhead utilities was addressed at the SAC
meeting as well as site drainage. He explained to the Planning Commission that the site
drainage was dealt with by stepping the garages and placing down spouts to the driveway and
having the driveway drain toward the street. This way the neighbor to the rear of the project
would not be effected. The existing residence does drain onto the rear property now, however,
this will be rectified with the new project design.
Mr. Tiessen stated that the biggest issue was the undergrounding and he did not feel this was
ever resolved. Staff informed the applicant that he could write a letter to the Planning
Commission asking for some relief from the undergrounding. Staff explained that it was not in
their jurisdiction to waive the undergrounding request. Mr. Tiessen stated that had he known
that this letter was going to be presented at the Planning Commission meeting he would have
gone into more depth with his explanations. On Friday, when the applicant received the staff
report was the first time that they had seen Exhibit A showing the underground requirements
that staff was requiring.
Mr. Tiessen handed out an exhibit to the Planning Commission that he felt better explained the
utility poles and wires and would help him explain the reasons the applicant was requesting a
Mr. Tiessen stated the following reasons the applicant was asking for the condition to be
• A very substantial transformer serves the existing adjacent Senior Housing. The applicant
felt that these wires should have been placed underground when the senior housing was
built. It should not be Mr. Sutton's responsibility at this point to do this.
• The line on Ash Street would require Mr. Sutton to underground the utilities on the existing
neighboring residence. The owner of this residence has made it very clear that she does not
want any one coming onto her property and doing any construction.
• The applicant has met with P.G. & E. and discussed the cost of doing the undergrounding
which he, Mr. Sutton, will discuss with the Planning Commission.
• At the extreme north end of Ash Street, there is an existing pole with a large transformer
which serves three -(3) residences, as well as the senior housing.
• Cost is a definite factor for the applicant.
As far as the covered porch which would be an addition onto the house on Parcel 2 is
concerned, the owner is stating that the Oak tree is not there, however the civil engineer is
saying it is. The patio could be removed if necessary.
Finally, Mr. Tiessen stated that the three (3) foot setback on Parcel 3 that was questioned is on
the north side of Parcel 3 and that is only in the area where the fireplace would be. To his
knowledge, this was allowed by the Development Code. Furthermore, the fireplaces will be gas.
Commissioner London stated that, in the diagram Mr. Tiessen handed out, the power lines cross
each other. Mr. London asked if they were both power poles and is one across Ash Street?
Mr. Tiessen stated that the one that paralleled Ash Street is telephone and cable and the one
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across the street is the main power source. Mr. Tiessen further stated that to underground the
pole across Ash Street the applicant would be required to go underneath Ash Street and then
install a transformer and a vault at the right hand corner of one of the residences. Then they
would have to dig across the neighbor's property to the middle power pole and place another
transformer and vault within the neighbor's property and connect to the senior housing. The
applicant would also have to tie in to another neighbor's property.
Commissioner Keen stated that the undergrounding requirements were very clearly spelled out in
the Development Code. He stated that this could not have been sprung on the applicant at the
SAC meeting. To what extent did the applicant believe they had not been told exactly what had
to be done?
Mr. Tiessen stated that they did not know the full extent of the undergrounding until they had
seen the staff report on Friday.
In response to Commissioner Keen's question as to whether the applicant had a letter in writing
from P.G. &E. stating the cost of the undergrounding, Mr. Tiessen stated that P.G. & E. costs
would be in the range of $30,000 to $50,000 but that they refused to put anything in writing
until they have an engineered plan and a deposit.
Vice -Chair Parker asked if P.G. &E. had underground pipe in place already to run the wires
through so that the street would not have to be dug up?
Mr. Tiessen stated that P.G. &E. did not have anything in place to aid in undergrounding the
utilities on Ash Street.
Commissioner Costello expressed his concern about the inconsistent statements about the
existing Oak tree.
Chair Greene asked about Mr. Sutton's position about the request to underground the utilities
that run east /west on Ash Street?
Mr. Tiessen deferred the answer to that question to Mr. Sutton.
Mr. Greene asked if staff had had the opportunity to see the letter from Mrs. Boswell stating
that she did not want the utilities put underground on her property or the exhibit Mr. Tiessen had
distributed to the Commission?
Mr. Tiessen stated that staff had not seen this before tonight's meeting.
Bill Dyer, 531 Oceanview, Grover Beach, representing the applicant stated that in the event that
the utilities had to be put underground on Parcel A, the subdivision Map Act allows the City to
acquire a right of way by eminent domain.
Commissioner Keen stated that to his knowledge the Planning Commission had never approved
individual drainage basins on private property. He said that there were very good reasons why
this had not been done. There would be no way of the City preventing the owner from filling it
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in. He felt that the City should not approve these basins for this project. The City could
possibly end up being responsible for damage done if someone filled in a drainage basin and then
one of the other houses flooded. He felt that the applicant should be required to have the
property drain to the street.
Mr. Tiessen stated that the reason the project had been designed this way was because the
property slopes away from the road and the only way to fix this was to build a retaining wall at
the back of the property and bring in fill.
Bill Sutton, applicant, stated that he had had a meeting with the City and explained his
understanding of what he was required to do with the undergrounding of the utilities. He did
not have any problem moving the power lines if they were power lines only. However, because
it deals with the transformers, it was much more involved. He also stated that the next door
resident does not want her power put underground. Mr. Sutton stated that he did not have any
problem with moving the cable and phone lines.
Furthermore, Mr. Sutton stated that he had brought the undergrounding of the utilities to Mr.
Campbell's attention from the very beginning and he stated that he had told Mr. Campbell that if
he was going to have any problems with this issue to please notify him. Mr. Sutton stated that
he had never been notified. He also stated that he had told Ms. Heffernon that he had a letter
from the neighbor .
Mr. Sutton also addressed the drainage and stated that the proposed drainage was the best
solution they could come up with.
Commissioner Costello asked if it would be feasible to build just one house on the lot instead of
two? Also, he asked if the Commission allowed the poles to be left in place, would Mr. Sutton
put the wires underground?
Mr. Sutton replied that it would not be worth it to build just one house. And he would have no
problem in leaving the poles and putting the wires underground.
Commissioner Keen asked if the applicant would leave the Oak Tree? Also, he asked if Mr.
Sutton would consider undergrounding across the street and to the first pole so he would not
have any vaults.
Mr. Sutton replied that he would leave the Oak tree. Furthermore, if P.G. & E. would let him go
under Ash Street and go to the first pole, and if he did not have to put a vault in on the other
side of the street, he would not have any problem with doing that at all.
Commissioner London asked if Mr. Sutton agreed with Mr. Keen's idea for the undergrounding,
would he still consider undergrounding the cable and telephone?
Mr. Sutton replied that he would be happy to do that.
Commissioner London asked the purpose of the retention basins if most of the water was going
to come off the roofs of the garages and drain into the street? He also asked if it was possible
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to cover the basins with a grate?
Mr. Sutton stated that Mr. Campbell and his engineer had come up with the idea of the basins
and he did not have an answer for Mr. London about that. He also stated that he felt it would
be a problem to cover them with grates as far as liability was concerned.
Commissioner Keen asked what the floor elevation of Parcel 1 was in relationship to the street?
Mr. Sutton replied that it is lower than the street.
Commissioner Keen asked what Mr. Sutton would think about raising the back two Tots, putting
a retaining wall between them and then having them drain into the driveway.
Mr. Sutton replied that he felt that this would not look good from the street.
Don Thompson, 1677 Shell Beach Road, Pismo Beach, spoke in favor of the project.
Chair Greene closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Keen asked Mr. Campbell to address the drainage basins and how could they be
Mr. Campbell replied that Condition of Approval #47 allowed for a choice that either the project
will drain to the street, or that the applicant will provide storm water basins subject to certain
criteria. Mr. Campbell stated that the Planning Commission could decide to do away with the
basins however, the ramifications of this would be, that for the two new parcels, the applicant
would need to bring in fill and then Parcel 1 would have to be raised.
Vice -Chair Parker asked if it was possible to put a P.G.& E. line across the street and attach it to
the existing pole?
Commissioner Costello asked if fill was brought in for Parcels 2 and 3, and Parcel 1 was left as
it is below the level of the street, wouldn't the Planning Commission be making Parcel 1 a basin?
Mr. Campbell stated that the water on Parcel 1 would remain there and that a basin would have
to be built.
Chair Greene asked Mr. Campbell if he had had a chance to think over the issues Mr. Tiessen
and Mr. Sutton had raised with regards to the undergrounding of the utilities and the extensive
nature of what was required in relationship to staffs recommendations? Mr. Greene also asked
Mr. Campbell if, in his judgement, it was not impractical or unfeasible to do this.
Mr. Campbell stated that there is no question in staff's mind that the requirements are extensive
and there is also no exception that the requirements fall within the limits set by the Development
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Chair Greene asked Mr. Campbell if, not withstanding all the new information, he felt
comfortable that staff's position was appropriate?
Mr. Campbell stated that staff felt this was the correct interpretation of the Development Code.
Mr. Greene stated that the letter from Ms. Boswell indicated that she did not want any one on
her property placing utilities underground. If the utility pole that serves her property is removed,
how does the City deal with the property owner's objection?
Mr. Campbell stated that this was uncharted territory for him and it would be something that he
would have to discuss with the City's attorney.
Commissioner London asked if Mr. Sutton's proposal that he underground the wires to pole
number two (2) on the Exhibit A, and then underground the cable and phone, seemed feasible to
Mr. Campbell stated that he believed that it seemed feasible.
Commissioner Costello stated that he admires the desire that the City put as many utility wires
underground as possible. He feels that it is an appropriate measure that the City asks for this
and he also thinks it is appropriate that staff asked for the undergrounding to be done in
accordance with the Development Code.
Mr. Costello stated that this was a neighborhood where there would be very little additional
development and the existing lines would remain pretty much where they were at this point. He
then felt that he had to ask himself the question, what defines infeasible or impractical and
when the Planning Commission should make a decision on what is an undue burden on an
Mr. Costello said that the density in the surrounding neighborhood is Multi - Family and is similar
to what the project is however, he feels that they have pushed the envelope on the setbacks
and the lot width and the PUD is a means of adjusting to this and making the project fit.
Finally, Mr. Costello stated that he believed that this was a reasonable project and would have
only minor impacts to the area. He believes some sort of compromise could be reached if the
power was put under Ash Street to the existing poll and then provide service to Parcels 1, 2 and
3 with underground utilities. He believes this would be a reasonable solution.
Vice -Chair Parker stated that she had a question for staff. The Development Code states that
the minimum setback between residences is 10 feet. This project shows 8 feet between the
Parcel 2 home and Parcel 3 home with the fireplace in- between. Where is the setback actually
measured from?
Ms. Heffernon stated that if you wanted to get very technical you could do an average. Ms.
Heffernon also stated that the PUD process is all about deviations from the Development Code.
Ms. Heffernon said that she was under the assumption that the PUD process would allow this
deviation to occur.
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Commissioner London stated that with the accommodation that Mr. Sutton is willing to make as
far as the issue with the undergrounding of the utilities, is a good compromise. He felt that this
was the type of housing that Arroyo Grande could use more of.
Commissioner Keen asked Mr. Sutton if, when he got the letter from Ms. Boswell, was she
concerned just about the area from the power poll to her house? Or, she doesn't think this
should be an easement where you could dig at all?
Mr. Sutton stated that the way Ms. Boswell explained it to him was that, because she is an
elderly lady, she did not want her house touched or anyone on her property doing anything to
the power. He further stated that he was concerned because one of the polls is halfway up on
her property and this is still going to take something from the City to get him permission to go
onto her property in order to do any digging.
Commissioner Keen went on to say that in respect to the undergrounding of the utilities, he
would like to change the Conditions of Approval to go across Ash St to pole number 2 and also
underground along the frontage of the property. As far as the Oak tree is concerned, Mr. Keen
wants the Oak tree saved.
Finally, as much as he hates to see the retention basins, he realizes that there is no choice but
to have them.
Vice -Chair Parker stated that in the Development Code Chapter 9 -06, additional performance
standards for PUDs, E -3, it stated "building setbacks required by the underlying zoning district
may be reduced or waived for lots created through a PUD, provided the lot coverage
requirements for the district are met by the project. In no case shall the minimum separation
between buildings on adjacent Tess than 10 feet, or less than required by State law ". "Except,
however, for adjacent lots where a common wall is a shared zero lot line ..."
Ms. Parker stated that this indicated to her that the Planning Commission could not approve a
project with a 3 -foot setback.
Ms. Heffernon stated that on the left -hand side of Parcel 3 the setback is at 3 feet but the right -
hand side of Parcel 3 there is a five -foot setback. There is 10 feet between the buildings on
Parcel 2 and Parcel 3.
Vice -Chair Parker stated that she would like to see the Oak tree remain on the property.
Finally, she talked about the undergrounding of the utilities. She stated that the Planning
Commission had addressed this before and the Commission did not believe that cost was a
factor of whether or not to put the utilities underground. Regarding this situation, she
understood why pole number one in the back did not need to be put underground. She is in
favor of putting as many of the lines underground as possible in the front yards of the three
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Chair Greene stated that staff and the Planning Commission had spent a lot of time tonight
deciding the issue of the undergrounding of the utilities and he did not feel that this needed to
be done. He said that he was disappointed because this project came before the Planning
Commission and the staff last year and all the problems with undergrounding the utilities should
have been ironed out at that time. He told the applicant that he was disappointed in how this
had been handled and he did not feel the applicant had any excuse by saying that they did not
know what the City was going to recommend. Mr. Greene stated that this should have been
resolved before tonight's meeting. Furthermore, Mr. Greene said that he did not like to have to
make these kind of judgement calls without having all the information with which to act on.
Mr. Greene stated that he did not know what the solution was to undergrounding the utilities, he
doesn't know how much it will cost, and he has no way of assessing whether this will make the
project financially unacceptable to the applicant, etc.
Finally, Mr. Greene stated that his initial idea was to refer this back to the applicant and staff to
work out some kind of agreement. However, Mr. Greene said that after listening to the other
Commissioners, he has decided it would be best to consider the project.
It was Mr. Greene's understanding that by undergrounding from pole number 2 to pole number
3, leaving poles numbers 1 and 3, and by undergrounding the utilities east /west across the
driveway , this would be a satisfactory compromise. Mr. Greene stated that it is his objective to
support staff with the undergrounding issue because he believes overhead utilities are "blight"
and eliminating them makes the City a little more attractive. Mr. Greene said that he agrees
with staff that it is not infeasible or impractical to remove the poles, it just costs a lot of money.
Mr. Greene stated that he wanted the Oak tree identified on the plans.
Finally, Mr. Greene stated that he would like the language changed in Condition of Approval No.
21. It should be modified to read that the "24 inch Oak tree located on Parcel 2 shall be
retained and the covered patio should be modified to accommodate the Oak tree ". Also,
Condition of Approval No. 56 should be amended to read that the existing overhead public
utilities on site shall be placed underground as shown in the amended Exhibit A.
Commissioner London asked if this included the undergrounding of the utilities to the existing
house? He was told that that was included.
Commissioner Keen moved that the Planning Commission adopt:
JUNE 6, 2000
with modifications to Condition of Approval numbers 21 and 56 and Exhibit A as amended.
Commissioner London seconded the motion. The motion was approved by the following roll call
YES Commissioner Costello
YES Commissioner Keen
YES Commissioner London
YES Vice -Chair Parker
YES Chair Greene
Chair Greene stated that there would be a ten (10) minute recess.
Chair Greene reconvened the Planning Commission meeting.
Kelly Heffernon, Associate Planner, stated that the applicant had previously submitted two pre -
applications for the project site - one was for a 20 -lot subdivision in 1996, and the other was
for a 36 -unit subdivision in 1998. Based on staff comments, the applicant had reduced the
proposed number of lots to 26, which is the project being considered tonight.
Ms. Heffernon said that the site is about 4.5 acres in size and was developed with a single -
family residence, detached garage and barn. The barn is the only structure remaining on the
property. Also existing on the site is a 50 -foot wide access easement that extends along the
south and west property lines to serve the three parcels located behind the project.
The proposed project is to subdivide the property into 26 parcels and construct one and two -
story single - family residences. The applicant proposes one looped access road off of El Camino
Real to serve the residences and an emergency access between Tots 4 and 5 connecting
Stonecrest Drive to El Camino Real. The Planned Unit Development application is to allow
flexibility in the residential development standards in order to provide a more efficient use of the
land. Specifically, the applicant is requesting deviation from the minimum lot size, lot width, lot
depth, and setback requirements of the Development Code. All other Development Code
requirements are met, including maximum lot coverage, number of guest parking spaces, and
amount of private open space.
Some of the issues discussed in the staff report include oak tree protection, traffic circulation,
undergrounding of utilities and street improvements. With regard to oak tree protection, a "Tree
Preservation & Removal Plan" was prepared for the project site, which provides an inventory of
the existing oak trees and their condition, estimates the project impacts, and recommends tree
protection measures. According to the report, the project would remove 17 of the 57 coast live
oak trees existing on the property. All of the recommended tree protection measures have been
included in the conditions of approval.
JUNE 6, 2000
With regard to traffic impacts, the traffic analysis prepared for the project concludes that traffic
operations at intersections in the vicinity of the project could accommodate the additional trips
without reducing the level of service to an unacceptable level. No project specific mitigation
measures were therefore identified, and the project has been conditioned to pay the City's standard
Traffic Impact and Signalization fees.
Regarding the other two issues, the applicant has written a formal request that the Planning
Commission provide relief from undergrounding certain utility lines, and from constructing a section
of street improvements along the property frontage extending to Hillcrest Drive. These
requirements are listed as conditions of approval #67 and 73. The applicant's letter is included in
the staff report as Attachment 6.
In summary, Ms. Heffernon stated that staff was recommending that the Planning Commission
adopt a negative declaration, instruct the secretary to file a notice of determination, and approve
Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2328 and Planned Unit Development 99 -001 subject to the findings
and conditions contained in Resolution No. 00 -1746.
Chair Greene opened the Public Hearing.
John Mack, architect for "S &S" Homes, spoke to the Commission and stated that they had been
working on this project with staff for over a year. There have been two (2) SAC meetings,
incorporating staff suggestions to modify the plans. The applicant was asked to take into
consideration such things as the Live Oaks and a reduction in the density of the project from the
allowable 41 homes to 26 residences. Mr. Mack said that this was largely due to designing the
homes and the footprints of the buildings to intermingle with the Oak trees to preserve them.
He went on to say that they had worked with an arborist to identify key Oak trees on the site
and focused on measures that would allow development around the trees.
Mr. Mack stated that he wanted to concentrate on the issues that were identified in the
mitigation measures and the Conditions of Approval. There were two (2) measures in particular,
that he wanted to discuss, which were recently added to the Conditions of Approval that the
developer is not in agreement with.
First, he stated that he was asking for relief from the street improvements along Hillcrest Drive
at El Camino that staff had requested. He stated that "S &S" Homes had never had to extend
improvements in front of properties that they did not own. He stated that there were several
conditions that had been placed on the project that added up to many thousands of dollars. He
is not objecting to all of the improvements, but all together they add up to a great deal of
Secondly, he was asking for relief from the undergrounding of the utilities for two (2) reasons as
• Mr. Mack stated that Oak tree #46 off of Hillcrest Drive extends the full width of the
easement that connects to Hillcrest. In order to extend the utilities through this easement
the tree would have to be removed.
• Mr. Mack stated that when he first spoke to Mr. Campbell it was his understanding of the
Development Code that the requirement was to underground the electrical lines servicing the
JUNE 6, 2000
project. It is his understanding that there is only one utility line servicing the project at this
Mr. Mack stated that they would be willing to put the utility lines underground along El Camino
Real. Finally, Mr. Mack stated that the requirement to widen El Camino Real could result in the
Toss of some Oak trees along that street.
Chair Greene opened the Public Hearing.
The following citizens spoke to the Planning Commission concerning this project:
Karen Cross - Harmon
Jack Hardy
Bill Tappan
Scott Seelos
Howard Mankins
Barbara Kusek,
Kent Hubert
Wendy Beckham
Craig Smith, representing "S &S" Homes stated that "S &S" Homes was aware of the Subdivision
Map Act requirements for off -site improvements. "S &S" Homes would like to reach a
compromise with the City that is in the best interests of the community.
Mr. Smith said that they were very concerned about the undergrounding of the utilities and they
would like to propose a compromise that would include building the improvements of the
additional 130 feet on El Camino to finish out the street widening with the proviso that this was
someone else's land and it would require that that land be obtained. However, Mr. Smith said,
when the applicants look at the Development Code, they believe the clear intent of the
undergrounding requirements was to limit the landowner's exposure to that "6 feet off of the
site ", not endlessly down the line to where it might be convenient.
Finally, Mr. Smith stated that what they were asking for was that the Planning Commission
approve the undergrounding of the utilities along the top property boundary and the
undergrounding of the utilities along El Camino, but waive the undergrounding of the utilities
along Hillcrest. Mr. Smith felt that this was fair, what the ordinance intended, and that it would
not place an unreasonable burden on the property owner.
Chair Greene asked Mr. Smith if it was the applicant's intent to construct the curb, gutter and
sidewalks all the way down to where Hillcrest and El Camino Real meet?
Mr. Smith replied that "S &S" Homes was willing to do this, however there was still the issue of
the Subdivision Map Act and the fact that "S &S" Homes did not own the property and therefore
did not have the right to build on someone else's property.
Chair Greene asked Mr. Smith if the applicant was withdrawing their objections to Condition No.
67 regarding the curb, gutter, and sidewalks along the property frontage extending along
Hillcrest Drive?
JUNE 6, 2000
Mr. Smith stated that they were, if they are not required to do the undergrounding of the utilities
on Hillcrest.
Commissioner London asked how the undergrounding would effect the easement owned by Mr.
John Mack spoke to the Planning Commission and answered some of the concerns that had
been raised by the individual citizens.
Chair Greene closed the Public Hearing.
Vice -Chair Parker had the following concerns and issues:
■ There is currently a 20 -foot private drive around the project, will it be two way traffic and
will Mr. Mankins be able to get to his property?
• There is not enough parking on the project site. There needs to be other parking than just
parking in their garages. Mr. Mack has stated that this project will attract older people with
only one car. But if they have guests, there will be no place for them to park.
■ Many of the homes that are being built are 3 bedrooms, which would probably be purchased
by families. Most families tend to have more than 1 car, in fact 2 or 3 cars. She feels that
parking is a big issue.
• Mr. Mack states that he cannot provide more parking because he is trying to save the Oak
trees. Maybe the sizes of the homes /or the number of homes could be scaled back to
provide room for more parking spaces.
• There was a concern with the open space issue and lot coverage.
• There are no sidewalks in the project, which would not be good for older people that might
buy houses here.
Commissioner Costello had the following concerns and issues:
• There is only 6 feet between houses on lots numbers 9 and 10.
• With regards to the Conditions of Approval - Water program - C4 which states that the
project will use 13 acre feet of water per year. Is there some kind of mitigation that would
neutralize the 13 -acre feet?
• There is not enough visitor parking.
Commissioner Keen had the following concerns and issues:
• In the Berry Gardens project the Planning Commission required a lot size of at least 6,000 sq.
ft. Mr. Keen has noticed that there are several lots that are less than 6,000 sq. ft. He has a
problem with reducing lot sizes further.
• There is guest parking at one house that is in the driveway. He cannot imagine guest
parking this way.
• Condition of Approval #47 states that the length of the driveway should be either shorter
than 10 feet or longer than 18 feet. What does this mean? Mr. Keen stated that he would
like to see all the homes be able to park in front of the garage.
■ Mr. Keen is concerned about having single - family zoning in this area next to industrial zoning.
His concern is that once the single - family is settled, they will protest any development next
to them.
JUNE 6, 2000
• It appears that a lot of Oak trees will be removed. There is one place in the SAC minutes
that it is suggested it would be better to eliminate one house and save a group of trees. Is
this being considered?
• Mr. Keen would agree with leaving the utilities on Hillcrest alone.
Chair Greene had the following questions and concerns:
• That the traffic engineer was asked to analyze the roadway and intersection characteristics
for several intersections. Mr. Greene stated that he did not see any focus on Brisco Road
interchange and he wanted to ask about this.
Mr. Greene and Mr. Mack discussed the traffic impact report that was prepared for the project.
After questioning Mr. Mack about some of the information in the report, he stated that he did
not agree with the analysis of the peak hour trips at the Brisco Road interchange.
• It states in the arborist report that two of the Oak trees marked for removal are tree 58 and
60 which are Oak trees, one having a fifty -four inch trunk. Mr. Greene had the same
question as Commissioner Keen, which was why build the house if you are going to remove
trees of this age and stature?
• Eleven of the 26 lots are less than 6000 sq. ft. Seven of the lots have 17% or less open
After further discussion the Planning Commissioners gave their opinion of the project and what
they felt needed to be done before.
Commissioner Costello stated that he felt it was precipitous to make any kind of decision on this
problem now. He stated the following:
• He would like to see an answer to Chair Green's questions on Traffic.
• He is uncomfortable with the proposed parking.
• He would rather see less units and more parking.
• He felt it was a good use of the property.
• The density is too much.
Commissioner London stated that:
• Considering the topography Mr. Mack had done a good job of designing this project.
• He would like to see less units on the project.
• He can't see from the traffic report exactly where the traffic will be however, with the
limited number of houses he does not believe it would have a significant traffic impact.
Commissioner Keen stated that:
• He has a problem with Tots less than 6,000 square feet.
• He has never liked the idea of having a garage without a driveway. He believes that
eventually the owners will fill up the garage with "stuff" and then they will park on the
• He wanted as many Oak trees saved as possible.
• Mr. Keen discussed the street widening and the utilities.
Vice -Chair Parker stated that she likes the way this project is and she stated the following:
JUNE 6, 2000
• She feels that the multi - family use is a good buffer between the single - family and the
industrial zoning.
• The applicant should not use Multi - Family zoning figures to build a PUD. If the applicant is
going to ask for a PUD and the Planning Commission is going to approve it, which means
that they are willing to negotiate all the standards of the Development Code, then we should
also be negotiating things like parking. The Planning Commission needs to make sure that
the entire project works.
■ If the applicant is going to have a garage with no parking in front of it then it needs to be
mitigated by having parking on the street. This would mean a wider street than what is now
■ If the applicant is going to have parking away from the residences then there needs to be
access for people to get to the residences such as sidewalks and wider streets.
■ She has an issue with the distribution of the open space.
• It is not the intention of the City to create a project that doesn't work just to save the Oak
trees. This needs to be balanced out.
■ The applicant needs to work on the entire project.
Chair Greene stated that:
• He believes that Mr. Mack and "S &S" Homes builds homes of the highest quality.
• The decision to develop this property with Single - Family homes is a sound one. The
community needs homes of this character.
He believes the project is incomplete. He wished that the Planning Commission had heard
this project as a pre - application so they could have discussed this in more of a "work- shop"
type atmosphere.
• He stated that the Planning Commission is required to make certain findings in order to
approve the Tentative Tract Map and the Planned Unit Development and read those findings
to the applicant.
• Before he can approve the project he needs to know that this project will not have a negative
impact on the Brisco /Halcyon Road interchange.
• He feels that the traffic engineer did not adequately analysis this.
• The tendency to "cram" moderate size home on smaller lots is not an appropriate one. There
are eleven Tots in this project that are less than 6,000 square feet. He would like to see this
■ He believes that Mr. Mankin's easement creates a significant problem and the homes that
abut up against it should probably be reconfigured.
• The project should be reduced in density and perhaps the three homes that are closest to the
easement should be eliminated.
After a brief discussion by the Planning Commission it was decided to continue the project.
Commissioner Costello moved that the Planning Commission continue the hearing on Tentative
Tract Map 2328 and Planned Unite Development 99 -001 to a date uncertain. Vice -Chair Parker
seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
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Because of the 11:00 p.m. time limit in the Planning Commission by -laws, the Planning
Commission discussed continuing this project to the next scheduled Planning Commission
meeting on June 21, 2000.
Tv Green, attorney for the applicant asked the Planning Commission to reconsider and please
hear this item at tonight's meeting. He stated there were compelling reasons to do this as
• This is a request for an extension of a map. On April 4t the Commission heard the request
for the extension however, because there were only 4 Commissioners present at the
meeting, there was a two /two vote and the item had to be continued.
• The map will expire on June 22, 2000. The next Planning Commission meeting in on June
21, 2000. If the Planning Commission denies the request at the June 21s meeting, the
applicant will not have time for the option of appealing the Commission's decision.
The Planning Commission discussed the applicant's request and, seeing no other option that
would allow the applicant due process, decided to hear the request for Time Extension Case No.
00 -002.
Kelly Heffernon, Associate Planner presented the staff report and stated that the Planning
Commission considered this item on April 4, 2000. Because one of the Commissioners was
absent at that meeting, there was a tie vote on the time extension request. This tie vote
constituted "no action ", and is now back before the full Commission for consideration and a final
The primary issue discussed at the April 4' meeting was traffic impacts. The Commission
should note that condition #50 for Tract 2207 requires an offer of dedication for a potential
future roadway within the open space easement, allowing an opportunity for a future connector
to Orchard Avenue or a Highway interchange. For your reference, a copy of the traffic analysis
prepared for the project and of the one prepared for Arroyo Linda have been distributed tonight
at the request of Commissioner Costello.
To grant a time extension, the Planning Commission must make the finding that there have been
no significant changes in the General Plan, Municipal Code, or character of the area within which
the project is located that would cause the approved project to be harmful to the public health,
safety, or welfare. Since approval of the project in 1997, there have been no significant
changes to either the General Plan, Municipal Code or character in the project area that could
cause the project to be harmful to the public health, safety, or welfare.
To deny a time extension request, specific factual findings must be made that are based upon
substantial evidence and are consistent with the Subdivision Map Act. Section 66498.1 of the
Act states the required finding that failure to deny the time extension would "place the residents
of the subdivision or the immediate community, or both, in a condition dangerous to their health
or safety, or both."
JUNE 6, 2000
In the event that the Planning Commission determined that the findings can be made to deny the
time extension request, the Planning Commission must provide staff with specific factual
findings based on substantial evidence presented at this hearing. The resolution would then be
scheduled for consideration at the next regularly scheduled Planning commission meeting.
To conclude, staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached resolution,
granting a granting a second, one -year time extension for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2207.
The Planning Commission discussed the Time Extension and some of their concerns with the
project. Their main issue was the increase in traffic that the project would produce in this area.
The Planning Commission determined that there had been no significant changes in the General
Plan, Municipal Code, or character of the area within which the project is located that would
cause the approved project to be injurious to the public health, safety, or welfare.
Commissioner Keen moved that the Planning Commission adopt:
Commissioner London seconded the motion. The motion was approved by the following
roll call vote:
YES Commissioner Costello
YES Commissioner Keen
YES Commissioner London
YES Vice -Chair Parker
YES Chair Greene
RESOLUTION NO. 00 - 1741
On motion of Commissioner Keen, seconded by Commissioner Costello the Planning Commission
was adjourned at 1:30 a.m. on June 7, 2000 to the next scheduled meeting on June 21, 2000.
JUNE 6, 2000
Kathleen Fryer, Commi
Kerry Mc . nts
Community Development Director
Laurence Greene, Chair